BlackC 2004: hey, is this nate? Chicubs56: wow!!!!!!!!! CHRIS BlackC 2004: omg, it is you? Chicubs56: ...i think so BlackC 2004: lol, omg how are you? Chicubs56: wow... so hows collage Chicubs56: great BlackC 2004: it's pretty good. south dakotas boring
though. BlackC 2004: cool, how's life treating you? Chicubs56: pretty good...i got my computer stuff
stratedned out (not my spelling) BlackC 2004: what computer stuff? Chicubs56: i got in trouble for crashing the school server
from my house, but now i'm doing the oposite inet security BlackC 2004: ahh. Chicubs56: hey...let me give you my other sn so that when
i'm on that one, you'll know
BlackC 2004: ok Chicubs56: freakster11186 BlackC 2004: ok, you're added. BlackC 2004: god there's so much i want to talk to
you about. BlackC 2004: so are you even still there in the PC
area? Chicubs56: same here BlackC 2004: cool. how's school and stuff going? Chicubs56: yes...we're still across the bridge Chicubs56: for at least...i hope...3 more years BlackC 2004: lol BlackC 2004: why's that? Chicubs56: pioneer just layed off a bounch of people Chicubs56: my dad was one of them BlackC 2004: ahh, that really sucks Chicubs56: sucks Chicubs56: yes BlackC 2004: yeah, how's he doing? Chicubs56: well, it just happened last week, so he gets pay
tell june BlackC 2004: ahhh. Chicubs56: i guess it's going fine for the situation he's in BlackC 2004: yeah, well that's good, hope he finds
another job quick. Chicubs56: so do i Chicubs56: still into c++ BlackC 2004: me? Chicubs56: yup BlackC 2004: i kinda am, i've lost my edge in it, they
teach VB up here, so i haven't done any C++ for
about a year. I've been getting back into it lately
though trying to sharpen my skills again Chicubs56: I just hooked up with a friend and we're going
to make a free-ware c++ im thing where your in a vr world Chicubs56: we are half done with the beta-text only vertion
now BlackC 2004: really, wow. that's cool, sounds like
you've really expanded on progrramming. Chicubs56: yeah, i like vb too.
it's quicker to make programs like for scool Chicubs56: *school BlackC 2004: yeah, i don't like it, i'd rather do C++. Chicubs56: i hope so BlackC 2004: i'm getting out of here next semester
though, so i can get to a real college, lol. Chicubs56: C++ is better for larger programs i've found BlackC 2004: yeah, much better Chicubs56: so what are you going into exactly BlackC 2004: right now it's IS, but i''ve been thinking
about changing to teaching CS, or something, maybe
i'll go to CS altogether though once i figure out where
i'm going. Chicubs56: is= internet science? BlackC 2004: information systems. Chicubs56: ahhh Chicubs56: what's that like Chicubs56: networking with dadabaces or something BlackC 2004: yeah Chicubs56: i see BlackC 2004: basically networking in general,
security, setup, all that Chicubs56: that'll be in big demand BlackC 2004: yeah, i hope. but i don't know if i like it. Chicubs56: oh Chicubs56: i am really geting into linux now BlackC 2004: cool. Chicubs56: my comp has it only BlackC 2004: really, wow. BlackC 2004: that's what i'd have but they only allow
windows on the network here, so that sucks Chicubs56: my parents(this one, my bios crashed) has
windows :-( BlackC 2004: ahhh. BlackC 2004: i have win2k server on mine. Chicubs56: yeah, i know what you mean Chicubs56: cool, i just got that...but can't run it untell i get
the comp running BlackC 2004: but i can't wait to get out of here and
into a real college, the program here isn't very good, i
knew more before i got here. Chicubs56: i'm doing like...3 i think...webpages for 40 bucks
a month right now Chicubs56: is it a jr college BlackC 2004: lol, win2k's pretty nice, i've had 20 day
uptimes, not as nice as linux though Chicubs56: each BlackC 2004: really, wow. that's cool. BlackC 2004: no it's a regular college, it just sucks Chicubs56: i see BlackC 2004: Chicubs56: i have me running on this comp Chicubs56: me BlackC 2004: ahh, i had Me, but i hated it BlackC 2004: right now i have this computer set to
