
Hey y’all. Well, I’ve been kinda sucking at updating my photodump site. MyPhoto wasn’t being updated any more, so I had to find a new solution. I came across WiPhA so I’m using that now. You can go check it out at my Photodump site. Just click to log in as a guest and then you can view all the pics you want. 🙂 I suggest going and looking at the 2006-08-26 – Pirates of the Carb album, as I’ve added a few more shots of the ship and stuff.

This one will be much easier to keep up to date as well, because I don’t have to have anything on my local mac running, I just upload the changed files in my iPhoto Library. So hopefully I’ll keep things better this time! 🙂

All weekend Star 98.7 has been giving out free tickets to the DMB concert today. All evening Friday I tried winning them, but I kept missing the phone number. I thought it was 800-STAR-987. But everytime I called it, I got a message saying that the number wouldn’t accept calls from my area. Ugh! So then Saturday afternoon I finially got the number, which was right! Bastards, why can’t I call them! :'( Hopefully they might sitll be giving out tickets today, so I’m listening, and I now have a 949 number to call from!

Friday I hung out with Andrew, that was fun times. We went out to Panera and then just hung around the chapman. Also went to this amazing play thing called NWC. OMG, it was so great!

I ventured out Saturday and went to Target/Home Depot. Ended up spending way too much money there! Saturday afternoon/night I hung out with two different guys. The first one, James, was nice, and entertaining, but a little short.. Friends only there. lol

The second guy, Di, was really nice, and cool. And hot. 🙂 We just hung out at my place watching Dragnet. lol. He’s apparently on outrigger as well? haha. Oh well. He lives like right down the street from me, so we’ll see if we hang out any more.

Sunday I lounged around the house all day. I ventured out ONCE and almost got killed twice! Stupid fuckers don’t know how to drive. The first guy, clearly merged into my lane in the middle of an intersection and almost killed me. So I honked at him, then the jerk drove 15 mph in front of me and every time I tried to pass him, he kept swearving infront of me so I couldn’t get around him! JERK!

The second one was this Jag that clearly went through a red light… It was SO red for her that it was NEARLY red for me! She just blew right through it! OMG!

So yeah, that was my weekend. Adios!

All American Rejects!

AAR Concert last night ROCKED!

Sooooo much fun, even though I’m DEAD tired this morning. LARGE amounts of coffee shall be consumed today.

Alex showed up at my office shortly after 5, we hung out there waiting for Robert. He got there, we drove over tot he Fair, even though we got lost. 🙁 The 405/55 were horrible, so we were just going to take side streets, but we clearly missed our turn somewhere.

Got to the fair, yummy smells commenced. 🙂 We got brats to start, then I had a funnel cake! Yummmy! I can’t wait to get back to Iowa where the REAL fair food is! Lamb burgers here I come!

After the food, we wondered around some and then went to the stage. Hung out there waiting for the band to start. Saw a Jay look alike, although shorter and he didn’t have as nice an ass. haha. I could have also sworn I saw Stephen Oda there, I txted him, but the bitch never got back to me.. I’m sad that we never hung out more often, he was a nice guy.

The first band came on, some crazies from Boston, Mass. They were pretty good, but no one really got into them.

They left, and then there was like an hour of stage crap… And finially the Rejects came on! Woot! They were great… And so fucking hot! 🙂 Yummy.

After they were done, we went over and rode the farris wheel and then left, Robert and I were dead tired!

On the way home, a motorcylce went flying past me, weaving in and out of the HOV lane. He had to have been doing 110+… Shortly after that there was a CHP flying through traffic, swearving from the left shoulder over to the right sholder and back… If that CHP ever caught up to that moto boy, he’s gonna be in a HELLA deep water… Not only for speeding like a MOFO, but for also weaving in and out of the HOV lane and I’m sure 8 million other things. haha. Sucks to be him!

Not too much else going on, still trying to plan for this mess of a trip to San Diego this weekend. Thank god I just got a check for $80 in the mail, so now I don’t feel so bad for spending the money to go down there

I found out yesterday that the CD player in my car doesn’t work any more.. Add that to the list of other things that don’t work… 🙁 So I’ve been hard core looking into getting a new car again… I know, I’ve been talking about this for like 2 years, but still! I will _eventually_ actually get something.

