A Weekend of Tiredness

So what all has Chris been up to lately?

One hell of a lot! I left work early Friday to go help my dad get my mom’s b-day present. I had to leave 4 hours early to go help him. We get home, I take all my shit inside, including my backpack which still had my cell phone in it. And then we leave.

We had to drive to the Airport because my dad rented my mom a mustang for the week. We drive there, a good 80 all the way because I hate driving my dad places. I also have the windows down and the music loud so that I couldn’t talk to him. We get there and I had to park cause he wanted me to come in incase there was something wrong and they didn’t have the car ready or something. So I follow him in, he hands me $3 for parking. I’m like, hello? How about paying me for the gas that I wasted driving all the way from Ames, to our house, and then to the Airport, or how about paying me for the 4 hours that I had to miss from work. He gets the keys and then walks off.

No “Hey, thanks” for driving him there, no thanks for taking time off work. Nothing. You know, I really didn’t have to go and help him. I really didn’t have to, but I was being nice by taking time off work. And one other question I have, why didn’t Andy just drive him. He’s got a car, he could have just followed him home. Why the hell couldn’t Andy have done this. I was so pissed off by that time at that asshole. Thanks alot!

So I get back on Highway 5 bypass cause I wanted to get back to WDW to get some things for Andrew, and a b-day card for his mom. By this time it was 4:15 or so. I start driving, doing a good 80, when about 2 miles from the Fluer exit, traffic suddenly STOPS! I was like, “Great, just what I need.” I figured it was just road work or something, and we’d get through it fairly quickly. So I stick it out, and get up a little closer (Because everyone was turning around in the median, and being complete assholes about it) and I see that it’s actually an accident and the entire road is BLOCKED! So I get up to a spot where my little car can make the median and turn around. Drive back to Fluer, get off and then drive ALL THE WAY through downtown DM, through rush-hour traffic and get onto 235, again more rush hour traffic. I finally made it to WDW and go to B&N to price a book for my mom about 5:15ish. I wanted to have everything done and have made it back to PC to get my phone, which I forgot initially and then back to Waukee to meet Andrew shortly after 5:30. Well, I knew I wouldn’t make it to PC and back in time, and by that time I was so pissed at all the STUPID drivers that I just drove to Andrew’s office and surprised him there. I think he liked the surprise and it was really good to see him, it made me happier.

From there we went to his house and talked and hung out the whole night with his sister. It was his mom’s b-day and we were waiting around for her and John to get back from supper so that we could surprise her. They finally got back around 8:30 or so, we did the surprise thing, ate so cake and then Andrew and I were off. I felt very weird being there bacuse it was all his family and then me. Very odd.

We went over to girls house and watched some movie. I was so tired by then that I don’t remember what it’s called. But I do remember that it was amusing.

After that we went home.

Saturday I got up fairly early and did a whole bunch of stuff. I don’t remember most of it. But I got a lot done.

After that I met up with Andrew after he got off work. We went out driving to do some errands. I had to go to Christian Photo to get some stuff, and after that we were on the way to his peircing place, but got side tracked by some garage sales. That was UBER fun and there were like 10 on every block! great times. After that we went to his peircer to find out what’s wrong with his eyebrow ring. He really doesn’t want to take it out, and I don’t want him to either! It’s so hot!

After that we went downtown to Sal-Val. I got some cute shirts as did Andrew. We’re both on budgets this summer, so we’ll be shopping there! We haven’t been to the mall to actually buy something in forever!

From there to beak’s. We went “swimming” at gray’s lake with her and leper boy. The water was too cold to go swimming because it really wasn’t warm enough to go. But there were tons of white trash there. We didn’t stay long cause beak was the only one swimming, although I think it would have been nice to stay a bit longer. I just wish we had the weather we had today, yesterday and the weather yeasterday today!

We left the lake and went back to Beak’s where we had the grilling fiasco. None of the grills worked, so we cooked inside. It was all still really really good! I need to hang out with Beak some more so that I can get my cooking expertise back again! After the food we hung around and talked for a while. Andrew and I left and went back to my house where we hot tubbed and spent the rest of the night just talking random talk! I drove him home and he was talking random talk and very incoherant. It was crazy!

