Fontuky, Simi, Palm Springs, Salton Sea, Weist Lake, El Centro

So to start off, I drove a LOT this weekend. Check out my trip here.

So not to much has really happened since my last post. I hung out with Jason and his new boy James on Saturday, got a new couch which was TONS of fun. And VERY comfy!

Sunday was rock climbing and this new guy came who was HOT. Lucky! Yum! Anyways, it was a GREAT day of climbing. We’re headed out to Death Valley on Feb 20.

After that I drove to the Salton Sea which was a mess, took some pics then drove to Wiest lake to camp. Smelled LIKE SHIT!

Got up Monday morning and drove to El Centro, Took about 10 minutes to fix the problem they were having down there, so that was annoying. I hung around till 11:30 to make sure everything was working and then headed home.

I’ve txted Kris a few times this week. No reply. Guess we are not friends any more. Oh well!

Climb Master!

What a busy busy weekend, do you ever expect anything less from me?

So Friday I got _pissed_ at Jason. He’s just being such a fucking asshole lately. Keeps saying he wants to be closer, but the way he acts is just NOT conducive to that at all. I invited him to go out to GGB with Kris and I and he was just a total jerk about going. Blah blah blah. Anyways, so I went home after work and took a nap. Woke up to Kris calling me at 8pm, we were supposed to leave at 8:30. Tells me he can’t go because he has no money. UGH! I was PISSED. After Jason being such a douche bag about it and then Kris canceling. I mean REALLY!? He was gonna get his fucking money SOMETIME this weekend, but he couldn’t afford to go out and have fun ONE fucking night. It just annoys me that he thinks he has to gout and get PLASTERED just to have fun at the bars. That’s NOT what GGB is about at all. He wouldn’t even consider going at all. Really pissed me off. So instead of going out and having a great time at GGB with friends and meeting cool people. I spent the night home, alone on my couch watching STUPID ass movies. UGH!

Saturday morning I got up and dropped the car off at the dealer. Time for new brakes! This weekend also marks 1 year of having the car! Yay! I put 23,000 miles on it in a year! Insanity! So drop the car off, get a loaner and head out to go shopping with Anthony. We get going and find out that I forgot my house keys in my car. I was planning on having the loaner all weekend, so I wanted to just go back and pick up my keys and then get going. Well we get there and they say it’s only going to be like 10 more minutes, so we just wait around, pick up the car and then head out for shopping. I ended up buying two REALLY cute shirts at Express for like $60. I can’t wait to wear them to work!

Headed home after that and then picked up Kris to go to the Roller Derby show. Got to Glendale with just the right amount of time and had a really funny show from Charles. They had some REALLY hot roller skating boys too. Found out that one of them was only 16! Opps. Came home after that and crashed.

Sunday I got up and headed out Rock climbing. This weekend JoEric and I ran the whole thing which was very exciting for us! We were very scared Saturday morning because the weather said 40% chance of rain. Thankfully the winds picked up and blew away all the clouds and we could not have asked for MORE PERFECT weather for climbing. It was SOooooooo clear you could see for miles! Dan from Iowa came out and we had three girls. JoEric and I finished up the climb that I started last weekend. Still some work to do on it regarding foot holds, and what not. But it’s going to be a fun fun climb! Ate lunch after that and the guy at the counter totally hated us because we were confusing him and ourselves at the same time!

Got home from climbing and got pissed off at Jason again. I was forwarded an email he had sent to someone else. He’s just one shady mofo. I am really starting to not like him at all. He’s just always up in everyone’s business, but REFUSES to open up about his own fucking business. Like I’m supposedly one of his best friends, yet this email that was forwarded to me I knew NOTHING about. Then he posts on Facebook that he’s going to fireworks in MB. Like if I were going to that with a group of people, I would have INVITED him, or at least told him about it. I mean really? If I hear about neat things in the area, I’m the FIRST to spread the word about them so that other people can enjoy it if they wanted to. He didn’t even have to invite me, but at least let me know it’s going on. He’s lived here WAY longer then anyone else I know. It’s just like the whole Manhattan Open House thing. Like that would have been TONS of fun to get a group together and go. Even If I’m not cool enough to hang out with his friends.

Whatever, it’s just VERY annoying the way that he acts about shit. Like he’s ALWAYS txting/emailing “What are you doing”. Even when it doesn’t fucking MATTER at all what I’m doing (because he already has other plans, etc). But if you ask him what he’s doing he gets all pissy and defensive about it.

Anyways, so after all that Anthony came over again and we drank some wine, made out and cuddled in bed for a while. It was nice. 🙂 Went to bed at like 10ish and woke up at 4ish this morning to POURING rain which was nice. It’s been raining almost all day long. I was very annoyed this morning though because A) People have NO idea how to drive in the rain and B) they were doing road construction on PCH and had 2 of the 3 lanes closed. Who the F does construction on a fucking MONDAY morning in the fucking RAIN!

I cannot wait to get home for Christmas! You have no idea! I am just gonna lay around the house, climb at the new gym, hot tub, drink with friends and see family! Yay!

Waco, Bike Ride, New Route!

Ok, Ok. I’m a little slow in updating about this past weekend, but I was HOPING that I would get the pictures from the weekend. Apparently not.

