Great Weekend, Considering.

Well, I really wanted to be online updating about the weekend and how great it was. I also had a lot of other things that I wanted to do, and I wanted to chat with Jon about the great Convo that Andrew and I had tonight, and I wanted to look up some information and do all kinds of random shit before I sat down and started working. But of course, now that’s not going to work. Why you ask? Because the internet here isn’t working. Grrr.

So instead, I get to write about it and then post the update later. Which means that this will probably be a pretty long update, no?

Alright. First off, it’s UNGODLY hot in this office, it’s hotter then 88 degrees, because that’s as hot as the fucking thermostat goes. And I’m sweating to death and it’s really really really really hot in here. I hate this, I hope they get something done soon, because I’m sick of being stuck in this office with the fucking heat so hot. Grr.

Ok, well Friday was really fun. Well, ok the whole weekend was tons of fun really! Anyways, Friday after I woke up, Jon came over and we had a good time, we hung around the apartment and then went out and bought food for dinner. We ended up spending $60 on everything, and since he was going to cook, I figured just splitting it in half would be fine, but he insisted on paying for it all. So who am I to force him to keep his money. So we did that, then came home and cooked dinner. It was really good. Pasta and chicken… Yummy! There’s still some in the fridge which I’m thinking about having for breakfast tomorrow.

After dinner we all got a little tipsy, Chris and Ty only had one hard lemonade each, cause they had to work the next morning, Jon had like 4 or 5 drinks and I had the most by far. But it was so yummy and I needed it to take off the pain. 🙁

Ok, not really to take off the pain, cause that’s a bad reason to drink. But we drank to have a good time, and we all did. Ty and Chris went to bed shortly after that and Jon and I stayed up tell I think like 5 or so watching QaF and just talking about random shit. I think we spent more time talking then we did watching QaF, but who cares. He’s a really cool guy and if I wasn’t so in love with Andrew and hoping so much that things will work out with him, I think I’d probably be going after Jon as more then just a friend.

Anyways, after I took him home I came home and crashed for the rest of the day Saturday… Woke up late saturday afternoon and hung around the apartment for a while. After Jon got off work we headed up to the Irvine Spectrum. Which was tons of fun. We got my car valet parked. Yay! And he paid for that as well. The little whore. lol. Anyways, we walked around there talking and making fun of the stupid people. There was lots to do there, but not anything to do. All at the same time. Kinda crazy, no? I did want to go to Cheesecake factory and to Coldstone, but he vetoed both of those ideas. I also found a pair of Doc Marten sandals for $60 that I think I’m going to buy. Cause after my walk today the ones that I have are REALLy starting to fall apart.

While there Jon and I also went to Hot Topic and I complained about how I really like all the shirts there, but that they just don’t fit who I am and stuff. He said, ‘So then just change who you are.’ And I was like, ‘I can’t just change myself.’

And really it’s true, I feel as though I’ve been the same little boy forever, the same boy who’s never done anything really. I haven’t had sex outside of a long term relationship. I’ve hardly made out with someone outside of a long term. I don’t drink. I’ve only done drugs once, and I’ve always worn the same type of clothing, and done the same basic things every day of my life. It’s really starting to get boring and I want to shake it up a bit. I just don’t know how. In a way, I’m kinda hoping that Jon is a way to do that, he’s someone so different then me, someone I never would have hung out with back home, someone who’s already done so much with his life. Maybe in some weird way he can help me change my life.

Anyways, the point of this story is that we went into Hot Topic and he bought these REALLY cute pink star plugs. So cute! lol

Well after we left Spectrum we went back to my place and hung out and watched QaF again for the whole night and talked a ton about random things and about Andrew and our relationship and about Old Navy and the crazy things they do there. 🙂

He was there tell like 6ish or so when I took him home. I’m really glad also that he can stay up all freaking night. Cause otherwise my weekend nights would be insanely boring!