boot Win2k, WinMe, Win98 and two versions of
linux. Chicubs56: it's got a nice video editor BlackC 2004: lol BlackC 2004: ahh. Chicubs56: for free that is BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: jeese Chicubs56: how big the hd BlackC 2004: I get all my OSes free, and just about
everything i use on them, gotta love the pirating that
goes on in college dorms :-) Chicubs56: d Chicubs56: yup BlackC 2004: iI've got a 60 gig, an 8 gig and a 1.25
gig Chicubs56: i have my own network of it at school Chicubs56: how fast is the 60...10k BlackC 2004: cool. BlackC 2004: i think so. Chicubs56: gimme a sec. i gotta put my bro to bed BlackC 2004: ok Chicubs56: brb BlackC 2004: k Chicubs56: bk BlackC 2004: kew, so where are your Pu's? Chicubs56: i'm working on my's geting refined Chicubs56: pu's? BlackC 2004: parental units BlackC 2004: have you forgoten that? BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: ahh, i figured that out just as you typed it BlackC 2004: you have a personal website? Chicubs56: refineing it, i'm turning oit into a music site BlackC 2004: ahhh, cool, do you have it up anywhere
yet? Chicubs56: my old one pissed many a folk off and made
many a nother folk love me when i put up some polls BlackC 2004: lol. Chicubs56: including best ass in my grade, boobs, bigest
jackass BlackC 2004: lol BlackC 2004: may i see it? BlackC 2004: ya know i actually have this one
bookmarked, lol Nate's Nifty Homepage Chicubs56: it's down,, the first part of my new oines up Chicubs56: oh gosh, is that still up BlackC 2004: lol, yeah Chicubs56: here's the first part of my new one Chicubs56: Chicubs56: nono Chicubs56: freakster BlackC 2004: you should use 60megs and no banners Chicubs56: nm, it's a REALLY un updaded vrsion Chicubs56: these guys have unlimikted and allow mp3's Chicubs56: say, do you have any BlackC 2004: crosswinds does? Chicubs56: yes BlackC 2004: the loop got thier account deleted for
having MP3's Chicubs56: loop? BlackC 2004: yeah i ahve 488 of MP3's Chicubs56: cool, i have somewhere areound 6250 some BlackC 2004: yeah my group of friends from hs are
called "the loop" Chicubs56: and have a 56 k motem BlackC 2004: wow Chicubs56: and a stack of many cd-r disks with them burt
as files BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: said you have some piriated junk BlackC 2004: they put a cap on the amount we can
download in one day, so i stopped gettin gmp3's BlackC 2004: yeah, tons. Chicubs56: so do i, but between my "loop" i havn't been
aboled to get a program i used @ a summmer camp last year,
and now the're turning into a only compuny Chicubs56: bryce 4 Chicubs56: can't find it anywhere BlackC 2004: ahh, bryce is cool Chicubs56: yes BlackC 2004: i can get bryce 3 from my hs, but i
haven't seen bryce 4 Chicubs56: is bryce 3 good Chicubs56: for pc...right BlackC 2004: it's pretty good, never used it BlackC 2004: no it's for mac Chicubs56: oh... Chicubs56: there's a game i've been looking for for a while
also Chicubs56: aoeII Chicubs56: errrrr... Chicubs56: age of empires II BlackC 2004: ahh, cool Chicubs56: do you have it
BlackC 2004: nope, i don't play any games anymore. Chicubs56: i'm a big aoe 1 and exp. pack fanactek BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: wow...i slaughtered that word BlackC 2004: lol, it's k BlackC 2004: you know it's been almost a year since
we last talked? Chicubs56: so what software do you have Chicubs56: yup...really long time BlackC 2004: lol, BlackC 2004: mostly develpoment stuff Chicubs56: do you have...gimme a sec BlackC 2004: am i giving you a sec, or is that the
name of the software? lol Chicubs56: photoshop, soundedit, premiere and director BlackC 2004: i have photoshop 5.5 Chicubs56: lol BlackC 2004: it's around here somewhere, lol BlackC 2004: i have dreamweaver and fireworks too,
that's what i always use. BlackC 2004: i'd show you my site, but... BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: you do, is there anyway you could maybe get
