San Fran!

Well, I just got back from a VERY long weekend in San Fran. It was really good, I got pretty annoyed a lot it seems. But The trip it self was very fun.

Lets see, Friday Andrew and I left OC about 3pm. It was 2 hours before we had planned, but he got out of work early so that was a good thing. We drove up there and didn’t have any fights.. I was in a really good mood, he seemed to be as well. So it was nice. Got up there and Oksy was at a party, so she asked us to come join. At first we were going to, but then we decided it was just too late and we were both tired and wanted to go to bed. So we got her to come home and just talked for a while. This is where the first annoyance came in though. Was that I just wanted to go to bed and talk about things in the morning and she just wanted to keep talking and talking. Blah.

Anyways, we got up Saturday morning and Andrew and I took the train into San Fran. That was a nice relaxing ride. Got there and got off at Powell, from there we walked up Market to Pier 1, where there was this HUGE farmer’s market! It was so fun. I took tons of pics there. After that we walked all the way down to pier 39 and then Fishermans Warf. From ther we walked down to Ghiradelli Square.

We had amazing Ice Cream there. It was so yummy! From there we walked over to Loumbard (sp?) walked down that and then up to California Street, took that all the way over to Laguna Street and then Laguna street all the way down to Haight and Ashbury. Shopped around there for a while and then Oksy joined us there.

From there we went down to Castro and hung out there. Walked around, bought some UBER cute underwear. Went to dinner there and our waiter was an asshole.. But I said I hated the place, so it’s ok. We also went to this realy cute Coffee shop there.

After that we all went out to this little Woody’s esq place, had a drink and then headed out to another bar. This one was more Dancy and shit. Andrew and Oksy said they were going to go get a drink, and left me to sit and watch the coats and stuff. So I sit there and 30 minutes later they still aren’t back. So I get up and go find them talking to this boy. So I get really pissed off cause ONE of them could have come and got me and said, “We’re over here tlaking to someone, want to come”. But they just left me. So I handed Oksy her stuff and walked out and went back to the damn Coffee shop. Oksy follwed and I told her to jsut go back to the bar. 30 minutes later they both finially come back. And we get into this HUGE argument about what to do. I told them to just freaking leave me alone and I’ll sit there and read and for them to go back to the bar. Oksy starts yelling at me to stop being so difficult, when I wasn’t being difficult at all. I was telling them exactly what I wanted! Hello!

So they all leave and a little while later they come back with the boy they were talking to and of course he and Andrew were making out. Then they went off to some other bar. The came back and got me about midnight and we all just went home.

Sunday we all slept in and then went out to Chinatown with google boy. Oksy missed the 3 signs on the freeway that said Chinatown and then got annoyed when she got lost. We finially got parked walked to china town and ate lunch. It was nice, from there we all walked back to the MOMA (or was it MOCA?) either way. Lots of crazy art. Just the type I like. πŸ™‚ Spent a few hours there and then went back and watche Superman.. The only thing that movie had going for it was that Superman was UBER hot! Even yummier with his hair wet! πŸ™‚ After that Andrew and I went back to the apartment and just hung out and went to bed. Oksy and Google boy went out drinking.

Monday we again slept in and then went out to Badoga Bay, the bridge and redwoods way up north. It was really fun. I honestly think this was the best day for me. It was a really pretty drive and being out in the wilderness mademe happy. We stopped at this crazy place and had REALLy good ice cream again. πŸ™‚

Got back into the city and things started to go downhill again. We all wanted Sushi for dinner, but it was late. I kept saying we should just stop at one of the 8 million sushi places we were driving past, but they kept insisting on going to this place way out in Mnt View that neither of them really KNEW where it was. So we got lost and of course by the time we got there it was closed. As was everthing else around. Finially at like 1030 I just got bitchy enough that we stopped at Jack-in-the-box for food. Andrew and I went back to the arpartment and Oksy and google boy went out again.

This morning we left at 8 and I dropped andrew off at 1:30ish.

Overall the trip was fun, San Fran wasn’t what I was expecting, everyone has talked it up way too much. But obviously, the wife and I are not made to spend weekends worth of time together. haha.

I called the boy after dropping Andrew off. I havne’t had hardly any time to talk to him this weekend, and his txting replys have been few and far between. Which is understandable since he was in Vegas for most of the time too. But we all know I like to over analize things and I always think things are going worse then they are when first starting out… I don’t like to keep getting my hopes up just to have them crushed a month in with some stupid breakup reason… So anyways, he said he’d call me back in 30 minutes… which meant 2:30.. well he didn’t call back till 3:30 which was a bit annoying, but it was a nice convo. short but nice. The other day he said he missed me. which made me feel really good… But he was drunk, so I’m not sure how much feeling went into it. I missed him. He also keeps talking about going out to vegas. which would be tons of fun! I really enjoy him so far because it seems he’s someone who I can say, “lets do this” and he’ll do it.. IE, the bike ride to bridge to no where.. Which we talked about doing this upcoming weekend. so hopefully that’ll happen. I also really hope this vegas trip happens. And I think he’d be a good candiate for that napa trip I was talking about in the spring. Lots of other things I think he’d like to do with me that I have on my list.

