Kayaking and iPhones!

This past weekend was very very busy. Friday I went out with Jason at lunch and we made the trek over to the Apple store. The line was insanely long, so we didn’t stay. That night after work I drove by again and it was STILL crazy long. I figured after the first iPhone launch things wouldn’t be near as crazy! Apparently I was wrong because they have been a million times crazier! I got home from work late, went to the gym and then crashed for the night at home.

Saturday I got up early and met up with Kris, we went back to the apple store and waited in line for an hour, then they pushed us all outside and we realized how freaking far back we were, so we just left. Stopped at Ocean Diner and had brunch with Sirin and then we went Kayaking! That was tons of fun! That evening Sirin and I met up with Jess and Tal and had dinner in Pasadena and then I had a date with a Russian to the Cal Phil. That was very very funny. We kept bitching at the woman in front of us who was a total bitch! The concert was great. We drank two bottles of wine!

Got home and no one had called back yet regarding climbing, I dunno what’s up with that. Sunday I got up and went again to the apple store and the line was STILL crazy long, so I went to the office, got some work done, came home washed car, purged tons of shit from my apartment. Found MORE shit that’s Const’s. It’s amazing for as short of time we were together how much SHIT he had at my apartment! I mean we already took a CAR load when we first broke up, now I’m finding all these random little things of his. Ugh! I dunno how I’m going to get it back to him.

That night Kris and I went to Jason’s and we watched Fargo which was a very interesting movie. I also watched Into the wild at some point this weekend. I really liked that one. You should all check it out!

Monday I worked and it was VERY busy. Got a ton of shit done that day. That night I went to Lowes and Costco with Jason, we had a great time then he came over and we sat on the beach, drank some wine, vacuumed my apartment with his Dyson and then watched Man in the Moon which was also very good movie. I was sad when the hot boy died! 🙁

Today has been another crazy day at work and I’m taking a quick break. Had my personal trainer again this morning and that felt good to start the day off like that. I got a blackberry today as well. But it sucks because it’s a 7100i, which is HUGE. We use them here because they are the only ones with the Push-To-Talk which we do with people in Peru and Brazil and what not all the time. Very annoying. I think I will just forward all my calls to that number to the iPhone ONCE I FUCKING GET IT!

It’s very annoying that that thing has been out for 5 days and there are STILL 2-3 hour LINES! REDIC! I cannot belive anyone would wait in lines for that long for a a fucking phone!

This weekend I am supposed to go camping. Cast comes off on Thursday! We shall seeee!


I’m on Twitter! Find me here. Apparently I signed up way back in March of 2007, but never really used it. So now it seems like EVERYONE is using it, so I jumped back on there. It’s very slow though! 🙁

So this weekend was actually TONS of fun! Friday night we threw together a quick dinner party. We had lots of fun. It was Sirin, Kris, Jason, Steve, Ryan, Christian, Christina and of course me! 🙂 I think that Ryan was a little out of place with all the gays! But we enjoyed having the straight man there. We drank wine, talked and watched the video from the Yosemite trip. Most people left by midnight, but Kris and I hung out drinking till 5am! Opps!

Saturday I rolled out of bed around noon and went shopping with Jason. Bought a bunch of new stuff for the job and went to Costco. Got home from that and we ate the rest of the Sloppy Joes and then Sirin and I headed out to the CalPhil. That was LOTS of fun! I really enjoyed it, but I am glad we got the seats we had because I would not want to be any farther back.

Got stuck in a TRAFFIC jam at MIDNIGHT on the way home from that! How can there possibly be a TRAFFIC jam at midnight on SATURDAY! And there was no construction or anything! Just traffic! REDIC!

Went to bed after that and then Sunday I got up and went rock climbing with the group. I just hung out and chatted and had a good time. After that I went up and hung out with this Actor guy for a while. He was nice, but much shorter then I would have imagined! We had a good time, but I got stuck in a 2hr parking zone, so I only stayed for that long. He had invited me to a play that night, but I was all stinky from being out in the sun all morning.

Got home and was suddenly very sad for some reason last night. I just sat on my couch and watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I cried through most of the movie. WTF is wrong with me!

Things for the Houston trip are coming together well. I have already been invited to 3 parties for July 4th! How exciting! I think though that I will just go to this concert with Sirin’s sister. We shall see. I also have people lined up to hang out with me on all the days that I want to do stuff. So I am excited to be going.

Living My Life…

I’m getting along pretty good really. I do have my days, I get sad, I cry a little, I have to resist calling him and screaming at him or crying my eyes out. But I am having fun again and enjoying things more.

This week has been very very busy. Lets see, I have to try and remember everything I did.

