I Love My Family

I just got this from Beak:

Just caught up reading your blog today. Want me to come out and smack Austin? If he’s so stupid he can’t see a good thing when he hasn’t then he just doesn’t deserve you. Someday you’ll find someone who thinks you’re the coolest thing since sliced bread-doesn’t suck that you have to go through all the all others to get there? I wish people came with a soul mate tattoo that would light up when you were around “the one.”

Haha, I love her! It’s so true though, I wish we all came with soul mate tattoos. (or maybe homing beacons would be better, that way you can search them out better) Damnit. Julian also IMed me today, which made me happy. It’s good to know that there are people back there who care about me. I wish they were all closer. I tried talking to JP yesterday, but he was very busy. He’ll be gone today, so it’ll be Wed before I can talk to him again.

So has everyone heard of the Real Life Simpsons opening? Did you know it was ACTUALLY made by Fox? How crazy is that?!

I also love this posted by Carl on myspace:

Oh my God! Tom is pissed. He e-mailed me and said he’s gonna start a virus that will blow up all the computers that use MySpace unless this gets posted like 14 million times before next Thursday. You have to copy this and post it in a new bulletin in the next 18 seconds or it doesn’t count! OMG I don’t want my computer to blow up!

Haha, it’s so funny!

My MythBox is being a fucking whore bitch. I installed the new PVR-150 in her yesterday to try and make her happy, but she apparently doesn’t like it one bit. For some reason she now thinks she supports ipv6, and thus mysql won’t start up thus causing mythbackend to not startup thus causing mythfrontend to not start up! Damnit!

I’ve googled my ass off trying to find a way to disable ipv6 in knopp, but I can’t find it! Anyone have suggestions?!

If I can’t find anything today I’m just going to reinstall her.. She does need an upgrade anyways, I think I’m like 3 or 4 versions behind.

I did end up hanging out with Nile last night. Things went well.

I downloaded this thing called Saft a while ago. It’s amazing. I love it! If you use Safari, you should go download it right now! I know it’s not free, but I think it’s worth the money.

But now I must get back to what I’m doing. Adios!

Drama… Drama!

OMG, Ok. So I wanted to also talk about this in the post #2000, but I was too destressed about the whole issue about my notebook, so here goes with this update.

So we all know that Robert sent hookup boy an e-mail on myspace, well hookup-boy sent Robert a reply saying that he’s just looking for freinds because he’s got a boyfriend and all this… SO that’s the first OMG!

That stupid whore had a boyfriend and was CHEATING! Wholy shit!

SO THEN! Like 10 minutes after hookup boy sent Robert that e-mail, Chris (hookup-boys boyfriend) sent Robert an e-mail telling him to back off, and blah blah blah…

This is where things start to get interesting! Robert and I decide to play a little game on the both of them!

Robert e-mails hookup-boy, and says.. “Thanks for having sex with my boyfriend, you whore” or something along those lines. lol.

Pretty much as SOON as he sends that he gets another e-mail from Chris asking when and what happened and all this stuff. So it’s like, is hookup-boy just that stupid that he’s sitting there reading with his boyfriend looking over his shoulder, or does the boyfriend have hookup-boys passwords and is reading his myspace e-mails, etc?

So then Robert replies back to Chris and starts telling him what happened and this and that. It was really funny and I was freaking out cause they are both military boys. It was crazy! But hookup-boy was only 19 and this Chris guy was like 30! Eww.

Eventualy Chris just starts e-mailing me and bothering me about it, and we start talking on line and he’s asking all these details and stuff. And I was so damn nervous that night, that I don’t even remember what hookup boy was wearing or anything. And Chris was asking me about like these tattoos that he has and this birth mark. ANd I was like, “Dude, I don’t remember any of that shit and he didn’t take his shirt off”. So of course it looked like I was lying

Then he’s like, “Look You have the wrong person” and so I was like, “NO dude, it’s the same guy”. So I finially just decided to send him our AIM convo, which apparently convinced him, cause he said he was going to go yell at his boy.

I dunno, like I feel good about it, because if someone cheated on me, I’d want to know, but at the same time I feel so bad about it.

That stupid hookup-boy got what was coming to him though!

I’ve been kinda hoping that one of them would contact me today and let me know what happened. lol, I’m evil like that!

But OMFG! I cannot believe this shit! It’s just crazyness!


