Down on YOU in a Theater!

Wow, what a weekend!

So, Friday afternoon Constantine came over and we watched Boy Culture. It was a pretty good gay movie really. Not as horrible as most. After that we went out to Boys Room in Long Beach with Jason and Mok. It was one crazy night there. Lots of insane boys in LB but it was a lot of fun. Did some dancing and what not as well.

Got home from that about 2:30am and it was raining out. Saturday Constantine and I got up and headed out to Montrose to eat breakfast at Black Cow Cafe. Really good food. If you are ever in that area, I highly suggest checking it out! After that we headed over to the LA Zoo.

The Zoo was lots of fun and it’s pretty big. I really want to get to the San Diego zoo and Wild Animal park here soon though because I’ve head they are much better!

I also dropped off my car that morning to get the brakes done… They called me while we were at the Zoo and said that they needed to do tonnnns of other stuff. Said it was going to cost nearly $900 total! I told them NO and to just do the brakes. Which ended up costing just over $560 anyways. Fucking cars! The place was going to charge me $100 for a new battery! Some of it I do actually need to do, but I can do it myself for much cheaper!

From the Zoo we headed up Mulholland to this really neat overlook of LA. After that we headed back to my place. Where we all decided to have a very impromptu dinner party at Jason’s house. Went and got ELBj and drinks from Albertson’s and Trader Joes. Ended up playing cards till like 10 and then went home and crashed in bed.

Sunday got up and Constantine and I headed up to the valley area to meet up with his sister and some of his friends. Went to Soup Plantation for lunch and then saw the movie Elizabeth: The Golden Age. It was a very good movie! I really loved the dresses and the sets and everything! You should go see it. His friends were all very nice.

Came home from that and we went for a walk on the beach. We’re going to start walking a couple miles a day so that we can be ready for Europe’s walking adventures!

Constantine left after that and I laid down on the couch to watch the Simpsons and what not. But I didn’t even make it through that before I was sound asleep. So I just went to bed.

This morning I got up and on my way into work I was listening to 104.3 My FM and they played “You Oughta Know” by Alanis Morissette. They got to the part where she says. “Down on you in a theater”… They silenced it out! UGH! What is wrong with this country! Idiots.

In other news, I’m still very annoyed with the landlord for raising my rent. I’m really considering moving in with Jason now. My place is just NOT WORTH $1,400 a month! Asshole. The people on the end unit moved out too, but I haven’t seen a sign go up in the front yard yet. So I’m not sure what’s up with that I wonder why he hasn’t advertised it. I’ve also really been contemplating just buying that place on 204th street that I looked at a while back, although it’s in the GHETTO now, I’m sure it’ll just get better. Fucking HATE renting! I have to buy a place ASAP! Or get the hell out of here!

Also, today marks 7 years of blogging! Yay!

And today marks 2 months with Constantine!

Photos from the weekend are here!

Ok. I’m out. Laters all!!!

25 MPH Gusting to 35!! Crazy WINDS!

Soooo, Friday we had some CRAZY fucking winds. I mean 25 mph alllll day long, gusting to 35. Redic! You couldn’t hardly walk. The beach was going crazy! Waves SOOO big! IT was even foaming and stuff!

Constantine came over and we got some pics and stuff which are here. We also took some video with his nice camera, but don’t have the cable to transfer it. I’ll post that once it’s up.

From there we headed out to dinner. Went to this new place down the street. We get there at 6:45 and I ask our waitress if it’s still Happy hour because outside I could have swore the sign said “Happy hour 5-7”. But the menus said “5-6”. She said “No”. So I went outside to check and the sign DID say 5-7!!! Liar! It was pretty good food though overall.

Came back to my place after that and I think we just hung out here. I can’t remember for sure! It’s been a busy weekend!

Got up Saturday and headed up to H&M at the beverly center. Met up with Charles Phoenix there to pick up the video of him on The Martha Stewart Show. Also bought lots of cute clothes for our Europe trip! Headed back to my place after that, but Jason called and asked if we wanted to go flying. So we did that. Tons of fun! It was a wonderful day! Got back to my place and watched North Country. It was a really sad movie! But very good.

Jason picked us up after that and we went over to his place and had tacos and lots of drinks and played cards and had a jolly old time! Probably one of the best dinner parties I’ve ever been too. The card games were tons of fun!

Sunday Constantine and I got up and he left cause he needed to do his Photo project. So I lounged around the house. I found a Camry Hybrid online for sale, so I called about it. It was the same place as a car I had called about on Friday and the guy was a total ass about it. I was like, why should I drive an hour and a half if you arent’ willing to negotiate with me on the phone. Anyways, the guy was super nice on Sunday when I called, so Jason, Steve and I headed up there. Long story short. The guy was a total ass in person too. So we left. I was uber pissed after that. Stopped at the In & Out by the airport and watched planes for a while. Headed home after that.

