
Well here’s day two coming to a close. Today has been yet another long day.

Last night after dinner was pretty damn annoying. We were all going to go out, but like everyone couldn’t decide where to go, and people were all like, “I wanna shower” and then once they were done showering, a bunch of other people were like, “I wanna run in and do this, or that” and it was just super annoying. We sat outside waiting for like 40 minutes and then finally everyone was just like lets go. But we were supposed to still be waiting for two people, and it was just a mess. I went to bed.

Got up at 6:45 just as yesterday and I think every other day is going to be. It’s very pretty here in the morning, After my shower I ran up to third floor and sat by the pool watching the sunrise. Again, another wonderful day that I wish Drew Bear could have seen.

From the pool was breakfast, this morning I had french toast, and it was pretty good, actually It was REALLY good. 😀

Today we went to Celestun national wildlife refuge. It was so pretty there. On the drive there though, and again on the drive back, I got VERY annoyed. Vi was siting in the middle of me and some other girl, and she was crossing her legs and moving all over the place, and taking up so much of the fucking seat. I was very annoyed by it.

We also stopped in this little town and went through the food market there. It smelled so good, and you could just smell all the fruits and veggies and it was so nice. There was also this HUGE church there again. It’s amazing how many huge churches there are here.

Once we got to the wildlife place it was pretty cool. We got in this boat and drove over to where the flamingos were. And boy were there a TON of them. It was like a sea of pink flamingos! As we were coming up on them, you could just see this pink line on the horizon, it looked as if the sun were setting or something. Apparently the lake/rive thing is only a few feet deep because there were people walking all through it fishing and stuff. It was really cool.

After seeing the flamingos we headed through the Mangrove forest, another thing that Adam would have LOVED because all the trees were so cool, and you could see these HUGE arial roots hanging down and going into the water.

Once done with those, we went over to a cenote. I think this was like the coolest part of everything. The water was so fresh and clear, and you could see where it was bubbling up from, and the mangrove trees were all around and everything. It was so pretty. I wanted to go swimming there, but I hadn’t worn my suit, so I didn’t. But a bunch of other people did and it was just a lot of fun there. I think it would have been a place Andrew would have liked.

He and I will definitely have to come down sometime in the future again.

Once everyone was done swimming we headed back to where we started and then packed the vans back in and headed to the beach.

We ate at this REALLY cute little place RIGHT on the beach and it was so pretty there.

But before we ate, we all went swimming in the ocean. The ocean here was very shelly and really neat, like ALL over the beach there were whole and broken shell bits and pieces. I also finally found something to get for Drew, I think he’ll really like it.

There my back got a little burned, but the rest of me isn’t turning colors. It’s very annoying cause I want to tan before I get to Cali in a couple weeks.

Once we were done eating and everything at the beach we all piled back into the van and drove back to the hotel. Again, Vi used me as a fucking back rest and it was VERY annoying because she was wet and kept moving around. I couldn’t sleep. But everyone else did.

I did get my time sleeping though. Once we got back to the hotel about 5, I went to sleep and just woke up a little bit ago. I feel very refreshed now and am wanting to go out. HOpefully tonight we can all actually go out and not get stuck doing nothing while waiting for everyone to get ready.

I also want to mention how many hot mexicans there are here. I really want to go make out with one, just to say. ‘I’ve made out with a random mexican!” lol. Though I don’t think Andrew would approve.

Anyways, I’m still having a good time even though I’m getting fairly annoyed with a bunch of people. I can’t wait to find out what the rest of the week holds in store for us.

Laters all!

City Tour

Well here we are, the day is winding down to an end. It’s been a really long day today so far. I we’ve really done a lot of stuff. After the last update we headed out to a tour of the city. It was very interesting because of everything thing that we saw around the place. The city was really poor looking, even the “high” class areas that we went through in the city.

We did go through a few really high class areas apparently, but you really couldn’t tell. Like even though they were supposed to be the more wealthy areas of the city, they weren’t anything like the high class suburbs of america. The low class areas of the city though really were LOW class. I mean the poverty level is amazing, and how poor these people seemed.

During the tour we stopped at a few places and saw an iguana or two. The first place we stopped was this REALLY cool monument to like the founder of the city or something. I don’t remember exactly. But it was really neat and the carvings were amazingly awesome. Drew bear would have really like it. And if it weren’t right in the middle of a round-about it would be a really great place to get married, and have that in the background.

Another thing I really noticed about the city is that it’s very colorful and there’s ALWAYS live music somewhere around. It seems as though the people around here are happier, and also in some ways sadder. But there are lots of couples around, and many older people and the city is just so alive. I’m excited to find out if the rest of the week the city is as lively as it was this weekend. Or if it’s all just because of the weekend festivities.

After we left the monument we drove around some more and then went to this garden thing. Which again was really cool. For some reason while there I kept thinking about Adam, probably because of the HUNDREDS of ficus plants all over the place. I just kept thinking about how he’s be talking about what he’d do with each and every one of them. Including the ones they had carved into swans and baskets and the like.

