I haven’t seen this time…

What a busy busy weekend.

Lets see. So Friday morning I had a meeting with the CEO at 6am. He basically dumped a huge project in my lap. Something another guy had been working on. The CEO wasn’t happy with his layout/colors. So he handed it over to me. We all know that I am NOT a good color picker… Look at the colors on here! So he sent me what the other guy had done. I thought it was pretty damn good. Just a few color things here and there that were pretty bad. But workable over all.

So I spent about 9 hours Friday picking colors, designing layouts, playing with graphics and fonts and all that stuff. Came up with something I’m pretty happy about. I sent an e-mail off to the CEO about 7pm that night asking for intial feedback.

Friday night I went out with Andrew and Chiba. Andrew and I got there about 2 hours before Chiba did, cause he was working. Had a really good time just hanging out at the Abbey and chatting and checking out guys. I saw three people that I really didn’t want to see. And LOTs of hot boys that I would have loved to have talked too.

Chiba got there and we stayed till 2am. After that we went to this pizza place where I ran into another person who was obviously trying to pretend like he didn’t know me. So I made us leave. We ended up at iHop! Yum yum. We were there till about 3:30am and then came home. What a long night! I haven’t seen 4am in a really long time!

Chiba was cute. He’s being very “boyfriendy” already, which I’m not sure if I like or not yet. lol. He’s nice, he’s cute… he’s still in college. (Just starting, he is 23, just moved to the US a year ago…). I see a lot of Jon-Jon in him, not the bad things of Jon-Jon, but the way that he acts towards me. I shall continue to hang out with him and see what happens… But I will also continue going out with other people. I have two tentative dates lined up with some 30-year-olds this week (and I mean, 30), and a second date with Bryan (if we can both fit it in).

So Saturday Andrew and I got up, and the museum that he came here to go to was closed. So we were going to go rent this movie. Movie store didn’t have it. We ended up getting An Inconvenient Truth. It was good, but I wasn’t expecting to just sit there and listen to Al Gore talk for 1.5 hours.

Andrew left, the CEO got back to me with “Looks Great” and then a few very minor wording changes. No graphics, color or layout changes. So that’s excellent news. I really wish I could show it off. But this is a “DL” project. haha. I _love_ the name of it though!

Since I was in a clear design phase, I started working on a new layout for this site. I am LOVING it so far. Just gotta figure out some of the logistics of it. It’s very stolen, but it’s amazing. Let me tell you. Hopefully I can stay in this grove and get it done ASAP.

I just heard from the neighboor that the sex guy upstairs is moving out!

Chiba called and wanted me to come hang out with him. I turned him down and told him maybe Sunday as I was supposed to have a meeting with my EE again. But I never heard back from him in time. So I headed over to Pasadena about 1ish. Got there and Chiba was out playing tennis with some friends, so I tried to find the park and got very lost in the process. Eventually found it and watched them do that.

After that we went out to this Brazilian restaurant. Very yummy food. From there we went back to his place and watched memoirs of a geisha. Very good movie, although I was a bit confused about it all. Probably because we kept making out. hah.

I got home about 10ish and went right to bed.

Today is work work work. And lunch with Jess.

World AIDS Day…

Hey Everyone, it’s World AIDS Day, a great time to go and donate to the cause and Support ME! For LifeCycle! Thanks to those who have already donated in support!

In other news, today is a day of links and such….

My Aunt, the M&M Lady!. I came across this the other day.

Hung out with this really cute Brazilian boy, Michael, he was nice. We’ll see if we hang out again. Not really my type, at least I don’t think. But he was nice and cool to hang out with. He just started learning English a year ago, so it was hard to understand him at times, but he knows three other languages, which is cool. Based on Austin’s book though, I need to stop disgrading people after only one date/hangout. lol

Keep on Walking!. I hate showing my reciept to Costco, etc. So do what this guy does, just keep on walking!

One picture every day spoof:

Ok, this is SWEET:

I want one in my house!

Tired of the Christmas lights in your area? Go check them out all over the country!

Four Rookie Mistakes People Make That Keep Them Poor

Why Americans Should Never Be Allowed To Travel

50 things everyone should know

Learn a language for free

101 Financial Tips

Make your christmas lights flash to music

And if you’ve e-mailed or called recently. I’m SORRY if I have not yet got back to you. I’m still buried in e-mails and other things from the trip, and I just got a huge project put on me that’s due in two weeks. I was told to have “complete artistic control”… I’m NOT artisitic! Someone help me!

Going to The Abbey tonight. Come and join me!


Berlin Movie… And Christmas!

Well, just as with Paris, I have created a 5 minute movie of my trip to Germany.. I don’t really like the music that goes with it, so if you know any more “typical” German Music let me know… I was thinking some Pink Floyd.

Berlin got me all hot and bothered for Christmas too, so I put up the christmas tree like 2 weeks early, opps! It’s really cute.

The cats have been VERY lovey.

I’m not very happy about the way my apartment was left by the Cat Sitter… Beer bottles all over the counter. Glasses all over the apartment. 3 cig pack wrappers on the floor, the bed was unmade, and he didn’t get the mail as I asked. I guess I will have to find someone else to watch them for Christmas… Any takers?

Saturday night I went out with this guy Jim. What a character… That’s all I have to say. We watched mulholland drive. I have NO idea what this movie is about!

