A Night of Magic!

Well this will be my last entry before I head off to France! I’m so excited and yet so freaking scared all at the same time.

So Scared for two reasons, 1) Because I’m going to a country where there are Riots and curfews now and plus I don’t know a lick of the language! 2) I’m very scared about seeing the person I’m going with again. It will be the first time since May.

But overall it should be a great trip.

So let’s talk about the amazing time I had last night!

I only worked from 10-2, but it seemed like the day just WOULD NOT END! I was so excited to get up to HollyWood and see Blake.

So I left work at 2, and got up to Hollywood at 4. Which was 2 hours before we were supposed to meet, but anyone who knows me knows HOW MUCH I hate sitting in traffic. So I’d rather get there 2 hours early and be able to relax and read then be stressed and pissed about traffic and get there on time… Anyways, I sat around and ate and read my book and saw the Hollywood sign for the first time since I moved here… I wish it had been sunny. I took some pics and was going to post them but I forgot my memory card reader at home. 🙁 Blah

Anyways, 6 finally came and I went and stood by the entrance where we were meeting. Someone walked by that looked so much like Blake I was about ready to run up and grab him as he was walking past, but then he got close enough and I realized he was a little too fat. haha.

Blake finally showed up, and I wanted to grab him and give him a big bear hug and not let go. But he didn’t seem to enthused about such a thing so we just walked around for a bit and talked. The whole time I just wanted to grab his hand and hold it or put my arm around him and walk around and be cute…. But again, after the talk on Sunday I wasn’t sure if it would be ok. 🙁

So we hung out and then went and saw a movie at the Chinese Theater. $22 for fucking two! We were supposed to see Zorro, but Blake can’t count and somehow we went into Corpse Bride… Which I would have rather seen anyways. So we watched that! It was good, but the sound track wasn’t as good as Nightmare, so that was sad. Through out the whole movie he kept rubbing my arm with his finger and it made me so happy and put a huge smile on my face.. I just wanted to grab him and hold him some! But again.. I was scared too. 🙁

After that we went down to Rodeo (sp?) drive and saw Steven Spilbergs house and lots of other cool big houses. I so wish I was rich. So we drove around for a while and he showed me the area since I’ve never been there. Then we found a spot to part and talked for a while…

Oh, we also went to the magic castle, which was really pretty. I wish I were cool and could get a membership there. lol.

We went our own ways at 10 and I cried all the way home… I wish there were some way that we could hang out more.

And I guess his night wasn’t over though because he got arrested for beating someone with a bat! I’m just glad to hear he’s ok.

So that’s the end people, I’m off to France early tomorrow morning!



So who here knew that Paul Schafer (From David Letterman) wrote “It’s Raining Men”?!?!

Umm, so this weekend was ok. Friday I went out with the Astricon people. Dinner with 40 people was hilarious, and cost $2,000!! Good thing someone else was paying! After that we went down to newport beach which was kinda a bust. Oh well. Ended up staying out till midnight that night.

Got up Saturday and spent the day wondering around my house talking to Blake online. After two weeks, we finially got to skype it again. So that was nice. THough I kinda laid into him about how I feel left out of his life sometimes. and how it really pisses me off that i can’t see him more. I mean he’s only 2.5 hours away. I would be willing to laeve here at noon on fridays, go up there and hang out with him for 3 or 4 hours after his class and then drive back home. But whatever.

saturday night Brian came over and hung out. It was nice that he came over, but i was a bit annoyed because he only came over while he was waiting for his other friends to call him. Because if he’s not out of his house by 8 he gets bitched at apparently. He ended up staying till nearly 11:30, but that’s because his frineds didn’t call him back till then. Whatever. it was nice to hang out. We watched Hitchhikers Guide to the galaxy. Which i thought was pretty funny.

Sunday was more of the same. Sitting around my house. Only it was raining and overcast and made me depressed. Because when it’s rainy and overcast like that I like to sit infront of the fire and cuddle. But alas, no one to do it with! Blah.

