Private MySpace Profiles!

My god I had a busy weekend. And I’m in SO much pain again! Ugh. My body needs to get used to this shit.

But first.. What is up with these damn Private MySpace profiles. I REALLY hate them. I HATE when someone messages me, or tries to add me as a friend and the damn thing is PRIVATE. What’s the POINT of having a god damn Myspace page if you are going to make it private. I am no longer going to reply to any randoms with private myspace pages. I also hate it because now I can’t stalk anyone. 🙁 haha.

Ok, so lets see.. Friday I left work and went shopping. Spent way to much money again, just buying supplies for this weekends activities. I came home and just wired all the lights together into one cord for my GIANT TIX clock and lit it up, and hung it where it belongs.

Isn’t it pretty. You shoud see it all lit up at night. It’s crazy bright! I’m really going to have to get a dimmer for it.

I went to bed pretty early. Saturday I got up at 6:30, ate breakfast and drove up to Manhattan Beach. Met up with the Aids Lifecycle group and we went off biking. I had my first spill on my new bike too. 🙁 We were JUST starting out and all of a sudden the tail guy started yelling at everyone to stop. So I pulled my right foot out of the clip, but couldn’t get my left one out fast enough, so I fell over. My bike thankfully only took VERY minor damage. After that incident we rode about 11 miles down to just past my house to Palos Verdes. The first part of the ride was really slow and lots of stop and go via the roads. Very not my style. I was a bit annoyed. But we got to the first rest stop and half the group turned around. The rest of us started going UP-up-UP! 7% incline for 5 miles. Ouch! I thought I was going to die, but I made it just fine. Got to the top of the hill and the bathrooms were closed! I had to piss so badly! lol.

The ride back down the hill was really fun. Averaged about 40/mph coming down. For the whole ride we did a little over 15/mph. Which is ok. I usually average 18/mph, but I don’t have to deal with as much stop/go shit.

Everyone was really nice but it was AWK. I mean, you know how I get in new groups. I just stand there and don’t say anything. I tried to talk to some people but I just didn’t do well at all. I’m excited for next week’s ride though. It’s the ACL kick off and it’s supposed to be HUGE!

Came home from that and stopped at Panda Express in my riding get-up. Somone whistled at me, he was kinda hot. lol. Got home and showered, changed and then started my newest project…

It’s an 8’x5′ painting:


And no, the shadow is not part of it. Right now it’s just the lime green. I really like it. Although someone said that it looked like a green screen that they use in TV. Either way. I was going to paint two red lines on it using the same red as the clock, but I did a sample piece that’s 4″x6″, and it just looks wierd. So Austin suggested that I do it in grey. I think I’m going to go with Silver. 🙂 I’m debating as to what to do with it.

One part of me wants to make a second one the same size, only with a bright purple, and hang them side by side in my bedroom vertically, so it’s kinda contrasting. Another part of me wants to just keep the one and use the other 4 yards of canvas for smaller things. And finially a last part of me wants to use it to sell and raise money for LifeCycle. I’m really nervous about not getting enough money for this thing, incase you can’t tell!

After that I showered again, and Austin came over, we went out to dinner in Hermosa Beach and then went out to the Dolphin. That place was SCARY! There were only about 5 people there, two of them were HUGE lesbians. (I mean huge as in Bull Dyke). So we left there and came back to my place, watched a movie, stole some of each others movies, and drank some Champagne. Good stuff. He spent the night, on the couch.

Got up Sunday, had breakfast, a meeting from 10-11 and then this guy Johnny came over at 11ish. We hung out and watched QaF. He was cute and nice. We’ll see what happens.

He left a little after 6. I had another meeting at 6:30 and then just chilled on the couch at home. Watched Heroes. It was really good, although a bit gross. I added it to my Tivo listing.

This morning it was so hard to get out of bed. My legs are killing me, and plus it’s getting really cold here (and by that I mean like the high 50’s, I’m such a fucking pussy now!) and I just want to stay under the covers where it’s warm and cozy.

