Take it or leave it

You know, I HATE when people call me up and ask for advice on electronics or computers or what not. And then they do the exact oposite and come compain at me when what they did breaks something.

IE, Evil Aunt is buying a new computer.She asks me what she should do. I say go to the dell.com website and find the best computer you can for what you are willing to spend. What does she do? Instead she goes to fucking QVC and buys a computer off there! UGH! She sends me the specs… She spent $900 at QVC, dell.com is selling the EXACT SAME COMPUTER for $359!! hahah

IE#2, nearly 6 years ago the G&G bought a desktop computer. I kept saying, get them a Mac, get a Mac, blah blah blah. I knew I would have to provide support for them, etc. The Evil Aunt kept saying, “No, I’ll help them, get them a computer I can help with, blah blah blah”. Well they got a dell, right off the bat I had to teach the Gma how to do everything. Some of the other family helped a little, but most of the stuff she had to learn I had to teach her. And of course now that things are really starting to get fucked up… She calls me up all the time with her problems! And it’s not EASY to talk her through things.. “You see the ‘File,Edit,View’ buttons at the top”? …. “No”. OMG! I don’t USE windows. I honestly have no idea how to do most of the steps in windows any more. If I’m sitting there using it I can do it, but trying to talk someone through deleting an Outlook Express account from memory is basically impossible for me to do over the phone. If we had got her a fucking MAC like I suggested years ago it would be NO PROBLEM!

Remember sex guy upstairs, the one that MOVED OUT!? Well the new guy is having loud sex at all hours of the night as well… And I’ve YET to figure out who the hell actually lives there. I Swear every day there’s a new guy walking in and out of there… There was one hot 20-something that was going in and out one day. YUM! But no matter who LIVES there, I’ve only seen MEN coming and going!

I am officially signed up for Tour De Palm Springs Yay! This will be my first Century (100 miles in one day!) Wish me luck! Anyone want to come out to Palm Springs for the weekend with me??? I’ll be gone all day Saturday, but Friday night and Sunday morning we can do something. Perhaps shopping at the outlet mall?

You know what’s amazing about SoCal in winter? You can ride your bike down the strand and see people wearing:

A) Laying on the beach wearing a bikini

B) Playing Volleyball in board shorts

C) Walking on the strand in shorts/t-shirt and flipflops

D) Sitting on a bench wearing jeans and a sweater

E) Walking the dog in a heavy jacket, stocking cap, and gloves

F) All of the above….

People are crazy!

I’m REALLY getting sick of people ditching me at the last minute for things. Ever since the New Year, I’ve been trying to schedule things for EVERY night of the week, be it staying in and chatting with someone, going to coffee, or hitting up a club.. I want to get out of my house. I’m tired of being stuck here.

Now, go back through and count the number of nights that I have actually gone out. It’s not near every night. Infact, it seems that MOST of my week-day activities get cancelled at the last minute. And I’m SICK of it. Chiba really pushed me over the edge on Tuesday night. He and I had made plans LAST week to go out to Beige. So I txt him at 3:30 to see if he’s still wanting to go. No reply. He gets online at 7ish and messages me… We talk for a while and after a bit I ask him if he’s still going, he says he will see…. So anyways, 9 comes, and he still doesn’t know, then 9:30.. He’s just now starting his HW…. So at 9:50 I tell him. I need to know if you are going or not because if not then I am going to bed or or if we are then I need to change. Anyways, so we got into an argument about it because it was very annoying and I just snapped because I’m so tired of people cancelling on me!

