Ab Fab Weekend

Ok, well I was going to update more about my weekend tomorrow.. but I have a feeling I won’t have time.. And plus I’m bored now, so why not! haha.

So, lets see..

Friday, i got home from work and hung out here for a while. Then JonJon came over and dropped off my key. We talked for a while and then I took him out to dinner because I promised him dinner for taking care of the kitties. On the way out I was leaving my apartment building and this stupid bitch woman screamed at me for “driving too fast”. I was already in a bit of a pissy mood and she had been giving me an evil look, so I screamed at her, and we got into a Bitch, Jerk” yelling contest. She threatened to turn me into the office and I was all, “Go for it bitch”. I thought it was really funny and I enjoyed yelling at the stupid bitch. How I miss ames where people KNOW how to walk when cars are around! When you see one coming.. Don’t fucking STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and stare at them….. GET YOUR FUCKING FAT ASS MOVING!

You see, in Ames… Although it’s well known that peds have the right of way no matter where they are (IE, in the middle of a four lane road, or just crossing through a road on campus)… The only time a car will actually yeild to a ped is if the ped is ON or AROUND campus… It’s a survial skill there!

Anyways, we went to greek food and ate… I was kinda annoyed with him because he barely talked to me the whole dinner…. So yeah. Whatever. He’s always calling me and IMing me and being like. ‘Lets hang out” and then we do, and he doesn’t talk to me.. WTF?

After that I came home.. I had been invited out to a few places friday night but decided I was tired and really not in a social mood. So I stayed in and watchd some tv and had a good time.

Saturday I walked to the grocery store and bought some wine, bananas, pudding, and a pie crust… I came home and made the pie… Needless to say, that was 8am.. The pie was gone by 10pm! haha… Next time I make a pie, I’m going to do a “day in the life of a pie” it’ll be hilarious! And totally random! Anyways.. I spent the rest of the day Saturday cleaning my living room, and bedroom. I finially unpacked all my boxes from Iowa, and set up my shelves in the living room. I’ve had these shelves forever and they’ve been empty for the longest time… But they finially have stuff in them, and I really like it. I should post a picture.

Speaking of pictures.. While unpacking the boxes, I came across a picture at the very bottom of one.. It was from my Philmont trip in 2000.. back when I was 260 pounds…. God I look hidious! If I can find a scanner I’ll scan it in. 🙂

Saturday ngiht I drank my wine and had a good time at home… Oh, I also went to the gym that night. I was in bed by 10.

Sunday I got up and finially got my mythtv box working.. Fucking ‘vesa’ driver. I just had to change it to ‘radeon’… I’m still having problems runnig live TV, but at least recorded shows work now. I also have fallen in LOVE with the web frontend to mythtv.. They’ve had it forever, but I’ve never used it before. It’s amazing! You can set the recording shows, and see what’s been recorded and there’s the TV listings… which I can look at without all the fucking ads that TVGUIDE.com puts on thier site… And the best part is that I’ve deleted all the channels that I can’t understand. And all the relgious channels! haha! (Kinda sad, I deleted chan 23-43)

Anyways, after that I cleaned my kitchen and my bathroom. It was filthy. I even washed the cat’s rug… which was so dirty. It was gross! lol. I made jello for later that night too. Other then that I didn’t do too much on Sunday.. that is till later! 😉

Blake got here about 8:30 and he ate the jello I made.. I had promised him I’d make him jello the first time we hung out, but i forgot. So this time he got it. 🙂 We hung out talking and watching tv till 11ish, at which time he was really tired. (He’d been up since 2am PST). Sounds like he had a really good tim eback in the mid-west… He even went down to New Orleans for a day to help out down there.. He’s such a good boy. haha.

Anyways, he was really tired, so I invited him to just spend the night.. Since we were going to be hanging out on monday anyways. So we went to bed and cuddled till like 2am.. When i finially fell asleep, but sadly that didn’t last for very long. 🙁

It was really nice to have someone to cuddle with in bed again… And he’s so cute and adorable. 🙂 More on that later. 😉

Well, sadly to say, I got my first wake up call at 4:30 this morning from the UK… I was SO ANNOYED though because it was TOTALLY not something URGENT! Grrr. They wanted a new user created, which the CA over there can DO HERSELF! I got the txt page at 4:30 and got online and checked my e-mail to see what it was… I decided to leave it till I got up later that day. Then I went back to bed.. But by that time I couldn’t get back to sleep.. So I layed in bed and cuddled with blake. (He’s got a really big ass, and some HUGE thighs, it’s hot….. PS he bikes like crazy, so they are very muscular. 🙂 )

We layed in bed till about 6 or 6:30 and I finially made him get up.. He went and showered, while I called back the UK… explained to the lady that it was a holiday here and that she can create the account herself. After he was done, I went and showered then we walked down to starbucks and got some coffee… walked back here and then decided what to do for the day.

