Last update before Berlin!!

Well this will be my last update before I head off to Berlin, and I have lots of random stuff!

First… Do we really need to see the old KFC Logo from space?!

Second, Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.. For anyone who didn’t already know. I was listening to his show this morning on my 10/mph commute. Very annoying!

Thrid: How about an Astro-Weenie Christmas Tree…

Oh my… Charles is one interesting person! I’m glad that I got hooked up with his outfit! 🙂 And what’s better then a SPAM cake? Well a Cheese Whiz cake, naturally. Check out this hilarious interview with Charles!

Fourth: What have these people done to these poor BMW’s. The first one on page 18 is very entertaining.

Fifth, my phone here at the office hasn’t worked all week!

Last night B-Ri came over and I showed him where everything is. He’s very excited that I have lots of Alchohol in the freezer for him to drink. I warned the neighbors! After that I did a qiuck 15 mile bike ride, and then make sugar cookies. They are ok, but not at all what they should be! I tried using the Splenda sugar substitue stuff, I think that’s the problem! Oh well. Who knew that a cup of sugar has so many calories in it!

I laid down to watch TV after that and fell asleep… I missed Gilmore Girls, and for some reason the MythBox fucked up! Damn Mythbackend going defunct! It does this randomly. Hopefully it won’t while I am away in Berlin!

The Fray is tonight! Yay! Although I’m a bit nervous about it. We’ll see how it goes!

[private] Honstely robert is really pissing me off lately. He sent me this e-mail the other day: “Whatever, Im not playing this he said who said game. And you believe a word I say to you anyways. If you needed my place why didnt you call then?”… To which I replied. “What the hell are you talking about”. He never replied. So today I relied again with “What the hell”. He said that if I wanted to use his place to hook up with straight boy why didn’t I call… I told him that I _might_ need to use his place. Whay does it fucking matter if I did or didn’t call! Ugh. He’s just such a fucking idiot. And what the hell does this mean about I don’t believe anything he says? Maybe if he didn’t say that EVERYONE tried to make out with him I would believe it when he says that someone DID try to make out with him! UGH! Seriously, someone will say “HI” to him and he’ll be like, “Did you see that, he tried to make out with me”. God! I really don’t want to see him at the concert tonight. [/private]

This morning, I went to the gym and then came into work. 10/mph the WHOLE WAY. Normally it takes me 30 minutes to get here.. Today 2 hours! I know. I’m sure you are all sick of me complaining about traffic, but I just cannot get over how people do this EVERY DAY! I could bike to work faster!

Tomorrow I have planned to meet up with Bryan, along with 8 million other things I have to do. I’m very nervous about this whole flying into Berlin on my own and then taking the U-Bahn on my own as well. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine!

I’m also going to be sending out my donation letters tomorrow.. I have 750 names on the list currently. If they all just donated $10 that’d be amazing! But I know that probably 95% of them won’t donate. So hopefully the 5% that do donate put in like $100+!! I think I’m getting my hopes up. I’ve started carrying around letters too, and any that I see with a rainbow sticker I put one on thier cars!


Exhausting Weekend… But GREAT!

Wow, what a LONG weekend. I was barely home long enough to sleep all weekend.

Lets see, Friday I worked in Newport Beach. It was a really long day down there. Got out of work and went and picked up my bike. They yelled at me. 🙁 Apparently I need to lube the chain everytime I ride. They never told me that when I bought it! Either way, it’s all happy now!

After that I met up with Robert and Austin and we all had dinner together. That was entertaining.

[private]After diner Austin and I headed over to his place. We just spent the night in the hot tub / steam room and watching movies. It was really good to just hang out with him again like old times. Just chilling and chatting and having a good time. I spent the night there, I offered to sleep on the couch, but he said it’d be ok if I slept in the bed and it wouldn’t cause any problems…. And for an hour or so it was fine, but then he rolled over and started cuddling with me. God, I have to admit it was SO nice having someone to cuddle with again. But I’m not getting wrapped up in that mess again! So we cuddled all night.

Jason kept calling him all freaking night though (well not like while we were sleeping, but just while we were hanging out). It was annoying as hell.