Monday, I worked. I am doing this HUGE project which is an online web-store for my company, so things are very hectic and we are trying to roll it out very fast. That night I went to the gym and then had a dinner/birthday party for this guy Cj that I met a few weeks ago. He’s a flight attendant and we met up with his flight attendant friends for dinner. His friends were very bitchy and annoying and the whole night they talked about being flight attendants. Erick came over that night and we had a very long discussion. He’s STILL lying to me about whatever happened between him and Constantine, I am not an idiot and I found proof that the story he is telling me did not happen WHEN he told me it did. Also he told me that after a week of hinting at what I knew, he finally figured it out on his own. But he then admitted that he talked to Constantine THE NIGHT I first brought it up with him asking Const, “How does he know what happened”….So I am not sure what to do with him, if we should try and be friends or not. I do not deal with liars and cheats. If he wants to be friends, he’s going to have to do a lot to show me that I can trust him again.

Tuesday, work, gym, I did something that night, I think maybe I hung out with Sirin or something? It was a pretty laid back night.

Wed I got home and went to the gym again and then went up to WeHo to meet up with Steve for Bingo. Lots of fun there, some cute boys and what not, late night. This was one of those nights I was very sad towards the end, on the walk back to the car I was nearly in tears. Ugh! I did win at Bingo though so that was exciting! I won at this game called “Rim Job” of course! hahah.

Thursday I went rock climbing with Mok which was lots of fun. I bought a 10-punch card to this indoor rock gym. We also met this really hot guy there named Adam. I hope that I run into him again while we are there. He seemed really nice and very cute. Of course there were also lots of other REALLY hot guys there shirtless and what not. So that was exciting. I got home after that and Sirin came over and we drank wine and chatted and had a great time, it was another late night for me.

Friday I went to the gym again, came home and watched this horrible movie called Tan Lines. It’s about this group of Stoner surfer boys from Australia. One of the guys is kinda hot, the rest are nasty, the movie is really fucked up at times (drinking tea and getting a blow job?), the sex scenes are horrible. I would not suggest watching it. I took a nap after that and then picked Jason up to go to The Factory again. We stopped at Chad and Ronnie’s house on the way up there and picked them up. The factory was a mess Friday night. First the bar tender was a complete ass to me, so I flipped him off, then Jason and Chad were all over each other, so I was the fifth wheel, they ditched me and just left to go to another bar which was annoying, they wouldn’t give free glasses of water, only a $4 bottle of water that you can buy at a fucking gas station for $0.69! Very annoying. We left at like 2ish and then drove and got food and hung out at Chad’s house for a while then drove home. I think I got to bed about 4:30 that night.

I was in a pretty bad mood anyways the whole night because on the drive up there Jason and I were talking and we have both decided that there is obviously some other guy down there in Houston with Const. All the signs are there, and this guy has obviously been around for a while now. Very annoying. I am also very hurt that he deleted all the facebook comments that I have left him over the months together. On the drive home, Jason and I were talking again and I said that I don’t feel like I belong here. I don’t think I am going to find the type of guy that I am looking for here. I don’t understand why guys can’t just be open and honest and want a caring loving relationship. Why do they only follow the cock? I just don’t get it. I am so sick of people lying to me and cheating on me. I am an honest and caring person and have very strong values. Where’s the guy for me? Anyways in a rare caring and emotional moment Jason was like. “I think you belong here” so that was nice of him.

In spite of all that, I still had a fun time on Friday night.

Got up Saturday morning and went to the beach for a few hours, it was UNGODLY hot here all weekend long. The beach was WAY to hot and the water was WAY to cold. So I went home, watched Hairspray which was very good and then took a nap. Got up that evening and headed up to Santa Monica for dinner with Tal. We had a really fun time and he was looking very cute that night. We ate at this place called Asahi Ramen which was very good. On my way home this hot 18 year old that I know called me and wanted to hang out, I was like a block away from his house so I picked him up and we headed back to my place. Watched But I’m a cheerleader, made out a little and then I drove him home.

Sunday I got up early and headed out to go Rock Climbing. For some reason I had a lot of energy that day so I did a lot of climbing. We also did this new climb called A-Frame which was pretty hard. My fingers were very tired by that time, so I never made it to the top of that one. I also got pretty beat up on Birdshit crack, I just couldn’t get my leg up high enough to push up the rest of the way, so I was hanging there by just my arms for a little bit which was very painful because your whole arm is jammed in this crack between sandstone which really rips up your skin. We had a great time anyways. Went to lunch after that and talked about the Death Valley trip which is coming up next weekend. I found out that I may have to drive myself up there, which is very annoying. I assumed I’d be able to ride with someone. UGH!

Drove home after that, took another nap and then headed down to Newport Beach. I had an excellent night and saw this movie called The Indian which was very good. Crashed the night at Dustin’s house.

