LaCie Drives SUCK!

So, a little under a year ago, I bought 250Gig LaCie Porche HD Drive. The thing has been nothing but trouble. It constantly needs to be re-formatted. It doesn’t show up in the Drive list a lot of the time. It forgets it’s partitions, etc. Finially it totally just crapped out. I called the Support line, they said to mail it in. So I did. A couple days later, I receive a brand new drive in the mail. I plug it in, format it to MacOSX (Journaled) and then backed up my laptop to it. Unplugged it and sat it off to the side for the move. Got up here, plugged it in and nothing….

So I called and they said, mail it in. Again i get a brand new drive… I plug it in. Format it in FAT 32, and put some stuff on it. Unplug it. Set it off to the side for a few days. I set up my new desk yesterday. Plug the drive back in, and all it does is sits there and spins… NOTHING! So I’m going to have to get another new one! Ugh!

This weekend has been stressful and yet relaxing. Friday night I went out with Andrew. We started off on a bad foot with him yelling at me for apparently hanging up on him. And then yelling about my driving. It went down hill from there. We saw a horrible play called “Miss Firecracker Contest” at which he told me I hated everything. The night ended with us yelling at each other and then having a nice chat on the phone.

Saturday I just chilled at the beach and then at this cute street fair they are having here in RB. It was so fun! I just wish someone would have come with me. ๐Ÿ™ I also saw The Lake House. It made me cry. ๐Ÿ™ I love chicago

Same thing today, beach street fair.ร‚ย  I have a date with a really hot boy tonight too! I’m very excited about it. He seems really nice so far too. We’ve talked on the phone a bit and stuff. He’s taking me out to Houston’s and then a movie.

Lately I’ve really been wanting to just go home! I miss it so much!

Gpa’s 80th B-day tomorrow!

My parents haven’t heard from my brother since Mothers day. They are both pretty pissed. He didn’t call for Fathers day or my Mom’s B-day. My theory is that he’s dead. lol.

OH! Saturday I pretended to be straight and installed a CFGI outlet in my apartment! I now have a 3 prong plug, so I don’t have to use those stupid converters anymore!

I saw this today over at The ten worst freeway interchanges are:

  1. Los Angeles 101 at the I-405
  2. Houston I-610 at the 1-10
  3. Chicago I-90/94 at the I-290
  4. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-10
  5. Atlantaร‚ย  I-75 at the I-85
  6. Washington I-495 at the I-270
  7. Los Angeles I-10 at the I-5
  8. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-605
  9. Atlanta I-285 at the 85

What have we learned? Avoid L.A. at all costs.Haha. I love that… Avoid LA at all costs! It’s so true, and so sad that I drive through the number 4 spot twice a day!


Walking Away.

You know, ever since Andrew, it’s been much easier for me to just walk away from things. Any more, I don’t expect people to be there for me, or to be in my life. Who’s there is there, and when they’re gone.. Well then they are.

This weekend, I feel it’s time to walk away from 3 people in my life. Perhaps more. They just weren’t acting as true friends any more. It’s kind of amazing how you think you meet people who would/could be such great friends. And then stuff happens and it’s all over. No more bars for a while, please!

It’s been a really long weekend, I’m glad that it’s over, and honestly just wish this summer would be over. But at the same time. I’m really amazed that this year is going by so fast. So much has happened already and most of it hasn’t ended well.

One good thing this weekend. I hung out with Carlito. That was last night, we had a really good time. Or at least I did. Went and saw Cars. It was a really good movie. Not at all what I was expecting. At times I was nearly crying. Carlito said the same. :)ร‚ย  After that we came back to my place and talked and drank. Between the two of us we went through a whole bottle of Jack. We also watched the first 2 Eps of QaF British Version. He was really nice, and VERY cute.. Not sure if something more will happen there. He was talking about how he’s enjoying the single life and al this. I dunno. Plus there was some akwardness in there. However, like I said before he and I were like writing novels to each over over myspace. Hopefully he can be a friend at the least.

He called me this morning and invited me to breakfast with his friends. That was fun too. We went to this realy ghetto place, but it was cool.

I also spent the day watching The book of Daniel. OMG, Talk about amazing TV show! I think it totally could have replaced the West Wing. Sadly NBC cancelled it because of the religious right. I was crying my eyes out for parts of it and laughing my ass of at others. It was so great. You should all go torrent it! ๐Ÿ˜€

I finished System of the World today. I started it the day afer christmas. God I’m slow! It was a really good book I thought, kinda crazy towards the end though.Next up is the DaVinci Code! I get it on Monday.

This weekend has just really made me want to be in a real relationship again. I’m so sick of the single life and all this shit that apparently goes along with it. Ugh!

I’m out.

Private: The Return

It’s been a long and really emotional weekend for me.

Friday night was Little Shop of Horrors. I got to Dusin’s about 5ish, and traffic getting there was hell. Set up the stuff that I had brought and he cleaned up his apartment. He wouldn’t stop talking though and clean, so it took him forever. We were 30 minutes late getting out of there.

