
Hey y’all. Well, I’ve been kinda sucking at updating my photodump site. MyPhoto wasn’t being updated any more, so I had to find a new solution. I came across WiPhA so I’m using that now. You can go check it out at my Photodump site. Just click to log in as a guest and then you can view all the pics you want. 🙂 I suggest going and looking at the 2006-08-26 – Pirates of the Carb album, as I’ve added a few more shots of the ship and stuff.

This one will be much easier to keep up to date as well, because I don’t have to have anything on my local mac running, I just upload the changed files in my iPhoto Library. So hopefully I’ll keep things better this time! 🙂

All weekend Star 98.7 has been giving out free tickets to the DMB concert today. All evening Friday I tried winning them, but I kept missing the phone number. I thought it was 800-STAR-987. But everytime I called it, I got a message saying that the number wouldn’t accept calls from my area. Ugh! So then Saturday afternoon I finially got the number, which was right! Bastards, why can’t I call them! :'( Hopefully they might sitll be giving out tickets today, so I’m listening, and I now have a 949 number to call from!

Friday I hung out with Andrew, that was fun times. We went out to Panera and then just hung around the chapman. Also went to this amazing play thing called NWC. OMG, it was so great!

I ventured out Saturday and went to Target/Home Depot. Ended up spending way too much money there! Saturday afternoon/night I hung out with two different guys. The first one, James, was nice, and entertaining, but a little short.. Friends only there. lol

The second guy, Di, was really nice, and cool. And hot. 🙂 We just hung out at my place watching Dragnet. lol. He’s apparently on outrigger as well? haha. Oh well. He lives like right down the street from me, so we’ll see if we hang out any more.

Sunday I lounged around the house all day. I ventured out ONCE and almost got killed twice! Stupid fuckers don’t know how to drive. The first guy, clearly merged into my lane in the middle of an intersection and almost killed me. So I honked at him, then the jerk drove 15 mph in front of me and every time I tried to pass him, he kept swearving infront of me so I couldn’t get around him! JERK!

The second one was this Jag that clearly went through a red light… It was SO red for her that it was NEARLY red for me! She just blew right through it! OMG!

So yeah, that was my weekend. Adios!


So, Monday I went out about 6ish.. I was about to get on the freeway when all of a sudden a moto-cop cut off the car infront of me, and wouldn’t let anyone get on… The stream of cars quickly died off on the freeway, and over the next 15 or so minutes about 50 more moto-cops went flying past…

Finially after sitting there for 25 minutes, we start to see something, lots of flashing lights and such coming down the free way. I figured it was a high speed chase or something, and they had closed off all the on ramps or something…

But, it ended up being a motorcade, for either Gov Arnie, or Blair… Not sure which.. So that was kinda cool to see. But the bastards were only going 55, and we got stuck right behind them. Ugh.

I can’t wait for tomorrow. I leave to go home. Everyone has really been pissing me off lately.

I’m being moved into a cube today over at the Yahoo! Center.

Ever since I updated my site to use Ajax, my google page rankings have been dropping. I’m not really sure why. I’m working on a new non-ajax theme to see if that combats the issue.

Umm. Yeah.

Stable 1.0!

Yay, today I’m releasing the first stable version of the software I’ve been writing! 🙂

I’m very excited about this… It only took 19,582 lines of code! YAY!

Last night I was up late working on a new component to it. This new thing won’t be ready till next week, but instead of e-mailing attachements in HTML with Base64 encoded images (which apparently aren’t supported by IE, screw you!) I’m using PDF’s now instead. So yesterday I spent the day finding something that can correctly read the style sheets, etc. Then I spent all last night getting the one that worked the best to work correctly! And it finially does! 🙂

BTW, I’m using html2pdf.

[private] Yesterday, I was debating about deleting certian people from my friends list on myspace.. IE, Dustin and Joel. So I went and read Dustin’s profile, and found a rather odd comment about me on his page by his neighbor, the oddest part was that it was from only a few days ago. I Think to myself.. WHY on EARTH is this bitch talking about me? So I go read her page… Dustin had written: I thought you might want this. I think you might want to apply, lol. You know, Chris is lonely and needs a boyfriend for the weeK! You might just need a strap-on 🙂 And then had posted my blog entry about the BF application. So then I start thinking… Who else has he said such things to? So I go through his top 16 or whatever, to find that he had posted the EXACT same thing on a few other people’s myspace pages.

How childish, first. Secondly, WTF? Why is this dumb fuck still talking about me to people when I haven’t even spoken to him in a MONTH! So now it makes me pissed to think what other TRASH those three are telling people around the LA/OC/SD areas. Since they hang out at the bars so much. I’ve heard from a few of my friends what they are telling them. And if that’s what they are saying to my _Friends_ I’d hate to hear what they are saying to complete strangers about me!