I really want to go out to WeHo for Halloween.. I hear it’s crazyness.

Sunken City, Germany & LifeCycle – UPDATED!

UPDATE: Photos are now online… AND Go check out my LifeCycle Page. And be sure to DONATE! 🙂

Well it’s official! I am going to GERMANY! I leave on Nov 17th and return Nov 23rd. Should be a GREAT trip! I can’t wait. Going to go hit up a book store this afternoon to buy a travel guide. I think that Jason is a bit pissed about it though. But he hasn’t been expressing any interest in it, has been completely uncooperative in my attempts to plan with him and just keeps putting things off, so I decided to just book with the person I knew could come and if he can fit it in then great! The more the marrier. But I wasn’t going to wait around while he ponders back and forth about it without giving any real answers.

I also had a meeting last night for LifeCycle and I am now officially signed up! The people there were VERY friendly and so nice, so yeah. Plus it was $20 off the registration. YAY! So be looking for me to hit you up for money SOON! I have to raise $2,500!!! 🙂

After that I had a meeting with this other guy about webstuff. It was a bit entertaining when he admitted he was gay as well. I kinda had a vibe, but wasn’t sure. And no, this was not one of the many dates, this guy has a bf and is older then I. It was strickly a business meeting. Ohhh, I had amazing Pumpkin pie while there! I highly suggest going to this place: Susina Bakery. 7122 Beverly Blvd (Cross Street: La Brea Avenue) Los Angeles, CA. Amazing food! And they had Coffee Marshmallows! It’s rated one of the top 10 bakeries in LA. If only I lived closer!

I didn’t get home till 10 and then worked till shortly after midnight. Got up this morning and am working till 7pm in NB. Gooood times y’all!

Check out Wikimapia.

Oh, Wed I went to this place called Sunken City in San Pedro with this guy Eric, he was cute and nice. I haven’t heard from him since or seen him online. I assume that’s a go no. lol. Pictures will be up on the photodump by the end of the night.

I’ve been pretty busy with other things this week, but I just can’t remember what. Sadly I’ve only made it to the gym and the bike trail once this week… Saturday I’m going on a 30-miler with this group from Santa Monica, so that should be good. I was thinking about doing one Sunday as well, but I’m not sure I want to get up at 7am both days of my weekend! Plus I have another business meeting on Sunday. Weeeee


AIDS is NOT a Gay Disease!

Wow, what a busy busy weekend!

So Friday I worked in Newport, got my new bike, went out to dinner with Robert at H Marys. So that was fun to be back there, got home late that night and went to bed.

Saturday I got up early and drove up to Pacific Palisades and did the Getty Villa, by myself.. Thanks Andrew. It was still nice, but could have been better. After that I drove around Malibu for a bit and then headed home. Went out on a bike ride that afternoon and went the uphill way. That was painful. But it was very nice. I got a few pics from the bluffs up there, such a pretty area. I wish I could own a house up there!

Got home after that and I was dead tired, so I laid down and watched Latter Days, which if you haven’t seen this movie, you MUST go watch it. I’d have to say it’s one of the best done gay movied out there. Specially for the small budget and short filming time they had (I think they said like 30 days or something?). Went to bed after that.

Sunday I got up early again, went out on a bike ride and then hit up the gym. Go ME! 🙂 I’m still no where near what I was when I was in college, but I’m at least lifting more then when I started a few weeks ago. Hopefully by the end of this week I’ll be able to bench 100 pounds! woot! God, I’m so weak! 🙁

After that I went and got lunch, then picked up Jason and we went and explored the Dominator Shipwreck in Palos Verdes. Which happened back in the 60’s. It was REALLY cool. Check out the pics from the linked page, you can see how HUGE this thing was, and then go look at the pics from this weekend, it’s amazing how much it’s deteriorated. It’s just amazing, and it’s only 2 miles from my house!!! It was a bit of a trip to get down there though, the trail down was pretty much STRAIGHT down, and then we took a different trail up, again, pretty must STRAIGHT up and on very close edges. We also had to walk through this really HORRIBLE HORRIBLE smelling area, not sure WHAT caused it, but OMG it was GROSS! There were some cute little BBQ pits down there too. (Not sure WHERE they came from though!)