After I took him home, I came home and slept all day. Got up about 5ish and showered then took a walk. I walked all the way down to Wal-Mart again. Which is seeming to start to be my normal walking pattern. Perhaps I’ll start walking it every night or so. Just to get out and do something before working all night. About half way there Andrew called me and we had a really really GREAT 1.5 hour long talk.

We just talked about all kinds of random things and stuff, and it was so great to talk to him like that again. Just the randomness and the important stuff and everything in between. It really made me miss him so much more. It truly was a great talk.

After we were done talking I just sat around with the roomies and talked. Ty gave the kittens a bath and Chris and I both said that he shouldn’t. Then I looked it up online and found some very reputable sites that all said the ONLY time you should bathe your cat is if they are matted and just plain filthy. Ty didn’t believe the websites so Chris is going to call a Doctor and have him explain to Ty that you DO NOT BATHE CATS! He’s so stupid sometimes, and then when you show him TWO places that contradict him, along with TWO PEOPLE who have had more cats then he does and yet he STILL DOESN’T GET IT!

Also I went and got the new parking pass today cause he obviously wasn’t going to do it.

Spent the rest of the night hanging out with the roomies.

Andrew called me about 10:30 or so, and we talked some more. He said he wasn’t sure if he had done the right thing and what-not. We talked about it and both said that it’d be best if we just wait it out and see how things are still working out come August. I feel that things will still be great and we will get together again. And hopefully he feels the same way.

So all in all, I had a GREAT weekend. I had a great time hanging out with my new friend Jon and had a great conversation with Andrew. I couldn’t be in a better posistion.

Laters all.


Well this weekend sure has had it’s share of ups and downs…. Thankfully it ended on a really good up.

It all started Friday night. My flight was delayed and my mom wasn’t going to pick Andrew up tell after she picked me up from the airport. When I called and told him that she wasn’t going to pick him up before he sounded very annoyed, and in turn that annoyed me. Then every time I called him to tell him that our flight was delayed some more, he seemed even more annoyed. Which, again in turn annoyed me more.

Well, before I get to much farther. I suppose I should bitch about how horrible the flights were. I got off work and drove up to LAX, which was amazingly easy. There wasn’t hardly any traffic. So that was good. Anyways, the first flight was alright, besides the stupid people on it. I don’t remember exactly what they did or who they were, but I know there was someone annoying on that flight sitting next to me. Grrr. And plus Delta’s leg room sucks ass! It’s so tiny.

Then I ended up spending like 2.5 hours in Cincinati (sp) which was hellish. Then our flight was delayed boarding because the plane wasn’t there yet. (How this could be, I don’t know because it was coming from a garage). Then we boarded and started to pull away from the gate… Then stopped.. And pulled back in and sat there for an hour. VERY annoying. And the worst part was that it was a brand new aircraft, just delivered the day before. So yeah, that really sucked. And the whole time there was this STUPID child infront of me bouncing back and forth in his seat so I couldn’t sleep.

Anyways, finally got into DM and went and picked up Andrew. Then drove back to my house. Thankfully the night ended VERY well, and we ended up going to bed about 1:30 or so.

Got up the next morning about 7:00 and I made him breakfast then took him to work. Drove back to PC where Sheila and Dwaine picked me up and we went to the Machine Shed. The food there was so good and the protions were HUGE!! After that Beak and Neil and I went to the half price book store where I bought a personal finance book. Since I’m now raking in the money I should know what to do with it don’t you think?

After that they took me back to PC where I got ready to go pick Andrew up from work. Got there and him Court and this other guy went to Culvers. I had an oreo shake, which I really didn’t think was that great. After that Andrew and I went to Old Navy and got my paycheck then we went off and did other things.

I think we went to Saylorville then went back to my house. After that we went and saw Super-Sized which was a realy good movie. From there we went Downtown….

