April 28, 2001

april 28, #3, so i’m sitting here, i feel like crap at the moment, i’m all

stuffed up and sick and shit. and it just sucks. but that’s not why i’m writing

this. i’m thinking about danny, and school and all that stuff. i mean, it’s

been like 3 days now i think since danny and i last talked. i’m really sad

about that. you might have notced that i’m not talking much about him lately,

like i used to, cause i’m trying not to focus on him so much. it’s going to

be really hard this summer, cause i mean i’m going to be at camp and stuff

like all week long and then i’ll come home, do my laundry and then be so exhausted

i’ll just want to go to bed, so i mean we’re not going to get much time to

talk or anything during the summer, and it just sucks. i wanna be able to

talk to him, i wanna be able to go to bed and hold him close at night, i wanna

be able to wake up and see his cute face next to me. i wanna be able to kiss

him on the lips, i wanna be able to hold his hand and be able to go out together.

i wanna be able to sit at dinner with him across from me and just watch him

eat. i just want out of here, but i don’t want to go home for the summer,

i want to be somewhere else.

April 28, 2001

april 28, wow it’s almost 5 and i haven’t updated this yet today, i must

be slipping. so i got up this morning about 7 or so, and the roomie was already

up. i was amazed and then he left about 8 or so and hasn’t been back, which

is all cool and stuff. then i went and did my laundry, and they washer decided

it didn’t need to drain the water after it was done, so all my jeans were

still soaking wet. so i rung them out as much as i could and put them in the

dryer and then i went to Mickey D’s and got breakfast, it was sooo good. i

hadn’t had Mickey D’s in so long. and then i came back and did some shit and

stuff and then i went and got my laundry and of course the dryer didn’t get

my jeans dry so i have them hanging alll over the room. lol. other then that

nothing much has happened today. i met this guy online from malaysia he was

pretty cool to talk to. he kept asking me what things meant cause he didn’t

speak much english, but he was cute, lol. and that gets us up to now. i’m

going to go read some more XY’s i have alot to read.

April 27, 2001

april 27, #2. OMG, so there’s this guy here at school and he’s been getting

all the XY’s for like the last 5 years that they have been out, and i’ve been

wanting to get them all, but it would have cost me like $160 to get them all.

well he was just like, do you want these, cause i don’t have anywhere to keep

them and i was like OMG, HELL YEAH, so i just got this HUGE pile of XY’s,

now i’m going to have to find somewhere to hide them, but that shouldn’t be

that hard. on a totally differnet topic OWEN SHOULD DIE! >:o DIE, ASTRACHEN!

DIE! for those of you that don’t know owen, he writes the CS AP A, AB exams,

and NP is working on them and they can’t get the programs that he wrote to

compile, YET AGAIN, and neither can i. so i’m just relaly piseed at him.

April 27, 2001

april 27, so i’ve been informed that iomega will actually replace my zip

drive, that would be cool. now i just gotta find the damn number, lol. i actually

still have the box that the drive came in. so that’s good. i guess. i got

the program fixed though, and i even finxed somethings that weren’t working

with the earlier one, so we came out ahead on this one. it’s all good. it’s

about 6:30 and it’s already in the 60’s here. it’s supposed to get to about

82 today, so that’ll be cool. i hope this isn’t a sign though that were in

for a really hot summer, cause ya know i’ll be out in this weather all summer

long, and i don’t get any A/C 🙁 oh well, Thomas Lodge usually stays pretty

cool during the day. that is as long as no one does thier laundry during the

day. we actually had a rule last summer that you could only do your luandry

between 7pm and 8 am. it worked out pretty good, you usually had to wait a

bit for a washer (cause 50 people trying to do thier laundry in one washer

and one dryer doesn’t work all that great) but nothing to bad.