Ugh, it just pisses me off so fucking much. Jackasses. I fucking hate faggots. [/private]

I had tons of plans yesterday, but got ditched for them all. It kinda sucked and was good at the same time. First I was supposed to have lunch with this guy JT, he was in the area for the day, said he’d call me at 1. He finially called at 1:30 and said he was running late, which was fine. I was on my way home by that point. Said he’d call when he was done with his errands. About 3:30 he calls me again, but by that point it he was already back in Long Beach, cause something came up, or whatnot? I dunno.

Then I was supposed to go play tennis with this other guy, but we couldn’t find anywhere free around here, and I didn’t want to drive up to LA to play. And then lastly, I was supposed to go biking with Jason, but his friend was dropping something off in the area and wanted to hang out. So yeah. So I went on a bike ride by myself, and then of course right after I got back Greg called wanting me to go to the gym with him. I was too tired, so I said no.

It all ended up being good though, because I was able to get that PDF generator to work, which means less stress today for Stable 1.0! 🙂


It’s the Rejection!

So… My oil needed changing, so I found a new place to take it in my new area. I found this “Chevron OilStop” and they were having a sale, it was only $19.99! From the normal $29.99. So I figure why not give it a shot.

I pull in and the guy greets me at my car. I say, “How long will it be, I’d like to just drop it off and go get my hair cut.” He says. “You have to stay with your car.”

I think to myself, that’s strange. Most places won’t let you anywhere NEAR your car while they are working on it. Liability and all that. So I’m like whatever, and just go for it. He starts talking and is like. “We’re not paid commission or to upsell you, we’re only here to offer you products that will help your car last longer, blah blah blah.” I start to think this was a bad idea, but I go for it anyways. So he starts his thing. First thing he does of course is say that my car is due for an “Oil Cleaner, it’ll only take an extra 3 minutes and will cost $12.95 more”. I’m like, “No thanks.” Then he goes on and starts his “38 point inspection.” Pulls out the air filter and comes back to me. “Excuse me sir, your air filter is due for replacement”. I tell him I had just done that. Cause I did. He goes back to work.

After a bit he comes back to me and starts to tell me that the oil plug is the wrong kind, and that they can sell me the “right” one for only $4.95! What a deal! I say, “That one has worked for 100,000 miles, I’m sure it’ll work a few more.” Then he goes, “Well it’s recommended you replace the seal every oil change, it’s only $1.99!”. No THANKS! Then he says… “Your car is due for a coolant and transmission flush it’s recommended every 60,000 miles”. UGH!

So I’m getting really pissy with this guy. He has NO IDEA what my car needs or does not need. I came in for a fucking Oil change, NOTHING ELSE! Stop trying to upsell me shit that I don’t need. I just got all this stuff done at 90,000 miles. My car is NO WHERE NEAR the 60,000 mile “recommended service” interval for these things. I could at least see him suggesting all this stuff if he had ASKED me when I last had service done. But he didn’t ask a single question.

I feel sorry for people who go in there not knowing anything and do everything this guy suggests. They’d be going in for a $30 oil change and walking out of there paying over $100!

In short, Never going back there again! 🙂

My scope today says this: Venus, planet of love, is going through sensitive Cancer, the sign of changing moods. Emotionally, this can make us long for deep connections … but moodiness can make love feel like a moving target. Luckily, Cancer bears a warm, mushy heart beneath its tough shell … so when you finally do break through, it’s sweet rewards.

Damn things, why can’t they ever be right! Ugh.

Anyways, yesterday after work I went to lunch with Robert, that was enjoyable. Did the oil change, then got my hair cut. I was wanting to have it bleached out to the color of my blonde spot. But I went to SuperCuts and apparently they can’t do that? Strange since they do highlighting! It’s the samn damn thing basically! Anyways. Maybe next time I’ll do it. I got it cut uber short again. Now Carlito can’t pull on it. Came home and hung out for a while. Waited for someone to call to see if they wanted to go on a bike ride, but they didn’t by 6, so I just went on my own. Did about 15 miles, pretty hard core too, got out a lot of anger. 🙂

Got home from that, showered and then finished MTM. Now I’ve got to go buy the Season 4 DVD’s. Where the hell is my Amazon Giftcard!? It should have been here days ago! Ugh.

After that I went to bed… I got a txt little after midnight that woke me up. It was someone telling me: “I just saw your boy.” I asked him what boy and where, but he never replied. It kinda pissed me off, I’m sure it was just Carlito, which who cares. But whatever.

