Birds of Prey

What a weekend! It all started out with one crazy ass dinner party on Friday night. Jason made delicious Meat balls and stuff so Kris and I headed over there and we ate, drank three bottles of wine and a bottle of Crown Royal! Delicious! Such a fun night

Got up the next morning and headed out to the Birds of Prey area out by Mojave. Amazing! We met up with George, Jason, Jimmy, JoEric, and Jerry. Had dinner at this really cute little place in Mojave and then headed out to the area.

We got lost on the way. You take all these dirt back roads which aren’t marked at all. Eventually had to spread out to try and find the right road. We found one road that we thought was it, so took it for a ways. Got to the rocks, but the wrong side. My car couldn’t handle the rest of the road so we parked it and then piled into the other two cars.

The road was a MESS!! There were LOTS of times where we had two or three wheels on the ground. Lot of sharp angles and what not! Tons of fun! Sadly BOTH vehicles got flat tires so we had to change those. Ended up in the wrong place and had to backtrack through the river bed to get to where we were going. Like I said, crazy ass driving! 🙂

Got there and setup a couple climbs and then hung out for dark. Once the moon started coming up we went out and did a the climbs at night in the moon light! Absolutely gorgeous! Jerry kept having to yell at everyone to turn off their flashlights though. I don’t get it. The moon was casting SHADOWS! Why would you even have your light on at all?! It was an amazing experience.

We went to bed about midnight and all slept out under the starts.

Got up at 5:30 Sunday morning and started climbing again. Did some really great climbs. I sadly only got to do one climb because my ankle was hurting me. WE climbed for about 6 hours and then loaded up the cars and headed back to Mojave where we had lunch again and then headed back to LA.

This was one amazing trip! I cannot wait for the Whitney and Santa Cruz islands trips.

You can download our tracks with picture overlay here:
Birds of Prey Rock Climbing

Fullsize Picture gallery is here.

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