He called later that night and we had like an hour long discussion about it and how I’m so much more managed in my life then nearly everyone he or I knows here in LA. I manage my time, I manage my money. The only thing I can’t do is manage my social life! I also don’t double schedule things, so if someone cancels on me, I’m screwed. And double scheduling is a VERY LA thing to do. I’m sorry, but I’m not going to turn into an asshole just because I live here. Either way we talked and it was good, I wish we could have more in-depth convos like that to connect. It’d be nice at least. He called me again like an hour after that, I’m not sure what he wanted, but I was pretty sleepy so we just basically said Hi and then Bye. lol

Mayko said he really wanted to hang out for my Birthday, so that was nice of him. I’m thinking that Sunday I can head over his way and we can go shopping or something. I figure I can afford to spend like $300 on myself for my birthday. Maybe take a trip out to the outlet malls or what not, and I really like his style of dress, so that’d be fun!

I’m not too sure what I’m going to do for it though. I really wanted to have a group of people and go out to dinner, but since no one can ever commit to anything and two of my better friends are in a bitter fighting match right now, I just said screw it. So Friday night I’m pretty much not doing anything at this point, Saturday day I am doing laundry, that night one of the guys at work is having a bowling party which I may or may not go to depending on if I go on a ride Sunday morning. And then as I said, probably hang out with Chiba on Sunday afternoon. I’m also thinking of baking myself a Pink Champange Cake. Which behind Ice Cream Cake, is my favorite!

This morning I really wasn’t in the mood to roll out of bed, so I slept in till 6. I was on the freeway by 6:30 and traffic was already at a dead stand still. Why can’t I just work from home. Seriously, I NEVER interact with the people in this office.


Bank Account

Usually I’m really anal about my bank account, checking it every day, putting in descriptions of what the purchase was for, etc. But this week I have been way to pre-occupied with other stuff. So I go and check it today.. There’s seriously almost $2,000 more dollars in there then there should be! I’m a bit worried by this. I want to spend it, but it must be there for some reason.. Right? I know last month I only withdrew 50% of my normal savings, but that only accounts for $700 of the 2k… And that $700 is allocated towards a credit card bill. I’m just waiting for it to post so that I get my points! haha. So yeah. I’m going to be trying to figure that shit out!

Out of all the people I invited to GGB, nearly 10, only 2 of them showed up. VERY annoying. Some excuses I got were, “It’s to cold”.. WTF! I went out on CHRISTMAS DAY, it was like 20 degrees out. We still had an amazing time. You’re in a fucking BAR who cares what it’s like outside. God I fucking hate people! I can understand if you’re going someplace like the Abbey or what not that’s open to the outside, but for gods sake people! That has to be the most ridiculous reason I’ve ever heard for not going to a bar. I was going to invite the neighboor lady, but her parents are here. 🙁 The group that ended up going consisted of 4 people, including myself. We had a good time, but just weren’t social enough with the crowd so we left at like 12:30 or so. I did however have two random people come up and talk to me.. One was a writer for the Gilmore Girls (so that was UBER exciting for me) and the other was one of the organizers. He was uber cute. 🙂 haha.

I ran a 10 min mile Friday, my fastest ever… But it was a bad idea, because now I can barely move my knees.

After GGB, Nic came back over and we watched Zoolander and cuddled on the couch and made out. He was here till nearly 4am and then I crashed in bed all alone…

It was SOO cold here! Like, soooo cold. They are having these “winter weather” watches and stuff, and it’s just barely freezing! They even opened the state’s Emergency Response Center because of the cold! You know the big ass things they build incase of terrorist attacks!?!? However, it is SO cold in my apartment. I’ve turned up the heat to 80 and it just won’t come on! I checked the pilot light and everything. 🙁 You try living in a 60 degree house! It’s not fun!

Saturday I signed up for my class, I did Japanese. I really think that’ll be the most exciting and interesting. Good news too is that my Prof seems to have EXCELLENT reviews.