Today Austin came over and we hung out. It was good to see him again. We watched this movie called Orange County. Very funny. You should all go watch it.

I’ve also spent a lot of the weekend sleeping. I’ve been so tired! The guy upstairs has started playing loud gay disco and having sex again. Austin thinks he’s on drugs. He better NOT be loud again tonight. I’ll be annoyed as hell!

Not looking forward to going to work tomorrow. 🙁


BTW.. I love the Ampelmann

Flight Home

Oh god, 11.5 hours in ONE flight, is death. I hate it… They keep replaying the SAME movies over and over again and they are all stupid. We only have 1.5 horus left. Thank god! I’d have to say that leaving Berlin was sad. However, I’m excited to get home. I want to crash, and yet… I want to do a lot of other stuff, bake a pie, a turkey, some mashed potatos… SHIT, the stores are all going to be closed! I have no fooood at home! Damnit… Still debating about a bike ride this weekend or not. I do have a date though!

There’s three HOT boys within viewing distance of me.. OMG, yum! Also some really gay guy keeps walking by me and smiling. He’s kinda cute…

Ok, adios all.

PS. Pictures are up on the photodump.

The Fray & Germany Day 1


The band rocks, normally. Last night I loved the music, the lights, all the fucking HOT boys in the audience, but the vocals just SUCKED. You could NOT understand a WORD he was saying. We left even before the show was over.

[private]And of course robert was a fucking IDIOT! Screaming sexual things the whole time, talking about retarded stuff. He asked me like 2 times if I had been to Germany before. He should know me better then that! He told me he broke up with his ex-bf because after 2 months he said, “I love you”… I think that TWO MONTHS is plenty of time. UGH! What a fucking idiot. And because his ass was an HOUR late, we had to stand WAY in the back. When I got there I could have been like FRONT ROW![/private]

And to top off the horrible night.. traffic GETTING there was HELL! 2.5 hours to go 11.9 miles. YES 2.5 HOURS to go 11.9 MILES! It took me over an HOUR just to go the .5 (yes, HALF A FUCKING MILE) from my office to the freeway! THIS iS INSANE, the lights here in santa monica are RETARDED! ONE car would get through the intersection for EVERY TWO light rotations! OBSURD!

But did I mention the HOT HOT HOT boys that were in the audience, omg! And the opening band was great. So that’s good.

That night I went home, the power was out and was STILL out at 6am when I got up for work. I was on the freeway by 6:30 and the damn thing was at a stand still already! How do people DEAL! I just wish that LA had a GOOD public transport system! I also had an amazing dream that night… I was working at a resturant somewhere, and these three HOT, and I mean the hottest boys you will ever see.. 6’3”, muscles, yum yum! Anyways, they came in and I went home with them! 😉 haha.

Thursday I worked and did 8 million other things

Well, it’s now Saturday morning, 12:53am for LA, 9:53am for me here in Brussels. What a mess this

trip has been already, but lets not get ahead of ourselves….

Going back to Thursday. I went to work, and did some random stuff. Left about noon and went home to pack and clean and do whatnot. Also worked out in there and lots of other random stuff. Met up with Bryan, he was 30 minutes late, which I was not happy about since my day had been so full already. But it was nice to finially meet him and hang out. I had a good time, althogh we have very different tastes in music/movies. But sometimes that can be a good thing. No? I’d be interested in hanging out with him again.

Went to bed fairly early, got up early and went to the airport, no real problem getting in there, but I was in the wrong line at first. Apparently there are now different lines for if you are traveling internationally. Who knew!

Got on the first flight and sat next to two Executives of Victoria Secret. They talked business the whole trip. It was fairly annoying. I also read the book Austin gave me. Learned a lot. Apparently I am doing all the “right” things to meet guys, just not following through with it all. Or something. A lot of the advice about meeting people didn’t really pertain becase I’m gay and what not. But still a good book.

That flight = 5 hours. Ugh! And I am never flying American Airlines again. The flights were seriously like a flying refrigerator.

Got to JFK, and for some reaosn had to go BACK through security. Very annoying. This flight was supposed to have been 6.5 hours, but we were two hours late getting off the ground, so 8.5 hours on that plane.. Again, flying refrigerator. I was freezing to death the whole time. I spent most of flight thinking about what I had done wrong with Jay based on the book. Ugh. Also slept a lot, but clearly not enough. There was a sscreaming child in front of me.

Got to Brussels and they came on the intercom. “If you are staying here, please do not get out of your seat. If you are getting these 5 connections you must RUN to your gate.” My gate was A57… I was in B32. So we all get up and theres this guy BLOCKING the whole isle reading something…. oh and REALLLLLLLLLY hot boys on that flight. OMG!! Some guy starts yelling at the blocking guy and people start moving. So I get off the flight and start running to my gate.. I swaer it was 8 miles away. Had to go through not ONE but TWO, yes TWO security check points, get to gate A57, and NO PLANE!!! I start to panic, but before I get too crazy I check the monitor… I have to be in A50!!! Bastards on the plane lied.. Oh well, i get there and they are just starting to board, so I run to pee and come back.

The boys working the airport in Brussels… to DIE for, so fucking cute! And the accent. OMG!

BTW, I forgot to print out directions/address of our hostel. Hopefully I make it there! Food time now! Yay for good food on these flights.!