
OMG! Dialup is fucking killing me!


Gma and I went over to corning last night to see Charlie and the Choc Factory… It was either that or that movie with the car, what’s it called? That was the one in Creston… So we went to corning. I was hoping that David would be working, but he wasn’t. I left my number with his dad though and he said he’d give it to him next time he talks to him. So hopefully I can hang out with him while I’m back.

Got home and checked my e-mail. then went to bed.

Got up this morning about 10:30 and have been shampooing carpets ever since then. Going to have dinner here soon… Noodles and roast! Yummy!

It’s been raining here all weekend, which kinda sucks. But at least it’s keeping the heat down. I want to get some sun though so I can go take pictures around town.

Adios all.


OMG, it’s fucking HUMID here.

So far the trip has been good… Both my parents and my G&G were there too meet me, pretty funny. Cause only one was suposed to meet me.

We finially got back to G&G’s house at 10:00ish. WE stopped in some small ass town on the way home for dinner. The stupid waitress flirted with me then my grandpa blurted out how much I make to her, and she flirted with me even more. She was fat and ugly. But there was a hot boy working there that I wouldn’t have minded flirting with me. 🙂

Got home, checked e-mail and then went to bed. Andy called me at 1am, but I didn’t answer. Got up at 11;30 and ate dinner, then walked aorund main street and then drove out to see GG. Just got back from there.

The boys here are so hot! Barker Grandkids are YUMMY! Rarr.

So yeah, probably just sitting around the G&G’s house for the rest o the day now. Maybe a movie tonight over in Corning.

Adios all!

Stupid Airport

Well, here I am sitting in DFW… I hate this airport!

It amazes me though when you travel how diverse the people are, you find people from all over the country and world at a place like this, and yet everyone is so much the same. It really does show you how America has become a more single unit, a nation instead of a nation/state. It reminds me of the 30 Days show a while back about how people in some small ass michigan town were all pissed because the muslims were broadcasting the call to prayer (ie the same thing as ringing bells). These stupid hicks were all pissed and saying they were “brainwashing” people with it.

Saying, “Why can’t they just fit in and blend in”. That’s not what america is supposed to be about. This country is made of people from every country, every continent. That’s what this place is about, it’s about diversity and ACCEPTING everyone’s beliefs. This is not a one-religion country! why can’t people understand that we should all be different.

I know I’m kinda of a hipocrite talking about this, as I’m not the most diverse person in the world, and I don’t really do anything to stand out. But I am who I am. I don’t buy expensive clothes to impress the person at the mall who I’ll never see again, I don’t buy an expensive car to impress some jackass at a stop light that I’ll never even talk to, or probably even make eye contact with.

I buy what I buy because I like it and I want it for me. If I do end up buying a lexus or inifiniti, it’s because that’s what I decided I wanted for myself. Not because that’s what will make me look the best.

Sometime I get really pissed talking to people who are native OCers. You can really tell who they are. EVerything they do, every little action is thought through based on HOW it will be perceived by their peers. I say screw what they want, if it’s not what you want, they why do it? There’s no point… absolutely NONE!

It pisses me off so much. Sometimes I wish I could just go some place secluded and do work and make a living, without having to interact with these stupid people all the time, without having to be bombarded by thousands of ads trying to make me to buy things I don’t never every single day. I want to be able to turn around and not see a fucking McDonalds or a Starfucks. I want to be able to go to the grocery store, a small town, locally owned store and be able to AFFORD the organic products. (They are insanely expensive here in the OC).

I want a store where the meat walks in the back door and leaves the front in my sack. I want to go to a store where the people actually know who I am without having to look at the receipt, just so they can say. ‘Thank you Mr. Black”.

But alas, we’ll never have that world because too many people have been seduced into living this falseness. I don’t want to live in this substitution. I don’t want to be seduced into this world where I’m supposed to get married and have sex twice a week and have a house with a white picket fence and two and a half kids… That’s not what I want. I want to be ME.

I sat next to some guy from Le Mars, Iowa on the plane.. such a small world.

I am one of the millions of Texans who didn’t vote for George W Bush in this last apocalyptic election. So your magazine [Adbusters] is a lifesaver here in Dallas, where the majority of resident automatons are equally materialistic, mindless and violent. Yesterday a man opened the sun roof of his jaguar and shot three people with an AK-47 after a bar fight. If bush can’t prevent urban warfare in his home state, how does he expect to do it in an alien country a world away?

I find that hilarious. I kinda want to get my concealed weapons permit.

I pisses me off that there are posters everywhere here at DFW for the T-Mobile HotSpot… it says. “Another reason to get here two hours early”…. The airport used to be a spot where you were disconnected, like your car, and your house. Where work could be separated from home. The airport was someplace where you could sit back and relax and wait for your plane. Americans really need to realize the separation between home and work…. And they need to do something about it fast.

I’m glad that I work in a company which is fairly strick about these things. 40 hours a week, etc etc… Although there are times when I have to work at home, or over 40 hours a week, or on my weekend. But that’s to be expected when you’re running an uptime reliant thing. It’s sad that the rest of America isn’t getting it, Corporate america.

The latest Adbusters was full of things about schools and education. It was a REALLY good read. I suggest that if you have someone going into public school you should read it…

Sorry about all the disconjoined thoughts.

Everyone should go download music by ‘i f williams’.. very good shit. They have a few free songs on their website. I’m going to see if I can get the CD while I’m in Iowa.

I’m out. Adios.

Iowa Visit!!

Hey all you hot Iowans! I’m going to be coming back Aug 11-21 and want to hang out with as many people as I can while I’m back…

So here’s a break down of what all I have planned… Let me know if you want to join in!!

Thursday (11th) – Sunday (14th) – I’ll be in South Western Iowa being BORED AS HELL! So come entertain me! (Getting drunk at Three Fires if I can find enough people to come!)

Monday (15th) – Living History Farms during the day and shopping at the malls at night.

Tuesday (16th) – State Fair! I want as many people to go as I can find! I’ve already got like 5, but I want more more more! lol – Dinner at Biagi’s with the Homos then drinks downtown!

Wed (17th) – Blank Park Zoo/Botanical Center (Morning) – Lunch at Hu-Hot – Art Center (Afternoon) – Swimming/Hottubing/Party at my house in the evening.

Thursday (18th) – Canoeing at BigCreek in the morning, then horseback riding at Jester – Afternoon Swimming/Hottubing at my house!

Friday (19th) – Spending the day in Ames/Reiman Gardens/ISU – Dinner at Hickory Park! – Getting drunk at Frathouse (11pm-2am) / Redlight (2am-6am)!!

Saturday – Family stuff during the day (Brunch with Gma S and then B-day Party) – Mitigwa all night partying the with (hot) Boy Scouts!

Sunday – Going back to Cali. 🙁