Line-Item Veto

Ok, why are Republicans so stupid!…

“The Senate’s high-profile ethics and lobbying reform bill was sidetracked yesterday after conservatives voted against further consideration of the bill because it didn’t include an amendment giving President Bush line-item veto power, the ability to single out individual spending items in legislation for elimination.

Umm, last I checked Line-Item Veto was ruled unconstitutional back in 1998. So why are we pushing for it again?

Ten foods you should never eat. Why do they all look so tasty!

OMG. I was laughing sooo hard at that video!

Amazing shot of Toyko at night. I think I wanna go there this year. Maybe if I’m still talking to Mayko in November he can come with! haha

I want this waterfall in my house.

Check out these COOL Soviet Era bus stops! The real question is why are the all out in the middle of NO WHERE?

Apparently you can still cancel your Verizon contract even if you have a txting plan. However, it seems that Cingular doesn’t want your business until the iPhone actually does come out.

Detox your diet. I’m gonna have to start having more green tea or something.

The Aids/Lifecycle Campsites have been announced.. check them out. So who’s coming to which nights to hang out with me? haha.

And now for some real news. I posted a while back that my building was for sale, etc. Well, on Monday the boss called me and I had a total Office Space moment. The boss asked that I send him a list of what I do, and how much time it takes up. I could honestly only account for about 50% of my time. Since before Christmas, no new projects have been sent to me and I don’t have any LONG TERM projects that really keep me busy. Well today, he calls me again and basically said that they want me to start working out of that office 3 days a week so that they can integrate me on some other projects down there. Because PHS hasn’t fully utilized my time like they kept talking about when I moved up here! UGH.

WHAT TO DO!? :'(

But either way, starting Monday I will be in Newport Beach M,W,F and Santa Monica T,R.
Logo There are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

I’ve invited 23 people to go out tonight for my B-Day. So far 1 person has said for sure, and 3 have said “maybe”. We’ll see how this goes.


Now Friends!

So, first it was boys who I like just randomly up and disappearing and not talking to me… and NOW it’s friends! OMG! You might remember the other day I talked about how Hector just randomly blocked me… Well I messaged him again and got an answer…


You didn’t do anything and I apologize for the deleting and the blocking and shit. I was just upset.

I don’t play games and I don’t mean to make people upset but I just wanted to think for a weekend.

I really like you. I like your morals, your ambitions, your work, your humor, everything. It made me so jealous to hear you talk about Mayko and pining over him. If he only knew how lucky he was (is?) to have someone like you wanting him, talking about him nonstop and all that. I also didn’t want to be one of those guys to hear the “But Were Such Good Friends” Speech knowing that while friends are nice to have, I want to find a guy to date on a grander level than what I have been experiencing.

I knew after Wednesday I was getting too close and sooner or later I would hear that speech. That was one of the things I had to think about.

(1) Do I continue to be his friend and hope he returns my feelings one day?

(2) Do I continue to be his friend and snap one day and confess all this in person and get that speech?

(3) Do I realize my feelings won’t be returned but continue to be friends while he talks about his other boys, dates, heartaches, etc?

(4) Do I realize my feelings won’t be returned and just quit now while I’m ahead?

This probably makes me sound insane but after the # of boys that have pissed me off, I start streamlining my thinking process and subsequent decision.

I guess I just got to close when there was no reason too and it scared me/pissed me off that I was wandering down that road again.

Anyway. I knew I owed you an explanation. Sorry it came so late.

UGH! So now it’s people that I just wanted to be friends with disappearing. OMG. Seriously though. There are a lot of people who I really like and enjoy benig around but I know that I can’t be more then just friends with them. I don’t just up and block them and stop hanging out with them. I make the best of the friendship we have! This is totally not the way to go about things. So annoying.

And then yesterday like three people from my past just randomly IMed me wanting to talk. First it was this Stephen guy from Chapman, then some other random, and then VegasMike.. So strange! Stephen and I are going to hang out sometime next week.

Lets see, not too much else to do. I got my student ID and a welcome letter from SMC already in e-mail. So I guess that means that I can sign up for the class…

Working out of Newport thursday. Just wasn’t in the mood to sit in that dark annoying Santa Monica office. That night it was too damn cold to go riding and looked like rain, so I stayed home and Nic came over. We watched Dirty Love. That was fun, very funny movie. He got his goodnight kiss. He’s a nice enough guy, but not “book smart” in his words. Plus we haven’t done anything but sit around my apartment and talk and hang out. I need more activity!