In the gardens there were a couple more places that I think would be a great place to get married. The band shell for one, because along the sides it’s got this really pretty overhang of flowers and and the audience sits down in this pit type thing. It’d be very pretty. Another spot was the gardens around here. I really wanted Andrew to be here, because it would have been nice to just sit with him in those gardens and talk. Like we did at the museum in Santa Ana this past weekend. The third place was this really beautiful waterfall. It was absolutely amazing.

I know I’ve got all these places at that I want to get married. But I’ll probably end up getting married in some stupid place. LIke a church or something. Who knows. Even though there’s now FOUR places that I’d like to get married, I don’t think my family would be able to come to any of them. So I’ll probably have to get married in Iowa. If that ever happens!! Hopefully bush and his cronies won’t be able to stop it.

The whole area is just really pretty, even though it is more ghetto then NYC, and dirtier. But it’s not dirty in a bad way like I thought that NYC was. It’s I just don’t know how to describe it… So lively, so happy, so colorful.

From there we went to this art type museum, it was paintings of the history of the area. And there was this HUGE mural, which was depicting the EXACT same thing that the one at Chapman was that I just saw last weekend. I thought that was a strange coincidence. Anyways, again the paintings were all so pretty and I again wished that Andrew had been there to share it with me. We’re definitely going to have to come back. Maybe before the the China tour in 2013 and before his cruise in 2010… I’m thinking 2008, that should be plenty of time for us to save up the money for it.

After we got back from the tour a bunch of us went off into the market place, which is like RIGHT outside of our hotel. The whole thing was such a great experience. The life, and the color and the sound and just everything else.

I ended up buying 4 rings for $300. They were really cheap and I got them down from $450. And I think they’re really cool. I’m going to try and find Andrew something, but there’s SO MANY different things that I really think he’d like. It’s just hard trying to pick one thing.

About 1ish we got back to the hotel and changed and went and laid by the pool. A whole group of us. I’m pretty sure almost everyone knows that I’m gay now, Liz asked me, ‘What’s you’re friends name.” lol. And we talked a bit about my moving out there and stuff. Then just about an hour ago, Omar and I were talking and he brought up the whole Gay Marriage thing. Strange, eh. Oh well.

We all lounged around the pool tell about 2ish then came down to lunch. Which was REALLY great. It was this chicken breast wrapped in banana leaves and it had some really great tasting spices and stuff on it. I was amazed at how good it was. I can’t wait to see what dinner will bring us.

After dinner we all went out shopping again, but didn’t stay to long. I was back by the pool side with, Aaron, Liz, Omar, and one other person. I can’t remember who else was there right now though. We all lounged around talking, and Aaron splashed me, so I cannonball into the pool. it was funny shit.

I spent most of the rest of the afternoon up there hanging out and tanning. Hopefully I’ll have a really nice tan by the time I get back to Orange to see Drew. about 5:30 I left the pool side, but didn’t make it far before getting caught up in the beauty of the bright blue sky and the hotel’s inner court yard. I sat there on the ledge of the third story, looking out over the court yard, and the surrounding cathedrals thinking about how great a boy he is, and how much I want to be with him. For a long time. I can’t wait to get back to Orange to see him again. And hopefully work out a way that I CAN move there in June. Because the more I think about it, the more I want to do it.

I don’t yet know what the night holds for us. I really want to go out with everyone, but not for too late. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day. I think that everyone wants to go out to a bar again, but we’ll have to see about that.

Well, I think that’s about all for today. I know there’s some things that I’m forgetting, but I can’t think of them right now. Maybe I’ll write about them tomorrow.

Night all. And I love you Drew Bear, I hope you’re sleeping tight and having a good time, wherever you are. ::hugs::

Morning Time

So here we are, the first full day of being in Merida. The hotel is so pretty this morning. It’s amazing, I wish my drew bear were here to see it too. Speaking of though, I forgot to mention last night about a few things, first while we were at the pizza place. there was this cute gay couple sitting at the table just down from us. It was very cute.

Also we were walking through this street dance thing, and some random guy came up and started asking one of the girls to dance, she didn’t want to, but one of the other girls did. It was very funny. Then after wards the guy pulls out this piece of paper and hands it to her. It’s got his address on it! How random is that?

Anyways, that was about all that really happened last night. Though some of the mexican boys are a kinda cute.

This mornings been good so far, I’ve taken a few pics of the hotel and stuff and I think that we’re about ready to get going. We do have a while before we actually have to go anywhere, but I think I’m going to go wonder around the hotel.

Breakfast was not very good really though, they started us off with fruit, which I didn’t like any of it. Then we had Mexican eggs. Which had goat cheese in it, and I didn’t really enjoy the flavor to much. But it was still a neat experience. I think tomorrow, I’m going to go with just regular eggs and ham.

The neat thing is though that EVERYTHING is so cheap. LIke Omar last night got this cute as hell ring for only $10. IE $1US. I’ll have to search these things out and get myself one sometime.

Well, I think that’s about all that I have to write about, so I’ll be going now.

Laters all.

First Night

Well here we are in Merida. We’ve been here for about 4 hours now. Security at the airport wasn’t all that bad, though my bag did get searched. It was kinda funny cause you walked up and pushed this button, and it was like a stop light. If you got a red you had to be search, green was good to go. lol Very cute.