Anyways, Saturday we got up and went to this breakfast thing at Austin’s community. It was wierd, lots of old people and the guy cooking the pankakes clearly had no idea how to make them. Still fun, we sat out on the porch overlooking the backbay, which was nice.

After that we were going to go horseback riding, but it was $40 for an hour, so We didn’t want to pay that. Instead we went shopping for sheets and curtians for Austin’s room. Went to Burlington Coat factory and found some good ones there, but nothing that Austin liked. I think we spent like an hour with him going back and forth. Then we went to Linen’s and Things. Came inside the door and there were these little hand held massage thing. Austin grabbed one to use on his neck.. But while we were shopping he kept putting it on my crotch. It was very exciting. 🙂 HAHAH. He did the same thing when we went to bed, bath and beyond. Ugh. I need to get laid!

He didn’t find anything in either of those places, so we went to Wal-Mart. He finially found curtians that he liked and he also found a bed spread he liked but ended up not getting it. Went back to his place, hung up his curtians and then I home cause I was exauhsted. I crashed shortly after getting home.

Like I said, it was so good to spend a day with Austin again, like back in the early days of our meeting/hanging out. I just wish that he’d dump Orlando, because he clearly isn’t good for him. I think jason would be a better choice, although probably not the right one, considering how much he complains about him already. [/private]

It was really wierd spending saturday down in my old area. Just so strange how quickly things have already changed. I really don’t miss it at all.

Sunday I got up at 6am and went up to Santa Monica to do the bike ride. On my drive up there I passed an accident in which a guy had been hit by a mini-van. That really sucked. It had JUST happened too cause the ambulance wasn’t there yet or anything. I could see it coming though.

Got to the ride and there was a REALLY cute boy there. He was wearing a jersey that looked like a tux. It was so adorable, and he was cute! Ugh! Why don’t I talk to these people! He was being very friendly with one of the other riders though, so who knows if they were together or not. The ride was spectacular, although VERY long. Ugh. We rode along PCH as well, which was a bit scary at times.

Made it back and then drove up the street to the infamous gym again and showered, no hot boys staring at me in the locker room this time though. 🙁 From there I drove to downtown LA for Charles Phoenix’s DISNEYLANDTOUR OF DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. You can see a short clip on YouTube:

And of course I have my pics from the day up on the Photodump. It was a really interesting tour. I really enjoyed it. We even got a special treat and got to see Bob Baker perform. Although was tired as hell by the time it was over with! Its sad that some really great areas of Downtown are so horrible and dirty and gross. They’d be amazing if they cleaned it up some.

After that I was supposed to meet up with this guy Bryan. But he never got back to me, so I just went home. Thank god too, cause I basically crashed in bed.

Good news, I leave THIS FRIDAY for Berlin. I’m so excited! And THE FRAY is on Wed! OMG! This week is BUSY! Brian is coming up Tuesday so that I can show him where all the stuff is at, because he’s taking care of my kitties while I am in Berlin. He seems excited to have a place on the beach. 🙂

Ok, well I should get back to work. Later all!

Anothery day, another ride

This has been a long weekend. Lets see… This whole getting dark so damn early is really throwing me off.. I feel like I should be in bed at like 6pm. I dunno what’s it all about! And I watch so much TV now. I hate it.

Friday this guy came over. Johny 5, we’ll call him. He was nice, and pretty cool. Nada’s gonna happen there. We hung out and watched constantine. I love that movie. Went to bed about midnight, after being up since 3:30am. Saturday I slept in, went and did laundry and hung out at the gym’s hot tub for a couple hours. Did nothing else that day.

Sunday I got up at 6am… Well actually I was awaken at 5:30 by the guy upstairs having very loud sex with some woman. And here everyone said he was gay! WRONG! Got up, showered, had a quick bite to eat at starbucks (I am in love with the Pumpkin cream cheese muffins!). The lady that serverd asked why I was all dressed in biking. Told her about Lifecycle, she’s doing it too. How random! Went up to Santa Monica, met up with everyone. Lots of people there that I met last weekend, so that was cool. We headed out. Really great ride. There was this one person that showed up and at first I just saw from the back, tall, you could tell young, nice ass, skinny legs. I was like, thank god some hot boy my age! 🙂 Turned around… no package! It was a lesbian! Damnit! There was one hot guy there, not sure how old he was, but he was nice. Mike. Sadly I was a bit faster then him coming down one hill, so we got seperated for the rest of the ride. Hopefully I shall see him again.