Got an e-mail from our answering service the other day.. It said that the client “Defrogged the internet”… I’m going to start telling everyone to defrog the internet, apparently it makes it go faster!

70% of Americans disapprove sending more troops to Iraq.. How in the HELL can Bush think that’s a good idea. What a fucking idiot.

I just watched the Apple KeyNote where Jobs introduced the AMAZING iPhone. I get goooooose bumps! Amazing! Go watch a demo here. Also check out this COOL Unofficial AppleTablet.

And one last thing… Niels Hoven is HOT! Watch him on Beauty and the Geek!

The Fray & Germany Day 1


The band rocks, normally. Last night I loved the music, the lights, all the fucking HOT boys in the audience, but the vocals just SUCKED. You could NOT understand a WORD he was saying. We left even before the show was over.

[private]And of course robert was a fucking IDIOT! Screaming sexual things the whole time, talking about retarded stuff. He asked me like 2 times if I had been to Germany before. He should know me better then that! He told me he broke up with his ex-bf because after 2 months he said, “I love you”… I think that TWO MONTHS is plenty of time. UGH! What a fucking idiot. And because his ass was an HOUR late, we had to stand WAY in the back. When I got there I could have been like FRONT ROW![/private]

And to top off the horrible night.. traffic GETTING there was HELL! 2.5 hours to go 11.9 miles. YES 2.5 HOURS to go 11.9 MILES! It took me over an HOUR just to go the .5 (yes, HALF A FUCKING MILE) from my office to the freeway! THIS iS INSANE, the lights here in santa monica are RETARDED! ONE car would get through the intersection for EVERY TWO light rotations! OBSURD!

But did I mention the HOT HOT HOT boys that were in the audience, omg! And the opening band was great. So that’s good.

That night I went home, the power was out and was STILL out at 6am when I got up for work. I was on the freeway by 6:30 and the damn thing was at a stand still already! How do people DEAL! I just wish that LA had a GOOD public transport system! I also had an amazing dream that night… I was working at a resturant somewhere, and these three HOT, and I mean the hottest boys you will ever see.. 6’3”, muscles, yum yum! Anyways, they came in and I went home with them! 😉 haha.

Thursday I worked and did 8 million other things

Well, it’s now Saturday morning, 12:53am for LA, 9:53am for me here in Brussels. What a mess this

trip has been already, but lets not get ahead of ourselves….

Going back to Thursday. I went to work, and did some random stuff. Left about noon and went home to pack and clean and do whatnot. Also worked out in there and lots of other random stuff. Met up with Bryan, he was 30 minutes late, which I was not happy about since my day had been so full already. But it was nice to finially meet him and hang out. I had a good time, althogh we have very different tastes in music/movies. But sometimes that can be a good thing. No? I’d be interested in hanging out with him again.

Went to bed fairly early, got up early and went to the airport, no real problem getting in there, but I was in the wrong line at first. Apparently there are now different lines for if you are traveling internationally. Who knew!

Got on the first flight and sat next to two Executives of Victoria Secret. They talked business the whole trip. It was fairly annoying. I also read the book Austin gave me. Learned a lot. Apparently I am doing all the “right” things to meet guys, just not following through with it all. Or something. A lot of the advice about meeting people didn’t really pertain becase I’m gay and what not. But still a good book.

That flight = 5 hours. Ugh! And I am never flying American Airlines again. The flights were seriously like a flying refrigerator.

Got to JFK, and for some reaosn had to go BACK through security. Very annoying. This flight was supposed to have been 6.5 hours, but we were two hours late getting off the ground, so 8.5 hours on that plane.. Again, flying refrigerator. I was freezing to death the whole time. I spent most of flight thinking about what I had done wrong with Jay based on the book. Ugh. Also slept a lot, but clearly not enough. There was a sscreaming child in front of me.