thouse 3 to me!?! Chicubs56: i could give you...mp3's BlackC 2004: well i won't be in iowa tell may 13 or
so. Chicubs56: 1or 2 gigs sound good BlackC 2004: lol, holy shit, yeah. Chicubs56: :-) BlackC 2004: so you got plans for the summer yet? Chicubs56: well, music camp kc BlackC 2004: ahh, really, cool. so you're still in band
and such? Chicubs56: yup Chicubs56: first trumpet and everything BlackC 2004: wow, congrats Chicubs56: thanx BlackC 2004: can i ask you something kinda
personal? Chicubs56: i guess BlackC 2004: why'd you're pu's pull you out of scouts
so fast like they did? Chicubs56: well, it wasn't all them...i mean...i didn't really
have all that much time, with band, jazz, my own jazz and all Chicubs56: well hey, when you come to iowa, do you
wanna trade Chicubs56: i;ll have them on cd BlackC 2004: yeah, but it seems like they wanted you
to cut ties mostly with me i felt. i dunno, that was the
impression i got. BlackC 2004: yeah sure. i don't care. Chicubs56: err, obviously Chicubs56: not on floppy BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: oh heck no Chicubs56: they knew i look up to you Chicubs56: and they know your a good role model for me BlackC 2004: lol, ok, well i was just wondering. Chicubs56: so when could you drop buy Chicubs56: by* BlackC 2004: umm, i dunno really, i'm moving home
the weekend of may 12, and i have training every
weekend in may, and i leave for work june 1, so it
would have to be during the week sometime. Chicubs56: gimme a sec BlackC 2004: ok Chicubs56: do ya think 9i'll have school memoriol day BlackC 2004: umm, probably not, isn't your schedule
on the school website? Chicubs56: oh, it probably is Chicubs56: i've not been to it in atleast 6 monthes BlackC 2004: nope no school Chicubs56: what a mission Chicubs56: what? BlackC 2004: may 27 no school it says Chicubs56: the home page Chicubs56: oh, good BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: you got t3 there don't you BlackC 2004: lol, 6megs a second, :-D Chicubs56: dang Chicubs56: to bad they put a cap on the dls BlackC 2004: hehe, yeah it's pretty nice. BlackC 2004: yeah it is BlackC 2004: they claim they're going to take it off
once they get the ATM working right Chicubs56: ????? Chicubs56: what's that have to do with and atm mesion Chicubs56: dang, killed that work also BlackC 2004: atm lets them limit the amount of
bandwidth any one protocol can take up. Chicubs56: oh, i thought you ment and auto-teller thingy Chicubs56: lol BlackC 2004: lol BlackC 2004: no Chicubs56: little different BlackC 2004: yeah, a bit, lol Chicubs56: yeah, anytime during m-day sounds good Chicubs56: any piticular favoites in the music artea Chicubs56: i got it all BlackC 2004: can you accept file transfers? Chicubs56: yeah, not from aim though, and i need to restart
caues aim crashed right before you imed me BlackC 2004: lol, ok Chicubs56: can you send it through e-mail BlackC 2004: yeah to where? Chicubs56: Chicubs56: hotmail has an anoying cap on the size BlackC 2004: lol, yeah BlackC 2004: ok sent BlackC 2004: it's just my playlist, so you can get an
idea of what i've got, lol Chicubs56: ok, do you want stuff unlike it or like it BlackC 2004: whatevers good, lol. BlackC 2004: i'm up for anything, right now it goes
anywhere from abba to wild strawberries, so i've got a
range of stuff. Chicubs56: lol, that quote you sent after it BlackC 2004: lol Chicubs56: that's halaryous BlackC 2004: yeah, i like it BlackC 2004: i was having problems with VB and
access the other day, and one of my friends said that,
lol Chicubs56: k, so you like old and bout jazz etc BlackC 2004: yeah, that's all cool. Chicubs56: ok BlackC 2004: i don't care, if you like it, i'll prob like it,
lol Chicubs56: ok, hey, i guess i better go... i'll talk to ya latter BlackC 2004: ok, later, it was great talking to you
again. Chicubs56: yup, bye
BlackC 2004: bubye Chicubs56 signed off at 8:57:36 PM.
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