Dorian & Morrison

So I went and saw Dorian Blues yesterday… It was AMAZING! The best gay movie I’ve ever seen… Lots of sarcastic humor which everyone knows I love. Plus it was sad and made me cry… Everyone should go see it!

Yesterday was also a very productive day in the coding area. I got so much done! But I really have to start using functions more in PHP. I hate that I never really got into using them in HS because now I just never use them here either. lol

I’ve been invited to the Astricon party tonight. Not sure if I’ll go or not. I didn’t get much sleep last night.

I’ve been having two recurring dreams lately. One Happy Sad, the other Sad Sad. 🙁 Very random.

Also, if I ever have boys, I’m going to name them Dorian and Morrison. Such hot names!

OH! One last thing… Apple announced a TON of new really fucking cool products yesterday… Including the VIDEO iPOD! How fucking sweet! Too bad I already have a4th Gen one… I can’t justify buying this one. 🙁 Maybe when the next revision comes out.

Adios all!

EDIT:// I’m sorry, I keep editing this post, but I keep thinking of things I wanted to talk about!

Apparently the OCBSA doesnt’t really want adult leaders… Because I have now e-mailed 4 people in the District office and only ONE of them has got back to me.. THe only thing he said, “E-mail so-and-so”. I had already e-mailed him. It’s been over a week now since I last e-mailed someone! Bah!

And the fucking stock market needs to STOP GOING DOWN! Two of my funds are nearly back to where they were back in Jan… All the others are still up though so that’s good. Fucking stocks!

And LASTLY (I swear this time). I got the new IS250 pricing… Sadly, the model I wanted (With navi) is about 3k out of my price range now. I can still get the base IS250. But I think Lexus is completly gone out of my line up now. 🙁

I Lied… THREE more things

1. The new movie… Nanny McPhee… Looks like a total rip off, and a horrible movie.

2. I randomly found a reciept in a book I was reading yesterday… The reciept was from 3/19/2002 From the Ankeny Hy-Vee deli for Chinese food. Haha. Oh how those days were fun!

3. The new iTunes is AMAZING! I just watched the introduction of all the new products (Get the link from my digg stories at right). OMG, I want one of the new iMacs too.. AMAZING AMAZAING AMAZING! I love apple!

Gas Prices

So I was read on that gas prices have fallen 12 cents this week nationawide.. How come prices here haven’t MOVED all freaking week then? Hello? Price gouging anyone?

This week I went over to Orange for lunch and found that gas prices there are 25 cents LESS (At the corner of Chapman and Tustin) then they are in the Newport/Irvine/Laguna area… WTF? Just FYI, Orange is about 8 miles inland from my office.

The boss is gone yesterday and today. Yesterday was a really fun day. We all got the new VoIP phones, which are hot. And I spent the day playing on the Xbox’s…. Installing linux. 🙂

The last two days I’ve been sleeping all night through, which is finially good. However, I’ve been having dreams where I yell and scream at people. Like last night I dreamt that I was as Home Depot checking out and I went off on the cashier about something. I’ve also been waking up about 4ish, but then when 5 comes around I just want to lay in bed and usually stay in bed till 5:30. haha.

Adios yall

What I Miss

You know what I miss most about having a boyfriend, other then the whole compainion and having someone to love thing?

It’s getting the small surprises here and there. You know, flowers or a surprise lunch at work, coming home to a card on my door, just the small things like that. :sigh:

This week marks 5 years of being out. It seems like just yesterday I came out to Beak. I can’t believe it’s been 5 years all ready!

Happy National Coming Out Week everyone. Be sure to tell someone you’re out and proud this week. Perhaps my office is next. 🙂 (Well that is the ones who don’t already read this.. haha)

I had a reallly long meeting with my boss today. It made me feel really good about the work I’m doing. Because honestly, sometimes I really feel like I’m not doing anything worth while at my job. I sit there and I pump out code for these Business Operations projects, so they’re not actual things clients see, so it just seems like it’s a big waste. But he gave me a lot of compliments on what I’m doing and said. “I know I can throw out the most complicated requirements and you can get them done.”