Got to Brussels and they came on the intercom. “If you are staying here, please do not get out of your seat. If you are getting these 5 connections you must RUN to your gate.” My gate was A57… I was in B32. So we all get up and theres this guy BLOCKING the whole isle reading something…. oh and REALLLLLLLLLY hot boys on that flight. OMG!! Some guy starts yelling at the blocking guy and people start moving. So I get off the flight and start running to my gate.. I swaer it was 8 miles away. Had to go through not ONE but TWO, yes TWO security check points, get to gate A57, and NO PLANE!!! I start to panic, but before I get too crazy I check the monitor… I have to be in A50!!! Bastards on the plane lied.. Oh well, i get there and they are just starting to board, so I run to pee and come back.

The boys working the airport in Brussels… to DIE for, so fucking cute! And the accent. OMG!

BTW, I forgot to print out directions/address of our hostel. Hopefully I make it there! Food time now! Yay for good food on these flights.!

Exhausting Weekend… But GREAT!

Wow, what a LONG weekend. I was barely home long enough to sleep all weekend.

Lets see, Friday I worked in Newport Beach. It was a really long day down there. Got out of work and went and picked up my bike. They yelled at me. 🙁 Apparently I need to lube the chain everytime I ride. They never told me that when I bought it! Either way, it’s all happy now!

After that I met up with Robert and Austin and we all had dinner together. That was entertaining.

[private]After diner Austin and I headed over to his place. We just spent the night in the hot tub / steam room and watching movies. It was really good to just hang out with him again like old times. Just chilling and chatting and having a good time. I spent the night there, I offered to sleep on the couch, but he said it’d be ok if I slept in the bed and it wouldn’t cause any problems…. And for an hour or so it was fine, but then he rolled over and started cuddling with me. God, I have to admit it was SO nice having someone to cuddle with again. But I’m not getting wrapped up in that mess again! So we cuddled all night.

Jason kept calling him all freaking night though (well not like while we were sleeping, but just while we were hanging out). It was annoying as hell.

Anyways, Saturday we got up and went to this breakfast thing at Austin’s community. It was wierd, lots of old people and the guy cooking the pankakes clearly had no idea how to make them. Still fun, we sat out on the porch overlooking the backbay, which was nice.

After that we were going to go horseback riding, but it was $40 for an hour, so We didn’t want to pay that. Instead we went shopping for sheets and curtians for Austin’s room. Went to Burlington Coat factory and found some good ones there, but nothing that Austin liked. I think we spent like an hour with him going back and forth. Then we went to Linen’s and Things. Came inside the door and there were these little hand held massage thing. Austin grabbed one to use on his neck.. But while we were shopping he kept putting it on my crotch. It was very exciting. 🙂 HAHAH. He did the same thing when we went to bed, bath and beyond. Ugh. I need to get laid!

He didn’t find anything in either of those places, so we went to Wal-Mart. He finially found curtians that he liked and he also found a bed spread he liked but ended up not getting it. Went back to his place, hung up his curtians and then I home cause I was exauhsted. I crashed shortly after getting home.

Like I said, it was so good to spend a day with Austin again, like back in the early days of our meeting/hanging out. I just wish that he’d dump Orlando, because he clearly isn’t good for him. I think jason would be a better choice, although probably not the right one, considering how much he complains about him already. [/private]

It was really wierd spending saturday down in my old area. Just so strange how quickly things have already changed. I really don’t miss it at all.

Sunday I got up at 6am and went up to Santa Monica to do the bike ride. On my drive up there I passed an accident in which a guy had been hit by a mini-van. That really sucked. It had JUST happened too cause the ambulance wasn’t there yet or anything. I could see it coming though.

Got to the ride and there was a REALLY cute boy there. He was wearing a jersey that looked like a tux. It was so adorable, and he was cute! Ugh! Why don’t I talk to these people! He was being very friendly with one of the other riders though, so who knows if they were together or not. The ride was spectacular, although VERY long. Ugh. We rode along PCH as well, which was a bit scary at times.

Made it back and then drove up the street to the infamous gym again and showered, no hot boys staring at me in the locker room this time though. 🙁 From there I drove to downtown LA for Charles Phoenix’s DISNEYLANDTOUR OF DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. You can see a short clip on YouTube:

And of course I have my pics from the day up on the Photodump. It was a really interesting tour. I really enjoyed it. We even got a special treat and got to see Bob Baker perform. Although was tired as hell by the time it was over with! Its sad that some really great areas of Downtown are so horrible and dirty and gross. They’d be amazing if they cleaned it up some.

