Road Rage Friday!

Wow, there’s a lot of road rage out there today!

I get in my car at 5:45am this morning. I’m running a bit late (I’ll explain later!)… Radio comes on.. “5 car pile up on the 405S at Western backup starts at the 105”. Oh great! Thank GOD I get on the 405 JUST PAST western, so I should be fine.

I get on the free way and I’m driving along, about 75-80mph in the far left lane. Come up on a BMW going 65… I slow down and stay behind him for a while. (At this point, I’m no where CLOSE to tailgating either!) Suddenly he SLAMS on his brakes. Apparently I’m too close to him. So I start tailgating. That doesn’t last long and he gets the hell out of the way. Before I can even get past him. He’s got his window down and he’s screaming at home and flipping me off. Excuse me? I didn’t even DO anything to start this. You’re the jackass going 65 in the left lane when theres basically NO ONE around! So I flip him off and speed off. Back to my 75mph. 🙂

He pulls up next to me again and starts signaling for me to pull off to the shoulder! WHAT? I THINK NOT! I flip him off and just pay attention to what’s next to me. He’s still following along right beside me. I crank it up to about 85 cause I wanna get away from this crazy! I lose him for a minute and then he’s right next to me again. This time making a gun motion with his hand as if he were shooting me!!!! OH MY God this guy is crazy! And then he starts motioning for me to pull off again.. At this point. I pull out the cell phone and make it VERY obvious I am calling the cops. He backs off… I put in a report about him.

So I’m cruising along again and come upon ANOTHER jackass going 65 in the left lane. This time, I just go around him on the right and then merge back over… He speeds up, starts tailgating ME and turns on his bright lights!!!! Seriously!?! I didn’t do SHIT! I went around the mother fucker!

Lose him for a little while, then ANOTHER guy going 65 in the left lane! (Ok, WHAT’S UP WITH THESE PEOPLE TODAY! When I go to work, I’m usually in the second to left lane going 80ish and _I’M_ the one being passed!). This guy just WILL NOT MOVE. He’s got the guy right behind him flashing his brights at him and he’s got people FLYING buy on both sides. People are even going INTO the carpool lane just to get around him! UGH!

What is it with people. Learn how to drive!

So I was running late today because the last two days have been 12 hour days for me. Today I’m gonna work 6 hours and then go home. I have SO much to do! I should be doing stuff right now, but I’m working against a dev machine that was left in Debug mode with a stop point. The machine is LOCKed so I can’t go tell it to step over the stop point!… IN English, I can’t do anything!

I can’t wait for this weekend. I’m excited to see Constantine and also for Wicked! Yay!

Also the girl who came and looked at my car wants to take it to the mechanic tomorrow! So perhaps by Monday I will have new car! Fingers crossed! 😀


The Moving is done…

I think. Dreamhost seems a little slow with the wordpress, no? I’m not sure what’s going on. But I know that I haven’t had any CPU errors or what not yet.

So what’s been going on, eh?

Well Monday, Constantine came over and I cooked him dinner and then we watched Aviator. It was a good night hanging out with him. Apparently at some point in the middle of the night though I started randomly Jacking off. I don’t recall this at all.

Tues I worked and then went to the gym with Mok. There was a gorgeous guy there. Yum! He kept staring at Mok and I while we were doing pushups and situps. I was in lots of pain after that. And still a little bit of pain today.

Wed I was in an hour and a half meeting with the CEO and VP in which they were literally screaming at each other over the positioning of an icon in a new user interface I’m working on. That was a bit scary. That night Constantine came over and we went to Casa Arigato again. The service there just keeps getting worse and worse. It was horrible and so slow! Anyways we still had a great time. The couple next to us was hard core all over each other. After dinner we headed down to the pier to a concert thing and then wondered around the pier for a while. Got back to my place and Sirin came over with a bottle of wine and we hung out for an hour.

This is a really interesting map about the homicides in LA. LA Homicide Map. Kinda crazy. I wish that it showed them ALL on one page though instead of just 25 or so.

I also found this page the other day: How far can you go?. It tells you the cost per mile for all kinds of different cars. I’m a little annoyed though that it doesn’t have more car options. But according to this it only costs like 12 cents per mile for an IS250. Which is about what I pay now for my Saturn, so something is wrong I feel!

I installed iLife ’08 onto my laptop which was exciting as well.

But the best news, always saved for last is that Constantine and I are official now. 🙂

Gay Erotic Expo!!

Yes, this weekend. I went to the Gay Erotic Expo!

Sooo. Friday night I hung out with Mok and Brian. It was lots of fun. We got drunk and watched Ice Age and Ice Age 2. They were kinda funny. Mok spent the night. Saturday we got up and went shopping at Home Depot and then went to the Gay Erotic Expo.

It was very entertaining. Lots of hot boys wondering around, lots of porn and lots of cute underwear. We spent like 4 hours or so there. After that I was supposed to have dinner with Dan… We’d been talking about it all week. So I txt him to confirm and he’s like. “Well I’m hanging out with another friend”. I was very annoyed. Either way, Mok and I went to The Counter. We ate WAY too much.