We ended up going down to Dana Point and San Jaun Capistrano.. I love that area, it’s so pretty.

Dana Point was really nice because the fog was all rolled in, and the sun was peaking through it.. So pretty.. I REALLY wished I had remembered my camera. 🙁 We walked along the beach for a while and talked and then went on up to San Jaun.. There we walked around a part that I had never seen before and after that went to the mission. It’s so pretty there…. We really didn’t spend too much time at the mission, but walked around san juan a little more… after that we went to Ruby’s and ate breakfast.. it was like 10:30 or so.

Ruby’s was really good, I had these cinimon french toast things.. Yummy! But the eggs weren’t cooked all the way and my tummy is feeling a bit upset. 🙁

After Ruby’s we came back to my place and watched “The Wizard of Oz”… He had NEVER seen that movie. I couldn’t belive it… but we cuddled on the couch and talked and… yes, ended up kissing. 🙂 Well anyways.. After the movie he had about an hour before he had to leave to go to UCLA to get some meds and then back home… So we went into my bedroom (the couch isn’t very big)… And just cuddled in my bed and talked and made out some more. 🙂 He’s so adorable (See previously posted pics).

Well he finially left about 2:30ish and I wanted to kiss him goodbye when we were at his car, but I’m always afraid because people here aren’t as open about that sort of thing as we were back in iowa… They’re always afraid of who might see and well I didn’t ask him before hand so I didn’t want to risk making him made. So we just hugged and talked and he said that he wouldn’t be online tuesday because he’s got a doc appointment, so who knows when I’ll talk to him next.

I really hope he had as much fun as I did….

There are however two issues with him… The first one is very sad and VERY private, so I won’t talk about it here, but I wanted to say something so that I remmeber for furture times.. Number 2 is that he lives in Bakersfield…. for those of you NON-OC people, that’s about 2.5 hours away from me.. On some of the busiest parts of LA freeways.. IE, 3-4 hours if he or I wanted to drive to the others place on a friday afternoon, or sunday afternoon… so that really sucks! So that really sucks….

But he was way cool… He’s an Eagle, and an Econ major…. Which I love Econ, so taht’s cool! And I too am an Eagle… So we had a lot to talk about. 🙂 I think there could be a great friendship in there somewhere. 🙂 At least I hope. 😀

I’ve also made a decision about my friend problem here in the OC, well first.. I think that I do good with people because… A) I’m very easy to get along with as long as you make a good impression in the first 10-15 minutes and B) because I screen people throughly by talking to them online for a long time before I actually meet them IRL.

For instance: Blake and I have been talking for over 2 months online.. and we have chatted for 8 hours on skype in 5 conversations… So yeah. And I mean.. I’m usually chatting with someone new online every since day.. and the number that I end up meeting in person is like maybe 2-3%.. So when i do finailly meet someone in person.. it’s usually because we’ve been having really good chats online and would thus hit it off in person. Because to be able to keep up a chat online, you have to have a lot in common to be able to talk about it and to have good chats.

Otherwise all your chat would be is. “hi, how’s your day, what’s up… etc” And would thus be very short. So yeah. I can only think of one person I’ve ever actually had long conversations with online where it didn’t work out IRL.. Myke… everyone else that I’ve met IRL and had it not work out, I was pretty sure it wouldn’t while we were chatting online… IE, Stalker boy, gap boy, ta-ubby boy, asian boy, etc. 🙂

I also think I’m going to buy a beretta. 🙂 A guy at work is selling one.

Speaking of Guys at work… One of them is having a party and I got in invite. I feel loved.. haha. Anyways, I hate going to these things alone, so I might ask Blake to come with, we’ll see.. He said he might be busy that weekend.. So I’m going to give him some time to figure out his schedule since he’s been gone for so long and then bug him about it again.