My scope today says: “Don’t fret if it feels like a relationship is falling apart. Rather, you are being given an opportunity to clarify your positions before moving forward again.” Lets hope it’s right, cause I don’t want this one to fall apart!

Robert also wants me to go to mexico with him and Mike. as well as a camping trip. i’m very excited for both. There’s not enough weekends this summer for it all! haha. well more like not enough money! πŸ˜€

Anyways. I’ve rambled enough. Adios!

LaCie Drives SUCK!

So, a little under a year ago, I bought 250Gig LaCie Porche HD Drive. The thing has been nothing but trouble. It constantly needs to be re-formatted. It doesn’t show up in the Drive list a lot of the time. It forgets it’s partitions, etc. Finially it totally just crapped out. I called the Support line, they said to mail it in. So I did. A couple days later, I receive a brand new drive in the mail. I plug it in, format it to MacOSX (Journaled) and then backed up my laptop to it. Unplugged it and sat it off to the side for the move. Got up here, plugged it in and nothing….

So I called and they said, mail it in. Again i get a brand new drive… I plug it in. Format it in FAT 32, and put some stuff on it. Unplug it. Set it off to the side for a few days. I set up my new desk yesterday. Plug the drive back in, and all it does is sits there and spins… NOTHING! So I’m going to have to get another new one! Ugh!

This weekend has been stressful and yet relaxing. Friday night I went out with Andrew. We started off on a bad foot with him yelling at me for apparently hanging up on him. And then yelling about my driving. It went down hill from there. We saw a horrible play called “Miss Firecracker Contest” at which he told me I hated everything. The night ended with us yelling at each other and then having a nice chat on the phone.

Saturday I just chilled at the beach and then at this cute street fair they are having here in RB. It was so fun! I just wish someone would have come with me. πŸ™ I also saw The Lake House. It made me cry. πŸ™ I love chicago

Same thing today, beach street fair.  I have a date with a really hot boy tonight too! I’m very excited about it. He seems really nice so far too. We’ve talked on the phone a bit and stuff. He’s taking me out to Houston’s and then a movie.

Lately I’ve really been wanting to just go home! I miss it so much!

Gpa’s 80th B-day tomorrow!

My parents haven’t heard from my brother since Mothers day. They are both pretty pissed. He didn’t call for Fathers day or my Mom’s B-day. My theory is that he’s dead. lol.

OH! Saturday I pretended to be straight and installed a CFGI outlet in my apartment! I now have a 3 prong plug, so I don’t have to use those stupid converters anymore!

I saw this today over at The ten worst freeway interchanges are:

  1. Los Angeles 101 at the I-405
  2. Houston I-610 at the 1-10
  3. Chicago I-90/94 at the I-290
  4. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-10
  5. Atlanta  I-75 at the I-85
  6. Washington I-495 at the I-270
  7. Los Angeles I-10 at the I-5
  8. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-605
  9. Atlanta I-285 at the 85

What have we learned? Avoid L.A. at all costs.Haha. I love that… Avoid LA at all costs! It’s so true, and so sad that I drive through the number 4 spot twice a day!


Application IN!

So, I finially got the application for that place, and sent it in. That was one hell of a hassle in and of itself. After all the work I’ve put in to get this place, I HAD BETTER GET IT! One thing I don’t get though is why do the landlords think they have the right to know your bank account numbers, etc?! I mean, with all that information it would be VERY SIMPLE for them to drain your account of EVERY PENNY!

In other news… seems things with Dustin aren’t going to work out, and here I was hoping that things were on the right path… I haven’t heard squat from him since Saturday morning. He said he’d call me last night, and never did. I’m kinda sad about it. I was wanting to have “the talk” with him this week, see how things were going for him, tell him how I was feeling, and see where he wanted to take things. But I guess this is a good indication.

I guess it’s time to start looking again. πŸ™ Maybe I’m just jumping to conclusions, honestly I hope I am.

I was supposed to write something about some NDA things here, but I can’t remember what they were about….

The stupid old man won american idol, WTF is up with that?

Not much else to report, adios.

Edit:// Ok, I just read about this on CNN: Congress passes funeral protest ban. Ok, I hate Fred Phelps as much as the next guy, but isn’t there something like freedom of assembly or some shit? How can they ban people from doing this. I think it’s stupid. Ugh, rights people, where are they going?!?! I didn’t see them passing fucking bans when they protests at Matthew Shepards funeral, where were they for that? Jackasses.

Good Things.

Lately, I’ve been waking up at 3:10 am and then haven’t been able to get back to sleep after that. It’s very frustrating. I’ve even started going to bed later to try and help it.

And this morning it was raining so hard core, I just wanted to lay in bed all morning listening to it.