After that we went out to dinner and got pizza, which I’ve been CRAVING forever. Sooo good. I came home, talked to my neighbor, who is SO CUTE. If only I were straight! And then watched Zoolander. Jay always RANTED and RAVED about this movie.. It was funny, but I don’t think I could watch it more then once.

Pics from this weekend are here.

Pics from Abalone Cove and Eaton Canyon (Which was a month ago, but I never posted pics) are located here.

L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center has started a new campain… “Own it. End it”. In which they say that AIDS is a gay disease. UGH! No DON’T say that! Then you are only playing into these damn right wing assholes. It’s a bit annoying.

Ok. I’m outta here. I have a LOT of work to do!

Back from Vegas!!!

EDIT:// Pics are now up on the photodump!!!

OMG.. The trip was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Much fun! We did so much fucking crap, and I spent WAY too much money!

Ok, so going back to Friday… Got up at 3:45am and headed to the airport. Got there and checked in. Going through security was HELL! I had both my carryon and laptop bag. They Screened my laptop bag and then said. “We need to search this, it looks like you have a lighter.” So we go over and they start going through it… Nothing. I have no lights. So the bitch goes through every pocket…. Can’t find anyting, so they scan it again… Still say “looks like you have something” so she searches EVERY pocket again! (And my bag has a LOT of pockets). Still nothing -> scan again -> “You have drill bits?”.. WHAT?! Who in the WORlD would travel with drill bits?! Crazy bitch. She takes EVERYTHING out of my bag. Can’t find anything.. Scans AGAIN! … Ends up being my ink pens! I’m sorry, but this is YOUR JOB! You can’t tell what a fucking INK PEN looks like on the xray? Makes me feel REALLY safe!

So then we go and we’re boarding and the National Gaurd shows up and they start searching everyone AGAIN!? This is ridiculous! STUPID!

So meet up with Mike, head back to the hotel room and drop off my shit. He had rented an Audi A8 for the weekend, OMG I’m in LOVE with this car. Amazing! After the hotel we head out to breakfast and then out to the Drive event. I did the Corvette twice and then the Hummer H2 once. That was really fun, the H2 was kinda crazy.

From there we headed out to some Mountian top thing. I can’t remember what it was called, but it was really pretty. You could see where there had been an avalanche or something because all the trees were bent over. Pretty cool stuff. Took some cool pics there as well.

Headed back to the hotel, showered and changed and then hit up the strip. Ate dinner there and then saw Zumanity.. HOLY SHIT, AMAZING! !!!!! I want to see it again! Actualy, I want to go see ALL those shows now.. I just sat there in Awe through the whole show, and we were in row 2, it was amazing. Checked out the strip a bit more and then went home.

Saturday we didn’t get up till like 11 and headed back to the strip checked out all the hotels and the cool stuff, and then I lost my first $1 on the slots. 🙁 Played some air hockey, hit the stratosphere and went out to dinner at this Greek place that ended up costing us $168!!! Holy shit! I about had a heart attack with that.

Caught the last water show after that and then out to drinks at the Bellagio. I wanted to hit up a gay club, but Mike didn’t. :'( From there we headed downtown where it’s REALLY trashy.

Sunday we headed out to Hoover Dam and had a great time just wondering around out there… Took the A8 off roading, now that was a crazy experience! lol. Also found an abanodned truck, tried to call it in, but they just kept transfering me because no one knew who’s district it was in! Being a good samaritan is hard work! lol. Ate dinner at Pink Taco and then I lost another dollar on the slots. :'( No money for me!

Got home about 9ish Sunday night and I crashed. Got up at 4:30 this morning and flew back to LA.