Anyways… I think that’s enough blabbing for me… I’m going to hit bed here soon… I’m just going to finish up Good Eats and then an episode of West Wing and then it’s bed time for me.

(PS, sorry about all the emoticons, I’m obsessed)

Stupid Airport

Well, here I am sitting in DFW… I hate this airport!

It amazes me though when you travel how diverse the people are, you find people from all over the country and world at a place like this, and yet everyone is so much the same. It really does show you how America has become a more single unit, a nation instead of a nation/state. It reminds me of the 30 Days show a while back about how people in some small ass michigan town were all pissed because the muslims were broadcasting the call to prayer (ie the same thing as ringing bells). These stupid hicks were all pissed and saying they were “brainwashing” people with it.

Saying, “Why can’t they just fit in and blend in”. That’s not what america is supposed to be about. This country is made of people from every country, every continent. That’s what this place is about, it’s about diversity and ACCEPTING everyone’s beliefs. This is not a one-religion country! why can’t people understand that we should all be different.

I know I’m kinda of a hipocrite talking about this, as I’m not the most diverse person in the world, and I don’t really do anything to stand out. But I am who I am. I don’t buy expensive clothes to impress the person at the mall who I’ll never see again, I don’t buy an expensive car to impress some jackass at a stop light that I’ll never even talk to, or probably even make eye contact with.

I buy what I buy because I like it and I want it for me. If I do end up buying a lexus or inifiniti, it’s because that’s what I decided I wanted for myself. Not because that’s what will make me look the best.

Sometime I get really pissed talking to people who are native OCers. You can really tell who they are. EVerything they do, every little action is thought through based on HOW it will be perceived by their peers. I say screw what they want, if it’s not what you want, they why do it? There’s no point… absolutely NONE!

It pisses me off so much. Sometimes I wish I could just go some place secluded and do work and make a living, without having to interact with these stupid people all the time, without having to be bombarded by thousands of ads trying to make me to buy things I don’t never every single day. I want to be able to turn around and not see a fucking McDonalds or a Starfucks. I want to be able to go to the grocery store, a small town, locally owned store and be able to AFFORD the organic products. (They are insanely expensive here in the OC).

I want a store where the meat walks in the back door and leaves the front in my sack. I want to go to a store where the people actually know who I am without having to look at the receipt, just so they can say. ‘Thank you Mr. Black”.

But alas, we’ll never have that world because too many people have been seduced into living this falseness. I don’t want to live in this substitution. I don’t want to be seduced into this world where I’m supposed to get married and have sex twice a week and have a house with a white picket fence and two and a half kids… That’s not what I want. I want to be ME.

I sat next to some guy from Le Mars, Iowa on the plane.. such a small world.

I am one of the millions of Texans who didn’t vote for George W Bush in this last apocalyptic election. So your magazine [Adbusters] is a lifesaver here in Dallas, where the majority of resident automatons are equally materialistic, mindless and violent. Yesterday a man opened the sun roof of his jaguar and shot three people with an AK-47 after a bar fight. If bush can’t prevent urban warfare in his home state, how does he expect to do it in an alien country a world away?

I find that hilarious. I kinda want to get my concealed weapons permit.

I pisses me off that there are posters everywhere here at DFW for the T-Mobile HotSpot… it says. “Another reason to get here two hours early”…. The airport used to be a spot where you were disconnected, like your car, and your house. Where work could be separated from home. The airport was someplace where you could sit back and relax and wait for your plane. Americans really need to realize the separation between home and work…. And they need to do something about it fast.

I’m glad that I work in a company which is fairly strick about these things. 40 hours a week, etc etc… Although there are times when I have to work at home, or over 40 hours a week, or on my weekend. But that’s to be expected when you’re running an uptime reliant thing. It’s sad that the rest of America isn’t getting it, Corporate america.

The latest Adbusters was full of things about schools and education. It was a REALLY good read. I suggest that if you have someone going into public school you should read it…

Sorry about all the disconjoined thoughts.

Everyone should go download music by ‘i f williams’.. very good shit. They have a few free songs on their website. I’m going to see if I can get the CD while I’m in Iowa.

I’m out. Adios.


