Happiest Place On Earth!

Ok, even though I was single on Valentines day this year, I have to say that it was probably THE BEST valentines day ever! And probably one of the best days I’ve had since I moved to California.

So I came into work and worked for 4 hours and then headed out to Disney with Austin. We get there and go to Denny’s for brunch and have a good chat about random things. Then we head off to the real park.

Get in there to California Adventure and walk around. The first thing we did was Muppets 3D, which was kinda retarted, but still mildly amusing. It was expected.

They played the 1812 during that though which got me thinking about the band “Bond” and thier version of it. So we started talking about it and Austin really likes that band too, which is kinda random because they are such an odd band. It as just cool and random.

From there we walked around a little more and did the Monsters Inc ride, which was COMPLETELY retarted and the damn thing broke like half way through our ride! So we had to sit there and wait for them to come escort us out of the thing. It was so random.

After that we went and did our first rollercoaster, which really wasn’t all that bad. It was the Tower of Terror, which I’ve been on once before down in Florida. So I knew what was going on. From there it was off to California Screamin’. That was a good one. We went upside down. 🙂

As we were leaving we went found this thing called Soarin’ California which Austin had heard was “bad”.. As in good. So we went on it. It was really pretty cool. Basically a quick fly by of California things to do. I really want to go do some of those things! IE, the Hot Air Ballon rides over the Napa Valley, etc. JonJon and I always talked about going up there and doing a long weekend at a bed and breakfast and doing that. But I never really wanted to do it with him. I’d want to go with someone I actually gave a shit about. lol

So after that ride we left California adventure and went over to the real Disney park. (We got same day park hopper tickets, which I highly suggest!)

Ok, the rest of this is in no particular order, because we walked all over the park and around and around and it was crazy, but tons of fun!

But we did the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, which wasn’t all that exciting, but it was still cool and relaxing. Plus we cuddled in the front of the boat in front of all the straight couples. It was funny.

– Big Thunder Railroad, which was crazy. It wasn’t the most exciting of all the rides, but it was still cool.

– Splash Mountian we did after dark, which was a BAD BAD idea. First because we got SOAKED and it was SOOOO COLD! Second because we came over the top of the 50 foot drop and you couldn’t see the bottom, so you had NO IDEA where you were going, it was so scary. Third because we sat in the VERY FRONT of the boat. I’d have to say that was one of the best rides the whole day.. Thrill Wise.

– Indiana Jones, which was pretty cool. Again we sat in the front, and it was pretty good.

– Tea Cups. Standard issue, but still fun and cute way to end the night

– Space Mountian whichw as CRAZY because it was completely dark and you had NO IDEA where you were going!

– Star Tours. A fun ride for being so old, it could have been way better

We counted them up on the way home and we did 12 rides, but I’m only listing 9 or 10, so I dunno where the others are. But we also did the train ride all the way around the park, It was after dark and we cudddled on the train. Again, very cute.

It was also cute because the on all the rides he would hold my hand and stuff. It was adorable.

So overall, we were at Disney from noon till 8pm. Drove back to my place and he came in and spent the night. We had a talk about his high partner numbers… Come to find out there was a bit of a mis-understanding, he has had 50 partners, but most of those people he’s just done like Mutual J/O with. He’s only had 8 actual sex partners, which isn’t that bad. And he said that the VAST majority of them have NOT been one-nighters, which makes me happier about the whole situation, but still not thrilled about it.

Our discussion did get a bit heated though because I feel that SEX is something that should be shared between two people who LOVE each other, and you should be comfortable and MEANINGFUL of telling someone you LOVE them before you have sex with them, whereas he views it as more of a “fun” activity. I just dunno what to think.

But, he did actually kiss me on the lips a few times, which is again just confusing. He says that he just doesn’t feel ready for a boyfriend, mentally and emotionally, because of the whole job thing, and he needs someone more dominating, so that’s cool. But I just want to keep pushing him and make him do it. He said at one point that we’re practically like boyfriends, he said like, “psydo-boyfriends” or something like that.

Arg, like Vero said, it seems like he’s jerking me around a lot. I’m not sure if he’s just not sure what he wants, or if he’s doing it on purpose. Grr! Why are these things so hard.


EDIT:// I forgot to mention that on the drive home, Austin put on this Playlist on his iPod, it sounded a bit lovey dovey too… I think he planned it. He held my hand and it was so cute all the way home.