Another e-mail I enjoy getting are ones like this:

I *really* appreciate this – it’s amazing when you can write a software developer and your wishes come true the next day. Thanks SO much.

Glad to know that I can help people. πŸ™‚

Going out Friday with Andrew, so far Mike, Robert and Patrick have all expressed interest in coming as well. And hopefully Joel, Jon and Ryan will be around to hang out with too.

The lights in my office are all burned out. It’s nice and yet frustrating at the same time.

I’ve been debating moving the last few days… With them raising rent and all that. This guy here has a place up in Huntington, right on the beach. But it’s a “big” loft, I might go check it out, but now that I’ve made so many friends down in Aliso area, I’m not sure I want to move even up to Huntington, as that seems so far away. Blah.

I’m going out on a Movie date on Thursday. So we all know how I feel about that one already. haha.

I’m still working on this ETL project at work, I’ve got it loading the information from the files, however when it goes to insert a row to fire off the importer task it inserts the wrong instance id. Thus meaning the importer task is trying to run against the wrong client.

I’m not sure WHY this is either, because I’m telling the importer to use the following:

var sqli = “begin icbo.addQueueEntry(25, 1, ‘” + stagingId + “‘, ‘_STG_STD’, 1, ‘” + transformerTaskutil.getMyInputParam( “ICIECMD” ) + “‘,null,null); commit; end;”;

The first value is the one that’s important, and clearly it’s set to 25, yet for some reason it’s being set to 14 somewhere and I can’t figure out where!

I’ve stopped going to the Docs… We both agreed that things have been a million times better in the last month. I’ve been very happy and making some friends and meeting nice people and hopefully things will continue to get better. I’d still like to get Jenks or Angel to come visit for a long weekend or something. It’d be nice to see either or both of them.

The mountians out my office window are really pretty right now, they are all green and stuff.

Ya know, it’s nice being able to say… “The only night I’m free this week is Wed.” And then having that night get filled up too… Having a life is good. πŸ™‚

I love the rain.


Private: I Remember Feeling Like That.

From Steve’s Blog: I must admit, Im in a great mood right now. Yesterday, I took Andrew out on a not-so-adventureous adventure to the mountains. I haven’t been to the mountains in years and I figured Andrew has never been to the so-cal mountains before, so it seemed like it would be fun. One the way there, I had to stop by my house to get some money. Andrew met my mom and Stepfather. It wasn’t really much of a meeting, it was just a meet and greet situation. I got money, grabbed snacks, and we went on our way. I figured all the major mountains would be ridiculously busy (e.g. Lake Arrowhead, Big Bear, etc…), so I opted for a cheaper and closer alternative, Mt. Baldy. The drive up wasn’t that bad; it only took about 45 minutes. As we were approaching Mt. Baldy, I was getting worried as the mountains looked to be barren of snow. Leave it to me to find the one mountain range that didn’t have snow… Anyways, I have a great uncle that lives at the base of the mountain with his family. Andrew and I stopped by his house to say hi and get directions to the mountain village. Side note, my uncle bobby and his family are outrageous and crude usually. But this time, he was pretty low key. I think he was just tired. So, we left and continued towards the snow-less mountain. We went about 15 minutes, away from my uncle’s house and then we saw cars coming back with snow on the hoods. I was sooooo relieved; my date wouldnt be a flop afterall. We kept going higher and higher through mount Baldy and then it started to rain, hail, then snow. I have never seen snow fall and I have also never driven in the snow. I was so nervous, but I tried to contain myself as to not freak out Andrew. We parked the car and started our mini-adventure. It was amazing. The trees were covered in snow and it was white everywhere. sigh. We hiked for a little bit, threw snowballs, made a sordid snow angel, and a stumpy snowman. After those shenanigans,, we hiked to a cliff that overlooked a brook. Watching him catch snowflakes on his tongue made me feel good beyond words. Being there next to him in the snow made me forget about that one weekend. I felt great. I couldn’t help staring at him. It was just amazing to have him hold me and kiss me on that ledge as the snow fell on us. We went back to the car and warmed up, wink wink. We were famished so I tried to find a nice restaurant. We saw a sign for “Top Notch Restaurant-great scenic views and food.” I drove my poor mustang further up the mountain and grimaced through every sharp inclined turn. It turns out, the restaurant was at the top of the mountain; the only way to get there is to pay $25 a person for the ski lifts. So, we left and explored other options. On the way down, we saw a little snack cabin. We walked in and then walked out. It was really shady looking. The snack bar was in someone’s house, weird mountain people’s house… We left the snow and went back to my uncles. He made us sandwiches free of charge and we all watched golf. Oh, my aunt Yolanda (my uncle’s wife) forgot Andrews name and referred to him as “the other one.” God she is adorable, and forgets things easily. After all, she is like 74 years old. We drove back to his room and cuddled for a while and then fell asleep. It was the best nap I’ve ever had.