In other news, the mac is still dead. I’ve been doing some data comparisons from my past backups (The last full one was in Sept! :'( .. ) and it looks like I got everything except for my pictures directory. Which isn’t a big deal because I have that backed up at home. So that’s good news, although I’m having issuees with getting the correct tools to freaking take the damn thing apart.

I looked up a Lowes on yahoo and google today and found one that’s like a mile away. So I drive there at lunch only to find that the damn directions take me into this fucking gated community, and it’s NO WHERE near a freaking shopping center. I came back to the office and did a satelite view of the area and sure enough there’s not a fucking Lowes there! So I’ve got to stop on my way home and get what I need for that.

I’m in my office that was offered to me today too, because it’s the only place with a free mac right now. I’m really liking it. Though I’d have to change some things around, because I have my back to the door right now and if anyone remembers Krell…. Well that just freaks me out!

Yep… Plans for this weekend are coming together.. We’re going to The Abbey for sure on Saturday, and we’re getting a hotel to stay at up there! 😀 Exciting!

Anyone wanna come on Saturday, let me know!


Sushi…Best In Small Portions

So, yesterday I had a good date.. Went out with Michael again. Went down to this sushi place in Laguna, it was all you can eat.

We get there, and he just orders everything since I have no idea what’s going on. The first thing was this Tuna Sushi. Which was pretty good. But I think they put a bit too much wasabi on it. After that we got this crunch roll which was HUGE, he wasn’t expecting it to be so big, so that was the last thing we got.

There was this crazy Asain lady and her white husband sitting next to us and they had like 7 plates of sushi JUST WHILE WE WERE SITTING THERE, and we talked to them and they had been there befoe us! And we’re not talking SMALL plates either. It ws crazy that the TINY little asian girl could pack away that much!

Drove home and he held my hand the whole way, but towards the end of dinner it got a little wierd cause we were struggling for things to talk about.

Austin and I are going to Disney today, so that should be fun. I got us free tickets.

I meant to talk about the fact that he’s had 50+ partners in his life… That really freaks me out. Granted he’s been active since he was 15, but STILL! Arg, I just don’t know. Plus he said he’s cheated on a BF before. :'( In Iowa, he would have been a member of the sluts club. It makes me sad.

Adios, yall.

Zack Hexum

So, every week I make sure that I download the iTunes song of the week and Discovery Download… Usually they aren’t anything that great…

But this week they have Zach Hexum, which is just amazing! Everyone should go download it on the iTunes Song of the week…

And one bonus is that he’s HOT!

Also, if you’re looking for some new music, check out the new site Audiri Tons of cool music and it’s all free.

How many times will I fall in love today

So many things that I want are coming my way

these crushes abound but they only will stay for a day

So how many times will I fall in love this way

and in my life I know

there’s just been one for me

someday life will show

where my next love will be

where my next true love will be

How many times before I fall in love for real

Maybe this one cause this one makes my head like a wheel

and when is this love that will make me completely be me

What makes these hazy hills hold so much mystery?

I’ll look for you to break my heart if that will make me feel

No more girls to play a part, I search for something real

and in my life I know

there’s just been one for me

someday life will show

where my next love will be

where my next true love will be

How many times will I fall in love today



So… I might be going to Germany in June.

You might all remember that I mentioned my cousin and I talking about a trip there over Christmas. Well she FINIALLY e-mailed me back yesterday about it. She’s still trying to line up the funding and is going to be taking out a student loan to go. haha. However she needs someone to co-sign and her parents refuse.

So, it’s probably not going to happen. Though I REALLY want it too.. I mean, hello, free room and board, a free translator, and someone who knows the area! How sweet would that be! She wants to go for 2-3 weeks, but I could only pull off 1 max… Who knows.

Yesterday was so productive, yet unproductive. I got up and worked and found some php-upload programs. Then I went out shopping about 10 and bought a bunch of stuff for the cats and some food and then got my hair cut.

It’s so wierd that the guy there ALWAYS remembers me. Last year I spent $80 on hair cuts, which means I went once every 2.5 months. And I didn’t ALWAYS go to this guy. Anyways, he’s this short little asian guy and it’s just wierd. But he does a good job and it’s cheap. 🙂

I ended up spending like $150 yesterday which sucks. Blah damn cats are expensive sometimes!

Came home and worked some more, downloaded Sims 2 University and Nightlife, Rollercoast Tycoon 3, and Worms Arm / 3D. I fell a sleep about 3 and woke up again at 7. And then spent the night sitting around playing the Sims2.

Today will probably be more of the same!