And when we were first laying in bed, he kept saying…. “Chris… Chris… Chris… What am I going to do with you”… Etc, etc. What’s going down!

Busy Busy Weekend

So… It’s been one hell of a weekend for me.

Lets go back to Friday, Austin was in the area when I got off work, so we went over to Fashion Island and ate lunch. He got annoyed with me because he didn’t think it was very smart to just ride over in one car. But he seemed ok with it all by the time we were over.

Drove back to my house and the traffic was pretty bad. Got there and the first thing he did was jump into my bed and take his shirt off and say. “Come lay with me for a while.”… So I was like thinking yay, you know he wants to cuddle and it’s going to be a good hanging out again.

So we end up laying in my bed from like 4 to 8 watching this movie, Beaches. After that we get up and I’m hungry so I start making dinner and he’s like, “Well I’m going to go home, I need Austin time and I can entertain myself more.” So I get really offended by that, I’m sorry that I have to take a minute to FREAKING COOK MySELF DINNER. Plus I was pissed because I was really hoping that he would spend the night again. :'( We haven’t slept together in forever, and I like that. I LOVE SLEEPING with people! Grrr.

So get into it and he leaves and I’m all pissed off, we had a big long convo about it once he got home and he said:

9:13:28 PM austin: i like you a lot, but i don’t think ur the guy for me

9:20:36 PM austin: i feel like i need someone more dominating

9:21:08 PM austin: more controlling

I’m not sure WHY he wants that though, those things never freaking work out. The controlling person always gets mad because they feel like they are being too motherly and the other person always gets mad because they eventually feel like the other is being too controlling. I’m really hoping that it’s just that he does have a job and is feeling lost. But who knows.

Anyways, I went to bed about 10 and slept horribly. Got up at 8:30 and cleaned up my house some and then met Robert for a bike ride at 9:30. We did that and I got home about noon and showered and tried calling Mark, etc to figure out plans. Everytime I’d call him he was like, “I’ll call you back in a minute” But he never did, so that was annoying. FInially Austin and I said we’d just go up there and hang out. Thankfully as we were heading out to meet each other Mark called back and we got the plans made.

We met up at the mall and he came up and hugged me which was nice. He ate lunch and we had a good talk then headed up to my house. Got in my car and started driving and he got all pissed at me because I didn’t have any music in my car and I just like to listen to the radio. So we drove there without really saying much to each other.

Got up there and I had a really good time. Skyler (with his wierd spelling) and James were both there. It was fun seeing them again, but I wish that they would have come out to dinner with us that night. James is so yummy! Too bad he’s uber straight! lol.

So we hung out at the conference and had a good time, talked to lots of random people and learned alot. So that was good. We went to this “Weakest Geek” thing and it was pretty entertaining.

Mark and Austin really talked a lot while I was off talking to other people, so they were getting along and it seemed like Austin was enjoying himself.

Oh, somewhere in there we picked up this guy named Brandon who was also family and kinda cute in a really geeky way.

So after the weakest geek we all pile into Scott’s truck and headed up to Santa Monica to Thrid Street. We found this nice Italian place and got right in without a problem! We all sat around drinking and talking and having a really good time and the food was amazing! We were there for over 2 hours, and I had 2 martini’s and Mark was nice enough to pay for everyone, it was like $60 a person too!!

We headed out after that to West Hollywood. Somehow Mark ended up between Austin and I in the car and they were being all cuddly and to me it even looked like they were giving each other little kisses here and there… Thus began my being pissed off for the rest of the fucking night.

So we get to The Abbey. We get in there and on the way there, Austin runs into someone he knows.. Which annoys me a bit. Then he starts talking about how he was there for new years and went home with this random guy. Which PISSED me off even more. So we get in there and the place is fucking PACKED like crazy.

We walk all the way to the back and buy everyone a round of drinks. Then on the way out Austin runs into this other guy he knows, and I’m just so annoyed with him by that point that Brandon and I just keep walking. We get outside and stand under this heat lamp thing and this cute little lesbian comes up and starts talking to us, so we chat with her for a bit and I bum a smoke off her. She eventually leaves and Austin, Mark and Scott STILL aren’t back, so Brandon and I go find a spot to sit down because I was starting to have this crazy break down and started crying.

