Be Careful in Florida!

OMG, So Florida has this cool new law:

Florida has a new law that gives legal protection to someone who shoots somebody else as long as the shooter feels threatened or is attacked.

Florida’s “stand your ground” law, which took effect Saturday, says citizens no longer are obligated to retreat from an attack if they’re somewhere they have a legal right to be, such as a public street. Shooters also get immunity from prosecution so long as the person shot is not a police officer.

Ummm? Ok Crazies!

I got about 3 hours of sleep last night! Why can’t I sleep?!?! I’m SO TIRED, but yet I can’t actually get to sleep.




1. Have you ever had sex/oral sex with someone of the same sex? – Yes

2. Ever thought about it? – Yes

3. Ever had sex that lasted only minutes? – Yes! (We were in a hurry, his sister was pulling INTO the parking lot)!

4. Have you ever taken someone’s virginity? Yes

5. Have you ever kissed or french kissed someone of the same sex? – Yes

6. Have you ever been totally naked with someone of the same sex? – Yes

7. Ever gone skinny dipping? – All the Time.

8. Have you ever mooned, streaked, flashed or been the lucky one to witness any of these? – Yes

9. Is there anyone you have simply been wanting to sleep with? – Yes

10. Have you ever had a one night stand? – Tried it once and nothing ended up happening because I chickened out.

11. Have you and your partner had sex while others were in the room? – Yes

12. Have you had sex in a public place where you could have been caught? – Yes – The Skywalks in DM and at the Lake

13. Has the sex been so wild that you broke something? – Not that I recall?

14. Have you ever had sex in a vehicle? – Yes, in a Wells Fargo Office Building Parking Lot

15. Have you ever given/received oral sex while one of you were driving? – Yes

16. Have you ever had sex on top of a car? No

17. Have you ever had sex/oral sex in an elevator, stairwell, phone booth, bathroom stall or any other small, confined public area? – Yes

18. Ever tried doggy style? – Of Course

19. Have you ever had sex for 3 hours? – Yes

20. Ever tried the 69 position? – Yes

21. Has 3 or more positions in one session ever been accomplished? – Yes

22. Have you and your partner had sex in a shower, tub, pool, hot tub or on the beach? – Shower, Tub, Pool, Hot Tub… Sadly no beach yet. 🙁

23. Ever had an entire session of just oral and other methods of sex without penetration? – Yes

24. Have you or your partner ever used handcuffs or any other form of bondage? – No

25. Ever wear sexy lingerie? – No

26. Have you ever done a strip tease? – Yes

27. Ever been cut off completely from sex because your partner was pissed off at you? – Nope. But I’ve cut them off

28. Have you ever been hung over, naked and sore and not quite sure why? – No

29. Ever wake up sore, scratched, bruised and feel proud? – No

30. Have you, had sex/oral sex in a movie theater, sporting event or any public transportation? – Yes

31. Have you ever got drunk and had sex with someone you wouldn’t have sober? – No

32. Have you ever slept beside someone of the opposite sex all night w/o having sex? – Yes

33. Ever shave yourself completely (down there)? Yes – Mostly only Trim

34. Ever shave someone else? Yes

35. Ever go to the E.R. and have to explain certain injuriescaused by a sexual act? – No

36. Have you ever cybered or had phone sex? – Yes

37. Have you or your partner had the kind of sex where you are totally fulfilled and not wanted more? – Yes

38. Have you ever used sex as a bargaining tool or weapon to get your way?- Yes

39. Have you ever disturbed people with loud sex? – Yes

40. Had sex with someone on vacation and you never saw them again? – No

41. Ever had sex in the rain? – Yes (In the hot tub too, is that double points?!)

42. Have you ever bought something from a sex shop or adult party? – Yes

43. Have you ever left the house without wearing underwear on purpose? Yes

44. Have you ever taken it in the ass? – Duh!

45. Have you ever stuck something other than a penis In your partner’s ass? – Yes (Dildo)

And the funny thing is…. I’ve only had sex with 3 people! I’m so dirty.

And is it dirty because I was listening to a Christian Rock band while filling this out?

How was your day?