Following is an article I’ve written over the last two days… It’s in a very VERY rough form and is NOT completed… In fact, it probably never will be completed… I didn’t even spell check it, nor do I care too…Also, I ask a lot of questions that I then don’t answer.. So whatever. I just wanted to be done with it, it’s making me too sad… Plus I have another more fun sounding project in mind. About the Nuclear Bomb. 😀 So If I get off my ass, you can read that probably next week. but don’t hold your breath….

Every gay boy has one major stuggle in his life. Between choosing one thing and hiding who he is, or accepting who he is and casting off or coming to terms with the other thing. For most gay people this typically comes down to family, others it’s religious upbringing and for many others there’s a vast array of conflits within your life in which you have to make this choice.

For me, the struggle lies within an organiztaion I have been a part of all my life. An organization that helped to raise me and make me become who I am today, a moral and repsonsible adult in our culture. My stuggle has not to do with my parents, for they were accepting, it has not to do with my religion, as I was brought up in a non-religious household. My stuggle has to do with The Boy Scouts of America.

I started my life in the Boy Scouts at the age of 5, as a tiger cub. I worked my way up, eventually becoming a Webelos Scout and then moving into the Troop. Within the troop, I struggled to be active, I was the only one, but I persisted, I built up a troop, of which I was the Senior Patrol Leader by the age of 14. I organized the camping trips, I went to summer camp, I organized and performed our first crossing over ceremony, I became a Brotherhood member of the OA, I did it all. I never missed a meeting, my parents were involved. and I eventually got my Eagle Scout Rank. By this time the troop had grown to a size of 20, with a large group of Webelos about to cross over.

The summer of ’00 I made my first trek to Philmont, and although my health prevented me from participating in the typical 10 day trek through the back country, I spent a week there in a less intense back country trek and 2 days of COPE instruction, in which I earned my COPE Instructor certification.

My life was the Boy Scouts, I lived and breathed Boy Scouts. I had amassed a collection of Patches from every council west of Iowa, I had attended three different summer camps in two different Councils. I had gone to the Idiol of Boy Scout camping experiences and I spent two summers of my life working on Camp Staff as a model employee. Instructing the youngest of Scouts on the basic esecntials that would make them model scouts and model citizens. I took pride in my work and pride in my life as a Boy Scout/Eagle Scout.

However, my second year on camp staff was a turning point in my life. The Boy Scouts were entrenched in a legal battle over allowing homosexuls to be adult leaders, I was becoming more and more active in Scouting for All and Inclusive Scouting.

It was late one summer night my one day off for the past two weeks, as I has been assigned to back to back Cub Scout sessions in addition to my Boy Scout sessions. As I sat in my room that night reading about the battle, and thinking about the boy that I had met just recently I decided it was time for me to come out. To end my time in the closet. My parents already knew. I ahd told them earlier that summer, but at that time had decided to stay active in the scouting that I loved.

This night was different. I woke my mother and explained to her what I was thinking. She suggested that I do what I felt I had to, and by that point I felt like I had to quit. I couldn’t continue to be a part of this organization that was kicking people out just because of who they choose to love in private.

I went back to camp at 4am that morning, I walked it one last time. Remembering all the fun and wonderful times that I had there. The 8 years of summers I had spent there, the hundreds of hours I had spent setting up and tearing down tents, the hundreds of hours I spent teaching the kids there, the next leaders of our country, all the times that I had walked it late at night coming home from OA outings deep in the woods. I thought about how working 100 hours a week here was probaby the hardest job I’ll ever have.. And yet, it was probably the most fun, the most rewarding job I’ll ever have.

And then I went to my boss and turned in my resignation.

That was the last active interaction I’ve had with the Boy Scouts. I’ve gone back to camp a few times, to watch the cerimonies and to catch up with old friends, but that’s it. And I’ve missed every minute of it.

Even though I’ve already written two and a half pages, the point of this article is not about my history in the boy scouts, but it is about what’s wrong with the scouting structure, and current thoughr process of ousting homosexuals as well as those who do not belive in god. I’ve seen this process work, sadly enough, in person. While being employed at camp I witnessed an adult leader being escorted from camp because it was found out he was gay. Where does it start, and where does it end. Who put this in place and why?

The Boy Scouts was founded in 1910 to shape future americans to be model citizens and to prepare them for active duty in the armed services. They were founded simply because a man was lost in London fog and a young boy helped him find his way. So why do the executives in Irving, Texas think that homosexuals and athiests can’t be a part of the boy scouts?