This weekend was AMAZING yet again!

So Friday… What did I do Friday? I think that was the night I put up my Christmas lights and went shopping with Kris? Maybe? Not really sure. Apparently it wasn’t anything thrilling!

Saturday I got up around 9 and went for a bike ride with Jason. We went up to Marina Del Ray and back like we used to back in the old days. It was tons of fun! On the way there we were doing around 16mph, on the way back we were ranging from 20-25mph! It was an amazing ride! Whenever we passed someone on the strand it was really funny to listen to their reactions as we went FLYING past!

Got back from that and showered then headed to the airport to meet up with Jake. He was there of course so we futzed around and got him to take us flying. That is AFTER we figured out why the gas pump was SUCKING gas out of the tank instead of topping it off! LOL! It was hilarious!

So Jason and I climbed in the front of the plane, it was a TIGHT fit, and off we went! Oh my god, was that the best flying ever! Loops, formation flying, off the water at like 50 feet! AMAZING! I cannot wait to get the pics and post them here. After that we landed and went to In ‘n Out! Delicious!

Went home from there and I did something Saturday night? I think maybe watched a movie or something? Somewhere this weekend I cleaned off my desk as well. It was a mess!

Anyways, Sunday was the typical rock climbing day. I did some really good climbs. We were back on our normal location this time and climbing that stuff seemed a HELL of a lot easier then they used to be. I even started a new route which was TONS of fun!

Sunday night Anthony (the young italian) came over. We had a good time, watched a movie, talked, etc. He’s a nice guy. We’re going shopping on Saturday. We’ll see how that goes.

Other then that, not much up this week. Ran into Ben at 24 hour the other day. That was random. He’s looking good as usual.

Work has been BUSY. I took a package to our SHIPPING office over a WEEK ago. Yesterday this guy comes into my office with a package in the same shape. I ASSUMED it was the computer being returned all FIXED and what not. NO it was the SAME FUCKING PACKAGE that I gave to the shipping office. The idiots NEVER sent it! WTF!

I’m out.

LA Auto Show

I’ve really been sucking at this whole updating thing, eh?

So last weekend was the LA Auto show which was tons of fun! Lots of neat cars and shit to go see. I can’t wait till I get my millions to buy a new car.

Sunday was rock climbing which was a lot of fun. Started planning a trip out to Santa Cruz island.

Friday night Kris and I did something, but I can’t recall what?

Went out Wed with Travis to talk business and pick up some shit. He lent me a $700 backpack to test out this weekend! I’m excited about that!

Speaking of. This weekend I am headed to San Jacinto!

And really, that’s about all in my life right now! Boring, I know!


Hmm, it’s been a while, eh?

Well not much has really been going on. I’ve been busy as per usual but nothing to interesting. Last weekend I hung out with Kris a lot and took him rock climbing. It was freezing out there! We did some other random stuff as well.

This weekend was pretty fun. Friday night Kris had a little party as his house for some of his friends. We had a good time. I cooked him dinner which was delicious! I got a little grumpy towards the end of the day which really carried over to Saturday and that sucked.

Got up fairly early on Saturday and took the car in for an oil change. Turns out it’s already time for new brakes and tires (I did put 20,000 miles on my car in the last year!) Ugh that’s gonna cost an arm and a leg!

Kris and I headed to downtown for the Prop 8 rally which was a LOT of fun, but also made me very very very angry that we have to be out here doing this shit. Who are these idiots who voted for Prop 8! I want to just beat them all to shit. And what sucks even more is that I have _GAY_ friends who voted for Prop 8. Idiots! My guess is they are into S&M in bed or something. Why would they do that to each other. The speakers there were GREAT, the Mayor of LA was there as well as Lorrie Jean from the Gay and Lesbian Center in LA! I love her! Although I thought that there was WAY to much talking and not enough rallying. It also sucked a little because all the fires around LA really knocked this story down off the front page! I read once place that there were 40,000 people downtown. I’m not sure I agree with that figure, but it was a HUGE rally!

Headed home after that and took a nap and then hung out at my apartment. I was feeling pretty down after that, sad and a little depressed. Was missing Grandpa, feeling fat, hating my apartment, pissed at the Russian, and lots of other things. Just kinda re-hashing my year! Jason invited me over, so I took a bottle of wine and we sat at the kitchen table and drank and talked about it all. I actually cried infront of him. :'( Kris also said he would call me that night but he never did.

Went home after that and went to bed. Climbing was canceled on Sunday so I slept in a little bit then headed up to Rubio canyon to meet up with this guy Trevor. We went Canyoneering which was AWESOME! Rappelling down 6 waterfalls was so cool! Got done with that in quick time and headed home.

Laid around on the couch for a while. Kris and I were supposed to watch the Sunday night line up on Fox, but he canceled at the last minute which was a bit annoying. So I ended up just watching it all alone.

This Friday I got invited to the Climbing holiday party! Very exciting, makes me feel more part of the group! I’m really looking forward to eating at the Stinking Rose as well! I’ve heard such great things about it.

I’m also really looking forward to the Thanksgiving day backpacking trip! I can’t wait for that to get here. I really do hope though that it’s not TOO cold/snowy. A little cold is fine!

Not much else going on!