
The other day I was stumbling and found this thing called “Flash Earth“. Basically it takes all the different satellite sources out there and merges them into one. So I looked up the area behind my parents house… Yahoo has the oldest maps, back before they started building that giant horrible golf course. Then check out Google. It’s so sad that they took all the wonderful farm/forest land and turned it into hundreds of ugly cookie-cutter houses.

Along the lines of maps. I found a Google Blog post about the wildfires here in Southern California. The Maps offer a really neat look at there areas that have burned, evacuation data, etc.

As you all know, my trip to Europe is coming up quick, and we all know I love taking pictures. However, I _HATE_ having people in them. A while back I found this neat way to do it in photoshop, but it was very manually intensive. The other day I found a site called “Tourist Remover which does it for you! I can’t wait to get back from Europe and try it out!

I’m sure you’ve all heard it already, but Dumbledore is GAY!. It’s amazing what the right wing is doing about this. Get over it people, it’s a FICTIONAL person! My god, who cares!

I was also reading the other day about how some woman’s husband was riding in a porsche going over 100mph that slammed into a concrete wall… She sued of course and won 4.5 Million!. Just redic. The guy even signed a waiver! He voluntarily participated in a dangerous event, he KNEW the risks when he started! WTF was this woman thinking. And she’s just putting even MORE grief on the family of the driver who also died because they are paying 49% of that 4.5 million! UGH!

This story also reminds me of another article I read in which a woman was $135,000 in CC debt, spent $400 a month on Starbucks, had 3 cars and SIX kids! I just don’t see how people get into this kind of mess! How can you be so freaking stupid and live like that? I currently have $1,400 in CC debit, of which I could EASILY pay that ALL off in just a couple days… But it still freaks me out that I even have any money on my CC!

The other night Constantine and I watched Mrs Henderson Presents. It was a very interesting movie! I thought it was very funny. I highly suggest going to watch it.

Last night I had my meeting with the Admissions Counselor at the CSU Long Beach for an MBA. Anyways, it seems like I should be able to get in with no problems as long as I do well on my GMAT. The only issue is that I’m not sure I want to be in Cali long enough to get it. Because we’re looking at starting NEXT fall and then a min of 2 years after that. Perhaps I should just stick it out, do my MBA here, then as soon as I am done I will look for a new job and move. Because I am sure that my current company won’t have any use for my MBA nor will they be able to pay me enough to support it. We shall see. I am going to work on filling out the paper work today, I bought a prep book for my GMAT so must start on that. My goal is to take it in early Feb. Filing deadlines is March 30th!

Tonight I will be cleaning my apartment, then tomorrow we are having “Ghetto” dinner party! I can’t wait!


LA’s on Fire!

Seriously! These fires are everywhere now! I heard that the three different ones up in the canyon country are going to be merging into one huge fire in the next day sometime.. The smoke is getting crazy. It smells like a HUGE camp fire around here. The sunset last night was very pretty though because of all the smoke. I’ve uploaded a few more pics to the photodump.

It’s really sad that all this is happening, but the reporters need to get a grip. Seriously, 24 hour a day coverage is just too much. Not enough changes to really make a difference. Break in when there is updates, have steady updates every 10 or 15 minutes, but continuous live coverage is just ridic. The reporters also need to be a little more put together. IE, yesterday morning I was watching MyFoxLA and the reporter broke down crying because her church burned down the day before. Ok, yeah it’s sad that your church burned down, but you are supposed to be reporting on the issue, go interview someone to cry about the church burning down. Then she went on this 10 minute rant about how the flames are close to her house. Then the cut back to the studio and the guy is like. “And she just went through this 10 years ago when her house burned to the ground”.

Check out this picture from below:

I have marked in red dots on the large one the areas that I am in. 🙂

Also, if you have google earth check out this file.

Lastly, Check out some of the videos at KNBC.com

25 MPH Gusting to 35!! Crazy WINDS!

Soooo, Friday we had some CRAZY fucking winds. I mean 25 mph alllll day long, gusting to 35. Redic! You couldn’t hardly walk. The beach was going crazy! Waves SOOO big! IT was even foaming and stuff!

Constantine came over and we got some pics and stuff which are here. We also took some video with his nice camera, but don’t have the cable to transfer it. I’ll post that once it’s up.

From there we headed out to dinner. Went to this new place down the street. We get there at 6:45 and I ask our waitress if it’s still Happy hour because outside I could have swore the sign said “Happy hour 5-7”. But the menus said “5-6”. She said “No”. So I went outside to check and the sign DID say 5-7!!! Liar! It was pretty good food though overall.

Came back to my place after that and I think we just hung out here. I can’t remember for sure! It’s been a busy weekend!

Got up Saturday and headed up to H&M at the beverly center. Met up with Charles Phoenix there to pick up the video of him on The Martha Stewart Show. Also bought lots of cute clothes for our Europe trip! Headed back to my place after that, but Jason called and asked if we wanted to go flying. So we did that. Tons of fun! It was a wonderful day! Got back to my place and watched North Country. It was a really sad movie! But very good.