Lets start at the bottom, the local Troops and packs. Here is where the real revolution starts. Up until Feb 2002, the local troops and packs were basically free to declare their own discrimination policies. Around the country one could find troops which had stated that they would not discriminate based on any reason, be it sexuality or religion. There’s even councils which had made that same statement. However these troops and councils faced having their charters revoked by the national council. Most of them were not very open about these policies and thus didn’t make a huge impact on the national councils policies.

In Feb 2002, the national council of the BSA issued an order stating that the national polcy was to not allow homosexuals or anyone who did not belive in god into the boy scouts. What brought forth this policy? The Boy Scouts of America is in the minority in this policy. Of all boy scouting operations around the world 2/3rds of them have no such policy and openly allow homosexuals to join. Many of them even allow girls to join the ranks.

Since this order the boy scouts enrollment has dropped. 13% for cub scouting and 3% for boy scouting. However, these numbers are not relevant, as it is widly known that councils inflat the numbers of troops. My troop backhome was inflated by 100% while I was a scout. We had a total of 10 ghost members, scouts who had joined and then quickly left were never taken off the rooster. So it’s unknown the true effects of this order. However, we do know that it’s had a downward effect on enrollment.

But what effect has this policy had on the grassroots efforts of scouting for all and inclusive scouting? Sadly, it has not had that great of an affect. These two organizations are far too small to really make a difference right now. They are not well known enough and do not have the funding to start a real scouting oranization. Although they are working on mirror the boy scouts, with a more accepting policy, the true experiences of being a boy scout can never be mirrored or relpaced.

The boy scouts of america needs to get out of bed with bush and his cronies and get real on what’s happening in the world. Americans today are more accepting then ever of homosexualality and athiestism. The BSA will not survive for the next 100 years unless they change these discriminatory policies.

HelpDesk, How may I help you?!

I’m very annoyed right now with Mike at the helpdesk. I got an e-mail from him yesterday complaining about the fact that there’s always so many e-mails left when I get done at the end of the day. Well Lets start with YOU then… Where the problem lies.

He gets here at 5am. Spends the first 30-40 minutes of the day reading news sites, etc. Ok. Fine. I spend my fair share of time on personal sites too. However I do all my personal browsing at the END OF THE DAY. When I’ve already completed everything for the day, or I do it when I have down time (such as now). Then he spends another 30-40 minutes on the phone with his wife. During all this time, e-mails are coming in and there’s whatever e-mails he HASN’T yet opened from the day before sitting there.

Then once he FINIALLY gets around to starting his work. He opens up THREE, yes THREE! Outlooks. WHY anyone needs to open THREE copies of outlook when they all contain the SAME FREAKING E-MAIL is beyond me! Then he just starts with the top most e-mail and starts working from there. Now…

To explain how our e-mails are set up…. Anything that HASN’T been handled yet, and thus doesn’t have a ticket number is at the TOP of the inbox. Once something is handled and is given a ticket number, it gets categorized. Until last well All of these were put in numberical order, newest ones at the BOTTOM of the inbox. However they started the numbering over and now everything is kinda in the middle of the inbox.

The inbox for ICHELP has over 14,000!!! Yes, 14,000!!!!! E-mails! Dating to over a year ago! How many of these more then a month old are being worked on? Maybe 5-10 of them. Why keep 14,000 e-mails in the inbox when they could be seperated out into an archive? Thus meaning it wouldn’t take 10 minutes to scroll from the top of the inbox to the bottom?

Well acording to mike it’s because “What if someone replies to one of these old ones, it’d be hard to find the thread if it’s in an archived folder”… Now I’m not talking archived as in, Lets export all of these to TAPE and delete them. all I want to do is archive them to a different folder So that we only have the MOST RECENT and thus CURRENTLY WORKING ON e-mails to have to look at!

Because I REALLY DON’T CARE ABOUT “Page Freezed and log outs” Which hasn’t been touched since 7/2004!

Anyways. I think the best thing to do is to READ ALL THe NEW e-mail first. So that way you know what’s got the highest priority. If you just start at the top, then the chances of you getting to the bottom, where things that have already been handled are at, is very LOW. Thus meaning that things sit at the bottom of the inbox (MIND YOU URGENT THINGS) and never get replied to for days, or WEEKS at a time (Yes, I actaully watched something which was marked as “SUPER URGET” set there for 2 weeks before I finially just fucking did it!

