May 01, 2001

May 1. so it’s a new month, eh. cool. it’s also may day, what ever that is.

i ever really understood the point of may day, oh well. i cut myself shaving

this morning, it bled, like alot. it’s stopped now, so it’s all good. my roomies

also actually out of bed, and it’s only 6:54. well actually he was out of

bed when i got back from my shower at 6:30. so that’s all weird and shit.

not much really going on today, i only have 8 classes left before fianls start.

i made a template for this page, so now all i ahve to do is make a new file

and then add the template to it, so that way it all looks cool. i hope it

works. i think i’m also going to go keep the newest entry at the bottom thing,

i dunno, i didn’t like it at first, but it’s kinda grown on me, if you don’t

like it, just tell me and i’ll think about changing it back. i’m going to

go take this stack of plates back to the TC now, laters.

May 01, 2001 #2

May 1, #2. so my roomie did it again, went and left the door standing wide

open while he left off somewhere, what a twat. totally different subject,

i want a tattoo like this guys,

obviously not in that spot, but i think you get the idea. i don’t know what

that one says there, it’s either “Same Sex Love” or “Rebellion or Anarchy”.

i want mine to say same sex love, cause that would just be cool. i don’t know

where i’d get it, maybe like on my upper upper arm or something. hmm, maybe

the shoulder blade, that would be easier to conceal. alright for some reasonj

the “end” key doesn’t work, and the backspace key has been acting up lately.

i think it’s about time for a new keyboard, or maybe i just need to clean

this one, cause it get’s _alot_ of use. and i’ve enver spilled anything on

it, i take good care of my keyboards, lol. and i like this one too, cause

it’s clacky and i like clacky keybaords. it’s really hard to find a clacky

keybaord that i like to. this one has just the right amount of clack to it,

lol. suckers are good.

April 30, 2001

april 30, #7 so after an hour and 4 minutes of my computer screen sitting

here looking like this. i finally

got up and talked to nathan, it was so great talking to him again. i really

wish i could tell him that i’m gay. i really do. i like him so much. he’s

such a great kid to. to bad his parents just don’t understand him, they feed

him full of drugs, anti-depressents, and other things. it’s really sad to

see what he was going through. here’s the text

of our conversation

April 30, 2001

april 30, #6. so you remember a while back i had that little like thing about

nathan from scouts, yeah, well he hadn’t been on ever since i added him to

my buddy list and such, his parents had been, but his name never was. well

today, he’s on. i want to talk to him, but i don’t know, i’m kinda scared

to talk to him, and approch him again, it’s been like a year and a half since

we last talked now, i want to talk to him, but i just can’t bring myself to

talk to him. help, damnit.

April 30, 2001

april 30, #5. grrr, i really hate when they intrupt tv shows to say, oh we

have a thunderstorm, it’s just a damn thunderstorm, who cares, it’s not going

to kill anyone, if there’s a tornado or something, then you can inturupt,

but around here they intruupt if it’s just raining. on a different topic my

aunt sent me this: "That black and white thing gets

to my old eys after a couple days. A rather odd choice for someone who’s life

is not so black and white????" ya know i’d never really thought

about it that way. hmm, maybe i’ll have to think of a different color choice.

we’ll wait tell school out though before i change anything again, well maybe,

lol. i like suckers. tootsie pops are really good. i bought two packages of

them, and i only got two orange ones though, that’s sad, i really like the

orange ones. there was something else when i started writing this, but i’m

not remembering it now. oh well.