I was dead tired for some reason and went to bed at 6:30ish. Was alseep by 7. Then someone called and woke me up at 8. I looked at the clock and thought it was 8AM! So I jumped in the shower and then realized it was 8pm! haha. So I went back to bed.

Also found these two amazing things this weekend:

Throw Bush Around!

Magic Cone (Thanks to Zach for that one).

Adios yall.

Even More Hectic Friday!

OMG, so today was CRAZY!

But lets talk about Thursday First.. Thursday was very calming, so that was good. I did have a lot to do at work, but I was able to get out of there about 1ish or so and get to the gym and then come home and relax. Blake also talked to me a lot about things that he had been a little quiet on up to now. It made me feel good that he was comfortable talking to me about those things.

Today was so fucking crazy. I get into work and have a HUGE list of things to get done. One of the PRD sites had to be upgraded from 6.0.49 to 6.1.33. That shouldn’t have taken too long, but we found out that none of the builds had been optimized for PRD environments. Optimizing takes a long time because it’s trail and error. Anyways, I was able to get it up to 6.1.20 before leaving today and we were able to get out deadline pushed back to Tuesday afternoon instead of Monday morning. So now I don’t have to do it over the weekend. That’s very good.

I also had todays build to do of 6.1.33. That was hellish. The build went FINE! It was done and ready by 9:30am… But they have us doing this new smoke test which is a PAIN IN THE ASS! I didn’t get this smoke test done till 2:30 because we kept having problems.

I know I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again.. WE ARE NOT QA.. WE ARE SAs! QA is not our job. I don’t know WHY WE have to do this Smoke test. It’s insane! Anyways. I finially got the go ahead to deploy to the QA sites without finishing the smoke test so I hadned that off to someone else and went home.

Inbetween all that I had PT sites to get working on the Staging Env, problems with people getting into icarbs, ICIE not working (though I only fixed a small part of that), and a few other things that were just a pain in the ass. I was so stressed out today though. Blah! But I did get a lot done today, so that’s good.

Andrew called last night and I had to walk him through cooking scrambled eggs over the phone. It was really funny. lol

Blake said that he won’t be able to get online this weekend… Honestly, it’s really starting to piss me off that we can’t hang out more.. I know it’s not his fault and I trust that he wants to hang out with me… But it just pisses me off that I can’t hang out with someone I like so much. Grrr. I wish there were some way we could see each other at least once every other week… or even be able to call him every day. :'(

Autoblog has been test driving the Mazda3 for the last week.. They seemed to REALLY like this car and it’s a perfect price point for me. After reading all the wonderful things they’ve said about it, it’s moving to the top of my list of cars. And trust me, they are really objective about the cars they get.. They HATED the Crossfire. 🙂

Oh well. Adios. Taco time!

Back to Civilization!

Well. I’m back in civilization. It was a really fun weekend, but could have been more fun!

I left work at 12:00 and got to bakersfield at 2:30… An hour before Blake got out of class. I took the 405 up there, which was a good idea I think. Blake and Jimmy disagree. Oh well. Everytime I’ve taken the I5 through LA it’s been horribly slow!

Anyways, I got Blake some flowers because he sounded a little down on the phone and jimmy said he was down, so I thought maybe they’d chear him up. I sat next to his car and waited for him to get out of class. He finially got there at 3:40ish and he didn’t even hug me. He was just like, ‘Get in’. I was a little offended that he never even said “Thanks” for the flowers, but whatever, I understand that he wasn’t feeling well so I’ll just attribute it to that. He also didn’t really seem to want to hug/kiss when we were saying good bye. That was sad as well. 🙁 That I can attribute to the fact that bakersfield probably isn’t the most gay friendly place in the world and we were in a fairly public spot. Though, I don’t thin you could really see through his windows… I wish we had had more time though. And I did have fun seeing the town with him. But he refused to take me where he lives. 🙁

Also, Jimmy (Who I think is just a factictious person) was in class, so I didn’t get to see him.

