Last update before Berlin!!

Well this will be my last update before I head off to Berlin, and I have lots of random stuff!

First… Do we really need to see the old KFC Logo from space?!

Second, Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.. For anyone who didn’t already know. I was listening to his show this morning on my 10/mph commute. Very annoying!

Thrid: How about an Astro-Weenie Christmas Tree…

Oh my… Charles is one interesting person! I’m glad that I got hooked up with his outfit! 🙂 And what’s better then a SPAM cake? Well a Cheese Whiz cake, naturally. Check out this hilarious interview with Charles!

Fourth: What have these people done to these poor BMW’s. The first one on page 18 is very entertaining.

Fifth, my phone here at the office hasn’t worked all week!

Last night B-Ri came over and I showed him where everything is. He’s very excited that I have lots of Alchohol in the freezer for him to drink. I warned the neighbors! After that I did a qiuck 15 mile bike ride, and then make sugar cookies. They are ok, but not at all what they should be! I tried using the Splenda sugar substitue stuff, I think that’s the problem! Oh well. Who knew that a cup of sugar has so many calories in it!

I laid down to watch TV after that and fell asleep… I missed Gilmore Girls, and for some reason the MythBox fucked up! Damn Mythbackend going defunct! It does this randomly. Hopefully it won’t while I am away in Berlin!

The Fray is tonight! Yay! Although I’m a bit nervous about it. We’ll see how it goes!

[private] Honstely robert is really pissing me off lately. He sent me this e-mail the other day: “Whatever, Im not playing this he said who said game. And you believe a word I say to you anyways. If you needed my place why didnt you call then?”… To which I replied. “What the hell are you talking about”. He never replied. So today I relied again with “What the hell”. He said that if I wanted to use his place to hook up with straight boy why didn’t I call… I told him that I _might_ need to use his place. Whay does it fucking matter if I did or didn’t call! Ugh. He’s just such a fucking idiot. And what the hell does this mean about I don’t believe anything he says? Maybe if he didn’t say that EVERYONE tried to make out with him I would believe it when he says that someone DID try to make out with him! UGH! Seriously, someone will say “HI” to him and he’ll be like, “Did you see that, he tried to make out with me”. God! I really don’t want to see him at the concert tonight. [/private]

This morning, I went to the gym and then came into work. 10/mph the WHOLE WAY. Normally it takes me 30 minutes to get here.. Today 2 hours! I know. I’m sure you are all sick of me complaining about traffic, but I just cannot get over how people do this EVERY DAY! I could bike to work faster!

Tomorrow I have planned to meet up with Bryan, along with 8 million other things I have to do. I’m very nervous about this whole flying into Berlin on my own and then taking the U-Bahn on my own as well. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine!

I’m also going to be sending out my donation letters tomorrow.. I have 750 names on the list currently. If they all just donated $10 that’d be amazing! But I know that probably 95% of them won’t donate. So hopefully the 5% that do donate put in like $100+!! I think I’m getting my hopes up. I’ve started carrying around letters too, and any that I see with a rainbow sticker I put one on thier cars!



So this weekend has been pretty busy. Saturday I got up at 6am, and headed up to Griffith Park. It was FREEZING there. I really have to get a long sleeve jersey. Met a lot of really nice people, although mostly older. But still very nice. They said there was over 300 people. Saw a few really cute boys, but didn’t say anything to them.

The ride started off really slow. I was kinda torwards the back and was doing about 10mph. I got tired of that after a while and started passing people. Ended up averaging a little over 15mph. One person got hurt though and there was an ambulance and stuff. That sucked.

Got home from that and headed down to Newport to help austin and gang unpack. The boy he’s replacing was UBER sexy! We all had a good time. I drove Austin back to Long Beach and then came home. Stopped at Kohls and picked up a really cute spoon holder. I’ve been needed one of those since like 4 years ago. I also bought a few other things.