This has caused me to miss deadlines before. Because the HD has to send out approval requests for everything that us as SA’s have to do… If they get the request to send a request, and don’t get around to it.. Then we can’t do it! Thus meaning we miss our deadlines.

Ok, so we’ve established that you should read all the e-mails first to prioritize. This never takes me more then 30 minutes to do. Then go back and start working on the most urgent of issues, as well as the ones where you just have to send an e-mail saying “This is done”.

Second problem is that he spends FOREVER on the phone. He can’t just say, “What’s your problem, here’s what I need to know” He feels he has to give EACH AND EVERY person that calls a personal history lesson in computers and how they work and “Back in my day things weren’t this complicated.” Believe me, as an SA I’ve had to sit through more then my fair share of his history lessons about how he ran a multi-million dollor corporation with one computer and how he programmed things to be effiecient and how he doesn’t feel we need something as complicated as we have to run our software. Blah blah blah.

HELLO, Things change! And if you really were SUCCESSFUL at running this multi-million dollar corporation then WHY THE HELL are you working as a HELP DESK person at like 50 years old?!

I spend on average 3-5 minutes on each phone call, he spends on average 20-30 minutes per CALL! Ben and I sat here one morning listening to him talk on the phone to a customer. it took all my energy to not burst out laughing. It was so hilarious!

So the real problem here is WHAT DOES THIS GUY DO ALL DAY! If Wells Fargo, or Dell, or some one else like that who runs HUGE HD’s had every employee like this guy, they’d have to have 10 MILLION TImES MORE pEOPLE Then they have now!

I’m so glad that my time on the HD is nearly over… All next week he’s on vacation, then the other guy is on vacation for pretty much the two weeks after that. Then I’m gone for a week… THEN! No more HD!… Though I get the feeling that I’ll still be working backup, which means that I’ll have to deal with people even more then i do now. How annoying!

In other non-complaining news… I got my 1gig of RAM today for my powerbook. I’m very excited and it’s running a 100x faster. It’s amazing what RAM can do for a computer. Now it’s not caching to the hard drive. 🙂 I’m still annoyed though because the external monitor still doesn’t work. I’m going to take it to the apple store this weekend… I also need to buy AppleCare for it, but I’m not sure I want to spend the $349 for it. Just seems a little over priced. But I’ll thikn about it. COuld come in handy, you never know.

I’m also thinkinga bout getting a mac desktop. The choices are a Mini (1.42Ghz) an iMac (2Ghz) or a Power Mac (Daul 2.5Ghz)… I kind of want to just buy the mini for now to start, and then upgrade to the PowerMac once the Intel ones come out. I’ll have to think about it more. But I really want a mac desktop so that I can get my current desktop to be working more on the mythtv project…

After I installed my RAM I went to Daphne’s and got greek food. It was SO YUMMY. From there I worked on my iTunes project a little. I think appleScript might be the way to go? Not sure yet… Perl is also a contender.

I was really sleepy about 8ish so I took a nap and ended up sleeping till 11. I meant to get up at 10 and go work out, but that clearly didn’t happen.

Working 12-10 tomorrow, and then 12-10 every day next week. Going to be one hella long week. Thankfully I’ve been taking 2 hours m-t off this week so only working 6 hour days.

Tomorrow after work I’m hitting the fair at 10 to whenever then home to sleep hard core. Saturday I’m not sure what exactly I’m doing yet. I’m on call again already. Blah

You know, I realized I went to all the work to put in Current Music to my posts, but I never use it… Even though I’m almost ALWAYS listening to music when I post… So today I did, and hopefully I will remember to do that more in the furture. 🙂

It was HOT here today, like upper 80’s. I heard it was 112 in Palm Springs today. Crazy shit. Supposed to hit 97 back home today. But it’s raining now. How I miss thunderstorms. It smelled like it was going to rain today when I came to work. But by that time it was already too cold to do anything good.

Ok, I think I’m done. Night all.

PS, one more thing: Welcome to my Method Studios guest… You guys do some cool work there, love the website as well. 🙂 I’ve also been seeing someone from United at LAX here every day, welcome to you as well! And just a blanket welcome to all the other people who are new, including the users from Principal.com, and the .mil/.gov people! 😀 Please don’t arrest me.