[private]I have to admit that I was a little annoyed that night with Constantine. I found out that he went out climbing and movie watching with his friends. And he knows how much I’ve been wanting to meet them, so that he didn’t call and invite me to go with me hurt a little… So I didn’t get to sleep till 11 cause I was annoyed about it. [/private]

Overall it was an excellent weekend!!!!

How they Vote!

Oh my god this video! What is wrong with these people! Are they serious!


In other news. I have been good. Last night Constantine and I went to Jason’s for dinner. Very yummy meatballs! YAY!

Some guy also hard core hit on me at the gym. I was changing and he said he liked my shirt and then he felt my shirt and then he gave me his card. Really random! But it made me feel goooood. I’m hot! Yay! Hhaha.

This weekend Constantine and I are heading up to Mono Lake to see the fall colors! I’m sooo excited!


Trevor Hall and Other Stuff

So Thursday night I headed out of work about 2:30 and headed up to Santa Monica to meet Constantine up at the mall by his office. It took forever to get there, but traffic really wasn’t all that bad. Just a really long drive.

So I got there and we shopped around for a little bit. I bought one of the new flat apple keyboards there. I _love_ it! I would have liked to have the wireless one, but I don’t like how small it is. So I go the wired one. Which is ok, because it has 2 usb ports built in. So that’s good news. 🙂 I also love how soft the touch is.

From there we headed out to Cha Cha Cha’s It took us like an hour to go the 10 miles. lol. Damn LA traffic. Anyways, the place is really cool. They have this very funky decor. The food was good too and we got Sangria which was fun! I got Jerk Pulled Pork. It’s Fucking HOOOOTTTT! But it tastes good. I finished it for lunch Friday.

Left there and headed for The Derby to see Trevor Hall. The website said that he was supposed to start at 8 and some other guy was supposed to start at 7:30. So we get there at 7:30 and the doors are locked. So we go down the street to get Coffee Bean. Head back to the doors at 8 and they are just opening them. We get to the ticket lady and I had printed out the flyer that clearly said. “$8 W/flyer $12 without”. It didn’t say anything else about restrictions. So I hand it to her and say that I am paying for both of us. She then states that the flyer is only good for ONE PERSON. Excuse me? It doesn’t _SAY_ that anywhere! THEN! The flyer also clearly states “Free well drinks till 9pm”. So she hands us two coupons… Apparently “Free drinks” means. “One free drink”. UGH! What an annoying place.

Once we get in we find out that Trevor isn’t supposed to go on till 8:50 now. WTF? Why can’t they keep these things straight!

Anyways, the guys before him were ok. But Trevor was amazing. I enjoyed going.

Friday I worked and then came home, went to the gym for an hour to bike on a bike that I can’t crash. Then putzed around Torrance Toytota. Which had the EXACT Camery in stock that Cars Direct told me I would have to wait a month to get (If I could even get it at all, because I wanted navigation without leather). So I called Cars direct and bitched them out. And Torrance Toyota is still using the line. “Well hybrids are really hard to get your hands on.” LIARS! If you have 14 of them in stock, and Santa Monica Toyota has 50 in stock, that means they are NOT hard to get your hands on! So I walked out of there. Then today I get an email from them saying that they have a Red Prius, and they say they are willing to give me the exact price I wanted on Friday. Idiots!

Came home and did the dishes from the camping trip and then watched some TV.

Friday night we got some EXCELLENT thunderstorms and rain showers which was just great!

Saturday morning I got up and vacuumed and then got my hair cut. Constantine and I were supposed to go to the fair, but it was pooring down rain, so we went to Ikea and got lunch. Then out to one of his friends house to take pics. From there we went to The Getty. The views from there were AMAZING! You could see all the way past long beach! It was just breathtaking. You never get that clear of a day in LA!!!

Pics from the getty are here.

If every day in LA looked as pretty as it did on Saturday this place would be a lot nicer! That night we came back to my place, baked an Apple Pie and watched Fracture. It was a REALLY good movie.

Sunday we got up and made breakfast and then went to Barnes and Noble and got books about Vienna and Prague! YAY! After that we went to Home Depot and got stuff to make another giant painting! Went after that for a walk on the beach. LA was still very pretty and clear but not as nice as the day before.

Came back to my place after that and watched Shooter. Another EXCELLENT movie! Constantine left after that and I hung out at home the rest of the night.