After the ride I headed over to the 24 hour fitness that I told y’all about on Wed. Just went in to shower, as I had a meeting in the valley and didn’t want to drive home to shower and then back to the valley! So went in, showered and on my way back to the locker area, this HOT guy in a speedo came out of the pool area. Stared me down. Walked past me and TURNED around and watched me. (I could see him in the mirrors). I weighed myself. He stood there watching. I went in and changed. A couple minutes later, he comes in, completely naked and……





Well, he put on his clothes. (Too bad it didn’t turn into a HOT sex scene though, eh?) His locker was right across from mine. So by this time, I was ready to go. I stalled a couple minutes while he changed. (NICE ASS!). Eventually I ran out of things to stall about, so I go down stairs. Ask the guy at the counter for directions to this place I already knew where it was at. The guy comes down the stairs and stares at me some more. Too bad I’m such a pussy. I shoulda talked to him!

Anyways, I went and ate lunch at The Counter. Which my Gma had called and told me about a while back. Amazing burger! Well I was placing my order I was just chatting with he girl, told her I just got done with the really long bike ride and she said, “Have you heard of LifeCycle.” and I told her that’s what I was doing!!! And then she was like, “OMG, I’m doing it tooo!” She had done it last year and we talked for a while before it got crazy busy. When I left she gave me a hug! How cute! I love this! Now if only I could start meeting some real boys to hang out with! YAY!

So THEN! I have this meeting up in the Valley. The guy was cool, he showed me what I need to do, designed the circuit and everything. It looks like it’s going to be a lot more work for me, but he was a great help and really explained it all to stupid old me! I gotta order a part and then head back so he can show me how to do it this way… anyways, we were talking and he knows someone who is doing Lifecycle as well! This thing is EVERYWHERE! It’s so crazy.

Talked to my Gma. She didn’t seem thrilled that I asked her to donate to it for part of my christmas/b-day present. 🙁 She was like, “So why are you supporting this”… Well you had to hear her voice. The fam knows how Gma has that disapproving tone!

So I was reading a post from 4 years ago today.. it’s really sad that I no longer have ANY idea what multiple regression curves and linear regression EVEN IS! And 4 years ago, I was saying it was so EASY!

Anyways, I’m exhausted and Simpsons are on! Laters!


So this weekend has been pretty busy. Saturday I got up at 6am, and headed up to Griffith Park. It was FREEZING there. I really have to get a long sleeve jersey. Met a lot of really nice people, although mostly older. But still very nice. They said there was over 300 people. Saw a few really cute boys, but didn’t say anything to them.

The ride started off really slow. I was kinda torwards the back and was doing about 10mph. I got tired of that after a while and started passing people. Ended up averaging a little over 15mph. One person got hurt though and there was an ambulance and stuff. That sucked.

Got home from that and headed down to Newport to help austin and gang unpack. The boy he’s replacing was UBER sexy! We all had a good time. I drove Austin back to Long Beach and then came home. Stopped at Kohls and picked up a really cute spoon holder. I’ve been needed one of those since like 4 years ago. I also bought a few other things.

Stopped at Blockbuster to rent a movie…. Since when has it been $5 a freaking MOVIE!? That is ridiculous! I suppose now that’s an even better reason to sign up for Netflix or something. I mean for $5.99 a month you could get up to 4 movies. Who knows.

Sunday I had meetings all day. Very annoying, but that’s what one has to do, I suppose.

Monday I got up at 3:30am and came into the new office. It’s not as nice as the old one, but it’ll do. I _hate_ where my new desk is at. It will suffice.

[private]WARNING TMI: I’ve been VERY gassy for like the last two weeks. It smells like a rotten egg. It’s HORRIBLE. I also haven’t gone poop in nearly a whole week. Something is wrong![/private]


Private MySpace Profiles!