I’ve found a nice 2005 Audi A4 Convert… Not including the $6K base cost over the Civic I’m also looking at, it’ll cost me ~$2k per year that I own it over the cost of the yearly civic costs. (Ie, insurance, gas, registration). So yeah. I dunnno if it’s worth it. It looks so fucking nice though! 🙁

[private] I think that Jason is starting to hint that he likes me… like yesterday he kept trying to get me to come to dinner last night and stuff… Who knows, maybe I’m just reading things wrong [/private]

Lance Bass is gay! Yay! What a fucking hot bitch.

Exxon Mobil made $10.4 BILLION in profits… Umm, excuse me? Why are we being charged so much at the pump again? That’s fucking $1,318 a second!!!!

I’m out!

PS. What’s wrong with me? I was just watching the KCCI news coverage of RAGBRAI and randomly started crying. WTF?!

Old Time Movies!

So yesterday turned out pretty good.

I went home shortly after noon.. I had worked 3 hours Tuesday night, and had more to do last night. Plus as I said, I was feeling pretty shitty.

Got home and went to the gym and for some reason my key didn’t work, so I just went home and did situps and then played Sim City 4 for a few hours. My region now has 500,000 sims! How exciting! 😀

I also did some hard core cleaning last night, I haven’t cleaned since before I left for Iowa way back in Dec… So you can imagine how filthy my house was. I got everything cleaned except for the bathroom, which needs the most work. I need to hire a maid!

Austin called me in there somewhere, cause he got a job offer.. I asked him if he wanted to go out to the Boom to celebrate and he said sure, so we made plans to meet at 10 at his house. So I sat around the house till then, showered and packed an overnight bag to stay at his place, cause I Was planning on drinking.

Got there and we sat around talking about sim city and other random things. He’s encoding all his home movies from when he was a child onto DVD, which is really cool. I wish that my parents had made videos when I Was a kid. We just have lots of random pictures. And I’m not even sure where most of those are! We watched a few of those and they were funny/cute.

So it got to be late and I was like, “So when are we going” and he just said he’d rather just stay there. Which was honestly fine with me, I was just happy to be out hanging out with him again. So we ended up just staying there having a few drinks and we watched Wayne’s World. It was pretty funny, I’ve never seen it before.

OH, I forgot to mention that he said he was going out of town this weekend to someone’s baby shower, and he invited me to come along… I was quite surprised, and wasn’t sure how serious he was being. He said I could go as his date… I think it would be kinda fun to go, but I also feel like it would be wierd, plus like I said, I’m not sure how serious he was being or if he was just a little tipsy.

Anyways, we went to bed at 1:30 and I woke up sometime in the middle of the night from this horrible dream, but I can’t remember what was going on in it. Then I woke up again at 5:30 cause my body was like. “TIme to get up you lazy bitch”… Finially got up at 7:30ish and just laid in bed talking till 8 when I showered and then headed into work.

The roads were horrible, it was clogged like crazy starting at Camino Capistrano, so I just took the toll road, which even that was kinda backed up and plus the idiots there don’t know how to drive!

Oksy invited me to this huge concert in the desert in April… I’m not sure if I want to pay the $165 for tickets, but it does look fun. And we could stay at my aunt and uncles for free! 😀 Not to mention I would get to see my wife!!!

And that’s the story, Adios.

Geek To Me

Blake sent this to me a while back… He said it reminded him of me.. I thought it was cute:

How I learned to stop fretting and love a computer nerd

I had been going out with him for about four days. It was summer, and we were lying on a blanket in the park, shaded by the whispering leaves of a tall maple. I was trying to remember the age of a mutual friend.

Without saying a word, he sat up and pulled out a tiny zip-lock bag from his backpack. From it, he extracted a square of paper and unfolded it until it turned into an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet containing in 6-point print the addresses, phone numbers and birth dates of all his friends and acquaintances.

What kind of alien life-form was I dealing with? He had thick eyeglasses and mad-scientist hair. He wore T-shirts commemorating computer conferences. He used CD-ROMs as coffee-table coasters, and his china cabinet housed electronic gear.

I knew he was a computer programmer, a self-proclaimed “geek.” But I had counted on there being some self-mocking irony in his proclamation.

Instead, he was the kind of guy who opens the door for you and offers to carry your bag. He was attentive, ready to take you home as soon as you showed signs of tiring. And he could write e-mails with a humorous edge. Plus, behind those thick lenses he had large blue eyes.

When he asked me out for coffee, then for dinner, then for dancing I could not quite say no.

I came to understand that he didn’t mean to be socially inept; he was just on a perpetual quest for efficiency. He wrote his grocery list on the back of debit-card slips. He named items in the shortest possible form. Sometimes it was “tom,” for tomatoes. Once I stood looking at the list on his refrigerator, trying to figure out what “zalm” was.

