
Well, the last couple days have been fairly exciting. Monday night I had a great time with everyone at Chili’s that was good times. Though Andrew stole and blarged down all of Courtney’s desert… Blargy pants!

After that we came home and on the way Dustin called, we set up times to hang out this weekend, so that will be excitingness.

Tuesday I came to work and did a lot of random stuff. Talked to the new guy for a long time, and got him rolling on things. This was the first time I’d had a chance to sit down with him and just get him caught up on what’s going on. I was a bit annoyed with the timing though because it was right in the middle of the MacExpo, so I missed all the new shit. Though I did catch the release of the new iPod mini. Good times. (See previous post)

I’ve also now applied to 37 jobs.

After work I went home to the Drew Bear. We changed and then went a bought books. I was a bit surprised because one of them litterly has 8 books! It was insanity. Though my other classes don’t really have much it looks like, so that’s good. The Human Sex book is very interesting. Andrew and I flipped through it last night, good times there.

After buying books we went and worked out, came home and then Andrew made dinner. He did a wonderful job. I wish that I had some to eat now though. I’m starving!

Today I came into work and have been fairly busy. The tape drive on Midas was acting up, so I called Dell and got that taken care of, then we got a bounced e-mail and had to take care of that.

After all that, I came into my office and started working on some other stuff. I finally got a responce from lire about a problem I’ve been having with the software, and worked on that some, along with a way to backup vermont, since it doesn’t ahve a built in tape drive. For some reason vermont-old won’t nfs mount vermont. But harmony and ednt can both do it without any problems. Very strange if you ask me.

I’d really like to just start re-doing vermont-old. But things are very stressful for Nazanin and group around here, so we mostly aren’t bothering them.

Also installed Xgrid on the macs. We now have a 6 Node cluster of Macs, three of which are Dual G5’s. Very nice. lol. What we’re going to do with it though is beyond me!

Oh, also last night after supper Andrew and I just sat aroundall night and had a good time playing video games with against each other. I got a bit upset because he kept killing me in Mortal Kombat… Not my fault that I don’t know how to play or what the buttons do. After that I played some other game, which was fairly amusing. I think I may go home and do that again tonight.

I still haven’t written the cover letter yet.. I just can’t get anything good on it going. Very annoying. Hopefully I’ll have something written here soon though. I really want to get those jobs at Chapman Applied for.

Anyways, that’s about it.
Laters all.!

Busy Day, and COLD!

So I’ve been meaning to update lately, but it’s just been way to busy for me to actually get around to it. Right now I’ve got a couple minutes, so I thought that I would take some time to tell you what’s going on in my life!

Well, lets see, last time we talked I was getting ready to start training at my job. I went to that and it was pretty good. A bit stressful, but good. The guy that was doing the training that day was very annoying. Mostly because he reminded me of someone I really dislike, his actions, the way he talked, even the way he looked. It was just annoying, I kept asking meself, is that so and so? lol

Anyways, we met the other managers and there’s like 2 hot ones. Good times. 😉 lol. Got out of there about 4:30, and then I sat around waiting for my group meeting at 6. We were in the group meeting for a while, got things together and then went to Copyworks and got it printed and bound. Total cost: $16.00! Grrr. After that I ended up waiting for 45 minutes for the bus, in the COLD! Brrr was it ever cold Sunday night! Ran into my workout partener though and we talked some, then he complained of the cold and went inside. Whore!

Monday was a long day as well. Went to my class, YAY only 4 more times of that class!!! After that I missed the normal express bus, so I had to catch the regular bus, which didn’t get me home tell 10:15… Usually I’m leaving for work at that time, so I quickly showered and headed off to work.

Lots to do there on Monday, which I really didn’t like because I had to do research for my job training Monday night, and I also wanted to get a presentation done for my MIS class. We go tomorrow.

Anyways, did all the work there, and bought a new Dual 2.0Ghz G5 from Apple. That was fun! We spent a lot of money Monday!

After work I went to class, which was usual, had two group presentations, and they were both really bland. Got done with that and then went off to my training again.

I was again really nervous for that because we were all going to have to talk infront of people and shit, and basically just make asses of ourselves. Very annoying.

Lucily it was one of the hot boys doing the training yesterday, so that was fun, he told us stories about him getting drunk and arrested for the first hour of the class. lol. Good times!

After he was done with his stories we did a review, and by that time it was break time, so we did that. After break we went back and did the things. Thankfully he only made two people do them, and then the rest of us broke into groups of two and did it there. YAY! lol.

I got stuck with some stupid bitch though. She really was stupid!