You what really annoys me sometime…. It’s when people don’t ask you how your day is. You know, if you’re friends with someone, I just feel that upon greeting them that day, or specific time you should say, “Hi, how are you doing” or something like that. Maybe it’s just the fact that I’ve been raised in a customer service home. You know, being raised at the store, you welcomed everyone with ‘Good Morning so-and-so, how are you doing today” It was just the nice thing to do. But what’s happened? How come people don’t ask you how you are doing? Blah. I just think that if you’re going to be friends with someone, you should ask them how they are doing.

On the other hand though, it does ANNOY the hell out of me when some people ask me how I’m doing. IE, There’s this guy who works in the Santa Monica office who IMs me like once a week with some stupid problem. I always know that when he IMs me he’s got a problem. I’ve NEVER met the guy in person, I’ve NEVER talked to him on the phone. I only talk to him through AIM, But he ALWAYS blabs for a while, you know “HOw you doing” blah blah. In these cases, I know the guy doesn’t give a shit about how I’m doing, so why bother asking? You’ve got a problem, IM me and say, “I have a problem” don’t waste my time with “How are you”, etc!

But I do think that people who should care, should ALWAYS ask how one is doing.. It took a while to get Andrew to do it all the time, but now he’s good at it. Just have to push the rest of my friends to do it. lol

You might notice that this post is a little late in the day for me… I usually post shortly after I get to work…. Well let me start with last night…

I ended up working from home till 5:30 or so, then stopped because I was asked to push things back to 6:30. So I tried getting on at 6:30 to work, but the network here was down because they were doing work. So I didn’t do my work last night and just planned on doing it this morning. Since I had already put in 3 hours extra yesterday anyways.

Well I went to bed about 9pm.. And lately I haven’t been sleeping too well… More on that later… Anyways, I go to bed and then some jerk calls me at 10:30! So I get online to find out who it was, Find it it’s the guy that ALWAYS calls people when they aren’t on call… (I should really add his number to my phone so that I know who it is). So I get online and am kinda bitchy to him, because I’m NOT ON CALL this week! And then go to bed. Of course I couldn’t get back to sleep. 🙁

Well I wake up about 4:30 and still couldn’t get on the VPN, so I figure maybe it’s just that that’s not working, so I lounge around the house for a while and then get ready and come in about 5:45ish. To find out the WHOLE NETWORK is down! So I go upstairs to the network room and find that one of the UPSes had blown it’s fuse. I reset it and the 7th floor’s network starts working just fine, but for some reason the 15th floor still isn’t working. So I look into that, then I find out that the RT box and the local webserver aren’t up. So I have to start working on those!

Eventually our network guy got here and he took over looking into the network issue (I never would have figured it out!). And I dig into the rt/webserver problems. I eventually had to reboot both them off the CD’s and then fsck the hard drives! That sounds so dirty! Anyways, after that the webserver came up ok, but the RT box didn’t come up. By this time I had a few other things to do, so one of the other SAs took over the RT box and got it fixed pretty quickly. Ended up being some error with the LDAP connection. (Which i supected, just didn’t know how to fix).

So hat’s been my day so far. I’m going to take off here soon to make up for the time yesterday. Hitting the gym and then making tacos for supper. 🙂 Yummy!

Anyways, about the sleeping. I’ve been reading up on this whole Chemo/Radiation stuff that Blake’s been going through. It just depresses me so much and makes me so sad that someone as amazing as him has to go through this at such a young age! I mean, if it were me, I probably would hav egiven up by now and just said screw it…. Hell, I don’t have anywhere near as big of problems as he has and sometimes I still feel like giving up…. I dunno what keeps him going but i hope he keeps fighting it and I hope that he wins soon.


Ab Fab Weekend

Ok, well I was going to update more about my weekend tomorrow.. but I have a feeling I won’t have time.. And plus I’m bored now, so why not! haha.

So, lets see..

Friday, i got home from work and hung out here for a while. Then JonJon came over and dropped off my key. We talked for a while and then I took him out to dinner because I promised him dinner for taking care of the kitties. On the way out I was leaving my apartment building and this stupid bitch woman screamed at me for “driving too fast”. I was already in a bit of a pissy mood and she had been giving me an evil look, so I screamed at her, and we got into a Bitch, Jerk” yelling contest. She threatened to turn me into the office and I was all, “Go for it bitch”. I thought it was really funny and I enjoyed yelling at the stupid bitch. How I miss ames where people KNOW how to walk when cars are around! When you see one coming.. Don’t fucking STOP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD and stare at them….. GET YOUR FUCKING FAT ASS MOVING!

