Feel Seating

Feel Seating System. This is just ASKING to have sex on it!

Make the monkey speak!

So I was playing around on Stumble again today and found that Andy B, a guy that I went to HS with, had submitted my blog to the site. Very strange I thought. I started googleing him and found some interesting things. The most interesting I found was that, not only did we go to the same HS, but also to the same college. Then we both managed to graduate at the same time with the SAME degree. And yet! I _never_ once saw him in any of my classes. How strange is that! (Did I mention he used to be f’ing hot! And still is!)

Ben and I had out discussion the other day. Honestly, I feel maybe he’s not ready for any sort of _real_ relationship at this point. He kept saying that he just can’t juggle seeing me as much as we have been (about every other day) and that we should cut back on how much we have been going out. He said that he’s spent the last three years as a loner and that he can’t adjust to not having all that time to himself. I honestly think that 2.5 months is more then enough time to adjust. Whatever. I’ll play along and we’ll see what happens.

Last night I went out with Erick again. We had JambaJuice, sat around the beach area and then headed back to his place cause it was getting too cold. We ended up just hanging out and chatting till about 9, it was really fun. But kinda creepy how into cars he is! Will from the ride this past weekend has been calling wanting to hang out as well. But he’s in Boston this weekend, and I’m busy the rest of the week.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot too, in that I need to work on keeping up with the friends I have. The problem here in LA is that everyone keeps themselves so busy, me included. That it’s hard to mesh schedules and just hang out. Everything has to be pre-planned and yet no one wants to commit to anything more then 5 minutes before.

I may be moving soon and not to where you’re all thinking. But I can’t really go into the details. It may either be 1,000 miles from where I am now or 1 mile. Who knows!


Meri vs Mary

A while back I was listening to Dr Laura again… This woman called in bitching that her name was “Meri” and she was SOOO tired of spelling it. Get over it woman! It’s not a big fucking deal. Do you know how much I have to spell my last name!? My last name is a fucking COLOR for gods sake! AND STILL people need it spelled for them! She said that she wanted to be unique and “herself”, she didn’t like the name her mother gave her. Stupid people.

What American accent do you have?

Your Result: North Central

“North Central” is what professional linguists call the Minnesota accent. If you saw “Fargo” you probably didn’t think the characters sounded very out of the ordinary. Outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian a lot.

The Midland
The West
The South
The Inland North
The Northeast
What American accent do you have?
Quiz Created on GoToQuiz

I know nothing has happened yet and it could be even a YEAR before anything does happen, but I’m already freaking out about this building being sold. I did the math and at the price it’s being sold for. There’s NO WAY you can make money at the current income level (In fact you’d lose about $100k a year). Which means that as soon as it’s sold. We’ll all be outta here. IE Moving again. I started looking today and there’s nothig good. Plus if I move again, the company has already made it clear they would like me back down in the Newport Beach office.

In general I’m not happy here. But I now LOVE where I live. When I was living down there I hated it. I’m not sure I can go back to living down there. Plus then I’d have to go back to making new friends down there, etc etc etc. Plus the cost of moving again. UGH! I hope that he can’t find a buyer. But it really explains a lot. I had an idea back when I moved in that’s probably what he was going to do. But now it’s all confirmed.

This mess also throws a wrench in my plans. I really wanted to get back into school. A language class this spring and then maybe start my MBA this fall. But alas, now I’m not even sure I should go to the spring classes because I might have to up and leave in the middle!

I did talk to my boss yesterday about starting my MBA, he sounded thrilled that I wanted to, and said that the company would be more then willing to work around any school schedule. Just as long as I get my work done.

Last night I watched Little Miss Sunshine and then Nic came over again. We were chatting online and he basically BEGGED to come over. So I allowed it even though I was in my PJs. We hung out and watched Trading Spouses. I can never get over how crazy that show is. I had a good time at least. While we were saying bye, I thought he was going to move in for a kiss. But he didn’t, maybe next time.

I went to bed after he left and someone called me at 10pm. I had applied for this part-time job as a Project Manager in Newport Beach, they were calling me back to do interviews at 10pm! So we talked for a while, it sounds really fun and interesting, but they were just going to require too much time.