The flight in wasn’t too bad. Though I kept breaking out in tears. I really hate not being able to talk to Andrew for a whole week. I don’t know HOW we are going to handle a whole semester when he goes. Perhaps he’ll call me and be like, I think you should come, and I’ll be like,, I don’t think so, then I’ll be like, well I thought about it, and I’m coming now. lol. That seems to be how it always works out. Though I did come out to one of the girls today. We were walking down the thing to the airplane together and she was standing there when I told Andrew bye, and she was like, “You going to miss your girlfriend” and I was like, “Well not exactly girlfriend” and then she was like, “ohhhh.” it was really funny. Apparently she too is doing the whole long distance thing.

I’m really excited about being here and I still can’t believe that I am here. Driving back from the airport was hell, the drivers here are absolutely crazy. Like the all drive ON the lines, instead of in-between them. And people are all honking their horns and shit. it’s craziness. The city looked really pretty dirty from the road, and from the huge amount of walking around we did tonight it seems as though it might be. But still really pretty.

There is a bit of an odd smell to the area though, I think it’s just from the humidity, but who knows really. Anyways, after we got here we got our room numbers and stuff. My room is nice, though the AC isn’t the best. Like everyone else has really nice new ACs, but we have this shitty little thing.

After that we went to this pizza place across the street and it was REALLY good pizza. Yummy! lol. There were also some people playing music and lots of little kids wondering around selling things like roses and stuff. It was pretty crazy.

From Dinner we came back to the hotel and were told the daily plans. I’m a bit annoyed by them because they want us at breakfast EVERY MORNING at 7:30, but we don’t start our tours tell 8:45. It’s just really annoying that we have to be there that early. I mean, we want to go out at night and see stuff too. LIke tonight, most of us have been up since 4am, or earlier and still went out. And here they are wanting us up at 7:30. We got a wake up call for 6:45.

Once we got the instructions and took pictures, we all headed out to walk around. I found this place that’s selling REALLY super cute chess sets and I want them, they’re $470. So I think I might buy one, but the girl said that you might be able to get one at market much cheaper. So that’s good. I’ll have to look tomorrow. Cause that’s market day!!

From there we headed out to a bar/club thing and found this really good place. Almost everyone got something. I didn’t though. But I talked to some girls and came out to them as well. It was very funny. I was like, “I usually go to the Redlight” and one of them was like, “That sounds like a gay club” and I was like, “It is.” lol

We didn’t stay to long there, and then came home. Well three of us did. The rest all stayed there. Who knows what time they’ll be back.

But for me, it’s bed time.

Laters all. And I miss talking to my Drew Bear already. 🙁

Here in Houston

Well here we are in Houston. This morning has been really long already and I have a feeling that the rest of the day is going to be very long too.

Last night I was up tell 11 or so packing, and then finally got to bed. I spent the night tossing and turning and just thinking about the trip down here and stuff. Got up about 4am this morning and got ready then drove to the airport.

Once we got here is when things started to get annoying. I was there at 5am, and we found out that the ticket counter didn’t even fucking open tell 6am. We all sat around doing nothing for the hour, then finally got to check in.

The security line was really long, but there was a group of about 4 really hot boys in front of us. I have a feeling two of them were gay, either that or VERY metrosexual. I can’t wait tell that goes out of style again. Then we’ll be able to tell family better. Anyways, once we got to the gates those 4 went and got drinks, ie, good drinks. They were flying United though, so that was sad.

We all sat around there sitting and waiting to board. That was boring! Ha!

Finally got on the flight and the ride was pretty good. Like I said I had 2A so I was right there, and there weren’t any seats next to me, cause the galley was there. It was a major plus. Everyone else was at the back of the plane.

I spent the whole ride listening to RENT! Which I’m in love with and really want to see it again. I’m sad that I’ll be gone during the time it’s in DSM.

Umm, there are a LOT of hot boys here in the airport because of spring break!

On the ride here I also thought a lot about Andrew’s proposition that I move there in June. I don’t think it’s been any discussion about it on either of our websites, so here it is. He wants me to move there in June and live with him in the dorms. Now the plusses to this would be that I’m in the area earlier and thus can spend more time looking for jobs and getting a good apartment, instead of having to do it all long distance. Also I’d get free room for the summer, well I’d still have to pay for my apartment in Ames.

The downside is that it’s very risky. Mostly because I know that if I stay in Ames for the summer, I’ll have a job and a chance to build up some cash. However, if I go there, there’s no guarantee that I’d be able to make any money, or even get a part time job very quickly.

Well the point is that on the flight down here I think the positives our weigh the negatives, and it’s worth the risk. We’ll have to see. I’m really wanting to do it now, but I have to think more about the feasibility and stuff.

I was thinking about the moving to and if I did that, I can pack all the stuff up that I don’t need before leaving, and then use my apartment as a storage place and then have it all professionally moved when it comes time. Which by the way I got an estimate of about $1,100 the other day. Which is FAR less then going with budget.

Well anyways I have to pee and I’m hungry, so…

Laters all