Got to the theater and I just stood around waiting for everyone to get there. The play it self was really good. I enjoyed it.

After that was the after party at the theater. He talked to like everyone and we didn’t get out of there till 11:10, when we should have been out of there by 10:45. Got back to his place and it took me forever to find parking.

The party was fun. Lots of random people there. Joel, Jon, Ryan and I just all hung out on the couch and talked. People ate my food, but not as much of it as they should have. Went to bed at like 3:00 and got up Saturday morning about 9.

Went home and cooked the dinner for Dustin and I. Had just finished at 1, when Dustin was supposed to have been getting there. However he called and said he was JUST LEAVING. So he was again, 30 minutes late. As soon as he got there we left for the theater in Laguna Beach. Got there and ssaw Last Easter. Horrible production! Absolutely horrible.

After that we walked down to the beach and looked around and then went up to Top of the world where we ate dinner. Went back to my house and he left. I went to sleep and got up about 10:15ish.

Headed over to Joel’s and hung out with the boys till Dustin got there…. 15 minutes late this time. ONce he got there we all headed down to the Boom.

Austin was there, I really did not enjoy seeing him again. Although I was very pleasent towards him. He was being VERY touchy feely with Joel and Jon. I do not like him being in my group of friends at all. But alas, I cannot tell them who they can and can’t be friends with. Austin and I are also meeting today, we shall see how that goes. I’m a bit nervous for it.

Got home about 3 again from the boom and went to bed. Got up about 10 sunday morning and showered and then drove dusin back to his car. He left and I spent the rest of the day lounging around my apartment and starting the packing process.

Sunday was SUPPOSED to have been a whole day to hang out with him. But as the weekend grew on, he suddendly had more and more things to do. It was very annoying. When he left Sunday morning we had plans still, A movie and then Sunday night line up on FoX. He was supposed to call me to let me know what time he was leaving work, but he never did.

So, as you can probably tell, I’m a bit annoyed with him. He was late for everything this weekend, and then completely ditched on the plans for sunday. Ugh.

Either way, I got pretty damn emotional as I was getting ready for bed last night. Just seeing all my shit being packed away, and all my empty walls, and knowing that I have no where to live. I just don’t know what to do.




I will be in town for ONE DAY and ONE DAY ONLY!

Saturday the 15th! I want to have a little get together, dinner/drinks/movies/hot tub at my house that night, and I want to go out during the day.

Call ME! And I will also be calling all of you to arrange this! KEEP IT CLEAR! I WANT TO SEE YOU ALL!

You don’t show, I come beat you down! It’s as simple as that!

HEY FAMILY! Do NOT NOT NOT tell Grandma.

Good Things.

Lately, I’ve been waking up at 3:10 am and then haven’t been able to get back to sleep after that. It’s very frustrating. I’ve even started going to bed later to try and help it.

And this morning it was raining so hard core, I just wanted to lay in bed all morning listening to it.

Another e-mail I enjoy getting are ones like this:

I *really* appreciate this – it’s amazing when you can write a software developer and your wishes come true the next day. Thanks SO much.

Glad to know that I can help people. ๐Ÿ™‚

Going out Friday with Andrew, so far Mike, Robert and Patrick have all expressed interest in coming as well. And hopefully Joel, Jon and Ryan will be around to hang out with too.

The lights in my office are all burned out. It’s nice and yet frustrating at the same time.

I’ve been debating moving the last few days… With them raising rent and all that. This guy here has a place up in Huntington, right on the beach. But it’s a “big” loft, I might go check it out, but now that I’ve made so many friends down in Aliso area, I’m not sure I want to move even up to Huntington, as that seems so far away. Blah.

I’m going out on a Movie date on Thursday. So we all know how I feel about that one already. haha.

I’m still working on this ETL project at work, I’ve got it loading the information from the files, however when it goes to insert a row to fire off the importer task it inserts the wrong instance id. Thus meaning the importer task is trying to run against the wrong client.

I’m not sure WHY this is either, because I’m telling the importer to use the following:

var sqli = “begin icbo.addQueueEntry(25, 1, ‘” + stagingId + “‘, ‘_STG_STD’, 1, ‘” + transformerTaskutil.getMyInputParam( “ICIECMD” ) + “‘,null,null); commit; end;”;

The first value is the one that’s important, and clearly it’s set to 25, yet for some reason it’s being set to 14 somewhere and I can’t figure out where!

I’ve stopped going to the Docs… We both agreed that things have been a million times better in the last month. I’ve been very happy and making some friends and meeting nice people and hopefully things will continue to get better. I’d still like to get Jenks or Angel to come visit for a long weekend or something. It’d be nice to see either or both of them.

The mountians out my office window are really pretty right now, they are all green and stuff.

Ya know, it’s nice being able to say… “The only night I’m free this week is Wed.” And then having that night get filled up too… Having a life is good. ๐Ÿ™‚

I love the rain.