Speaking of the boy situation. I’m still pissy about it all. It’s all about the rejection of the situtation, more then anything. I hate it. I’m sick of being rejected by the guys that _I_ actually like. And for stupid reasons always! And then when I try and grow and learn from it, I can’t get a good response out of them to figure out what it is that _I_ need to do to make myself a better person.

Screw them all though. I’m an amazing boyfriend, they are the ones missing out. I just need to deal with the rejection part better and keep going. There’s less then 6 months left for my quest to prove fruitful! haha.

I got moved into my new NB office yesterday. It’s bigger then the last, but I think the view is lacking (I get the airport instead of the mountians) and it’s not as bright (the sun comes up on the other side of the building). Also, it’s closer to the bull pin, so I can hear everything that goes on in there and I have to keep my music softer now. But I’m only going to be here one day a week, so I think I can survive. 🙂

I’ve found a VERY strange thing with my new MacBook.. Whenever I play the song “Birdland”, about half way through my speakers just stop… They make this high pitched sqeal and then nothing. Not a sound from ANY applications. I have to quit iTunes, and then everything works fine again. It’s the WIERDEST thing ever!

The guy is going to give me a check on Thursday for my old laptop. I’m going to by 2Gig’s of RAM and a 120 Gig HD for the MacBook. I’ve been using parallels a lot lately, and it’s a great application, but 1Gig of RAM is just NOT enough. You can hear it swapping SO MUCH whenever I have parallels open. And I’m down to 10gigs of free space on the 80Gig Drive that’s in here now. 🙁 Those two things will cost about $350, so I dunno what I want to do with the rest of it. I’m debating between:

1 – Saving it

2 – Getting my tat

3 – Building my clock

4 – Building my bed frame

5 – Going back to Iowa with it

6 – A crazy shopping spree!

What do you think I should do!?

Ok, seriously this was going to be a short entry about the damn OilStop, now look at it!


He’s To Busy

So. Friday was one long ass day at work. But it finially ended. I was off to see my boy! I was so happy that I was finially getting to see him again after more then a week.

I get nearly to his house. He calls, “Hey, I’ve been slammed at work and am running a bit late, can you hold off for like 10 minutes”.. Sure not a problem he had called earlier and told me he was really busy at work and might be a bit late. So I just wait the ten minutes at a little coffee house next door to him. I walk to his place and he was just getting there… I waited another 10 minutes in his house while he changed. VERY sexy in his suit. OMG. And that ass! ::dies::

I met his roommate too, who was very nice. We headed out to dinner and got right into this sushi place. Had a great chat about work and our days and some other general stuff. I was in such a great mood. After that we headed out to the movie theater. Got there and went in, sat down. After about ten min of the movie, he grabs my hand and we hold hands for the rest of the movie, and he put his other hand on my leg and was just carassing it, so nice and caring esq.

We ended up seeing Strangers with Candy, neither of us wanted to wait in line to see Pirates. It was a very funny movie.

After the movie we drove back to his place, parked the car and then walked to TCBY.. He finially let me pay for something, so I got the deserts. Walked around the block and stuff and talked. He told me about some family drama he was having, that his Aunt and Uncle found out he was gay and that he was going to have to tell his parents before they could. It was a nice chat.

Got back to his place and we went into his room and laid down on his bed. Talked for a bit and then he turned on the TV. I leaned in and kissed him, we ended up making out for the rest of the night. He never tried to go any farther.

We also talked in there. I asked him about a few things… What he was insecure bout. Intelligence, body, sex. I don’t see why about the body, he’s got a damn fine one. 🙂 So we talked about that for a while, talked about his family some more and some other things.

I had an amazing night. “Yowzers” as he would put it. I left about midnight cause he had his outrigger thing in the morning. By the time I left though, we had talked about plans for hanging out Saturday night and also a hike on Sunday depending on when he told his parents.

He walked me out to my car and we kissed and said good night, he said to call him when I got home.  I drove home with the biggest smile I’ve had in a long fucking time.

I called him when I got here and he told me he had an amazing time and was excited for the next time we got to hang out. Said goodnight again and hung up.

Saturday… Comes, and I hadn’t heard from him by 2. I figured his thing would be over about noonish. I had done laundry all morning cause he wouldn’t let me come to the Outrigger thing in Long Beach. Said he would only be in the water for like 5 minutes. So I said that’s cool, as long as I get to see the one next weekend. Which he promised me I could.