My god I had a busy weekend. And I’m in SO much pain again! Ugh. My body needs to get used to this shit.

But first.. What is up with these damn Private MySpace profiles. I REALLY hate them. I HATE when someone messages me, or tries to add me as a friend and the damn thing is PRIVATE. What’s the POINT of having a god damn Myspace page if you are going to make it private. I am no longer going to reply to any randoms with private myspace pages. I also hate it because now I can’t stalk anyone. 🙁 haha.

Ok, so lets see.. Friday I left work and went shopping. Spent way to much money again, just buying supplies for this weekends activities. I came home and just wired all the lights together into one cord for my GIANT TIX clock and lit it up, and hung it where it belongs.

Isn’t it pretty. You shoud see it all lit up at night. It’s crazy bright! I’m really going to have to get a dimmer for it.

I went to bed pretty early. Saturday I got up at 6:30, ate breakfast and drove up to Manhattan Beach. Met up with the Aids Lifecycle group and we went off biking. I had my first spill on my new bike too. 🙁 We were JUST starting out and all of a sudden the tail guy started yelling at everyone to stop. So I pulled my right foot out of the clip, but couldn’t get my left one out fast enough, so I fell over. My bike thankfully only took VERY minor damage. After that incident we rode about 11 miles down to just past my house to Palos Verdes. The first part of the ride was really slow and lots of stop and go via the roads. Very not my style. I was a bit annoyed. But we got to the first rest stop and half the group turned around. The rest of us started going UP-up-UP! 7% incline for 5 miles. Ouch! I thought I was going to die, but I made it just fine. Got to the top of the hill and the bathrooms were closed! I had to piss so badly! lol.

The ride back down the hill was really fun. Averaged about 40/mph coming down. For the whole ride we did a little over 15/mph. Which is ok. I usually average 18/mph, but I don’t have to deal with as much stop/go shit.

Everyone was really nice but it was AWK. I mean, you know how I get in new groups. I just stand there and don’t say anything. I tried to talk to some people but I just didn’t do well at all. I’m excited for next week’s ride though. It’s the ACL kick off and it’s supposed to be HUGE!

Came home from that and stopped at Panda Express in my riding get-up. Somone whistled at me, he was kinda hot. lol. Got home and showered, changed and then started my newest project…

It’s an 8’x5′ painting:


And no, the shadow is not part of it. Right now it’s just the lime green. I really like it. Although someone said that it looked like a green screen that they use in TV. Either way. I was going to paint two red lines on it using the same red as the clock, but I did a sample piece that’s 4″x6″, and it just looks wierd. So Austin suggested that I do it in grey. I think I’m going to go with Silver. 🙂 I’m debating as to what to do with it.

One part of me wants to make a second one the same size, only with a bright purple, and hang them side by side in my bedroom vertically, so it’s kinda contrasting. Another part of me wants to just keep the one and use the other 4 yards of canvas for smaller things. And finially a last part of me wants to use it to sell and raise money for LifeCycle. I’m really nervous about not getting enough money for this thing, incase you can’t tell!

After that I showered again, and Austin came over, we went out to dinner in Hermosa Beach and then went out to the Dolphin. That place was SCARY! There were only about 5 people there, two of them were HUGE lesbians. (I mean huge as in Bull Dyke). So we left there and came back to my place, watched a movie, stole some of each others movies, and drank some Champagne. Good stuff. He spent the night, on the couch.

Got up Sunday, had breakfast, a meeting from 10-11 and then this guy Johnny came over at 11ish. We hung out and watched QaF. He was cute and nice. We’ll see what happens.

He left a little after 6. I had another meeting at 6:30 and then just chilled on the couch at home. Watched Heroes. It was really good, although a bit gross. I added it to my Tivo listing.

This morning it was so hard to get out of bed. My legs are killing me, and plus it’s getting really cold here (and by that I mean like the high 50’s, I’m such a fucking pussy now!) and I just want to stay under the covers where it’s warm and cozy.

I really want to go out to WeHo for Halloween.. I hear it’s crazyness.