So we find a spot and sit and talk and I poor my guts out to him and then FINIALLY Mark and Austin show up and Austin starts being all cute with me and stuff and asking if I’m pissed and I just pretty much ignored him. So we stay there till like 2 and finially we all leave and Mark and Austin sit next to each other again and AGAIN it looked as though they were giving kisses. Grrr.

We get back to the hotel and Austin’s all talking about just going up to Scott’s room and sleeping there. But he doesn’t. So Mark and Austin get into the same bed, so I just take the other one, then they somehow both ended up in the bed I was in, but those two cuddled all night and I just kept my back to them. I was SO FUCKING PISSED AT Austin.

Got up at 8am, still drunk and drove back to Aliso from LAX.

We get back just as my Aunt’s are calling me saying they are there… So Austin meets them for a second and then goes home. We go into my place and I shower and head out for a REALLY long day with them.

I took them up to Top of the World and thankfully it was clear, cause when I was up there Saturday morning it was all cloudy and nasty. They all seemed to enjoy that. They we drove around downtown laguna for a while, then headed up to Newport Via PCH. Took them up through there and then showed them my office since we were driving right past it. There was some girl there with a group of really cute guys and we all took the same elevator, but she couldn’t get her key to work and stuff. It was funny.

After that we drove up to Long Beach and went to the Aquarium of the Pacific which totally isn’t worh the $20 to get into there! Blah.

From there we headed back to Newport to eat lunch and at Hamburder Mary’s. They really liked it, but our waiter was kinda an idiot. After lunch (well, it was like 4). We went off to Newport Pier and walked along the beach for a while. My aunt is crazy and she stopped and asked this guy how much it costs to rent a one of the beach houses in that area. And he said it was $6,000 a WEEK during the summer! How fucking insane is that!

Once they got bored with the beach we came back to my house and they left. I stayed up till like 7:30, but was laying in bed and then finially just couldn’t stay awake any longer… And went to sleep. lol

I’ve got another date with the same guy from last Thursday… tonight. I’m not sure how I feel about that.

Well, I’ve written a book, so I’m out.. Adios!


So I’m running late today for a reason!

Last night I went out to Woody’s in Laguna Beach with Robert, Ben, and Austin. We had a really good time.

But first, yesterday at work was also good. I got a fun reporting project for Oracle and also started looking over some of the code and stuff that KH and the CliOps guys have written, it all looks pretty straight forward and I understand the majority of it already. So that’s good. The hardest part for me is going to be understanding all the Oracle DB relationships, etc. As it’s very confusin. IE: In our DB this ‘0000DDN053’ means that someone has a “Jr.” on thier name! How random is that…

I got off at 2 and went home and then actually went to the gym! How exciting is that. 😀 I worked out for about 30 minutes and then came home and showered and relaxed till Austin got there at 5:30. He had two martini’s while he was waiting for the others to get there.

They finially showed and and actually got me presents! How nice of them! 😀 I totally wasn’t expecting that. We headed out to Laguna Beach and got there and got right in to the table. WE got the artichoke heart and spinach dip for starters. I had this really good roasted chicken with Sun Dried Tomato Mashed Potatos and then we had a dessert as well. We were there till 9pm and then came home.

It was my first time meeting ben and he was nice, but there were times when there were lulls in the conversation and stuff, and it was just a little difficult to find stuff to talk to him about. He seemed to be the OC high and mighty syndrome. But overall I would say that he is nice.

Austin came in to use the bathroom and we laid in bed and he was just going to stay till i fell asleep, but I woke up at 4:30 this morning and he was still there, so I changed my alarm to 7 so that I didn’t have to get him up too early and went back to bed. I got up at 7 and showered and stuff. Since his mom is getting in early this morning, I suggested he just stay at my place if it wasn’t too wierd for him, so he just stayed there and I came into work.

The freaking traffic was so bad, I don’t see how people do that shit! People we’re just so stupid!

BTW: The pain is doing away some, which is nice… But it still hurts.. I can’t wait for this to be over with.


Boy U!

So… Busy weekend it has been for me.

So Saturday I spent the morning doing laundry and running all those errands, I still didn’t get EVERYTHING that I wanted too, but ended up spending like $200. Blah. Damn needing to buy things!