Which is where the down starts. On the way down there Andrew said something about me buying him a drink. Which really annoyed me, I know that it shouldn’t have but it did. I mean I had spent $400 on a ticket to come see him, plus I was paying for parking at the airport, $24, plus I had paid for the movie, $14, and I was going to pay for Redlight, $20. All while he had only paid for my shake at Culbers ($3). It really annoyed me that he asked me to pay for it, then when we got there I asked him to buy me a drink and he refused which just annoyed me any more. Lets just say that we didn’t speak for the rest of the night, or again tell about 8:30 Sunday morning.

It was really stupid, but it’s just been a culmination of 2 weeks of fighting. And it’s really hurt me and I’m sure him. But I guess you could say that was really the straw that broke the camels back. I hated sitting there all night not talking to him. And I kept trying to talk to him, but all that could come out of either of our mouths was very annoyed, short responces.

What hurt the most though was going to bed, sleeping there with our backs to each other, just saying “Good night” and not kissing good night or saying I love you or anything. It was just “Good night”.

Then this morning there was more fighting and after a long discussion Andrew suggested that we “Take a break” from our relationship… I’ll spare everyone the details right now because I don’t want to break down crying here in my office. But lets just say that there was lots of crying and talking about it.

We eventually decided that we just need to be strong and work through it, it’s hard to know how your relationship is going when you are so far apart. We agreed to have a good rest of the day, because by this time it was like 11:50 and we were supposed to be in Waukee at noon.

And in fact we did have a GREAT rest of the day. We went over to Courts fams house and ate lunch then went to the parade where it was ungodly hot, but still tons of fun.

After the parade I left, and Andrew and I had to say a quick goodbye because of all the straights around. I really wish that we could have had a more private/longer goodbye this time. Last time we had to do a quick one too and I hated it. Same with this time. 🙁

Well I left there and went back home, hoping to be able to eat something before leaving again, but the turkey wasn’t done so we just left. Thankfully my dad drove the truck so it wasn’t ungodly slow like it was Friday night when my mother drove. I guess they are going to come out here sometime this summer to see whats going on and stuff. I have no idea what they’ll do or anything, but I guess it’s cool. It’ll be a good vacation for them.

Well anyways, I got to the airport about 4:25 and was checked in and through secirity by 4:30. lol. There wasn’t a line anywhere! So I sat there for the hour before we boarded just doing nothing and watching the planes. The place was DEAD! But there was a fire drill while I was there, that was crazy!

The first flight wasn’t that bad. I had the whole row to myself. 2 isle 2. It was really nice. I read my San Diego mag the whole flight. It had a list of top 101 things to do in San Diego and I want to do them all! I have a feeling there will be lots of road trips to SD in the coming years.

I also found a special for the theater down there, for $110 you can get into 6 shows. And they have things like Mamma Mia, Rent, Stomp, and tons of other really good things that I want to see playing. Of course the $110 is like the worst seats in the house, but row A was only $300. So I’m sure something in the middle is very reasonable. We’ll see. I’m going to call or go online to see if there’s any deals like that up here though, because I’d hate to have to drive to SD everytime I want to go to a show.

The second flight was on a giant 767, we were 30 minutes late getting out, but only 10 minutes late getting in. So I was 10 minutes late to work, which wasn’t too bad. I would have been ontime, but the guy at the Parking check out couldn’t find Iowa on his map. lol. Not like it matters if I was on time or not, There’s only been one phone call all night and I took care of it in like 5 minutes. So that’s good. 🙂

Well, laters all.

First Full Weekend

Well, it seems as though most of my updates from now on will be coming to you from late at night like this. Oh well, that’s life, eh?

