Fontuky, Simi, Palm Springs, Salton Sea, Weist Lake, El Centro

So to start off, I drove a LOT this weekend. Check out my trip here.

So not to much has really happened since my last post. I hung out with Jason and his new boy James on Saturday, got a new couch which was TONS of fun. And VERY comfy!

Sunday was rock climbing and this new guy came who was HOT. Lucky! Yum! Anyways, it was a GREAT day of climbing. We’re headed out to Death Valley on Feb 20.

After that I drove to the Salton Sea which was a mess, took some pics then drove to Wiest lake to camp. Smelled LIKE SHIT!

Got up Monday morning and drove to El Centro, Took about 10 minutes to fix the problem they were having down there, so that was annoying. I hung around till 11:30 to make sure everything was working and then headed home.

I’ve txted Kris a few times this week. No reply. Guess we are not friends any more. Oh well!

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