“Oh, that’s ‘salmon’ in Dutch,” he explained.

He had a huge music collection, which he had meticulously converted into MP3s and sorted into categories on his computer. But I couldn’t figure out how to access his music because, of course, he didn’t use Windows; he used Linux.

When my birthday rolled around, he secretly e-mailed my friends and relatives to ask if they wanted to chip in to buy me an LCD screen for my office computer. He suggested a PayPal account. (My parents preferred to drive over and hand him a check.)

At some point I can’t say when I began to use double digits to program the microwave (33 seconds, 99 seconds so much faster!). I organized my storage closet, adopting his system of labeling each box with a letter and keeping a list on the computer of what each contained. I even found myself perusing one of his favorite Web sites, the one with the motto, “News for Nerds.”

Soon I concluded that resistance was futile. I moved in with him that fall, only to discover that living together meant…sharing all his toys. I could borrow his laptop and sit in the backyard, writing e-mail via our wireless connection. We could sit in bed and watch DVDs on his laptop’s deluxe 16.1-inch screen. Once, we went to a cheap motel and cozied up with old episodes of “Fawlty Towers.”

There were practical advantages too. He offered personalized tech support, 24/7. He provided free Web service, thanks to the server in the living room. And he could combine all the leftovers in the fridge into a scrumptious meal. Most of the time.

He was always open to trying things, whether it was a camping trip, a new restaurant or a classical music concert. And he always seemed to be able to put what I was feeling into just a few concise, efficient words.

Six months after our first date, we were sitting at a Spanish restaurant. He took my hand, shyly, and blurted out, “I made a New Year’s resolution that I would ask you to marry me, and I see no reason to wait any longer.” It was January 4.

I agreed that we would send out the invitations by e-mail. He agreed to wear clean socks for the occasion. The following September, we wed.

And now, every morning I get up and face one fact: I married a geek. I made my choice, and I’ve never been happier. Now if only I could find some teacups to go with those CD-ROM coasters.

by Eve Krakow


Man… I had some REALLY fucked up dreams last night… I can only remember one of them. I was back in Alleman and was skydiving off the top of the TV towers there (If I remember right the new one is close to 5,000 feet tall?), Anyways the other one was really scary too and involved something about being chased in a car. lol.

I only got about 2-3 hours of sleep last night and now I’m at the office. I’m getting a 15″ powerbook today and selling me 12″. So I had to come in and get some parts that I left here, and I think it’s just best to meet the guy here to sell my powerbook. We’ll see.

The new one is a 15″ with a 1.33Ghz and 60Gig HD. I’m going to buy two new 512 Sticks for it so it’ll have 1.25Gigs RAM. 🙂 I’m excited, as most people know I’ve regretted getting the 12″ since I bought it. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it’s just too small for me. I’ll be happy to have the extra real-estate.

That live FF symphony thing is in San Diego next Thrusday night. I REALLY want to go. Andrew and I were going to go to the one in Chicago, but never did… Mike already has Friday off, so I can’t take friday off and go, but I was thinking maybe I can go, and still make it back by say like 2am for work. The concert starts at 8 and it can’t be more then 2 or 3 hours.. So I figure as long as I’m out of there by 11, I can be back here by 2.. I just wish I had someone to go with me.. I know if Andrew were still here he’d force me to go.. They only have one more show after this and that’s in Michigan. However, Myke is going to give me the CD… Well, he’s going to upload it to my server.. Heaven forbid we hang out again so he can just give it to me. (He went and saw them in SF and said it was fantastic)

Umm, nothing much else going on. I’m kinda pissed though. I was supposed to go out with Stephen last night to see Fantastic 4, but he never called, so I got online about 9, and he was like… “Well, this other guy said he was going to go out with me, so I’m waiting for him”… Ended up this other guy ditched Stephen too, but then he was all bitching at me.. “I hate when people ditch me.” It’s like, HELLO! You fucking ditched me too, youhave no right to talk. Fucking annoying Californians.

I keep meaning to send Andrew something, but I always forget to get it in the mail… Hopefully I’ll get it send before the 11th so it can get to London in time. 🙂

Nothing must else going on in my life… I think next weekend I’m going to spend it shampooing my carpets and cleaning my apartment top to bottom. It’s been getting pretty dirty. I also have to do laundry. I’m down to only a few pairs of Undies left.

I’m so excited, in a month and 2 days I’ll be in Iowa! I can’t wait!