This morning I slept in because it’s been long nights all week long and I was so tired! I got up showered and then headed over to Andrew’s. I wasn’t even in the door when Sue visiously attacked me and asked for a hug, and said that she didn’t hate me, and just really embarrassed me! It was very weird.

Met up with Girl #1 and Girl #2. Off to Adventurland we went. I had a REALLY great time there. I went on far more rides then I usually do, thanks to Drew Bear. Though I still wouldn’t go on the rollercoasters. They’re just too scary for me yet. Though I’d like to try one again some day. I did get quite annoyed a few times there with all the peer-pressure and shit to go on rides that I didn’t want too. Other then that it was a GREAT day. The Amazing Race that we did was TONS of fun and I ran around all of Adventure land barefoot because I was wearing sandles that you can’t run in. Now I have two really BIG blisters on the bottom of my feet and it hurts imensily to walk/do anything with my feet. But had a GREAt time.

After Adventure land I really wanted to go back to my house and swim, but Andrew and I decided to just stay at his and hand out, which we did. More good times, and Sue was uber nice to me! lol

Well, I’m really tired of typing so I’m done with this. I know there’s a lot that I forgot about, but I’ll put that in the private update which I’ll write laters!



So whenever I don’t have access to a computer I always have really philosophical things to write about, but then by the time I get here, my mind goes blank and I can’t think of what it was. I think it an inherited thing because my mom does the same. Also like when I know I’m going to have to have a converstaion with someone, I reherse what I’m going to say. I try and think of all the different rebuttles they’ll have and try and plan for them. My mom does that too, when you’re riding with her you can see her pointing at things, and making hand gestures as if she’s talking, but she’s really not. And if you ask her what she’s going she tells you that shes thinking about something or another. It’s so wierd.

Anyways, so today has been SOOO fucking long. Every class has just DRAGGED on and on. My Phil class was so boring because he didn’t have slides so he just rambled on about stupid shit. I read Fast Food Nation most of the class. He did let us out early so that was good. Then in my FIN class he came to the end of one section and he paused at the first slide of the next session which just said something like “Capitol Budgeting III” or some shit like that for a minute. And then he went on with only 15 minutes left to class, you could hear a collective sigh.

Finally classes ended so I went and changed my MRS account to a regular savings account so that I don’t have to have a min of $2,500 in the account. There’s no way I can do that. Hopefully this summer I’ll be able to save up enough money to get there and I’ll be able to open my MRS again.

From there off to buy food cause I have NOTHING in the house. Then off to tan.

Now I’m here watching the news, and then I must watch West Wing because I missed it last night. Damn MIS meetings πŸ˜‰

I’m out!

Summer Classes?

I know it’s been a long time since I last did a real update, but reall, there hasn’t been anything for me to update about.

I’ve been working 10 hours a day all week, tomorrow I’m only working 7, so that I can go to Ankeny and see Adam. I really need this money, YAY!

I figured it up that if I save everything that I make, and don’t have budgeted to spend over the next year, I’ll have about $4,000 by this time next year. That’d be very nice since I’ll be graduating and will need the money. However, since I know me, I’ll be lucky if I keep like $1,500 of that around tell then. I hate having money just sit there. lol

Besides work, there’s not much time to do anything else. I’ve been trying to get a PVR, such as MythTV set up lately, but again, I haven’t had hardly any time to do that.

I have however had time (I was up tell midnight last night) to look at my options for the summer. Although, I REALLY REALLY want to go back and work on BSA camp staff again, I know it’s not really a good idea.

I really want an internship somewhere, but it doesn’t look like that’s going to happen. πŸ™

So it looks like I’ll be at Krell this summer, which is good cause I do have alot of projects that I can work on there and expand my knowledge of stuff.

I’ve also been looking at Summer classes. I’m not sure if I want to take summer classes yet or not. If I do, that’ll take out 6 credit hours of classes to take my senior year, and leave me with 12 credits both semesters.

