Christmas in Iowa


Here I am back at work! ๐Ÿ™ Ugh. I so don’t wanna be there.

Yesterday was so long. Got up early to do stuff and ended up not having to leave the house till 10! I could have slept in. I’m not sure why, but the last few days I have been UBER sleepy! My dad and I went to look at some houses, which I think are really cute! The only problem is that the guy is asking WAY to much for them. $185k. He needs to drop it to the $150k range to make it feasible. Went to the airport and had no problems getting checked in and through security in like 10 minutes. Sat around the airport and watched The Color Purple. Which was pretty good.

Got on the flight from DSM to STL and slept pretty much the WHOLE flight. Got into STL and my flight to LAX was delayed like an hour.

So anyways, the rest of the week was great. Christmas night I went out with the gang as per usual to The Blazing Saddle. It was of course a fun disaster! ๐Ÿ™‚ We even had a new person join this year! Amanda F from our HS. She was tons of fun! We ended up getting home at like 3:30ish. Made a fool of myself I’m sure at the Saddle but, who cares it was fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

Friday I got up and just lounged around the house, I was pretty hung over. Wasn’t going to go out that night but I had met this really cute guy who wanted to hang out. So I headed over and picked him up and we went out to dinner at Java Joes and then met up with a bunch of his friends. Meeting his friends was a little AWK but I still had a ton of fun. We went to a few different bars including Locust Tap, 101 (SCARY!), El Bait Shop (tons of fun, including the attached 70’s bar!) and again the Saddle where we lost the girls, very annoying. I also found this really good beer called 312 Wonderful!

So anyways, I drove him home and spent the night there at his house which was a total crazyness. His dad was still up when we got there so it was like an undercover operation to get me into the house! LOL. Got up early the next morning and found out that we got a TON of freezing rain overnight. My car was COVERED in ice! So I had to drive home in that shit.

Got home only to find out that we weren’t going to go to the farm for Christmas, meaning I could have slept in more at his house. Instead I just lounged around the house all day and did nothing. That night I met up with the Adam again to go see Valkyrie. It was an amazing movie! Drove him home again and sat in his living room talking for a little bit. Got back to the parents house around 2ish.

I really enjoyed the guy, he’s very nice and very cute… I think he intrigues me most because he really compliments who I am. He’s artistic and outgoing and what not. Problems are that A) he lives in Chicago and B) has no money to come visit. He honestly reminds me a lot of Andrew, which I’m not sure good or bad? I’m hoping that maybe I can go to Chicago to visit for a weekend. I’m not to sure what will come of it all..

It was also a very sad trip home for me. First time being back to the family since Grandpa’s passing and I had a pretty hard time dealing with it. There were many times where I was holding back tears. Even at random times as I was out with friends or just sitting at home. Opening presents at Grandma’s house one of the last ones was a gift for the three grandchildren. It said “From: Grandpa” and it was a 50-state quarter set. My grandpa always collected coins and one thing we always knew we’d get was a mint set every year. This was the last gift from him, it was only 3 quarters away from being completed when he died.

Anyways, I wish that I could have spent more time back home and had more free time. I didn’t get to see many of the friends that I usually hang out with, never got to sit in the hot tub, and didn’t get to do some of the stuff that I typically do back home.

Overall it was a great trip home!

Merry Christmas EVERYONE!

Merry Christmas!

It’s been a busy busy week here in Iowa. TONS of stuff going on.

Got some AMAZING news last Friday at work. I got my approval for the $500,000 software implementation. I also had a meeting with the CEO regarding the idiot CFO and some other plans I had for the company. So that was GREAT!

Saturday I got back to Iowa with noooo problems what so ever on the flights! Which was GREAT. Got home and went to bed.

Sunday I got up and went out with Angel and had a great time. Monday went to gym with mother and then wondered around all day long and went out and did something that night. Tuesday I drove mom to work and went around doing stuff. Also went out that night with Angel, then the saddle where I met this REALLY cute/nice guy who’s a comedian from Chicago. We ended up going back to his parents house and talking/cuddling till 4am! I left his house to 3 inches of FRESH snow and TONS more coming down. Had to drive home in that shit, no plowed roads or anything, it was SCARY. Got all the way home and then almost ditched the jeep in my parents drive way. Did a 360! LOL.

Wed got up at 7:30 and drove mom to work, then ran around doing stuff that day and then drove down to grandma’s house with the aunt and cousin. Lots of fun there. We went out and visited with the Great uncle, and great Grandma. It’s amazing to hear their stories and I hope that I’m in half as good of health as my great grandma is when i’m her age! It’s also really amazing to see the different between my 76 year old Great Uncle and my 97 year old Great grandma. My uncle is in VERY poor heatlh, whereas she is in amazing health still!

Ok. Gotta go help the family. Adios y’all!

Climb Master!

What a busy busy weekend, do you ever expect anything less from me?

So Friday I got _pissed_ at Jason. He’s just being such a fucking asshole lately. Keeps saying he wants to be closer, but the way he acts is just NOT conducive to that at all. I invited him to go out to GGB with Kris and I and he was just a total jerk about going. Blah blah blah. Anyways, so I went home after work and took a nap. Woke up to Kris calling me at 8pm, we were supposed to leave at 8:30. Tells me he can’t go because he has no money. UGH! I was PISSED. After Jason being such a douche bag about it and then Kris canceling. I mean REALLY!? He was gonna get his fucking money SOMETIME this weekend, but he couldn’t afford to go out and have fun ONE fucking night. It just annoys me that he thinks he has to gout and get PLASTERED just to have fun at the bars. That’s NOT what GGB is about at all. He wouldn’t even consider going at all. Really pissed me off. So instead of going out and having a great time at GGB with friends and meeting cool people. I spent the night home, alone on my couch watching STUPID ass movies. UGH!