Anyways, after that I drove up to Three Rivers and ate at this mexican place, which gave me the shits. TMI? haha Then I went back to this campground and spent the night there. My car is actually very comfortable to sleep in. I was pretty surprised.

The night though, I had two wet dreams.. Apparently I need to jack off more, or something! haha. I also had a dream about Andrew and Jonathan Taylor Thomas! It was so random and yet pissed me off! The point of that dream was that Andrew’s sister was going ot this big fancy college with like a 4 hour induction ceremony which is insanly boring, so Andrew asked me to go. All Black tie and everything. So we get there and like 15 minutes after we get there, JTT comes up to Andrew and starts hitting on him. They eventually go off and leave me alone with Susan and Her husband. Now don’t get me wrong Susan’s a great person, but Andrew had invited me to this place and then dumped me. So I was pretty pissed. So I was eating these semi-melted chocolate things, and happened to see JTT and Andrew and JTT has his shirt like half unbottoned so I walked up to his and dumped my chocolate things down his shirt and then grabbed a glass of wine from this woman and threw it in his face. It was hilarious!

Enough about my dreams.. I got up about 5:30ish because my alarm clock didn’t go off on time. 🙁 Stupid phone died trying to find a Digital tower… even though I did have Analog signal most of the day up there.

Point is, I sat around my camp site till 6:30 and then went into the park. Spent about 7 hours total there and had a really good time.

a few annoyances though, they need signs! Like I was walking this one trail and it was supposed to go to Eagle Lookout or something like that. Well the trail split like 4 times, and there wasn’t one sign that said, “This way to eagle lookout” I never did find that look out and I walked for nearly an hour, it was supposed to only be half a mile! Also on the roads, there’s signs for things if you’re going one way, but if you’re going the other way there aren’t signs for things! Blah, like I missed Chicago STump which I wanted to see… But luckily I did find the sign for Stump meadow, which was really cool, but it was down this 3 mile dirt road that was just barely big enough for one car!

I also somehow wondered into this Christan camp, which was COOL! I want to go teach there, too bad I’m not a religious freak! lol.

I did see Moro Rock which was really cool it’s only an 1/4 mile hike, but it was up 305 stairs, at 7,000 feet! Which really wears you out. I ran into a big group from IVC there as well and chatted with them for a while.

I had a TON of things I wanted to write about and have been writing down notes all day, but when I was on my way back, I stopped in bakersfield for gas and cleaned out my car and accidentially threw out that sheet! 🙁

I really wish I had like a week or two to hike back into the back country of Sequoia though. It looked really cool back in there.

The drive home was TONS of fun though, I left out the north side of the park and took 245 south… OMG, talk about a FUN DRIVE! Anyways, it took me exactly 2.5 hours to get back from bakersfield again… it’s a 150 mile drive, so 300 miles round drive, 5 hours! I wish I could stay with blake, then I’d go up there more often to see him.

I was sad that I couldn’t see him on the way back too.. He had chemo/radiation today, so he wasn’t up to it. Very sad.

I’ll post pictures on monday when I get to work. sadly there weren’t as many cool ones as I had wanted.

OH! They were doing controlled burns up there today, and I LOVED the smell. It was so great. It reminded me of my days at camp when you could always smell the camp fires.. That smell to me is so relaxing.

There was this one guy though who did NOT agree with it.. He went OFF on one of the park rangers… I wanted to go up and yell at him for yelling at her, because the park rangers don’t schedule that shhit. It’s the fire department that does it! Grrr, stupid people.

But, speaking of going off on people! THE OC has made me really bitchy and I’ve been going off ono people left and right lately. Grrr.

Ok, well I’m tired and should go to bed. night all.