So what’s Chris been up to on his first full weekend of living in good old So Cal? Well not much to really tell you the truth. I’ve spent the majority of the weekend in front of the TV. Ty and his bf seemed to have had a bit of a tiff this weekend so they weren’t really doing much of anything. Anyways, I did go out for a drive on Saturday. I went to the mall which is just up the street and it’s a bit ghetto, a lot like the Ames mall, only different shops in it. And at least it’s 2 stories… Though the second story is only the food court. Then I got lost trying to find Vons and Wal-Mart, but I eventually found them. They were on the OTHER side of the 73 then where I was looking. Damn interstates. I also bought like $30 worth of food for me. Good times. 🙂

I’ve also spent lots of time talking to Andrew this weekend, which was nice. I would have liked to talk to him a bit more, especially today because I had a lot to tell him tonight, but he had fallen asleep apparently and called me back about midnight Iowa time just to say goodnight. Hopefully we’ll get to talk tomorrow and I can tell him all about everything, that is if I remember it all.

OH, one thing that I wanted to write about though…. I think the roomie and his bf had sex today while I was there… I was watching TV on the couch, and they both went into the bedroom… And like shortly after that I feel asleep. The next thing I know I hear the shower going and they are both in there, this was like an hour or more after they disappeared into the bedroom. Then after the shower Ty comes out and he was like… ‘Did you hear anything.’ And I was like, I was asleep. But I think they had sex… It’s scary!

Umm other then that, the roomie and I had a great time last night. We sat around talking about porn and sex, and then we watched some porn. It was really funny. I’ve also been loving the fact that Talk Sex (previously Sunday night Sex show) is on early out here, so I can actually watch it. I love that show!

Today was fathers day, and I called my dad like a good little son. It was very wierd the whole time talking to him, though I was amazed that we could find enough to talk about to fill a full 15 minutes. There was lots of wierd silence and stuff, but we still talked about a lot of things. I think it’s a good thing because it shows that our relationship is finally starting to grow better. Like 2 or 3 years ago, we wouldn’t have been able to say anything except, ‘Happy fathers day”….”Thanks”….”Talk to you later”…”Bye”

But now we can actually talk about things. I hope that we continue to talk more. I’d also really like to talk to my Grandpa more as well, I know that he’s not going to be around much longer and he’s such a great person to talk to, and I have so many great memories of him. I just wish that I had more. I also wish that my grandma and that side of the family would talk more about our family history. It’s very annoying now knowing ANYTHING about where our roots are at. As I’ve talked about before I’m very jeleous of Andrew because of his heritage, not that they follow it strictly, but at least they have something and they still have a few traditions that they do. Whereas my family has nothing. My moms side is almost ALL german, but we don’t have any german traditions……

Well, alright doing a quick search returns this And reading through it, I really do have a lot of German qualities, that is if this is real at all. I found this part to be particularly true:

Real Germans are perpetual bargain hunters. As soon as they buy anything they are slightly unhappy, because somewhere else that has inevitably escaped their attention, there was some place that had a better quality and it was cheaper!

lol. It’s so true!

Anyways, getting back to what started this, I’d really like to talk to my grandpa more and just hang out. I wish he were still able to do the things we used to do, like go shooting or fishing, or even just driving with him in his biig old pick up truck. I wish he still had that beast. I also wish that I had had a chance to go and visit them for a week this summer, like I have in the past. I always really enjoy going down there for that week. And while I was growing up they were such a HUGE part of my summer. Sometimes spending more then half of my summer at thier house.

Changing topics. I really hate working here alone, about midnight the doors to the elevator shaft automatically swing shut. And they are HUGE fire doors so when they SWING shut, they do so with a great force which is very loud and I can hear it even in my office. So far it’s scared me every morning and I always get up to go look to see what it is. I really hate it. Then about 2AM, the security guard comes up and goes through the doors and when they swing shut behind him they hit again and scare me again. Very annoying.

Ok, one more thing that I want to complain about here at work then I’m all done for now…. Friday morning I went through and cleaned out the inbox of the IChelp desk account and moved everything to categories for each call, which is supposed to be done as soon as you take a call so that way it’s easier to find things, but no one seems to ever do it. So I’ve just been cleaning ALL the calls they get during the day when I get here in the morning. Which isn’t that big of a deal because I have nothing else to do, so at least that takes about 30 minutes of my time to do….