Because honestly the things I’m doing are pretty damn complicated. Even though the output is insanely simple. Getting that output is a hell of a lot harder then one would think! It would be much easier if I had designed the DB and was set up for what I’m doing, but it’s just not, and I don’t know how all the relationships in the DB work. I waste a lot of time tracking those things down.

For example, the last major things I did for this project, ended up having to create between 1 and 5 temp tables and then merging all those into one big temp table and then having to do a select on that one. And it’s completly dynamic, which is the best part. IE, if someone adds another field that needs to be searched against in RT, my reporting system will automatically be able to handle that new field without any code changes.

Now however, I’m going to have to do one minor revision to make it less dynamic. Which is wierd, I know, but that’s the way they want it now. I don’t think it will be too hard of a thing to do. The worst part is going to be creating the dynamic e-mails reports, since MySQL doesn’t have stored procedures. I’m thinking I should just get someone to upgrade the RT MySQL to 5.0 so that we can have stored procedures. That would make my life easier.

Well, that is if there’s an e-mail stored procedure for MySQL. It was a pain in the ass to find the Oracle e-mail stored procedure when I was doing that stuff earlier this year.

I was watching this thing the other day on the History Channel. They had a short little thing about Wounded Knee… It really pisses me off when even the history channel can’t get it right. If you don’t know what I’m talking about go read this.

I’ve actually read the entire transcript of the hearings on the Wounded Knee incident and lived on the reservation for a summer… although that link has the death toll wrong (It’s actually 350), the rest is very correct.

Anyways, the point is that the History channel made it out that the Native Americans were fully armed and were fighting back, when infact they were nearly completly disarmed and were running away. Also the History channel FAILED to mention the fact that the US Gov BANNED a religious ceremony. Hello? Anyone heard of the Bill of Rights? The history channel also said that all the bodies, including the officers from the military were buried in a communal grave.

They neglected to mention that the dead native americans were left on the ground for days, while some of the wounded ones died and froze to death in the snow. There’s even a story of a small child who was actually found alive 3 days after the massacre. She survived by hiding under her dead mother, who was frozen to the ground in a pool of her own blood.

They also didn’t say that the officers and other soldiers were given huge monuments on the hills above Wounded Knee Creek, while the bodies of the native americans were thrown into a communal grave.

Grr, it just really pisses me off. These lands rightfully belong to these people and our government has destoryed them, put them on reservations and turned those reservations into a thrid world country…

Sorry about the rant.

Adios yall!

Geek To Me

Blake sent this to me a while back… He said it reminded him of me.. I thought it was cute:

How I learned to stop fretting and love a computer nerd

I had been going out with him for about four days. It was summer, and we were lying on a blanket in the park, shaded by the whispering leaves of a tall maple. I was trying to remember the age of a mutual friend.

Without saying a word, he sat up and pulled out a tiny zip-lock bag from his backpack. From it, he extracted a square of paper and unfolded it until it turned into an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing in 6-point print the addresses, phone numbers and birth dates of all his friends and acquaintances.

What kind of alien life-form was I dealing with? He had thick eyeglasses and mad-scientist hair. He wore T-shirts commemorating computer conferences. He used CD-ROMs as coffee-table coasters, and his china cabinet housed electronic gear.

I knew he was a computer programmer, a self-proclaimed “geek.” But I had counted on there being some self-mocking irony in his proclamation.

Instead, he was the kind of guy who opens the door for you and offers to carry your bag. He was attentive, ready to take you home as soon as you showed signs of tiring. And he could write e-mails with a humorous edge. Plus, behind those thick lenses he had large blue eyes.

When he asked me out for coffee, then for dinner, then for dancing I could not quite say no.

I came to understand that he didn’t mean to be socially inept; he was just on a perpetual quest for efficiency. He wrote his grocery list on the back of debit-card slips. He named items in the shortest possible form. Sometimes it was “tom,” for tomatoes. Once I stood looking at the list on his refrigerator, trying to figure out what “zalm” was.

