Flight Back… :(

Well here I am sitting on the flight back… I’ve got about 7 hours before I’m back in the OC. It’s so sad. I really love Iowa.

Today has been very stressful though. I thought that my flight left at 3:55, so we were planning on leaving at 12:30, we’d be to Omaha by 2:45ish and I’d have plenty of time to get on the flight and all that shit. But I got online at noon to set up my flight notifications for my cell phone and found out that my flight was at 2:55!! So I was like, “Lets get going!”

My dad drove like 80 all the way to the airport and then we got lost (he took 680 instead of taking 80 around). We got the airport at 2:20 and then of course there was a bit ass line for check in and then a line at the fucking security gate. I was SO fucking stressed. And then the bitch at the security gate was being a whore and made me take my sandles off! I’ve NEVER had to take these off. I was just annoyed about that.

Anyways, got to my gate at 2:45 and they hadn’t even started boarding yet so that was good… Yep

Andrew called me on the drive over though. It’s good to know that he’s back in the states. I really wanted to talkto him, but I find it wierd to talk to him infront of my parents. So we only talked for a few minutes. I can’t wait to get to talk to him again.. I just wish that I could have seen him. I’m so depressed about having to go back to the OC.. All I’ve wanted to do today is cry. It’s so sad.

Anyways, before I start complaining about that I’ll tell you about how much fun I’ve been having!!!

So I think the last time I updated was Thursday, no? Let me check…OK yep…

So FRIDAY! I went up to Ames to meet Oksana at 1.. But she wasn’t there, so I drove around ISU for a while and went to CBS and bought some ISU stuff. Oh how I miss ames so much! There were so many hot boys wondering around campus… And I love the fact that you can fucking take the bus anywhere you want! And I love that you can pretty much WALK to anything as well! I should have just stayed there and got my masters.

Well Oksana finially called me and we met up at Howe, then went over to the Gardens.. It was SO HOT that we didn’t really spend too much time there, just walked around quick and took some pictures then went and saw the butterflies.

After that we went up to the mall and were going to see a $1 movie, but they had all JUST started. 🙁 So we just wondered around and I bought a pair of really cute $10 shorts from GAP. From there we went to Hickory park and ate dinner and then I broke and went home.

We had an amazing super cell thunderstorm that afternoon which was VERY nice because it killed all the humidity. Friday night I went out with Zach, Mandy, Nic, Angel and Vero. It was really good to see them. We went over to the Crows Nest in Ankeny which was really ghetto and there were some horrible people doing kareoke (sp). I broke from there about 10:30 or 11 and went to the Frathouse and met up with Justin and a bunch of his frat buddies. They were all really nice and I met this guy named Chris who apparently knows Andrew, either way he was cute and I wouldn’t have minded making out with him, but he had his eye on someone else. 🙁

Sadly I only made out with Justin once this whole trip. And that’s all I did. 🙁 Oh well… I’m still a prude!

Anyways, Frathouse was amazing as usual. I ran into Jed there and his boy. It was really good to see him again and he’s still hot as HELL! I just wish we could have hung out more so that we could have talked.. It’s really hard to talk at the frat…. Also saw David Brokaw which was amazing. He’s still skinny as hell and hot has hell as well…. I got his number but he never called me back Saturday night when I called him. I was kinda pissed about that. 🙁

Left the frat about 2 and went home. I thought about it later and I should have just invited Justin and the frat boys back to my place for hot tubbing.. Cause that would have been fun.

Saturday I got up early and we went over to my grandma’s house in Western Iowa. We ate brunch at this place and the girl was SO STUPID! My dad asked for milk 3 times and she didn’t bring it.. He did eventually get it though. haha.

After that we went back to her house and I had to set up this new DVD player she got. I got it all set up and spent like 30 minutes training her how to use it then found out that it doesn’t just pass CABLE through the dvd player unless it’s on. So I had to go get a splitter and re-arrange some things. Then I had to re-train her.. Hopefully now the rest of the family can figure it out enough to get her to use it right.

Finally left there and went home for like 10 minutes and then went and shipped two big boxes to myself. Straight from there it was off to the spawns b-day party. We got there and had a great time. We were there till 8pm. She got SO MUCH SHIT! It’s crazyness… But I think my present was the best… 😉

Started planning the night while I was there. Jed wanted me to go see a movie with him, Justin wanted me to go to Ames with him and The gang wanted me to go bar hopping with them. So I was trying to figure out a way to fit it all in. For some reason Jed eventually just stopped responding to txt’s like in the middle of a conversation, so I just gave up on him. I was really pissed too because I REALLY wanted to hang out with him again… So I ended up just meeting Zac, Mandy and Nic at a bar downtown… the Royal Mile… We stayed there for almost and hour and had a good time, then Angel called and said she was at the Surf shack so we went there and met up with her. We had drinks there and then headed off to Diesel. Where we ended the night. It was a good time. 🙂

Overall I really loved my time backin Iowa and I love Iowa even more now then I did.. And HATE the OC even more.