After that I was supposed to meet up with this guy Bryan. But he never got back to me, so I just went home. Thank god too, cause I basically crashed in bed.

Good news, I leave THIS FRIDAY for Berlin. I’m so excited! And THE FRAY is on Wed! OMG! This week is BUSY! Brian is coming up Tuesday so that I can show him where all the stuff is at, because he’s taking care of my kitties while I am in Berlin. He seems excited to have a place on the beach. 🙂

Ok, well I should get back to work. Later all!

Anothery day, another ride

This has been a long weekend. Lets see… This whole getting dark so damn early is really throwing me off.. I feel like I should be in bed at like 6pm. I dunno what’s it all about! And I watch so much TV now. I hate it.

Friday this guy came over. Johny 5, we’ll call him. He was nice, and pretty cool. Nada’s gonna happen there. We hung out and watched constantine. I love that movie. Went to bed about midnight, after being up since 3:30am. Saturday I slept in, went and did laundry and hung out at the gym’s hot tub for a couple hours. Did nothing else that day.

Sunday I got up at 6am… Well actually I was awaken at 5:30 by the guy upstairs having very loud sex with some woman. And here everyone said he was gay! WRONG! Got up, showered, had a quick bite to eat at starbucks (I am in love with the Pumpkin cream cheese muffins!). The lady that serverd asked why I was all dressed in biking. Told her about Lifecycle, she’s doing it too. How random! Went up to Santa Monica, met up with everyone. Lots of people there that I met last weekend, so that was cool. We headed out. Really great ride. There was this one person that showed up and at first I just saw from the back, tall, you could tell young, nice ass, skinny legs. I was like, thank god some hot boy my age! 🙂 Turned around… no package! It was a lesbian! Damnit! There was one hot guy there, not sure how old he was, but he was nice. Mike. Sadly I was a bit faster then him coming down one hill, so we got seperated for the rest of the ride. Hopefully I shall see him again.

After the ride I headed over to the 24 hour fitness that I told y’all about on Wed. Just went in to shower, as I had a meeting in the valley and didn’t want to drive home to shower and then back to the valley! So went in, showered and on my way back to the locker area, this HOT guy in a speedo came out of the pool area. Stared me down. Walked past me and TURNED around and watched me. (I could see him in the mirrors). I weighed myself. He stood there watching. I went in and changed. A couple minutes later, he comes in, completely naked and……





Well, he put on his clothes. (Too bad it didn’t turn into a HOT sex scene though, eh?) His locker was right across from mine. So by this time, I was ready to go. I stalled a couple minutes while he changed. (NICE ASS!). Eventually I ran out of things to stall about, so I go down stairs. Ask the guy at the counter for directions to this place I already knew where it was at. The guy comes down the stairs and stares at me some more. Too bad I’m such a pussy. I shoulda talked to him!

Anyways, I went and ate lunch at The Counter. Which my Gma had called and told me about a while back. Amazing burger! Well I was placing my order I was just chatting with he girl, told her I just got done with the really long bike ride and she said, “Have you heard of LifeCycle.” and I told her that’s what I was doing!!! And then she was like, “OMG, I’m doing it tooo!” She had done it last year and we talked for a while before it got crazy busy. When I left she gave me a hug! How cute! I love this! Now if only I could start meeting some real boys to hang out with! YAY!

So THEN! I have this meeting up in the Valley. The guy was cool, he showed me what I need to do, designed the circuit and everything. It looks like it’s going to be a lot more work for me, but he was a great help and really explained it all to stupid old me! I gotta order a part and then head back so he can show me how to do it this way… anyways, we were talking and he knows someone who is doing Lifecycle as well! This thing is EVERYWHERE! It’s so crazy.

Talked to my Gma. She didn’t seem thrilled that I asked her to donate to it for part of my christmas/b-day present. 🙁 She was like, “So why are you supporting this”… Well you had to hear her voice. The fam knows how Gma has that disapproving tone!

So I was reading a post from 4 years ago today.. it’s really sad that I no longer have ANY idea what multiple regression curves and linear regression EVEN IS! And 4 years ago, I was saying it was so EASY!

Anyways, I’m exhausted and Simpsons are on! Laters!