It’s really funny though cause there’s this one girl who totally reminds me of Beak, like 100%! She even had read hair! She just totally has the additute that beak has and everything. IT’s so funny!

We got done with that right at 9 and from there I caught a bus home and ate and then went to bed. Good times, it was a really long day!

Today is going to be just as long, I left my house this morning at 7 and won’t be back tell like 9:45 or 10ish. And the worst thing is that I have NOTHING to eat in my apartment! 🙁

Had class this morning which was pretty boring, though I’m very excited because we only have 3 more classes left in there!!!!

MGMT 414 was alright, we just did group presentations. PoliSci was boring as hell like usual. I spelt through it, the first 20 minutes of class he talked about how if he had more time he would do this and that. IT’s like, well you don’t HAVE more time, and you are just wasting time by telling us this!!! IT was very annoying.

Group meeting after that and we got the presentation done for my MIS thing tomorrow. One last group meeting for my MGMT presentation on sunday and then that’s done with YAY!

Then class again, and now I’m typing this. After I’m done I have some notes to type up and then class and then training again tell 9. I hope I do good! 🙁

Laters all.

I forgot to mention how COLD it is in this lab, and how funny it is because all the professors are moving out of Carver and into the new business building. Very amusing. They all have BOXES of junk around the offices and papers stacked all over the place, and there’s tons of Marketing books and finance books around. Very funny.

I Don’t Wanna!!!

I’ve decided that I don’t want to graduate yet! It’s to damn early people, you can’t make me! I swear!

Ever since my graduation year started, I keep getting bombarded with fun sounding things that I REALLY want to do. Today a guy came and talked to our MGMT 370 class about a 20 day trip to Europe.

You get to visit London, Paris, Zurich, Vienne, Salzburg, and Munich…. It sounds SO MUCH FUN! I really want to go, plus it’s worth 3 credits of Marketing! How cool is that… And I REALLY WANT TO GO !!!!! ::whines:: I’ve also decided that I really want go to Italy for a semester abroad. Of course, non of this is going to get to happen. :'( Fuckers waiting tell my last year to let me know about all the cool shit that’s going on!

Anyways, other then that, not much going on around here. I’ve opened a Principal checking/saving account. Which I thought at first would be really cool. That way I can bank online, and free bill pay and tons of other cool things, but then I was talking to my aunt and cousin about it, and apprenty if my other aunt, who works at principal, finds out about my account, she’ll be checking it and seeing what I’m doing. What a whore face bitch. Isn’t there a law against that!

I guess we’ll have to see about it. Plus the online bill pay, and the $50 they gave me to sign up was worth the troubles I think. Wells-Fargo charges you like $6 pr $7 a month for online bill pay. Bastards.

So… Question?

Why are there not ANY pencil sharpeners in classrooms anymore. I get to my test this morning, which by the way sucked, and found out that all my pencils were broken, I had to go through 4, that’s right FOUR! classrooms before just giving up and going to the office to get them sharpened. Bastards.

Well I’m out.
Laters all.

What I Need

Mr. Baker,

As an employee of an institution of higher education, I have a few very
basic expectations. Chief among these is that my direct superior
shares an intellect that ranges above the common ground squirrel. After your
consistent and annoying harassment of myself, and my co-workers during
the commission of our duties, I can only surmise that you are one of
the few true genetic wastes of our time.

Asking me, a network administrator, to explain every little nuance of
everything I do each time you happen to stroll into my office is not
only a waste of time, but also a waste of precious oxygen. I was hired
because I know about Unix, and you were apparently hired to provide
amusement to myself and other employees, who watch you vainly attempt
to understand the concept of “cut and paste” for the hundredth time.

You will never understand computers. Something as incredibly simple as
binary still gives you too many options. You will also never
understand why people hate you, but I am going to try and explain it to you,
even though I am sure this will be just as effective as telling you what an
IP is.

Your shiny new iMac has more personality than you ever will. You walk
around the building all day, shiftlessly looking for fault in others.
You have a sharp-dressed, useless look about you that may have worked
for your interview, but now that you actually have responsibility, you
pawn it off on overworked staff, hoping their talent will cover for
your glaring ineptitude. In a world of managerial evolution, you are the
blue-green algae that everyone else eats and laughs at. Managers like
you are a sad proof of the Dilbert principle.

Seeing as this situation is unlikely to change without you getting a
full frontal lobotomy, I am forced to tender my resignation; however I
have a few parting points:

1. When someone calls you in reference to employment, it is illegal to
give me a bad recommendation. The most you can say to hurt me is “I
prefer not to comment.” I will have friends randomly call you over the
next couple of years to keep you honest, because I know you would be
unable to do it on your own.