One issue is that the homo community here is so small, but I don’t think I’d have a problem with that considering I don’t even live here and I already have 4 people saying they’d date me if I moved back! And the best part about iowa is that everyone is so fucking nice! Like at the bar everyone is so friendly and there’s no real bad group lines. Yes there are some, but people all get along, and it’s so easy to just meet people when they are there. Like the 5 people from Justin’s frat that I met there. Amazing people. 🙂

It also reminded me of all the great friends I have there… I have so many people that wanted to hang out with me and so much to do…. in the OC I don’t have that, it’s so frustrating! Here I have a problem of deciding WHO to go out with! I’m a part of 4 distinct groupings, I just wish they were all more connected.

I do however wish that i had more time there, there were some people who I didn’t get to see at all that I would have loved to have seen and I just didn’t get enough time to hang out with the people who i did get to see!

And there’s only a few activities that I didn’t get to do on my calendar, but that’s ok with me… I had a really busy week and I’m really tired.

Someone find me a fucking JOB so I can move back there. 🙁

Edit:// I forgot to mention that I got the most random message on myspace.. Fucking Myke messaged me and was like. ‘i was using fedora and thought about you and that I hadn’t talked to you in a while’… And I was like, ‘why is he messaging me if he doesn’t want to hang out again’. I’m sorry, but if you don’t want to hang out with me IRL, then I don’t want to talk to you online either. He also tried to add me as a friend again on his thing.. How random!

Adios all.

GoogleBot Insanity!

OMG, so Googlebot has been pulling data like crazy from my website!! Over 10 gigs this month! Now, there’s only 94 MEGS of information on here, so what the hell they are doing pulling 10 gigs I have no idea! I’ve asked my host to block them for now because I’m only allowed 5 gigs per month… Bastards!

So yeah, been having a TON of fun! Went horseback riding yesterday with Oksana, and then today I went up to Ames for the day….

I LOVE Ames! I miss it so much… And all the HOT HOT boys that belong there. OMG!

OH! last night I went out with Angel! That was SO MUCH FUN! I miss that girl so much.

Tonight Justin and I are going to frathouse/redlight. Hopefully I’ll meet up with Jed too. I’m kinda pissed that I haven’t seen him yet this week. Tomorrow I’m not sure if I’m going to party with the BSA, I can’t find my Brotherhood sash, so I won’t be able to go to the party I want to hit. 🙁 So instead I’m going to go out with Zach and gang. so that’ll be fun.

I read an AMAZING review of the IS250/350… I can’t WAIT to test drive one!

Short entry. Adios!

Doesn’t anyone SLEEP!

So the last couple days have been TONS of fun!

Yesterday I got up and met Beak, Niel and the Spawn at 9am. The fair was TONS of fun… We spent like 6 hours there or something. I’m so red. At least my forhead is…. But god I love the fair here… It was fucking Tuesday morning/afternoon and the place was packed! Not like the OC fair when I went on a FRIDAY afternoon and the place was dead.

Got home about 4:30ish or so.. I was supposed to go out to dinner with Jed, but he never called me back. Iw as pretty pissed about that so I just ate at home. Stayed home till about 8ish then went downtown to Court Ave and met up with Justin. We sat this place down there and talked and had a few drinks. Then Ginny came and we had a good time with her. Went over to the Saddle for a bit, but that place scares me. So we went back to Court Ave and had another drink or two then Ginny went home and Justin and I went to Perkins and ate.

After that I came home. I got home and my dad was leaving for work. Then I went to bed, got about 2 hours of sleep and then my brothers alarm clock went off.. Finially got back to sleep about 6ish then my mom’s alarm went off and woke me up. Got back to sleep about 8 and slept till 11. Got up and went ovet to meet beak. Her and I went out to lunch and then went to the zoo with the spawn. I love that place!

Got back here just a bit ago and am waiting around… having dinner with the fam tonight. then going out bar hoping in PC (a town with TWO bars!) tonight with Ginny, Justin and a few other people.

So yeah… Been tons of fun!

I’ve taken like 200 pictures so far.. haha.

County Life

Green acres is the place for me.

Farm livin’ is the life for me.

Land spreadin’ out so far and wide.

Keep Manhattan, just give me that countryside.

Oh how I enjoy the country life… Being able to go out in the evening and pick vegies from the garden and then come in and make fresh salsa. Or to watch the deer and the fawns come out and romp in the back yard. Sit here and listen to the owls hoot at night and all the insects. It’s so pretty and calm. The air is so fresh.

I really don’t want to go back to that damn little apartment. It’s so confining and so depressing. I don’t see how people do it! I wish I could buy my parents place.

Today I met Bill for breakfast and had a good time at the Machine Shed, then went to Living history farms. That was fun. Was supoesd to call Justin Jenks but his phones not working. I’m pretty pissed about that because I really wanted to hang out with him today! Grr.

Went to VWM as well and shopped there. Then went out to Big Creek/Saylorville and did some off roading with mom’s truck. 😉 Was fun!

Came home and went swimming and hot tubbing then made salsa with fresh tomatos and hot peppers from the garden. It’s so yummy!

Going to the fair at 9am tomorrow. Going to be a long day.


4 years

haha.. today marks 4 years since the first and LAST time I smoked pot.


Anyways, did I mention it only cost $8.50 for TWO people to see a movie here in Corning? That’s right For less then ONE person in the OC, TWO people got to see the movie… and yes, that’s the normal price!

We watched a horrible movie last night.. i can’t remmeber the name.