The options for classes are slim though for the summer. I can take ((Trlog360 || PoliSci251) && (Mis433 || Mgmt370))

For those that don’t know programming:
‘||’ == OR
‘&&’ == AND

And those work out to be:
TrLog 360 == Business Logistics
PoliSci251 == Introduction to International Politics
Mis433 == Database Management Systems
Mgmt370 == Management of Organizations

(NOTE: Make sure you’re looking at the right classes, it only takes you down to the top of the X00 level class)

I also want to add two more classes, or perhaps just one to my schedule.
PoliSci312 == Minicourse in American Government and Politics
PoliSci313 == Minicourse in Theory and Methods

But I think I’ll just add one, Poli Sci 312. Cause the Theory and Methods class doesn’t look like something that I’d be interested in. The good thing about them though is that they’re only for half the semester. But I should really add at least one of them to make sure I’ve got enough 300+ level classes to graduate.

Besides classes, I could go on and on about how things just aren’t working out at work the way that I’d like them to. But I won’t.

If you haven’t already go to Apple and check out the NEW PowerBooks, they’ve got a 12 and a 17 one out now. So GREAT! Also, if you’ve got a nice connection speed look at the new commercials cause they are hilarious.

Ok, I think that I’m done babbling now.


PS. Remember my B-day is coming up, so go buy me something on Amazon.com!

Jeff’s Tool

Today was good, there was no stat class this morning, so I selpt in tell 7:30. I got to work about 8ish and got alot done. I’m still having Auth problems. Something about certs. I dunno. I asked the comp.mail.sendmail group, but no one’s gotten back to me yet. Rarr. I must get it working.

Apparently we’re looking at hiring another person here soon. Chris is graduating, so we need to get someone to replace him. So if anyone out there’s a Windows guru, then e-mail me and I’ll hook you up.

Other then work, nothing else has happened. I wanted to have chili tonight, the kind my dad makes, but would have required far to much work. So I made something else. Perhaps I’ll beg him for it this weekend. Eh?

Another wonderfull excert from the book I’m reading:

The flick itself, a low-budget affair, consisted of a series of uninspired and ninspiring duos rehearsing the same routine–I suck yours, you suck mine, then I fuck you, ta-da! All accompanied, of course, by the same Jeff Stryker karaoke: “Oh, yeah, you like that, dontca?” (I always wanted to see some guy, choking on Jeff’s tool, take it out of his mouth and answer, “Well, no, actually, I detest you and hate big dicks, but I have a really expensive cocaine habit.”)

Ha, I love it!

Vote Green!

So yeah, everyone should vote green, cause well you should. Well, you can decide for yourself, but whatever. lol

Anyways, so the budget numbers from the first full year that Bush has been in came out…

The last year Clinton was in office, 130 BILLION dollar surplus, this year, over $150 BILLION dollar deifict! Where in the HELL did my 300 BILLION dollars go? That’s what I want to know.

Umm, yeah so this weekend has been pretty damn fun. Friday we hung out and did shit. Saturdy Adam worked, so I hung out at home and worked on my schedule for next semster. It was good times.

Saturday night Adam and I went to the mall and had a good time, we also went to B&N where I asked about books about Bayard Rustin and the guy actually knew who that was, which was neato. And we found these two books that I really want, one’s called “Queer” and it’s like a top 10 list for Queers, it’s really pretty cool and the other one is about gays in the navy, and it’s pretty much just a bunch of interviews, but it’s really cool to read it. After that we went back to my house and called James and he came over and went Hot Tubbing, it was fun cause I haven’t seen him in like FOREVER! He left about midnight to go to somewhere.

After that Adam and I went back to his house and went to bed.

Today we went shopping again at places cause he had the day off. About 1:30ish his mom called him and said he “needed to be home alone NOW!” So I took him home and told him good luck. Then I came back to Ames.

Now I’m here just doing the normal stuff. It’s snowing really bad out right now. It’s nice, but I’m kinda pissed cause I don’t want it to snow right now. It has to wait at least until after Halloween to do this shit. RARR! But It’s days like this that I wish I had a fireplace.

Microsoft Corp
Microsoft’s Political Lobbying Record