Came home and cleaned up and that was like 4ish or so. Started talking to Austin and he kept flip-flopping on if he wanted to hang out or not. Looked like we weren’t, so I had a drink and just relaxed at home. About 8ish he decided that he wanted to hang out so he came over. He got a little drunk and I had some drinks and he ended up spending the night cause he couldn’t drive home.

Got up Sunday morning and I made him breakfast then he left cause Robert was coming over for a bike ride. He got there about 9:30 and we headed out to Top of the World. Got there and rode our bikes back up to my house. Total about 10 pretty easy miles really. The downhill was killed though because it was so rough! Drove him back to his car and then I came home and layed around the house for the rest of the day. Fell a sleepin in there somewhere and woke up about 7:30 or something.

Started talking to Austin and he wanted to go to Lucky’s (Aka Boy U). I was reluctant at first but decided it’d be fun to go. So he came over to my house about nine and we sat around and talked till Robert got there. Then we all headed out. I was DD. We got there and stood around the bar. Robert bought the first round of drikns which was nice of him. I had a Martini. 🙂 (This was at like 10pm, so there was plenty of time for it to get out of my system before driving home). Anyways, Felix joined us later and we all had a really good time. Robert apparetnly interrogated Austin about how he feels about me and what it is he wants out of me. Just as I suspsected he likes me a lot, but doesn’t want to commit to anyone.

I also went out dancing with Austin a little bit, which is a BIG thing for me considering Ive only ever danced before at Pride in DM one year with Andrew… That’s because we were at the Garden and the place was so PACKED watching the Drag show that you couldn’t help but dance. But I had a good time. I made him dance with Robert and Filx as well because I didn’t want to keep going out there as much as he did.

We left about 1ish and came home. Robert crashed on my couch and Austin in my bed.

I woke them both up at about 6:30 this morning and then dressed and came into work.

It looks like Austin WILL be coming camping with me this next weekend, which is exciting for me. I just have to decide where we’re going now. lol.

So that’s been my weekend. Adios all!

Drag Show

Ok, so I was kinda drunk when I wrote that last post.

Anyways, Yesterday was good. I spent the day getting the x86_64 box ready for MH to install Oracle on. I got an e-mail at 9:00 last night saying that it was all done, so that’s cool! I’m excited.

I left early because I had put in some extra hours the days before and was bored. I talked to Austin right before leaving and he talked me into coming over and going to the beach with him. So we did that and walked around. He found a Sand Dollar, and was excited. We also saw a crab on the rocks, which was kinda random.

After that we went and watched some more of that Sex show, I’m really getting into it. It’s so funny. lol. From there we decided it was time to eat, he was going to make pasta, but the meat was still frozen, so we went out. It was hella time finding someplace to eat, as I have no money left till the 15th, so I wanted some where cheap. Ended up going to the greek place, which was good.

Blake txted me while I was there. And upset me a bit, I sure hope he’s still ok.

After dinner Austin and I went back to his house and watched some more TV and he showed me pictures of his college days and his recent trip to Montana! I LOVE MONTANA! 🙂 lol. We laid on his bed and kinda cuddled and I gave him a back rub, since he’s given me so many. lol.

Once the show was over, I left so that he could go to the gym, that was about 9ish or so, got home showered and ironed my clothes and then sat around waiting for him to get back. Once he got back we both headed towards laguna. Got there and went into the bar and just stood around for a while watching the Drag show. It’s been so long since I’ve seen one of those!

Ran into Justin and JohnyRocket there. Very random to see them again. Anyways, Austin was going after this guy who looked like an uglier version of Phil of the Future, but the boy left before Austin got up the nerves to go talk to him.

Some random guy came up and started talking to me, but I was tired and hadn’t had anything to drink yet so I was sort of a bitch to him and felt bad about that. I meant to go up and talk to him again later, but we left before I could. Oh well, he probably just wanted sex anyways. And he wasn’t very cute.

Austin and I have decided that I’m not good with telling people I don’t want to talk to go away. I tend to just sit there and listen and talk to them and will give them a sorta cold shoulder, but I feel mostly obligated to talk to anyone who talks to me. I’m also a bit too trusting I think and tend to think the best of people first. We both think there’s a massive lie going on in my life right now.

Tonight I’m just going to go home and relax at home by myself. I really need to get back out on my bike and to just relax.

::whines:: I want a boyfriend ::end whines::