You see, in Ames… Although it’s well known that peds have the right of way no matter where they are (IE, in the middle of a four lane road, or just crossing through a road on campus)… The only time a car will actually yeild to a ped is if the ped is ON or AROUND campus… It’s a survial skill there!

Anyways, we went to greek food and ate… I was kinda annoyed with him because he barely talked to me the whole dinner…. So yeah. Whatever. He’s always calling me and IMing me and being like. ‘Lets hang out” and then we do, and he doesn’t talk to me.. WTF?

After that I came home.. I had been invited out to a few places friday night but decided I was tired and really not in a social mood. So I stayed in and watchd some tv and had a good time.

Saturday I walked to the grocery store and bought some wine, bananas, pudding, and a pie crust… I came home and made the pie… Needless to say, that was 8am.. The pie was gone by 10pm! haha… Next time I make a pie, I’m going to do a “day in the life of a pie” it’ll be hilarious! And totally random! Anyways.. I spent the rest of the day Saturday cleaning my living room, and bedroom. I finially unpacked all my boxes from Iowa, and set up my shelves in the living room. I’ve had these shelves forever and they’ve been empty for the longest time… But they finially have stuff in them, and I really like it. I should post a picture.

Speaking of pictures.. While unpacking the boxes, I came across a picture at the very bottom of one.. It was from my Philmont trip in 2000.. back when I was 260 pounds…. God I look hidious! If I can find a scanner I’ll scan it in. 🙂

Saturday ngiht I drank my wine and had a good time at home… Oh, I also went to the gym that night. I was in bed by 10.

Sunday I got up and finially got my mythtv box working.. Fucking ‘vesa’ driver. I just had to change it to ‘radeon’… I’m still having problems runnig live TV, but at least recorded shows work now. I also have fallen in LOVE with the web frontend to mythtv.. They’ve had it forever, but I’ve never used it before. It’s amazing! You can set the recording shows, and see what’s been recorded and there’s the TV listings… which I can look at without all the fucking ads that puts on thier site… And the best part is that I’ve deleted all the channels that I can’t understand. And all the relgious channels! haha! (Kinda sad, I deleted chan 23-43)

Anyways, after that I cleaned my kitchen and my bathroom. It was filthy. I even washed the cat’s rug… which was so dirty. It was gross! lol. I made jello for later that night too. Other then that I didn’t do too much on Sunday.. that is till later! 😉

Blake got here about 8:30 and he ate the jello I made.. I had promised him I’d make him jello the first time we hung out, but i forgot. So this time he got it. 🙂 We hung out talking and watching tv till 11ish, at which time he was really tired. (He’d been up since 2am PST). Sounds like he had a really good tim eback in the mid-west… He even went down to New Orleans for a day to help out down there.. He’s such a good boy. haha.

Anyways, he was really tired, so I invited him to just spend the night.. Since we were going to be hanging out on monday anyways. So we went to bed and cuddled till like 2am.. When i finially fell asleep, but sadly that didn’t last for very long. 🙁

It was really nice to have someone to cuddle with in bed again… And he’s so cute and adorable. 🙂 More on that later. 😉

Well, sadly to say, I got my first wake up call at 4:30 this morning from the UK… I was SO ANNOYED though because it was TOTALLY not something URGENT! Grrr. They wanted a new user created, which the CA over there can DO HERSELF! I got the txt page at 4:30 and got online and checked my e-mail to see what it was… I decided to leave it till I got up later that day. Then I went back to bed.. But by that time I couldn’t get back to sleep.. So I layed in bed and cuddled with blake. (He’s got a really big ass, and some HUGE thighs, it’s hot….. PS he bikes like crazy, so they are very muscular. 🙂 )

We layed in bed till about 6 or 6:30 and I finially made him get up.. He went and showered, while I called back the UK… explained to the lady that it was a holiday here and that she can create the account herself. After he was done, I went and showered then we walked down to starbucks and got some coffee… walked back here and then decided what to do for the day.

We ended up going down to Dana Point and San Jaun Capistrano.. I love that area, it’s so pretty.

Dana Point was really nice because the fog was all rolled in, and the sun was peaking through it.. So pretty.. I REALLY wished I had remembered my camera. 🙁 We walked along the beach for a while and talked and then went on up to San Jaun.. There we walked around a part that I had never seen before and after that went to the mission. It’s so pretty there…. We really didn’t spend too much time at the mission, but walked around san juan a little more… after that we went to Ruby’s and ate breakfast.. it was like 10:30 or so.

