On this wonderfull day of me turning 21, we take a nice look back in time.
Here I am at the table with the rest of my family, from left to right….
My grandma, my brother (but we like to pretend he’s not part of the family), my grandpa, ME!!, and my cousin Beak.
Here I am on my favorite BIKE! (That’s the brother we speak of in the little car thing)
Here I am in my CAPE! I am invinsible!!! (Aren’t I the CUTEST thing ever!)
And here’s Beak and I. I don’t know what we were watching, but it must have been pretty damn BORING! Probably one of my grandpa’s westerns or something. I’ll bet you that he was asleep in the chair too!
And here I am in my favorite past time activity, POUNDING ON POTS!!
Ahhh, those were the days!