Sunday was supposed to be Const and my day to chat. I called him on my way down to Newport Beach and he didn’t answer, and never called back. I wonder if he ever will. I know I shouldn’t, but every day I still hope that he will call and say. “I did the wrong thing, I miss you so much” or that he’ll show up at my door with flowers or something. Every time I hear a front door close in my apartment building, I have a small hope that it’ll be him letting himself in again, to come and cuddle in my bed, to laugh and chat over dinner, to talk about our days. Anything to show that he cares even the slightest. But like I said, it’s very clear he’s found some guy down there.

Honestly, not to sound like an asshole. But I don’t think anyone who’s dated me will find someone who will treat them with as much respect and caring as I do for someone. Sure, I’m a little jealous sometimes, and I might require a little to much time/work, but honestly it’s only because I care about someone. It’s only because I like talking to them and caring about them and hearing about what’s going on in that person’s life. I give them all so much, why can’t I find someone who will give it all back to me.

Anyways. I am moving on, I’m having fun and I’m getting back out there. I’m keeping myself very very busy and having a great time!


Moving On…

What a busy weekend.

This weekend I had to keep myself busy or else I would have gone crazy thinking about Const and what not.

So Friday I got home from work and went up to Santa Monica, hit the gym for a long time and then met up with Chad for dinner and a Movie. We say No Intelligence Allowed. It was actually really interesting. Although not as good as I was hoping it would be. There’s a section about ISU in there too. After that I drove home and picked up Jason and then we met up with Chad, Ronnie and some other people at The Factory in WeHo. Had a really fun night of dancing and drinking. Got home about 2:30 and saw that Const was online. It was 4:30am there! WTF is he doing online! So I freaked out, mostly cause I was drunk off my ass and started talking to his friend Tim and being all sad and annoying with him. He was actually very nice and said some nice stuff. But he also said, “Const isn’t as innocent as he seems”… WTF does that mean!? Ugh. Anyways. I went to bed at about 4am and only slept for a few hours. Laid in bed and read a book most of the time.

WacoGot up Saturday and went over to Jason’s and hung out with him, Vince and Jack all day. Jack was very cute and funny. Crazy kids. The first thing we did was drop off some stuff at the Hazardous waste disposal place. They were wearing like HAZMAT suits and shit. You’d think they were accepting Nuclear waste, not just electronics and old paint! It was very funny. Went over to Torrance Airport for a while and hung out with this guy who has an old Waco. Went back to Jason’s after that and we were going to replace his water heater. But the thing is so old that the drain was all clogged up, so we couldn’t get the heater to drain. And WHO puts a water heater on the second floor?!?

Came home after that and took a nap then headed back to Santa Monica to meet up with Jess, we went and saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall which was VERY funny. Lots of male frontal nudity which was surprising, the guy has a HUGE cock! Scary! lol. After that we went out to a bar in Santa Monica and had a few beers and chatted and had a great time. I got home about midnight and went straight to bed.

WacoSunday I got up at 5:30 and headed out to Devil’s Punchbowl to meet up with the guys for some climbing. Little did I know what I was getting into out there. We did what’s called Lead Climbing. Something I’ve never done before, so it was a bit nerve racking. We ended up about 150 in the air and then having to repel down the side. Again something I haven’t done in a LONG time and never from such a height, so it was very nerve racking. After that we went out to lunch at this place called Charlie Brown Farms which had delicious Buffalo burgers and I bought some Wild Boar Sausages.

Got home about 5 and my friend CJ came over and we hung out for a few hours watching TV, he left and I hung out and did some random stuff. Const called me at like 9:30 and we talked for a little bit. We are going to try talking every Sunday just to try and keep the friends going and communication open.

Friday I also downloaded the new Counting Crows album. Very good. I suggest getting it. 🙂

Rock Climbing photos.

A Week of Bad News

This week has just been a really bad week for news.

First the whole Const and I issue. I have had some great support from my friends, and a lot of people who read here have really been very helpful. I also called my mother and she gave me some amazing support. I’ve never talked to her about these sorts of things, but she was a lot of help. I asked her to come out for the weekend, but sadly she as working.

Second, one of my good friends told me he was HIV Positive. Very scary. I did ALC last year and didn’t know anyone who was positive, and now my friend is. It really hit home that it could happen to any of us. I’m very sad for him. We went out Friday night though and had a great time chatting an catching up and what not.

Third, my friends Jason and Steve broke up which is very sad for us all. At least it seems like this was more mutual on their parts, but they both seem very hurt. Then we found out that one of our mutual friends (we’re all friends with him) went and spent the night at Steve’s house the night that they broke up. Which is just UNACCEPTABLE.

Fourth, I found out something about Const that I do not approve of at all. Who knew he was like that.

Fifth, I got an email from my grandma stating that both my grandpa and my great grandma are getting worse by the week. That’s very sad for me. I’ve always really looked up to my grandpa and respected him so much. It’s so sad to see him like this. I was thinking of heading back there for a week or two just to hang out at their house again like I used to in HS.