“Oh, that’s ‘salmon’ in Dutch,” he explained.

He had a huge music collection, which he had meticulously converted into MP3s and sorted into categories on his computer. But I couldn’t figure out how to access his music because, of course, he didn’t use Windows; he used Linux.

When my birthday rolled around, he secretly e-mailed my friends and relatives to ask if they wanted to chip in to buy me an LCD screen for my office computer. He suggested a PayPal account. (My parents preferred to drive over and hand him a check.)

At some point I can’t say when I began to use double digits to program the microwave (33 seconds, 99 seconds so much faster!). I organized my storage closet, adopting his system of labeling each box with a letter and keeping a list on the computer of what each contained. I even found myself perusing one of his favorite Web sites, the one with the motto, “News for Nerds.”

Soon I concluded that resistance was futile. I moved in with him that fall, only to discover that living together meant…sharing all his toys. I could borrow his laptop and sit in the backyard, writing e-mail via our wireless connection. We could sit in bed and watch DVDs on his laptop’s deluxe 16.1-inch screen. Once, we went to a cheap motel and cozied up with old episodes of “Fawlty Towers.”

There were practical advantages too. He offered personalized tech support, 24/7. He provided free Web service, thanks to the server in the living room. And he could combine all the leftovers in the fridge into a scrumptious meal. Most of the time.

He was always open to trying things, whether it was a camping trip, a new restaurant or a classical music concert. And he always seemed to be able to put what I was feeling into just a few concise, efficient words.

Six months after our first date, we were sitting at a Spanish restaurant. He took my hand, shyly, and blurted out, “I made a New Year’s resolution that I would ask you to marry me, and I see no reason to wait any longer.” It was January 4.

I agreed that we would send out the invitations by e-mail. He agreed to wear clean socks for the occasion. The following September, we wed.

And now, every morning I get up and face one fact: I married a geek. I made my choice, and I’ve never been happier. Now if only I could find some teacups to go with those CD-ROM coasters.

by Eve Krakow

Another Day…

Another Sleepless night… Got about 3 or 4 hours last night! Why am I so fucked up?

You might also notice that this post is much earlier then normal. That’s because I’m starting work at 5am this morning. Blah! I also have to cover the HD from 9am to 1pm. Grrr.

So last night I was just going to go out to a club, for the first time since I moved here, and then come to work about 3am and sleep here till 5amish… Well, I called all the usual club suspects, but none of them answered. I’m guessing they were probably already there. Oh well. So instead I spent the night installing bittorrent on my MythBox. One would think this to be an easy thing to do!

Well, you are wrong. I had to install GTK+, which in itself required a ton of dependencies, and then it was complaining that I had the wrong version of something and I had to re-install that. Blah!

Then, I installed pygtk, and now it keeps saying I have ver 2.0.0, and bittorrent requires 2.8.+. Well, I FUCKING installed 2.8.2. Stupid ass thing. Then I went to reboot and the fucking Xserver wouldn’t start for some reason! Blah.

I e-mailed my District Director and Assistant director yesterday asking if they could put me in contact with some troops in need of adults. I’m kinda of annoyed though because I sent it at 9am yesterday and I have yet to hear back from them. Being in the posistion they are, they should be able to say off the top of thier heads which troops might need some help. If not, they should at least e-mail me back and say that they will look into it… I’m hoping that maybe they are just going to wait to after tonights district meeting, and maybe ask there if they need anyone. I should just go to the meeting because it’s right down the street from my house.


A call by U.S. President George W. Bush for Congress to give him the power to use the military in law enforcement roles in the event of a bird flu pandemic has been criticized as akin to introducing martial law.

Bush said aggressive action would be needed to prevent a potentially disastrous U.S. outbreak of the disease that is sweeping through Asian poultry and which experts fear could mutate to pass between humans.

I love the pic they used for him though! haha. What a fuck tard.

And that’s my life. Adios!