After that we went to the Del Amo mall and shopped. I bought some stuff at Urban Outfitters.. I found this REALLY cute shirt that I wanted. RIGHT infront of the shirt was a giant sign that said. “50% off”. So I assumed that the shirt was 50% off. So i took it up to the counter and the guy said it wasn’t on SALE! Excuse me. That’s fucking just wrong to do. There’s a god damn SIGN RIGHT IN FRONT of the shirt.

We also got my hair cut while we were there. It looked REALLY cute in the store.

Sunday I got up about 8ish. Planted my new flowers and stuff and then about noon I sat down to eat lunch. I woke up again about 5:30. haha. I took 4 showers yesterday trying to get my hair to look right. I even went out and bought a flatting iron. I just can’t get it to look the same! :'(

I also spent a lot of time this weekend cleaning out my hard drive. I was up to 90gigs of used space. I had my three external hard drives plugged in and was moving shit all over and generally re-arranging my storage stuff. I had nearly 3gigs of EMAIL saved up. I went through and cleaned out a TON of attachments. I still have over 24,000 emails saved and 700 megs. I feel that I should delete most of them. Especially the ones from like 2004, 2005 for work. Which is nearly 5,000 emails. But I just can’t bring myself to delete them. I dunno why!

Constantine is back in town, we are hanging out tonight. I’m gonna cook supper and look through his photos. I can’t wait to see him!

Photos from the weekend

YouTube – Open Carry Legal in New Hampshire?

A trip down memory lane. I found this interesting. 🙂

My Clean Floors

Well, my life hasn’t been all that interesting…

Friday I went out to WeHo with Constantine, Jason and Steve. We had an entertaining time. Came home early.

Saturday I got up and cleaned my floors. Like Rugdoctor and all. They feel nice under my feet now. It was really gross while I was doing it. Just inside my front door I have a beige colored carpet. Well, you could see like a night and day difference between where I had cleaned and where I hadn’t. Gross! Also did my car, which was like mud because I haven’t ever shampooed it in the 7 years I’ve had it. It’s very nice and pretty now.

After that I put a for sale sign up in my car. So if anyone wants to buy a 2000 Saturn with 127k miles on it, give me a call!

That night I just lounged around the house.

Sunday I got up and got my oil changed and did some other random stuff. Then met up with a client at Panera Bread in Santa Monica. I love that place!

My sandal broke while we were there!! 🙁 Went home after that and spent the rest of the evening in bed because I had a splitting headache.

Monday I had to work from home because the plumber was coming “sometime between 8 and 5”. Seriously! That’s what he said. Any guesses as to when he got there? Oh, that’s right 4:30! Asswipe. Anyways, my toilet was leaking like crazy on Saturday, and he couldn’t get there till Monday. So I turned off the water and just left it all weekend. Well of course when he got there it wouldn’t leak for him! 🙁

He did bring his grandson though who was FUCKING HOT! Oh my god. In other news, my toilet is falling through the floor. So they are saying they may have to tear the whole floor in the bathroom out!! I just hope he brings back the hottie!

Been chatting with Constantine every night while he’s on his trip. Making me so jealous that I couldn’t go! 🙁 They were in Montana last night. It’s nice because he tells me about his day, the way that I like to hear about it. Very detailed. 🙂 haha. I remember when Andrew and I were dating it took forever to get him to tell me about his day!

Speaking of Andrew, his last few days in cali are upon us, and it’s been really bugging the shit out of me that he just threw away all the time we had together. I’m just re-hashing shit that’s already been said. But I just still can’t believe he would toss out our friendship like that. Ugh. It’s also been bugging me that Jason has been hanging out with Ben again. What’s wrong with me that all these guys feel they can just toss me to the curb? God, what happened to the days of being so in love

I’m out.

Some good stuff…

Ok. I said I’d try and write about the good stuff that’s going on as well!

Well first off, I’ve been crazy busy with both my job and my contracts. I’ve got three currently active contracts and one of those is adding on an additional two contracts. So that’s excellent news. I love making money! 🙂 One of the contracts is very pretty and I’m glad to be working on it. I designed a really great background for it as well. Once the site has gone live, I will send out a link to it. I still have a lot of work to do with these two though. I’m hoping to get them done this upcoming week when I have tons of free time.

Plans for another camping trip are in the early stages. I am researching places to camp. After that we will begin looking for people to go. We’re shooting for the second weekend in Sept. This should be a good weekend because everyone will be tired/not camping from the Labor day weekend, right?

I cleaned my apartment last night and got the dishes from the camping trip done, what a mess those were. I opened up the kitchen and it just STUNK like mad! Mostly a smoky smell.

Wed night I went out with Constantine. We got dinner at Casa Arigato. Yum! Then we went and saw The Simpsons Movie. It was really funny. Mok and one of his friends joined us for that. Constantine spent the night and we had a good time talking and what not. He’s a great guy. 🙂

Thursday I worked 12 hours. Friday I am working 6 hours and then going biking, since I haven’t been out in weeks! Tonight I’m heading out to WeHo to hang out with Constantine before he leaves for a week.

Ok, time to go!!