Saturday afternoon I went out flying with Jason. That was really cool. We only had an hour in the plane, but I was excited! We started out in Hawthorne and flew south west over Long Beach and then back up the coast by San Pedro, PV, etc. Verrrrry cool. After that we went out and chatted about boys and life, etc. I just dunno what to do about my boy problems! Ugh! You can see the photos, as always on the photodump. From there I came home and had all the fun of cleaning out my old mail and stuff from 2006. God I have a lot of unopened mail! But the files are now all cleaned up and ready for taxes. I’m going to owe so much. 🙁

That night I was planning on just staying in and cuddling up with the cats and watching a movie then hitting bed to go biking in the morning.. But when I went to take my bike out to my car at like 6:30pm, it was SOOO fucking cold! No way was I going to go bike in this weather. So I just laid on the couch. Mayko called at like 10 and said he was still at work but invited me to go out to Abbey. I said sure, since I wasn’t doing anything else. Got dressed and headed up there. He got there shortly after that and the bar tender gave us free drinks since I had to stand there for like 20 minutes. He was so nice. I tipped him $5 anyways. So Mayko and I just hung out and talked and stuff. It was annoying though, becuse like when he first got there he gave me this HUGE hug, and then by the end of the night he was being very boyfriendy again!! Like holding my hand when we walked around, and getting very close and stuff. Not that I didn’t love every minute of it though, and enjoy hanging out with him again…. But still if he doesn’t wanna be bf’s, then I wish he wouldn’t be so hand holdy and stuff, cause it just makes me confused. About 1ish we headed over to Here and danced for a while. Yes, I actually danced! I’m sure not very well, but I did!

I got gropped hard core there too, and I don’t mean like just accidental ass touches and what not. I mean full on people GRABBING my ass and my chest and grabbing my arm and trying to get me to talk to them. UGH! Left there just after last call and headed to the typical Pizza place, on the way there he interlinked arms and walked like that!?! Boys are so confusing! Hung out at the pizza place and saw a huge fight, the cops were called.

Now just imagine though,it’s this TINY pizza place, PACKED TO THE GILLS with DRUNK ASS HOMOS. There’s this BIG ass guy in there talking shit to everyone that walks by. Not really sure what happened but all of a sudden he was completely shirtless, and had his pants half undone and people are screaming at him. Then punches are thrown! It was crazyness. Then as the cops were walking in he starts throwing punchs again. Boy they sure took him down FAST! lol.

So anyways, Pizza place was cool, we chatted and as always random ass people came and sat with us and talked to us. I LOVE that about going out with him. I dunno what it is, but people just sit and talk to us completely randomly! So strange. About 3ish we were going to go Hooka with some of his friends at UCLA, but as we were walking back to his car (linked arms again), they called and said that they were leaving. So I drove him to his car and he gave me a big hug and he said maybe we can do Beige (Falcon) on Tuesday night. So we’ll see what comes of it. Again, Boys are SOOO confusing!

On the drive home, the 405South was closed, of course! So I had to take the long way home. Very annoying. So that’s two nights in a row of being up till 4am! And yet here I am awake at 10:30.

Verizon is increasing TXT message rates from $0.10 to $0.15 per message. Seriously you can’t tell me that’s at all justified! But in the good news apparently that constitutes a “material change” to their contracts, which means I can cancell without paying the ETF, hello iPhone! Now the only problem would be arranging with Cingular so that I can get a contract in March and then still be able to buy the iPhone in June when it comes out!

Also, for christmas I made the Astro-Weenie Christmas Tree… Well the pic was posted on the blog recently. Check it out here. Thanks to the Aunt for pointing out that it was up!

Ok. Today, Sunday, I’m not sure what I’m going to do. I really want to go out hiking with Jason or Nic, because I bought this “82 Great Hikes in LA” book. But it’s just so damn cold. I also need to go replenish the cleaning ladys money because I took $20 of it to go out last night. And I need to do work as well! It’s just so damn cold I just want to lay on the couch under my blankets and cuddle up with the kitties, or someone cute. 🙂

But anyways, this blog is REALLY long. I’m sorry they’ve all been coming every day pretty much for the last two weeks. But I have so many saved up that I’m trying to get those posted and then also tell you about my life! I mean, this blog is “The life of Me!” haha.


Offer and Undies!