Well anyways, I went through and read all of the e-mails and left the ones that Mike needed to read as unread, there were only 23 e-mails that he had to read, and that’s ALL he had to do to them, was read them. Well I come in this morning and he didn’t read a SINGLE one of them on Friday. He was here from 7am to 7pm, and ALL of those e-mails were still marked as unread. Which is very annoying because it’s not like he had to read them and then do something that took hours to do to complete them, they were all just informational, so all he had to do was read them… IE, open them. Grr. It’s just fairly annoying.

Well, I should probably go do something else. Laters all.

Late Nights… Stressed Relations

Good morning everyone.

Well, things have been going a bit better since I last updated. I’m starting to enjoy my job more. Though it’s still no Krell and no dream job. That’s for sure. I’m really starting to get into the grove of this whole late night thing… Hence the reason why I’m away currently.

As far as the job goes, I think I’ve finally met everyone that works there. The other night I met a few of the engineers who were putting in an all nighter, because one of the servers went down. As far as the actual work goes, I have yet to really do ANYTHING. I haven’t taken any calls yet from the UK and we usually start getting calls about 7:30, for simple things like password resets or something like that. So it’s not that bad. The worst part of the job is being the ONLY person in that HUGE office building at night. It gets very scary sometimes and since we don’t have a bathroom in the office… You have to go outside the office and into the community part of the floor, I really hate going to the bathroom.

Also the whole entire office building smells very wierd. I don’t know what it is, but it almost makes me sick sometimes.

Speaking of being sick. I was the other morning. I spent the first hour and a half dry heaving into the trash can at work… I finally actually threw up about 1:30 and after that felt much better. Though I was still sickish feeling the rest of the night. I was also very tired that night for some reason and kept drifting in and out of sleep….

When all you’re doing is reading a book, it gets easy to do that.

Also they have YET to get me my pfizer login’s so I really can’t do any actual work if anyone does call… About all I can do is take the call, and tell them that we’ll call them back later. It’s sad really.

I am a bit frustrated with it because the help desk manageer, who gets in at 5:00ish is very annoying. He makes this REALLY annoying sound with his mouth. And he also barks/growls at the computer. It’s VERY VERY annoying. He also smells wierd.

As for other things, the roomie and his bf and I are getting along very well. Things are going good and I’m glad that he’s so cool. Tonight his bf and I went out driving to Dana Point and Laguna Beach area. That was lots of fun. We visited Ty at the art gallery… Which is very scary, FYI.

We drove around for like 2 or 3 hours and also stopped at a Porn store, Gay Coffee shop, and also Top of the World… Which was VERY pretty. I can’t wait for Andrew to get back so that we can go there.

After the driving around we met Ty at a restuarant and ate dinner. We had horrible service as normal. It followed me from IOWA! Scary shit, eh!

Andrew and I have been having a bit of a tiff the last couple days and it’s really starting to make me worry/very sad. The other night he said that he wasn’t in the mood to talk, because he had been Chit Chatting all night long. I was upset by this, but just said, “Ok fine. I’ll talk to you tomorrow then.”

I was upset because I had really just wanted to talk to him for a while about stuff because I really need his support right now. But I was alright with letting him go and go to bed. He scensed (sp) the annoyance and we got into an argument about it….

Well basically we’ve been arguing about that for a while now and it’s really starting to eat at me. Hopefully we can get thigns settled this weekend because I don’t want this to go on for another second.

I really wanted to get it settled today, but when he called me to say goodnight he still sounded very annoyed about something.

I really don’t want to be in an argument with him right now. It’s the last thing that I/we Need. And especially over something so stupid.

I do want to write though about how much I miss him. I told him this the other night but also wanted to write about it….

