April 26, 2001

april 26, #3. so my zip drive developed the click of death today. yeah, i’m

not to happy about that, since i kept all my school work on my zip drive and

yeah that HUGE program i’ve been working on was on there. i recovered most

of it from a backup but i have alot to do to recreate what we had done. this

also really sucks cause now i have to buy a new zip drive. oh well, it was

about time, this one’s like 4 years old or something. lol. i think i’ll get

one of the new 250 USB ones, or i wonder if they’re coming out with firewire

zips, that would be really cool. they fixed the click of death in the new

250’s, i hope, lol. but ya know now’s a good time for it to happen though,

cause Iomega’s giving out discounts to people’s whose drives have crashed

due to the click of death. i think it’s like $50 or something, so that should

really help. but i’ve gotta get back to this program now, cause yeah, it’s


April 26, 2001

april 26, #2. oh, hehe. it’s stats day. WEE. by the time i’m done writing

this my computer will have been up for 14 days, sent 1,003,357 packets. received

936,959 packets. I’ve received 9,261 e-mails taking, 191 megs of disk space.

my current drive usage is: C: 12.8 Gigs; D: 1.74 Gigs; E: 1.22 Gigs; F: 3.47

Gigs. since 3/28/2001 my website has had 1343 hits, of which 263 were unique

hits.wow, fun huh? it’s really warm here, they were saying it’s going to get

into the 70’s today wihich is really cool cause yeah, i like warm weather,

as long as it’s not like really really hot. but the heat doesn’t really bother

you that much, it’s the humidity, ewww. not much to say, so i’m going to go

work some more.

April 25, 2001

april 25, #3. so i was on some site and there was this big thing that was

babbling something about free readings and such, so i was like, what the hell.

well here’s what it came up with: Section 1: General Personality

Characteristics You are a freedom-loving, strong-willed, and independent-minded

individual, and you insist upon living your own life as you see fit, even

if that means ignoring convention and tradition. In personal relationships

you cannot be owned or possessed, and while you are willing to share yourself

with another, you do not always adjust easily to the emotional give and take

of a close relationship. Though intellectually open, you can be enormously

stubborn, opinionated, and inflexible on a one-to-one level. You have strong

convictions and feelings about fairness and equality, and you try to live

by your ideals, but your ideals about how people SHOULD treat one another

don’t always take into account human weaknesses, differences, and needs. You

probably dislike sentimentality and traditional gender roles and “games”.

You are fair, intelligent, objective, rational and often let your head rule

rather than your heart. You seem rather self-sufficient and detached emotionally

because you are capable of putting aside your personal feelings and viewing

things dispassionately. But once you make up your mind on an issue, you are

difficult to sway and can be rather dogmatic. You think in broad terms and

are concerned with the world beyond your own personal sphere – your town,

nation, or even planet. You are likely to become involved in community affairs,

social organizations, and groups of all kinds, or to have a keen interest

in such. You enjoy being part of a group endeavor and often find yourself

organizing, managing, or supervising group activities. Forward-looking and

progressive, you harbor great hopes for the future. You stay current and up

to date, and respond to contemporary cultural trends, both in terms of personal

style and in terms of ideas. When young you were very influenced by your peers

and by group pressures and by all the “latest crazes”. You have an experimental

mind and are attracted by the novel. Your strong points include your concern

for human welfare and social betterment, your sense of fairness and democratic

spirit, and your vision. Your faults are your stubbornness and inflexibility,

and a tendency to be very obtuse and insensitive when it comes to personal

feelings and human needs. Section 2: Mental Interests and Abilities You are

a progressive thinker, open and receptive to new technologies and breakthroughs

in science, and the latest discoveries in any field. You have high expectations

and a deep belief that mankind’s problems can be solved through the use of

our creative intelligence and inventive mind. You have no patience for those

whose conservative, unimaginative outlook limits their capacity to find solutions

and envision a better future. You also like to keep abreast of current developments

in world affairs, for you instinctively know that what happens in one part

of the world affects everyone. You have a strong humanitarian impulse. Practically

speaking, you have an aptitude for organization and enjoy being involved in

cooperative endeavors or businesses that are contemporary and innovative.

and ya know, that really describes me alot, lol.

April 25, 2001

april 25, #2. so you know i’ve been working on that lab lately, well i got

it down from 13 forms to like 6 or so, but i’m still having alot of problems,

i need to update this database, see, and the code should be "database.recordset.update"

and that’s all it should take, well i have that, and it’s adding the record

alright, but it’s not putting the information that i need in there. the damn

thing. i even went and talked to the bitch mac and he couldn’t find the problem.

i’m relaly getting upset with this whole damn M$ shit. i could have had this

done a long time ago if i were doing it in C++. on a different note, todays’

really nice. it’s warm out, like in the 60’s and it’s just a great day weather

wise. i love it. i just wish there were more to do outside around here. i

have an urge to go to sf’s tonight, but i have nothing to do there either,

and i need to save my money at the moment. i have some other things i want

to buy. I’m going to need new sandles this summer. and i’ll need some new

shorts for camp too, cause some of my ones from last summer are just really

worn out. yeah, and they’re expensive too. like really expensive, it’s insane.

but speaking aobut the bsa, did you hear about that big union pulling it’s

funding from the bsa, it’s like the biggest union in the country, that’s relaly

funny that they did that. lol.