I Just Saw Myself on SUZE ORMAN!

Ok. I finally JUST got to see myself on the Suze Orman SHOW! Yay!

First off, oh god. I sound horrible!! Is that what I really sound like?!!? Secondly. They did a lot of changes since from what I heard. When I was on the phone with her, she just said the whole “That’s really fishy” thing and to contact the PBGC.

So this weekend has been just GREAT. Friday night after work Constantine came over and I made him dinner again. We then went out to see West Side Story at the Torrance theater. It was pretty good considering it wasn’t professional. The lead was HOT. But everyone in the play was SOOO GAY! It was hard to believe that the lead was in love with Maria because he was just toooo gay! One boy had a HUGE ass too. It was hard not to stare at it.

Came home after that and we sat around and talked for a while then went to bed. Saturday morning I was SOOO tired for some reason and we didn’t get up till 10. Made him breakfast and then we went out shopping. Hollister was having an amazing sale so I bought three shirts. YAY! $9 each! 🙂 We also decided that we’re going to be going to Prague and Vienna. I really hope that this trip works out and he doesn’t start hating me like everyone else does! 🙂 I’m soo excited to go there! I think we’re going to be going from 11/15 to 11/25. That is if it all works out.

After that we came back to my place. Washed our cars and then I took pics of mine cause I posted it on Craigslist. From there we headed down to the beach with Erick. It was an AMAZING day! The beach was perfect.

Got home from that and showered and then Sirin stopped by and asked if we wanted to do dinner. So we headed up to Green Temple. Excellent food. If I could ever get Dustin to drive up here, I think he’d really like it! haha.

After that Erick came over again and the four of us went off to see Stardust. Which was JUST amazing!!! I highly suggest everyone go and see this movie!!!

Got home and went to bed. Constantine left this morning and now I’m doing laundry and working and some other random stuff.

I need to get to work on these two clients that I am working on. One has been on vacation for the last week. He told me that his graphics person was going to be contacting me over the last week, but I haven’t heard anything from her, so Idunno what to do. He gets back tomorrow so we’ll see what’s going on.

Best Mac Software

If business meetings were like internet comments. VERY funny!

Harry Potter in BUTTER!. How I love the state fair!

405 in 1972. Wow, what a difference!

Also, I’m gonna be in Iowa from Sept 7-10th! It’s going to be mostly a business trip, but I’ll have some free time!!!

15 thoughts on “I Just Saw Myself on SUZE ORMAN!”

  1. haha i get a shock too every time i hear my own voice. anyway, i saw that suze orman episode and i didn’t think your voice sounded bad at all. =)

    glad you liked stardust.. i was thinking of seeing that today but i ended up playing WoW instead =\ haha

  2. not yet, i might go see it on Sunday or something. actually i’m dying to see superbad as well.. maybe i’ll watch both on Sunday.

  3. STARDUST.. IS A-W-E-S-O-M-E! I love the story, the characters (especially the witches).. and robert deniro’s character was totally unexpected.

    and wow, Humphrey looks so much hotter in real life (link)

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