Jason picked us up after that and we went over to his place and had tacos and lots of drinks and played cards and had a jolly old time! Probably one of the best dinner parties I’ve ever been too. The card games were tons of fun!

Sunday Constantine and I got up and he left cause he needed to do his Photo project. So I lounged around the house. I found a Camry Hybrid online for sale, so I called about it. It was the same place as a car I had called about on Friday and the guy was a total ass about it. I was like, why should I drive an hour and a half if you arent’ willing to negotiate with me on the phone. Anyways, the guy was super nice on Sunday when I called, so Jason, Steve and I headed up there. Long story short. The guy was a total ass in person too. So we left. I was uber pissed after that. Stopped at the In & Out by the airport and watched planes for a while. Headed home after that.

[private]I have to admit that I was a little annoyed that night with Constantine. I found out that he went out climbing and movie watching with his friends. And he knows how much I’ve been wanting to meet them, so that he didn’t call and invite me to go with me hurt a little… So I didn’t get to sleep till 11 cause I was annoyed about it. [/private]

Overall it was an excellent weekend!!!!

Last Minute BBQ!

So last night we had sort of a last minute quick BBQ. Tons of fun!

Sirin cooked chicken marinated in this crazy home made marinade of hers. Constantine, Erick, Mok, Sirin and I were all there. We drank, chatted and had a great time!

Also, Constantine brought be flowers! How nice is that! 🙂 No one has brought me flowers in forever!!!

Nothing to much else really going on. This week I have been very productive, mostly at home and not so much at work.

I built a new picture frame. Again it’s 8’x4′. This one didn’t get stretched as nicely as the last one, so I have to redo some of that. But the frame itself came together much better. I bought drill bits, so that helped with the mess of screwing it together. I also found a new desk. So I put that together and moved everything over to it.

Had a bit of a technical issue doing that though as one of my servers wouldn’t start back up! Thankfully it was just that the little switch which sits behind the power button has fallen off. So I had to open it up and just push the button and it came back to life!

Did I mention that I destroyed one of my bookshelves? I’ve been trying to get rid of it for a while, but I finally just took the sledge hammer to it! That was tons of fun!

Found a really nice looking place in Torrance, so we went and looked at that… It was in the GHETTOOO!!!! You’d get shot going to/from home! Scary!

Nothing planned for this weekend yet. Gotta figure that out!


Idyllwild Camping Trip!

Well I’m back, sorry it’s been so long. I’ve been crazy busy with work and being out of town and what not.

So anyways, last week was very busy for me, 12 hour day on wed again. Getting things done with work, but it just keeps piling up now….

Thursday night Constantine came over and we packed up the rest of the stuff for the trip and then watched The Journey of Jared Price. It was a HORRIBLE movie. The only thing good about it was the hot sex scenes. Basically everyone has sex at one point. Except the old blind woman. haha. I do not suggest renting it though.

Friday we all packed up at 1 and then waited for Mok to get there. He got to my place about 2 and we all headed out. Of course there was traffic, but not near as bad as last time! I had to sit in on a really boring conf call during the drive up there and I felt bad for the rest of the people in my car. Got to the camp site about 5:30 or 6ish which was just perfect. The camp ground was beautiful and there weren’t very many people there.

So we unloaded and then made dinner which was Walking Tacos! Very yummy! 🙂 After that we all just sat around the camp fire talking and eating Smores and drinking and what not.

Saturday morning we got up and made breakfast, then headed out on a 7 mile round trip hike to Suicide Rock and back. It was a really cool hike! Lots of climbing on the way up though. But the view from the top was WELL worth the work to get up there. Soo pretty. We all spent about 30 minutes up at the top enjoying the view and the breeze. Headed back down and got back to the camp site about 2ish. Ate lunch and then we all showered. After that we were all too tired to really do much else so we headed into town (within walking distance) and checked out the shops and stopped at this crazy woman’s natural food place. I had something called the Strawberry Delight. Which basically tasted just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without the bread. It was kinda gross, but I didn’t want to throw it out infront of her cause she said it was her favorite drink!

After that we headed back to the camp site and made dinner, which was delicious! The Corn bread and the Apple cobbler turned out PERFECT! I was amazed. It’s so rare that my dutch oven food turns out that perfect! That night we spent the night hanging out in the camp site chatting it up again. The stars were beautiful all weekend!

Sunday morning we got up and made breakfast and packed up the camp site. Headed out of there about 10ish I think. We got back to LA at 12:30 which was great time, no traffic or anything! Although my car did start to make a strange sound when braking hard. I really need to get rid of it! I just don’t know what to get or how much I should spend!

After that Constantine and I headed to this Chinese place here in RB. I’d never been to it, but we thought we’d check it out. It’s called Seashore Chinese. They have a lunch menu daily from 1-3pm! The place was filled with asians so you know it’s good! 😀 We had plenty of stuff left over for dinner tonight!

From there we came back to my place and took a 2 hour nap and then watched My Own Private Idaho. Which was just a CRAZY fucking movie! He spent the night and today I am back at work. UGH to 5 day weeks. I’m not sure I can do this! haha.

Pictures from the weekend are here