Stupid Airport

Well, here I am sitting in DFW… I hate this airport!

It amazes me though when you travel how diverse the people are, you find people from all over the country and world at a place like this, and yet everyone is so much the same. It really does show you how America has become a more single unit, a nation instead of a nation/state. It reminds me of the 30 Days show a while back about how people in some small ass michigan town were all pissed because the muslims were broadcasting the call to prayer (ie the same thing as ringing bells). These stupid hicks were all pissed and saying they were “brainwashing” people with it.

Saying, “Why can’t they just fit in and blend in”. That’s not what america is supposed to be about. This country is made of people from every country, every continent. That’s what this place is about, it’s about diversity and ACCEPTING everyone’s beliefs. This is not a one-religion country! why can’t people understand that we should all be different.

I know I’m kinda of a hipocrite talking about this, as I’m not the most diverse person in the world, and I don’t really do anything to stand out. But I am who I am. I don’t buy expensive clothes to impress the person at the mall who I’ll never see again, I don’t buy an expensive car to impress some jackass at a stop light that I’ll never even talk to, or probably even make eye contact with.

I buy what I buy because I like it and I want it for me. If I do end up buying a lexus or inifiniti, it’s because that’s what I decided I wanted for myself. Not because that’s what will make me look the best.

Sometime I get really pissed talking to people who are native OCers. You can really tell who they are. EVerything they do, every little action is thought through based on HOW it will be perceived by their peers. I say screw what they want, if it’s not what you want, they why do it? There’s no point… absolutely NONE!

It pisses me off so much. Sometimes I wish I could just go some place secluded and do work and make a living, without having to interact with these stupid people all the time, without having to be bombarded by thousands of ads trying to make me to buy things I don’t never every single day. I want to be able to turn around and not see a fucking McDonalds or a Starfucks. I want to be able to go to the grocery store, a small town, locally owned store and be able to AFFORD the organic products. (They are insanely expensive here in the OC).

I want a store where the meat walks in the back door and leaves the front in my sack. I want to go to a store where the people actually know who I am without having to look at the receipt, just so they can say. ‘Thank you Mr. Black”.

But alas, we’ll never have that world because too many people have been seduced into living this falseness. I don’t want to live in this substitution. I don’t want to be seduced into this world where I’m supposed to get married and have sex twice a week and have a house with a white picket fence and two and a half kids… That’s not what I want. I want to be ME.

I sat next to some guy from Le Mars, Iowa on the plane.. such a small world.

I am one of the millions of Texans who didn’t vote for George W Bush in this last apocalyptic election. So your magazine [Adbusters] is a lifesaver here in Dallas, where the majority of resident automatons are equally materialistic, mindless and violent. Yesterday a man opened the sun roof of his jaguar and shot three people with an AK-47 after a bar fight. If bush can’t prevent urban warfare in his home state, how does he expect to do it in an alien country a world away?

I find that hilarious. I kinda want to get my concealed weapons permit.

I pisses me off that there are posters everywhere here at DFW for the T-Mobile HotSpot… it says. “Another reason to get here two hours early”…. The airport used to be a spot where you were disconnected, like your car, and your house. Where work could be separated from home. The airport was someplace where you could sit back and relax and wait for your plane. Americans really need to realize the separation between home and work…. And they need to do something about it fast.

I’m glad that I work in a company which is fairly strick about these things. 40 hours a week, etc etc… Although there are times when I have to work at home, or over 40 hours a week, or on my weekend. But that’s to be expected when you’re running an uptime reliant thing. It’s sad that the rest of America isn’t getting it, Corporate america.

The latest Adbusters was full of things about schools and education. It was a REALLY good read. I suggest that if you have someone going into public school you should read it…

Sorry about all the disconjoined thoughts.

Everyone should go download music by ‘i f williams’.. very good shit. They have a few free songs on their website. I’m going to see if I can get the CD while I’m in Iowa.

I’m out. Adios.