Over the last year we’ve had to say goodbye so many times. The hardest was by far the first time, back in August when he started school. The easiest was when I left to come back to Iowa after being here for a week in April…. Each time when I came back I really ddin’t miss him as much as I had the first time. Because I had become accustomed to not having him around, sure I still missed him, but I was used to living my life without him…

Well this time it’s hard again, very hard. I don’t know exactly what it is, but I’m guessing that it’s just the huge change that I’m going through right now in my life. I really need someone to support me and to lay in bed with and have them hold me… Or even just someone to give me a hug every once in a while… Or maybe it’s the fact that Ty and Chris are so boyfriendy around each other that it just makes me miss having my boyfriend all the more…

But whatever it is, I miss Andrew SO much now, as much, if not more then I missed him back in August. And we stil have 55 days before he comes back out here. I don’t know if I’ll be able to handle that. I might have to make a trip back to Iowa yet this summer.

Well, I should probably be going. So laters all.

Yucatan Grade Hell #2

Alright, so here’s what I’ve been up to…

I sent this e-mail to the rest of the class:
“Hello everyone,

Well the semester is over, and grades have recently been released. Yesterday
morning I happily checked my grades first thing when I get into work to see
what the grade fairy brought me for my wonderful last semester.

To my surprise, I must have gotten on the wrong side of the grading fairy for
this class and am very unhappy about what I got. After seeing my grade and
attempting to speak to June about it (that’s a whole nother story!) I decided
to see if anyone else was as surprised as I was about their grades.

I’ve already talked to a couple other people from our class, but if anyone
else was unhappy, please feel free to e-mail me and let me know so that we
can all go in and talk to them together.

Currently Mary is out of the country, and won’t be back until May 27th, so I
am setting up an appointment for May 28th.

Chris Black.”

To which I reveice replies from, Tyron, Omar and Kristen… And this was all by 11:00 AM! Within three hours of my inital e-mail. I’m excited to see if anyone else replies to me over the next couple days. I have also talked to Aaron and Liz and they were both also annoyed by thier grades.

I’ve asked each of them to contact a small army of people to let them know of the situtation.

I’ve sent this e-mail to Omar and Kristen:
“Kristen and Omar,
Hi. It seems as though almost everyone is upset about the grades they got in
this class. So far however it seems mine is the lowest, at a C-… Which I
feel is completely uncalled for. I participated in every activity except for
the Baseball game while there and went to every class but one, which I missed
for INTERVIEWS and is supposed to be excused.

When I talked with June she said that NO A’s were given. Which I feel is a bit
outrageous even by university standards there should be at least one A in a
class this size.

So far I’ve had 5 people besides myself reply that they were upset about thier
grades and almost everyone is in the same boat, that they can’t be in town
for the 28th and that June is neglecting to reply to people.

I think that those people who are upset need to e-mail the proper people to
get our voices heard and to see what can be done. I’ve contacted the dean,
who is apparently out of the office today, but his secretary said that we
should make an appointment with him after meeting with June, Yanira, and
Mary. “

And then this e-mail to MY College of Business Advisor:
“Dear Ann,
My name is Chris Blank and I graduated from ISU last weekend. Yesterday I went
to look at my grades and found that I received a C- in a class which I was
expecting at least a B+ in. I’ve attempted contact with the professor, and
she has been unhelpfull telling me that I must wait until May 27th before the
other professor returns to the country.

As you can imagine, I’m very upset with this low grade and wish to have it
ratified as soon as possible, or at least to understand WHY I got such a low
grade. I have also talked to my other classmates, and 5 of them have told me
that they too were unhappy with the grade they received.

I was wondering if there’s anything else that I can do. I feel that this
professor should be able to back up the grades which were handed out without
having to have the other professor in the country. I do understand wanting
the other professor in the meeting, however I and the other classmates want
some answers before the 27th (as most of us are leaving the state long before
that day).

I have put them in contact with Zora Zimmerman, but I’d just also like you to
be aware of the situtaion and also for some advice from you as to what we can

Thanks Greatly,
Chris Black “

I guess it’s a wait and see game now about what happens.

Laters all.