Sleeping Habits

Well, last week I was sleeping WAY too much, and now so far this week (Since friday) I haven’t been able to sleep more then 4 hours a day. Anyways, Saturday I got a whole two hours, and then sunday I got a whole 4 hours. So yeah. I’m hoping tha tI can get lots of sleep today…. For some reason my head just won’t shut up when I’m trying to go to sleep. I sit there and think about all kinds of things… Like today I was thinking about what I’d do if I randomly got $500,000. Or what pictures I”m going to take when I’m back in Iowa… I already have like 100 perfect shots thought up. I’m sure that I’ll forget them all by the time I get to Iowa, but whatever. Most of them are in my G&G’s town and Creston… I’m also a bit excited and hope that I can hit the farm while I’m there to take pictures of the barn and the old machinery we have around.

I really wish I had someone from here to take back with me so that I could show them the wonderfulness that is Iowa… I’m sure I could ask a lot of people, but who would I want to go, and share that with?

I also realized that I LEAVE Iowa the day before Andrew gets back. 🙁

Today hasn’t been all that exciting. I got up and called my dad and talked to him for a bit. Then I went to Costco and bought Star Wars IV,V and VI. THen I came home and watched them (Luke Skywalker is SO HOT!) tell Bastian came over and worked on my computer. He was making a movie and needed a Mac, so I told him he could use mine. He was also really nice and seems really cool. So that was fun. Again I hope we can hang out again.

Speaking of, Andrew asked me if I thought anything would happen between Myke and I. I think one of three things will happen: 1) He’ll never talk to me again. 2) We’ll be friends, who probably don’t really hang out that much. 3) Maybe date.

I think and am hoping that the option 2 is going to happen and hopefully hang out more then I think we would as friends. He was a really fun guy and I hope that he thinks I’m at least somewhat fun. Problem is that he always seems to have something to do. IE, Friday when I went over to hang out he had actually been invited to like 3 other things… And as most of you know, I don’t feel that I’m the most exciting person, so what motivation is there for him to hang out with me and not all these other people…. Option 3 is out because… I feel like he’s too hot for me to be able to date and also I think he reminds me too much of Andrew to date as well. Though I think things could be overcome in that department if it comes down to it… Not to offend either Andrew or Myke.

However, I have this strange gut feeling that option 1 might be actually what’s happening… But that could because I get really paranoid that people don’t like me when I feel that I’m always the one IMing them first… Such is the case here. And he always takes forever to respond when I do talk to him online… Though I know most people don’t sit here like I do and repsond as soon as they hear the little sound. lol. I don’t like making people wait for a reply on AIM. but that’s just me… The point is that when I feel like I’m always the first to IM someone, I feel like they hate me. lol.

Umm, also I’ve recieved 4 offers to hook up this weekend… cound them 4… All from people I know, all completly randomly. Friday night I got two calls while I was out with Myke… And then Saturday night I got one, and tonight I got one! Very crazy. Where’s this coming from!? One of them was even a straight boy. So that was hot. 🙂 Anyways.

I’ve updated my myspace (link on the side). I tried to make it look like my webpage. I was even going ot put the picutre at the top, but the ads pop over it. Very annoying. I did find a way to make the ads go away, but I figured I might as well be nice to myspace, that is how they continue to provide a free service. Maybe I’ll just move them… time will tell.

I also have a three day weekend in August…the 26-29.. I was thinking about going up to sequoia national park. But I have no one to go with… I was thinking that if hotels were cheap enough that I’d just go alone… but I looked them up and the cheapest hotel I could find online up there was $70 a NIGHT! Holy buckets.. that’s expensive. Even if I could get just ONE person to go with me, that’s still be $120 or so with tax just on the hotel.. Plus food, and gas and entry to the park… Grrr. So yeah, that looks like it won’t happen.

I really want some of my aunt’s salami… It takes forever to make though and is SO not good for you.

Speaking of not good. I was going to hit the UCI 24 hour fitness today… So I left my place at 10, got there about 10:30 and the fucking place was CLOSED! They fucking close at 11pm.. How stupid is that, it’s RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET from a HUGE ASS CAMPUS, how in the WORLD can they close at 11pm! So Yeah, I didn’t go to the gym tonight… And then I forgot to eat dinner so I got to work and was starving, so I ate a donut. 🙁 Talk bout not good.

Screw me.