The internet here in my Cube has been broken since Saturday AND Sunday when I came into the office. So I’ve been stealing Wireless from somewhere else. It’s very annoying because I called the HD yesterday and they said they would look into it. This was after I’d already wasted two hours waiting for them to get into the office. An hour later they call and say “It should all be working, we can’t find any problems.” So I tell them it’s clearly not working yet and she says she’ll have to talk to her supervisor. Another hour goes by, still nothing. So I talk to my boss and he tells me to just go home. Of course they call like 10 minutes after I leave again saying that they can’t find anything wrong! Clearly they DIDN’T even COME to my cube to see what the problem was! I come in this morning. and it’s STILL NOT WORKING! (Yes, I have access to the INTERNET, but whoever I’m stealing wireless from has VPN blocked, which is what I need to do work. So I can sit here and browse the internet all day, but I can’t do any real work.)

I’m starting to really notice some great differences in my arms and chest from going to the gym. I’m enjoying flexing in the mirror at home. 🙂 I’ve also started picking up running more. I’m doing between 12-15 minutes each day I hit the gym. Which for me is just over a mile of running. The longest I’ve ever ran for in my life! haha. The only problem is that once I hit that time frame I get bored and just stop. Also the last month or so there’s been these three older ladies who go to the gym every MWF just like me.. And EVERY time they go there, it’s the same thing for each machine. “I forget how to do this”…”How much weight are we supposed to use”…”Am I doing this right”. For gods sake, remember people! Write it down, jesus! It’s soo annoying. And then there’s this other REALLY big guy who always wears this really dark sunglasses and spends the whole time talking on his cell phone. Just annoying.

I haven’t heard back from my realtor about the place in Iowa. I’m guessing that’s bad news, or the sellers are just holding out to see if they get a better offer. My dad is heading out this week to look at some more places which based on the numbers look better. But we shall see. One of them is basically next door to my Aunt, that could be a little strange.

MacWorld San Francisco is today. I’m very excited for some of the rumored products. The “iPhone” is cool, and would be revolutionary for the industry, but probably won’t be something I get. The “iTV” on the other hand is something that looks REALLY cool and would totally be something I’d get at the right price and if it integrates into my existing streaming media setup!

I know I’ve complained about this before, that there wasn’t any good Torrent clients for the Mac… Well behold! XTorrent! I LOVE it. It’s still in beta, so I’m hoping they will be adding more features, like IP blocking, file skipping, etc. But it’s a clean and amazing interface. And with the built in search functions! Oh. I’m in heaven. I don’t like that you have to pay for it, but as long as they add the missing features I would gladly pay for it.

Last Wed I went out with this guy Hector to Here (Go read about it). We’ve always hung out as just friends and just to chill. I met him a little under a month ago. Anyways, I talked to him last Thrusday on AIM, and then this weekend I was out and about so didn’t really talk to him. Sunday night I noticed that one of my friends was suddenly awol from myspace. So I start looking around but all the people that I figured would be deleting me were still there (IE Mayko). So I didn’t really pay too much attention. Well Yesterday I go to AIM Hector, it says he’s offline for my main account, but online for my secondary and third AIM accounts.. Very strange. So I check my myspace friends again. He’s gone! WTF?! I txt message him.. “Why did you delete me from myspace and block me from AIM?”… No Reply… So I send him a myspace message.. “what did i do to you to deserve being ignored!?”… NOTHING! Seriosuly what is wrong with people. I did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to him. NOTHING AT ALL! We hung out last wed and had a good time, and now he’s completely ignoring me?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE! UGH

This friday is Guerrilla Gay Bar. So everyone mark your calendars and come join me!

Sorry for such a long entry! Adios!

Last update before Berlin!!

Well this will be my last update before I head off to Berlin, and I have lots of random stuff!

First… Do we really need to see the old KFC Logo from space?!

Second, Rush Limbaugh is an idiot.. For anyone who didn’t already know. I was listening to his show this morning on my 10/mph commute. Very annoying!

Thrid: How about an Astro-Weenie Christmas Tree…

Oh my… Charles is one interesting person! I’m glad that I got hooked up with his outfit! 🙂 And what’s better then a SPAM cake? Well a Cheese Whiz cake, naturally. Check out this hilarious interview with Charles!

Fourth: What have these people done to these poor BMW’s. The first one on page 18 is very entertaining.