Saturday morning I got up and dropped the car off at the dealer. Time for new brakes! This weekend also marks 1 year of having the car! Yay! I put 23,000 miles on it in a year! Insanity! So drop the car off, get a loaner and head out to go shopping with Anthony. We get going and find out that I forgot my house keys in my car. I was planning on having the loaner all weekend, so I wanted to just go back and pick up my keys and then get going. Well we get there and they say it’s only going to be like 10 more minutes, so we just wait around, pick up the car and then head out for shopping. I ended up buying two REALLY cute shirts at Express for like $60. I can’t wait to wear them to work!

Headed home after that and then picked up Kris to go to the Roller Derby show. Got to Glendale with just the right amount of time and had a really funny show from Charles. They had some REALLY hot roller skating boys too. Found out that one of them was only 16! Opps. Came home after that and crashed.

Sunday I got up and headed out Rock climbing. This weekend JoEric and I ran the whole thing which was very exciting for us! We were very scared Saturday morning because the weather said 40% chance of rain. Thankfully the winds picked up and blew away all the clouds and we could not have asked for MORE PERFECT weather for climbing. It was SOooooooo clear you could see for miles! Dan from Iowa came out and we had three girls. JoEric and I finished up the climb that I started last weekend. Still some work to do on it regarding foot holds, and what not. But it’s going to be a fun fun climb! Ate lunch after that and the guy at the counter totally hated us because we were confusing him and ourselves at the same time!

Got home from climbing and got pissed off at Jason again. I was forwarded an email he had sent to someone else. He’s just one shady mofo. I am really starting to not like him at all. He’s just always up in everyone’s business, but REFUSES to open up about his own fucking business. Like I’m supposedly one of his best friends, yet this email that was forwarded to me I knew NOTHING about. Then he posts on Facebook that he’s going to fireworks in MB. Like if I were going to that with a group of people, I would have INVITED him, or at least told him about it. I mean really? If I hear about neat things in the area, I’m the FIRST to spread the word about them so that other people can enjoy it if they wanted to. He didn’t even have to invite me, but at least let me know it’s going on. He’s lived here WAY longer then anyone else I know. It’s just like the whole Manhattan Open House thing. Like that would have been TONS of fun to get a group together and go. Even If I’m not cool enough to hang out with his friends.

Whatever, it’s just VERY annoying the way that he acts about shit. Like he’s ALWAYS txting/emailing “What are you doing”. Even when it doesn’t fucking MATTER at all what I’m doing (because he already has other plans, etc). But if you ask him what he’s doing he gets all pissy and defensive about it.

Anyways, so after all that Anthony came over again and we drank some wine, made out and cuddled in bed for a while. It was nice. ๐Ÿ™‚ Went to bed at like 10ish and woke up at 4ish this morning to POURING rain which was nice. It’s been raining almost all day long. I was very annoyed this morning though because A) People have NO idea how to drive in the rain and B) they were doing road construction on PCH and had 2 of the 3 lanes closed. Who the F does construction on a fucking MONDAY morning in the fucking RAIN!

I cannot wait to get home for Christmas! You have no idea! I am just gonna lay around the house, climb at the new gym, hot tub, drink with friends and see family! Yay!

Devil Wal-Mart

So I was reading this article on digg today and they said this about wal-mart

The company that, more than any other, destroyed everything nice about America. Small towns in this country were once wonderful and pleasent places. They were all unique and delightful places to live. Each one had a little main street or town square and there was a place to eat, and a place to buy groceries or get your car fixed. There was a hardware store, and a shop that sold clothes. People earned money in the town and spent it in the town, and life was rosy. Not anymore. Now, every small town has nothing in it, nothing at all. But 5 miles outside of town, sitting in a charmless parking lot the size of a small lake, is a Wal-Mart. Everyone in the town buys everything there, because they have no other choice. And the money goes off to a mega-corporation, and to China, where they keep making cheap plastic garbage for us to buy, and break, and throw away, and re-buy. And what was the upside of this deal with the devil? Well, now America is more homogenized and a lot less interesting. Because with the Wal-Marts come the Taco Bells, the Jiffy Lubes, the KFCรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs, and the stripmalls that are identical in every town. Now Tempe, Arizona looks, more or less, exactly like Ashville, Kentucky, and Burlington, Vermont. And Sally in Lockjaw, Idaho can wear the same awful shirt as Betty in Cribdeath, Iowa. What a disaster.

Now, I know a lot of my readers love wal-mart. But I completely agree with this statement! We don’t need cookie-cutter everything in this country! People need to be different, wear different things, get their cars fixed at different places. America needs to be less centralized and bring the money back into small towns. People buy shit at Wal-Mart and very little of that money stays in that town. It’s very sad.

So Alone..

I feel so alone right now… I am not sure why. I have met some really fun new friends here in Redondo Beach. I’ve been keeping really busy with things, I went out all night Friday night, was busy all day Saturday except for a few hours where I took a nap and then will be busy pretty much all day Sunday.

But I still feel just so alone.

I keep killing myself, yelling at myself for not going back to Iowa sooner when things were getting worse with my grandpa. I feel like such an asshole to wait and get work done and not spend the extra money.

If only I had gone a day earlier. I could have had a day with grandpa. If only I had spent the extra $300, I could have had an hour with him… If only. I hate myself for not going. For not getting the chance to say goodbye. For not getting the chance to tell him how much I am going to miss him.

I hate that he’s gone and that he won’t be at my wedding, to meet my boyfriends. He won’t be there to tell how they shoved a camera up his dick. lol. It hurts me every time I call my grandma and he doesn’t answer the phone.

I just feel so alone…