Ruby’s was really good, I had these cinimon french toast things.. Yummy! But the eggs weren’t cooked all the way and my tummy is feeling a bit upset. 🙁

After Ruby’s we came back to my place and watched “The Wizard of Oz”… He had NEVER seen that movie. I couldn’t belive it… but we cuddled on the couch and talked and… yes, ended up kissing. 🙂 Well anyways.. After the movie he had about an hour before he had to leave to go to UCLA to get some meds and then back home… So we went into my bedroom (the couch isn’t very big)… And just cuddled in my bed and talked and made out some more. 🙂 He’s so adorable (See previously posted pics).

Well he finially left about 2:30ish and I wanted to kiss him goodbye when we were at his car, but I’m always afraid because people here aren’t as open about that sort of thing as we were back in iowa… They’re always afraid of who might see and well I didn’t ask him before hand so I didn’t want to risk making him made. So we just hugged and talked and he said that he wouldn’t be online tuesday because he’s got a doc appointment, so who knows when I’ll talk to him next.

I really hope he had as much fun as I did….

There are however two issues with him… The first one is very sad and VERY private, so I won’t talk about it here, but I wanted to say something so that I remmeber for furture times.. Number 2 is that he lives in Bakersfield…. for those of you NON-OC people, that’s about 2.5 hours away from me.. On some of the busiest parts of LA freeways.. IE, 3-4 hours if he or I wanted to drive to the others place on a friday afternoon, or sunday afternoon… so that really sucks! So that really sucks….

But he was way cool… He’s an Eagle, and an Econ major…. Which I love Econ, so taht’s cool! And I too am an Eagle… So we had a lot to talk about. 🙂 I think there could be a great friendship in there somewhere. 🙂 At least I hope. 😀

I’ve also made a decision about my friend problem here in the OC, well first.. I think that I do good with people because… A) I’m very easy to get along with as long as you make a good impression in the first 10-15 minutes and B) because I screen people throughly by talking to them online for a long time before I actually meet them IRL.

For instance: Blake and I have been talking for over 2 months online.. and we have chatted for 8 hours on skype in 5 conversations… So yeah. And I mean.. I’m usually chatting with someone new online every since day.. and the number that I end up meeting in person is like maybe 2-3%.. So when i do finailly meet someone in person.. it’s usually because we’ve been having really good chats online and would thus hit it off in person. Because to be able to keep up a chat online, you have to have a lot in common to be able to talk about it and to have good chats.

Otherwise all your chat would be is. “hi, how’s your day, what’s up… etc” And would thus be very short. So yeah. I can only think of one person I’ve ever actually had long conversations with online where it didn’t work out IRL.. Myke… everyone else that I’ve met IRL and had it not work out, I was pretty sure it wouldn’t while we were chatting online… IE, Stalker boy, gap boy, ta-ubby boy, asian boy, etc. 🙂

I also think I’m going to buy a beretta. 🙂 A guy at work is selling one.

Speaking of Guys at work… One of them is having a party and I got in invite. I feel loved.. haha. Anyways, I hate going to these things alone, so I might ask Blake to come with, we’ll see.. He said he might be busy that weekend.. So I’m going to give him some time to figure out his schedule since he’s been gone for so long and then bug him about it again.

Anyways… I think that’s enough blabbing for me… I’m going to hit bed here soon… I’m just going to finish up Good Eats and then an episode of West Wing and then it’s bed time for me.

(PS, sorry about all the emoticons, I’m obsessed)


You know, there for a short time I was thinking that maybe it’s finially time to end this journal. A huge part of my life is now gone, Andrew, so maybe it was time for me to cut this out of my life as well. But as anyone who knows me IRL knows, i’m way to obsessed with this to ever quit. I don’t think I will ever be able to stop posting here. haha. EVen though at times I feel like there are too many people that I KNOW who read this.. IE, a lot of my family. I know about two of them that read it. But there’s at least 3-4 other people in my family that read this as well. There’s also CoWorkers who I’m sure are probably reading it too… Again, I know about one of them, but it’s the ones I don’t know about who scare me. So yeah… Alas, I don’t think I can end it.

So what have I been up to lately? Working and sleeping!