I’m slowly making it into the new year… Things are moving along. Work yesterday, Bike ride and shopping with Jason. Good times.

As per usual, I feel really down and sad. Etc.

Put an offer in on a house yesterday. That was the high point of the day, I’d have to say.

House we put an offer in on.

I love Underwear!






And so you look good in that underwear, how about some Smoothie Recipes?

Ugh. Boys! They make me sad.

Bush is such a fucking idiot! “President Bush requests line-item veto power” … “We’ve got to make sure we spend the people’s money wisely” … OMG! What about all these things when your buddies were in power. You’re just NOW figuring this out? After HOW MANY YEARS in office. Can’t someone just hang him already!? And then leak the video to Youtube?


Heath Ledger Look alike!

OMG! So I had lunch today at The Counter today, and one of the waiters was a total Heath Ledger look alike! OMG Sooo fucking hot! So I asked one of the waitresses is he was gay.. she said, “No, but his twin brother is”. hahaha. OMG. I’ll brokeback him!

Also did a 37 mile ride today. 51 when we started. I was freezing to death, but at the same time sweating to death! It was horrible! Thank god I got leg warmers for christmas! 🙂 I started out 15 minutes behind th rest of the group, because I got a flat. And ended up at the rest stop 20 minutes before the next person! This group was really slow, but very nice. They kept teasing me that I was “14 year-old, 0% body-fat man!” hahah.

Tonight going to pick up Andrew at the airport and then heading to WeHo with Chiba, Hector (hopefuly), Jess and perhaps Johnny! Yay for groups. I love group activities!

No plans as of yet for New years. 🙁 I assume Chiba and I will be hangng out, but not sure.


Amazing – Saylorville

Aruroa over Iowa

Wow, this is just amazing. I can’t believe this was taken by Saylorville lake! So close to where I used to live, I wonder when it was taken? I found it on NASA’s site, but no real commentary.

What in the WORLD happened in Asia yesterday? The two Asia funds that I own dropped 10% and 13% yesterday! OMG!

The LA Basin as seen by NASA

Check out the LA Basin area, pretty damn crazy. You can clearly make out Redondo Harbor and Marina Del Ray, can you find where I live? (Note, it’s 3.1Megs, so it might take a minute to load)

Apparently 95% of Americans have had pre-marital sex. Good job Bush! Those abstinence only programs SURE are working!

Check out this great interview with Gov. Vilsack.

I’m not sure how I feel about him running for president. He’d be way better then Bush, obvsiously. But I don’t really think he did that great of a job in Iowa.

Today is the last day of work for me. 🙂 So far the week has been pretty straight forward and boring. I didn’t go biking at all because it’s been to cold! Today after work I am driving out to Pasadena to pick up Chiba, then we are going to drop my car off in Chino. From there we are going to go out to dinner and then to Charles Phoenix’s Retro Holiday Slide Show. Which looks exciting! After that he’s dropping me off at the airport for my red-eye flight!

I land at 8am tomorrow in DM, and hit the ground running for appointments to look at houses and the like! Exciting! I really hope one of these come through. I’ve got my eye on a nice 4-plex in Ankeny! And I think I’m finially starting to figure out this whole mortgage business. Ugh!

Oh, and if anyone is avalaibe, would you please check in on my cats on the 26th?! PLEASE!

Till Iowa! Adios!

PS: Back in EARLY 2004 I got my first Mac Laptop. I’m currently on my Third one. The first and second were both named “Zetta Bytes”.. I was reading an article today and apparently in late 2004, Sun came out with the ZFS or Zettabyte File System! Bastards stole my name!

If anyone wants to steal my current computers name, it’s WakoBytes. Feel free to make her a personalized Filesystem. What a great christmas present! And My wireless access point is YoctoBytes, my iPod is called YottaBytes, external HD is AttoBytes, PakoBytes is my MythTVbox and I’ve re-purposed ZettaBytes to my home database Server.