Stopped at Blockbuster to rent a movie…. Since when has it been $5 a freaking MOVIE!? That is ridiculous! I suppose now that’s an even better reason to sign up for Netflix or something. I mean for $5.99 a month you could get up to 4 movies. Who knows.

Sunday I had meetings all day. Very annoying, but that’s what one has to do, I suppose.

Monday I got up at 3:30am and came into the new office. It’s not as nice as the old one, but it’ll do. I _hate_ where my new desk is at. It will suffice.

[private]WARNING TMI: I’ve been VERY gassy for like the last two weeks. It smells like a rotten egg. It’s HORRIBLE. I also haven’t gone poop in nearly a whole week. Something is wrong![/private]


Revolution Time!

Seriously people, what is WRONG with this country, 3 school shootings in the last week, this guy in congress, Dirty dirty dirty. It’s time for a revolution. If this doesn’t wake up all those damn right wing bitches, then what will!?

This man was head of the group to protect children online and yet he was doing this!?!? This man is discusting and should be shot or something. The republican leadership that covered this up should be thrown out and Bush should be impeached… Well just for being Bush. I haven’t read anything yet that he was aware of this. But it’s been going on for at least 5 years! Comon people, why wasn’t something done about this YEARS ago!

How many poor kids did this man actually molest or something? Who knows, but you sure know it went much farther then just dirty messages online! UGH

REVOLUTION PEOPLE! Vote new people in… It’s coming up soon! Ugh!

In other news, the Germany trip is coming along it appears… I think I’m getting my hopes up a little too much though. I feel it’s all going to fall through any minute now.

Drove down to NB today, there was a car on fire and the freeway was REALLY backed up. Very annoying… Been chatting with people all morning about things since, and haven’t really started any work.

Continue reading Revolution Time!

Private: Another one goes to London!

UGH! My company is sending ANOTHER person to London, that’s 4 people! Why am _I_ not there yet!? Ugh, this is just really pissing me off. This is what I was HIRED here to do, why am I NOT the one doing it. My friend Jason says it’s because I work early and and leave early, but I don’t think that’s the issue, the CEO and both VP’s are VERY thrilled with the work I do, they know that I do a great job, etc. So I just don’t get it.

On the same note though…. I haven’t really been in much of a mood to work this week (mainly because of this news I feel). So I’ve spent the days sitting at my computer reading about cheap airfare, buying a house for rental property and finding myself contracting jobs. I’ve got bids in on two jobs. Hopefully one of them will pull through. If the big one does it’ll mean about $1,000 a month in added income. Yay! 🙂 That’ll put me over the next big pay rate bracket! How exciting. I’m sure with my luck though it won’t come through.

I’ve been really lazy and sleepy lately. Classic signs of depression and all. I get home and just lay on the couch and really don’t feel like doing anything. I fall asleep early and don’t want to get out of bed in the morning. Very annoying

I signed up on the other day. There’s a few good looking candidates on there, but I don’t want to pay the nearly $100 for a 6 month subscription. Though they say if you don’t find love in 6 months you get 6 free… So maybe it’s worth it? lol. I’m surprised that the other matching sight doesn’t do gay couples. Random that.

Gas prices are crashing down like crazy… I think it’s politics… Who knows for sure though. Thank god they are finially back down to something semi-normal. Hopefully they won’t shoot back up any time soon.

I’ve found flights to Berlin for $550/person. Jan 8th-15th. God I want to go!

Back from Vegas!!!

EDIT:// Pics are now up on the photodump!!!

OMG.. The trip was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much fun! We did so much fucking crap, and I spent WAY too much money!

