Waco, Bike Ride, New Route!

Ok, Ok. I’m a little slow in updating about this past weekend, but I was HOPING that I would get the pictures from the weekend. Apparently not.

This weekend was AMAZING yet again!

So Friday… What did I do Friday? I think that was the night I put up my Christmas lights and went shopping with Kris? Maybe? Not really sure. Apparently it wasn’t anything thrilling!

Saturday I got up around 9 and went for a bike ride with Jason. We went up to Marina Del Ray and back like we used to back in the old days. It was tons of fun! On the way there we were doing around 16mph, on the way back we were ranging from 20-25mph! It was an amazing ride! Whenever we passed someone on the strand it was really funny to listen to their reactions as we went FLYING past!

Got back from that and showered then headed to the airport to meet up with Jake. He was there of course so we futzed around and got him to take us flying. That is AFTER we figured out why the gas pump was SUCKING gas out of the tank instead of topping it off! LOL! It was hilarious!

So Jason and I climbed in the front of the plane, it was a TIGHT fit, and off we went! Oh my god, was that the best flying ever! Loops, formation flying, off the water at like 50 feet! AMAZING! I cannot wait to get the pics and post them here. After that we landed and went to In ‘n Out! Delicious!

Went home from there and I did something Saturday night? I think maybe watched a movie or something? Somewhere this weekend I cleaned off my desk as well. It was a mess!

Anyways, Sunday was the typical rock climbing day. I did some really good climbs. We were back on our normal location this time and climbing that stuff seemed a HELL of a lot easier then they used to be. I even started a new route which was TONS of fun!

Sunday night Anthony (the young italian) came over. We had a good time, watched a movie, talked, etc. He’s a nice guy. We’re going shopping on Saturday. We’ll see how that goes.

Other then that, not much up this week. Ran into Ben at 24 hour the other day. That was random. He’s looking good as usual.

Work has been BUSY. I took a package to our SHIPPING office over a WEEK ago. Yesterday this guy comes into my office with a package in the same shape. I ASSUMED it was the computer being returned all FIXED and what not. NO it was the SAME FUCKING PACKAGE that I gave to the shipping office. The idiots NEVER sent it! WTF!

I’m out.

Can I Use a Figure 8?

Another adventure filled week in the life of Cj B! Wow. Sometimes it amazes me how much my life has changed in the last year. How much I’ve accomplished in the last two years. Just wow.

I’m sitting here trying to remember everything that I did this week. I hung out with Jason Monday night. I think that’s the night that we ended up with a little party on our hands and drank 6 bottles of wine between 5 of us. Tons of fun. It was Vince, Me, The fiancee, Jason and Kris. It started out with just Jason and I making dinner together and being ungodly cute! lol Then Vince and Fiancee showed up and then Kris. We all sat around the kitchen table from 7ish to 11ish just talking. I love that I have a group of friends who can do that.

Tuesday was alright. I had this date with a latin guy, he gets here and asks for $10 for gas! WTF! Either way we hung out and watched this movie called The Orphanage it was in Spanish and it’s about this girl who was adopted from an orphanage, then goes back years later, buys the place and tries to open it as a place for handicap kids. It was VERY VERY good. I highly suggest the movie… NOT the date though!

Wed I went to this stupid backpacking clinic at REI. I mean it was nice if you had never been camping before, but I was expecting it to be a little bit more about actual BACKPACKING. Which I haven’t done in forever, so I was hoping to get a little refresher. I did not enjoy it. I think I went to bed pretty early that night.

Thursday I had my final checkup with the doctor for my ankle, so that was good. He said everything looks fine and to expect pain for the next 3-4 months when doing strenuous things. After that I went out with this guy Justin and we worked out. He’s uber buff, so I figured he’d be a great person to work out with. Which he was. A a little awk and very very flamy, but very buff and I was very sore the next day. I’ll probably keep trying to work out with him.

Friday I got home and went Kayaking with Kris up in Marina Del Ray, we had another great time up there and were out on the water for nearly 2.5 hours. Tons and tons of fun! We sat out in the ocean and watched the sunset again, words cannot describe. I wish I had a water proof camera. Got done with that, drove home, showered and then we went out to dinner at this mexican place. We drank a pitcher of margaritas, ate food and talked. Got done with that and went back to his place where we drank another pitcher of margaritas! 🙂 What a night!

Saturday I got up and Kris came over, we sat out on the porch, drank our breakfast and then decided what to do. Ended up driving to Malibu and going hiking at this place called Winding Way Such a pretty hike! After we were done with that we spent a few hours at the beach, drove home and got dinner. I came home after that and watched this movie called Valintine. It was a little slow, but I liked it overa all.

Sunday was the typical rock climbing. We did Devil’s Punch bowl again. We didn’t start the day out very good though. First my trailing rope got ALL fucked up and I had to undo that shit, then the lead climber got up to a belay station and all of a sudden we hear “clink…. clink….. clinkk…. clinkk…. thud” and then the guy yells out, “Can we use a figure 8!”. He had dropped the belay device! Which is essential! Thank god he found an extra one on his gear! It only took us 1.5 hours this time to climb up, then we rapped down and climbed back up a different route called “Slot machine”. I decided to be crazy and carry my gear up it! Tons and tons of fun! After that JoErick and I decided to race out of the bottom of the punchbowl. Oh my god, bad idea! about 20 pounds of gear, 110 degrees, and very steep trail up. My ankle is KILLING me right now.

We ate at Charlie Browns again. If you live anywhere in the SoCal Area. YOU MUST STOP HERE for food sometime. I HIGHLY suggest the Rodeo Sandwhich! It’s DELICIOUS! And for $6.95, you can’t fucking BEAT it!

I just got home and am going to just crash on the couch now. I may or may not have a date tonight. I haven’t decided if I will go or not. I’m very tired.

Pictures from the weekend are here.