I also bought some art by Todd Goldman. Incluing this one:

I think it’s fitting considering we will soon be on the same floor as Girls Gone Wild

[private]UGH, now for the complaining…. Mike is an ASSHOLE! OMG. Every day we met new people, he had a new job.. One day it was a Lawyer, the next it was a dentist, etc… He would NOT shut up.. He claims to have owned about 8 million different cars.. If you add them up, he’s owned a new car EVERY YEAR he’s been old enough to drive. Including: a Corvette, an M3, Z4, etc. UGH. We went into versace and he went up to everything and loudly said, “I already own this.” Claims he’s been to Europe 30 times… For vacations. Thinks he knows EVERYTHING, and even when you do bring up evidence that he’s WRONG he still argues with you. UGH. I cannot stand it! The best lie though was that he claimed he was carrying a loaded firearm.. Yeah right! He’s a nice enough guy, but get over it, he’s not better then everyone else.

And I always wondered who the assholes were that honked and flashed their lights at you on the interstate, etc for really doing NOTHING but driving… IE. Light had JUST turned green and mike LAYS on the horn at people… EVERY LIGHT… People merge onto the freeway and he seems to think they are trying to race him… So he speeds up and cuts them off.. Someone is “too close” on the freeway and he slams on the brakes and goes 20… UGH.[/private]

In other news… I have 962 e-mails that have piled up over the weekend, so I’m going to spend all day reading those. Adios!

Kyle XY

OMG, I’m IN LOVE with Kyle XY, his hair, his voice, his facial expressions… Amazing… Bring him to me!! And, he’s my age!!! YUMMMY!

There was clearly something wrong with my last theme, which was limiting my Google search results… Last month Google refered 135 people to my site, this month its been 676…. Most of my search results come from “Boyfriend Application”.. haha.

Speaking of, certian people who I haven’t talked to in nearly 2 months are STILL making fun of me on myspace about having that up. Idiots. Get over it people… “And yes, you will not be seeing a BF application on my site anytime soon. Although it would be funny to put up as a joke and be a little shit about it :)”… Why are people so fucking childish.

Last night was nice, I nailed my clock together and painted it… Everyone in my apartment complex probably thinks I’m crazy now.. But it’s going to look SO FUCKING cool. Did I mention I ordered the electronics? I just hope that they come the way I want them too, because if the LEDs come already soldered to the circuit boards then we’re going to have problems! At least the hardest part (or what I think is the hardest part) is done, and that’s programming the control board. I also hope that the LEDs are bright enough, because if not, then I’ll have to buy more.. and what if the boards aren’t able to carry the electical capacities then!?!?! OMG, so much could potentially go wrong here!

After that I went on a short bike ride, got home and was supposed to go out and have a drink with this guy, but he got held up at work. We’re going to try getting together again tonight, we’ll see if that happens.

Today, I had a meeting… First off, no one knew if it was at 10 or 11. The invite said 10, the WebEx said 11, and the e-mail I got about it said 11-10:30? WTF people. And the person hosting the meeting wasn’t replying to things… Ugh. It ended up being at 11, but it was such a waste. We’re supposed to start supporting this new software that’s coming on line early next week… Yeah, we didn’t get trained on how to do any of it.. The whole meeting was basically… “Heres what we need to have meetings about to get this going”. Ugh. I don’t see HOW these people get work done.

I left shortly after the meeting and went to the grocery store, the boss is having a BBQ tomorrow and I was going to make these Mexican roll-up things. So I go to the store, and they don’t have anything CLOSE to what I need. So I had to make something else.. So I called my aunt, she told me what to buy and.. I made them. I don’t think they came out right. 🙁 Still taste ok, but I’m not going to make everyone at work eat them. Perhaps I’ll just stop and buy something pre-made at the store before going.

Came home and put the second coat of paint on my Clock.. Check out the photodump to see pics of it… Hopefully it will be completed this weekend! That is, if all the parts work as said! (I also added more pics to the Pirates of the Caribbean library.)

Heading out to a bike ride soon and then who knows…