2. I have all the passwords to every account on the system, and I know
every password you have used for the last five years. If you decide to
get cute, I am going to publish your “favorites list”, which I
conveniently saved when you made me “back up” your useless files. I
believe that terms like “Lolita” are not usually viewed favorably by
the administration.

3. When you borrowed the digital camera to “take pictures of your
mothers B-day”, you neglected to mention that you were going to take
pictures of yourself in the mirror nude. Then you forgot to erase them
like the techno-moron you really are. Suffice it to say I have never
seen such odd acts with a ketchup bottle, but I assure you that those
have been copied and kept in safe places pending the authoring of a
glowing letter of recommendation. (Try to use a spell check please – I
hate having to correct your damn mistakes.)

Thank you for your time, and I expect the letter of recommendation on
my desk by 8:00 am tomorrow, not ONE minute later. One word of this to
anybody and all of your little twisted repugnant obsessions will be
open to the public. Never f*ck with your systems administrators, because
they know what you do with all your free time.


I sure felt like writing something along these lines today. Grrr At my life.

Why’s it so COLD!?!?

Today’s been a bit arrravating. I guess.

Things overall have been going good, much better then the start of the week.
So that’s a plus. But other things havn’t been going so good.

Last week sometime, Andrew got me started on my dream, once again. Owning a
consulting firm, a specialized one. I talked to Barb today about it, and she
said she deffinitally thinks there’s going to be a market for it. So that’s
promising information. Though she says that what I want to do, I’ll have to
do a lot of volunteer work to get started into it. In other words, I have to
get my foot in the door by doing it for free to start, and then move on to
charging, and actually getting the business aspect of it going.

She did give me a lot of tips though as to how to get into it, and also how to
get started in it. Also told me of some classes that I should take, either at
a Community college, or a junior college. I woudn’t have to go to a real
college, or get another degree. Just get some expertise in some other areas
of the business which I want to get into.

She also said that I may be to limiting in wanting to focus on Open Source
solutions. Because the clientele that I’m looking at is very bad at changing
things. But I think that I can get it into their heads. I just have to have
the authority to do it. Whereas here, I don’t have that authority. Also good
news was that she has contacts in the area that I’m looking at going moving
too, so that’ll also help with getting my foot in the door.

Anyways, the aggravting part of the day was Nazanin. We got the second rack in
today, and also a few other things. I have my ideas of how it should be set
up, and it’s the way that this thing SHOULD be set up. She on the other had
has stupid ideas of how it should be done. Very annoying. She won’t listen to
me at all about it.

I also found out that she doesn’t like the way that my office is set up and
she wants to re-arrange it. Not from her, but from someone else. I have a
feeling that one of these days, I’m going to come into my office and find it
all completely changed. I won’t be happy about that.

I moved my office to the way that it is now, because I was sick of people
coming in behind me and scaring the shit out of me. I was also very VERY sick
of her, because she would always come in and stand right behind me and just
stare over my shoulder and not say/do anything. It was very annoying and I
hated it.

If she wants to know what I’m doing, all she has to do is ask!!!

Now I’m on the phone with Dell Tech support, because our Harmony server is
VERY VERY loud. I mean, yeah, rack mount servers are supposed to be fairly
loud. But this one is very unaceptable loud. So I’ve called them three or
four times, and complained and each time they come up with a different
answer. The first time it was that sometimes the fans spin at 10,000 RPMs
when they should be spinning at 6500-7500 RPMs. So I checked into that, and
they were all indeed spinning in the acceptable range. The second time I
called in they asked me to do a hardware check to be sure they were all
running correctly…

The guy instited that “correctly” was different from the acceptable RPM range.
So I did the test which he asked me to do, which took a few hours, and they
were STILL way too loud.

Called back, the third time, they said to update the BIOS and EPM software, it
was supposedly a software problem. So hung up, went and did that… STILL

So Now I’m calling back, and told the guy off. He says he’s doing “research”
now. Mostly because I told him esactly where on his website to go to learn
about the problem that we’re having, Because it’s been complained about
before, and there’s a ton of people complaining about it on their own forum,
and also on the google forums. I’ll report aobut his “research” once he’s

Had a Poli Sci test on Thursday, it went alright. Though they changed up the
Essay/EC from the last test, so I didn’t study what I should have. I studied
the same types of things that they asked about on the last test, for this
test. Because on the last test, the essays were about WWI, and if it was
inevitable or not. Well this time, even though we covered WWII and the Cold
War and he had slides JUST like the WWI slides, the essays weren’t about

Very annoying.

Anyways, I have to leave. So I’ll finish this later