So at 2 Austin called and wanted to do something. I send the boy a txt and ask him how the thing went and if we were still on for that night. He replies and said it went well and that he was going to take a nap.. I ask him to call me when he gets up so that I know what’s going on for sure or not.

Hung out with Austin till like 5:30ish. We had a great time. He hugged me, twice. Very odd for him.

I got home and the boy was online. I ask. “How was the nap”. He says it didn’t happen, he went bed shopping with his roommate. I ask him if he had decided if he wanted to hang out for sure tonight or not. Cause I wanted to make other plans if not.. he says: “awww… i do want to hang out with you! I have to go to a birthday dinner for my friend Marissa tonight”.

So then I ask about Sunday. Suddenly he has practice in the morning, and then the thing with his parents. Which was expected. But if he has practice in the morning, why did he EVER say yes to going hiking on Sunday.. And this birthday thing I doubt is last minute! Ugh.

Then I said that I wanted to ask him something. He said. “Phone convo”. I said I’d rather just talk on AIM cause I’d get nervous.  So then this happens:

6:15:21 PM oawww: Ok…. So far after our three dates, i’m really enjoying hanging out with you and our time together, and you totally seem like a great guy and someone i would like to continue to get to know better….. The last couple people I started going out with, i thought things were going well but then they abruptly stopped talking to me… So at this point i just want to make sure we’re both on the same page….. so basically, after these couple dates…. do you feel things continuing on, or going off into a friends only area… ?

6:22:21 PM theboy: Good question. I feel the same way, but I don’t have a lot of time this summer due to pre-planned commitments, and I don’t want to get into a situation where I dont have time for you and you get frusterated

6:26:31 PM oawww: Well, at this point, I feel that I’d like to see you as much as possible for the summer and hopefully after summer we’d have more time…. I’m a very understanding person, as long as you are open about how much time you have. I’m ok with that.

6:27:01 PM theboy: true

6:27:16 PM theboy: being open and communicating are important to me

6:27:26 PM oawww: Very true…

6:27:43 PM theboy: I have a lot on my mind right now and I didn’t really want to see you because of that

6:27:48 PM oawww: That’s why i’m asking you this now, before I get too involved into anything.

6:27:49 PM theboy: Im not that talkative right now

6:28:06 PM oawww: Yeah. I understand that… And I’m sorry to bring this up now

6:28:26 PM oawww: But since I’m not sure when I was going to see you again. I just wanted to make sure we were both on the same page about things

6:29:19 PM theboy: I’m still not ready to commit to anything just yet, since my life is already full of commitments, which would be my only disclaimer

6:32:05 PM oawww:  It’s ok… Hopefully we can continue seeing each other in the capacity we have been, and maybe once your current commitments are past we can go from there.. By then we’d both have a better understanding of how things would work…… To be completely honest, I’d have to say you’re a great guy, you’re smart, you’re funny, you’ve acted very caring… All great qualities I’m looking for.

6:36:20 PM theboy: thanks…  You are amazing …. which is why I want to be careful in my actions

6:36:29 PM theboy: dont worry about me ever not calling you back

6:36:39 PM theboy: i respect you too much for that

6:40:06 PM oawww:  Thanks… That makes me feel better.. And now that I know what to expect It’ll be ok… I hope that we can continue to figure things out through the summer and just take things slow and see what happens once your time frees up. I’ll always be looking forward to the next time we have to hang out, because i really enjoy those times.

6:53:13 PM oawww: Anyways. I’m sorry to have dumped this on you, but like I said, I just wanted to make sure we were on the same page.

7:00:42 PM theboy: no worries! ok, im going to get ready, I’ll talk to you later skater!

7:00:59 PM oawww: Ok… have a great night… and good luck tomorrow.

7:01:07 PM oawww: Give me a call if you wanna chat.

7:01:12 PM theboy: thanks, you too… I will !

So yeah. I’m a bit bummed by all this.  He’s too busy, not a big surprise. I just don’t get why boys go out on dates, when they know they are too busy, or not ready, or what not. I’m so sick of all these excuses.

I sent him a txt today asking how the b-day party was. No reply, and it’s been 4 hours.

I’m so sick of boys. I just want that damn relationship. I want to be over this search. I want to have someone who I can trust and count on to always be there. I want to have someone to come home to, and cook dinner for. Someone to sit around at night and have drinks with and lay in bed reading a books together. Someone I can make all these plans with that won’t ditch me at the last minute.

I have all these things I want to do this summer. They won’t get done with out _someone_ to go with! I just want that SOMEONE.

In other news… I went on a 20 mile bike ride this morning with this guy Jason. He was nice, but I feel friends only there already. Who knows.

Robert and Mike should be here any minute. Adios.