Fifth, my phone here at the office hasn’t worked all week!

Last night B-Ri came over and I showed him where everything is. He’s very excited that I have lots of Alchohol in the freezer for him to drink. I warned the neighbors! After that I did a qiuck 15 mile bike ride, and then make sugar cookies. They are ok, but not at all what they should be! I tried using the Splenda sugar substitue stuff, I think that’s the problem! Oh well. Who knew that a cup of sugar has so many calories in it!

I laid down to watch TV after that and fell asleep… I missed Gilmore Girls, and for some reason the MythBox fucked up! Damn Mythbackend going defunct! It does this randomly. Hopefully it won’t while I am away in Berlin!

The Fray is tonight! Yay! Although I’m a bit nervous about it. We’ll see how it goes!

[private] Honstely robert is really pissing me off lately. He sent me this e-mail the other day: “Whatever, Im not playing this he said who said game. And you believe a word I say to you anyways. If you needed my place why didnt you call then?”… To which I replied. “What the hell are you talking about”. He never replied. So today I relied again with “What the hell”. He said that if I wanted to use his place to hook up with straight boy why didn’t I call… I told him that I _might_ need to use his place. Whay does it fucking matter if I did or didn’t call! Ugh. He’s just such a fucking idiot. And what the hell does this mean about I don’t believe anything he says? Maybe if he didn’t say that EVERYONE tried to make out with him I would believe it when he says that someone DID try to make out with him! UGH! Seriously, someone will say “HI” to him and he’ll be like, “Did you see that, he tried to make out with me”. God! I really don’t want to see him at the concert tonight. [/private]

This morning, I went to the gym and then came into work. 10/mph the WHOLE WAY. Normally it takes me 30 minutes to get here.. Today 2 hours! I know. I’m sure you are all sick of me complaining about traffic, but I just cannot get over how people do this EVERY DAY! I could bike to work faster!

Tomorrow I have planned to meet up with Bryan, along with 8 million other things I have to do. I’m very nervous about this whole flying into Berlin on my own and then taking the U-Bahn on my own as well. Oh well, I’m sure it’ll be fine!

I’m also going to be sending out my donation letters tomorrow.. I have 750 names on the list currently. If they all just donated $10 that’d be amazing! But I know that probably 95% of them won’t donate. So hopefully the 5% that do donate put in like $100+!! I think I’m getting my hopes up. I’ve started carrying around letters too, and any that I see with a rainbow sticker I put one on thier cars!


Wipe OUT!

So… Jason and I just got back from our normal bike ride… 30 miles today.

We did 15, in Marina Del Ray…. Heading over to Jamba Juice, riding on the streets…We go to jump a curb into a parking lot to cut across, I miss it…..

WIPE OUT! Hard core style… I fall right into the drive way…

One of those damn shuttle buses, clearly sees me fall into the driveway.. He wants to turn into it.

I’m laying on the ground, screaming in pain.

What’s the fucker do???

HONKS!!! Yes.. He HONKED at me… More then once! FUCKER!

Thankfully, I wiped out RIGHT infront of a pharmacy/emergency care center.. So we go in there and get a first aide kit, etc.

My handle bars were parallel to the frame.. My knee is busted up, there’s a HUGE gouge out of my hand, and my shoulder is all scraped up.

Rode the 15 miles back, actually made pretty damn good time too.

That’s all!


So, Monday I went out about 6ish.. I was about to get on the freeway when all of a sudden a moto-cop cut off the car infront of me, and wouldn’t let anyone get on… The stream of cars quickly died off on the freeway, and over the next 15 or so minutes about 50 more moto-cops went flying past…

Finially after sitting there for 25 minutes, we start to see something, lots of flashing lights and such coming down the free way. I figured it was a high speed chase or something, and they had closed off all the on ramps or something…

But, it ended up being a motorcade, for either Gov Arnie, or Blair… Not sure which.. So that was kinda cool to see. But the bastards were only going 55, and we got stuck right behind them. Ugh.

I can’t wait for tomorrow. I leave to go home. Everyone has really been pissing me off lately.

I’m being moved into a cube today over at the Yahoo! Center.

Ever since I updated my site to use Ajax, my google page rankings have been dropping. I’m not really sure why. I’m working on a new non-ajax theme to see if that combats the issue.

Umm. Yeah.