Ok, so going back to Friday… Got up at 3:45am and headed to the airport. Got there and checked in. Going through security was HELL! I had both my carryon and laptop bag. They Screened my laptop bag and then said. “We need to search this, it looks like you have a lighter.” So we go over and they start going through it… Nothing. I have no lights. So the bitch goes through every pocket…. Can’t find anyting, so they scan it again… Still say “looks like you have something” so she searches EVERY pocket again! (And my bag has a LOT of pockets). Still nothing -> scan again -> “You have drill bits?”.. WHAT?! Who in the WORlD would travel with drill bits?! Crazy bitch. She takes EVERYTHING out of my bag. Can’t find anything.. Scans AGAIN! … Ends up being my ink pens! I’m sorry, but this is YOUR JOB! You can’t tell what a fucking INK PEN looks like on the xray? Makes me feel REALLY safe!

So then we go and we’re boarding and the National Gaurd shows up and they start searching everyone AGAIN!? This is ridiculous! STUPID!

So meet up with Mike, head back to the hotel room and drop off my shit. He had rented an Audi A8 for the weekend, OMG I’m in LOVE with this car. Amazing! After the hotel we head out to breakfast and then out to the Drive event. I did the Corvette twice and then the Hummer H2 once. That was really fun, the H2 was kinda crazy.

From there we headed out to some Mountian top thing. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was really pretty. You could see where there had been an avalanche or something because all the trees were bent over. Pretty cool stuff. Took some cool pics there as well.

Headed back to the hotel, showered and changed and then hit up the strip. Ate dinner there and then saw Zumanity.. HOLY SHIT, AMAZING! !!!!! I want to see it again! Actualy, I want to go see ALL those shows now.. I just sat there in Awe through the whole show, and we were in row 2, it was amazing. Checked out the strip a bit more and then went home.

Saturday we didn’t get up till like 11 and headed back to the strip checked out all the hotels and the cool stuff, and then I lost my first $1 on the slots. 🙁 Played some air hockey, hit the stratosphere and went out to dinner at this Greek place that ended up costing us $168!!! Holy shit! I about had a heart attack with that.

Caught the last water show after that and then out to drinks at the Bellagio. I wanted to hit up a gay club, but Mike didn’t. :'( From there we headed downtown where it’s REALLY trashy.

Sunday we headed out to Hoover Dam and had a great time just wondering around out there… Took the A8 off roading, now that was a crazy experience! lol. Also found an abanodned truck, tried to call it in, but they just kept transfering me because no one knew who’s district it was in! Being a good samaritan is hard work! lol. Ate dinner at Pink Taco and then I lost another dollar on the slots. :'( No money for me!

Got home about 9ish Sunday night and I crashed. Got up at 4:30 this morning and flew back to LA.

I also bought some art by Todd Goldman. Incluing this one:

I think it’s fitting considering we will soon be on the same floor as Girls Gone Wild

[private]UGH, now for the complaining…. Mike is an ASSHOLE! OMG. Every day we met new people, he had a new job.. One day it was a Lawyer, the next it was a dentist, etc… He would NOT shut up.. He claims to have owned about 8 million different cars.. If you add them up, he’s owned a new car EVERY YEAR he’s been old enough to drive. Including: a Corvette, an M3, Z4, etc. UGH. We went into versace and he went up to everything and loudly said, “I already own this.” Claims he’s been to Europe 30 times… For vacations. Thinks he knows EVERYTHING, and even when you do bring up evidence that he’s WRONG he still argues with you. UGH. I cannot stand it! The best lie though was that he claimed he was carrying a loaded firearm.. Yeah right! He’s a nice enough guy, but get over it, he’s not better then everyone else.

And I always wondered who the assholes were that honked and flashed their lights at you on the interstate, etc for really doing NOTHING but driving… IE. Light had JUST turned green and mike LAYS on the horn at people… EVERY LIGHT… People merge onto the freeway and he seems to think they are trying to race him… So he speeds up and cuts them off.. Someone is “too close” on the freeway and he slams on the brakes and goes 20… UGH.[/private]

In other news… I have 962 e-mails that have piled up over the weekend, so I’m going to spend all day reading those. Adios!