I’m working 6-3 now and it’s going good. I like having the 2 hours before EVERYONE gets here to get some things done that I can’t normally, IE coding, etc. Things that can’t be inturupted.

Speaking of coding that’s what I’ve been doing most of lately. Anyone remember me complaining about the reports project I had a while back? Well it’s finially finished. Now that I’m on days I was finially able to get the rest of the requirements for it and it’s done! YAY! I have to say it works pretty well too… I just have to make it look pretty. I had to make a few more code changes that I would have liked after getting the finial requirements, but that’s ok.

My new project is to move this static file into a database driven file. It’s going to be easy once I get the login portion working. I’ve never done LDAP+PHP auth before and it’s proving to be a pain in the MOFO ass! I’ve stolen like three or four login mechs from other places (mostly the PHP dev list, etc) and none of them seem to work! I can log in manually using the ldapsearch function. It allows me to give it credentials and everyhing. But when I try to use the LDAP_BIND in php it keeps telling me i have invalid credentials. So I’ve asked onne of the steve’s to help me out with it. He did smoething similar and ended up using auth_ldap mod for apache.

I also have another new project for creating cookie based login’s for all the projects I’ve done in the past. That should be fun because I’ve never worked with cookies. It’d also be nice to not have to type my Username/Password every time.

Usually after work I’ve been going home and resting because I’ve been pretty sick this week. It seems to be going around the office. They also think that our boss has pink eye. I really hope not because I don’t want to risk getting it. That would suck major ass. I’ve never had pink eye before and I’d like to avoid it if I can! I’m pretty sure I got my cold from the plane though. Because I was fine when I left Iowa and then woke up the next day with this horrible cold. Gah!

Yesterday I had a date. 🙂 Before a few days ago, I wouldn’t have called it a date… Just hanging out with a freind. But now that I’m single I can call it a date. He’s so adorable! I had a really good time too. We met up at the Spectrum at 2. It was funny cause I got there and couldn’t ermember if he said to meet at the carousel or the ferris wheel. So I had to walk all the way back to my car to find out. Anyways, he got there and we talked for a minute and then went off to eat at Dave And Busters. I really didn’t like that place. But they had fun fans! The door guy was kinda rude and I couldn’t understand our waiter. Plus the didn’t have any food that I really wanted. So I ended up getting just a hamburger. We had a good convo over lunch. He was really quite though and that made me really nervous because I was like, “OMG, he doesn’t like me” haha. But he e-mailed me last night and said that he did have a relaly good time, he was just in pain from his doc appointment the day before. So yeah. He also said… “oh and i so waned to kiss you today before i left, but i was too scared.” haha. so cute!

He left for Kansas today and is going to be at a farm for a week with no internet… and he’s one of the few people in the world who doesn’t have a cell phone yet! How random! Either way, we made plans to hang out on the 4th and 5th when he gets back from KS. So yeah. Good times. (I hope he doesn’t mind, but below are two pics of him…lol)

I also want to complain about the stupid drivers here… The other day I was going home and the exit to my place is three lanes. The far right, can turn right, the far left can go left and the middle can go left or right. Anyways, there was this HUGE camper that was in the far left lane and was blocking traffic because it broke down. Anways, so the exit was backed up… because people were trying to get from the right lane into the middle lane… People started driving on the FAR RIGHT shoulder so that they could get up infront of everyone in the right lane and cut them off and get over into the middle lane… I was so annoyed! This one bitch in a brand new G35 (still had dealer plates) tried cutting me off, and i nearly hit the bitch but forced her back behind me… Fucking retarded people! don’t they realize they are just causing MORe proBLEMS! GRR. In Iowa everyone would just wait thier turn.

I tried to update to WordPress 1.5.2, but it keeps timing out on me. 🙁 I’m sad by that because I really want my e-mail notifications working again!

The other day I also over heard the daytime HD person talking to someone about how they have 76 unread e-mails… I wanted to go in there and be like.. “HA! Sucks to not have me to clean up the evening guys mess isn’t it!” lol… I still don’t get what the hell it is they do in there all day. The phone rings MAYBE once an hour… probably less then that.

I’ve also been going to bed super early, like 8pm. It’s crazyness. Last night someone called me at 11 and I thought it was my alarm going offso I got up and went and jumped in the shower. and then realized it was 11pm… I promptly went back to bed. haha
