
Hey everone. Here I am in Mexico. We’re all having a GREAT time. Though I can’t wait to get back to Iowa and to be able to talk to my Drew Bear.

You all are going to have so much to read once you get back. I’ve been doing updates daily!

This place is so pretty and so exciting. Tonight we’re going to go out to a show in the square.

I’m pretty burnt and have peeled a couple times already, but it’s starting to fade into a nice dark tan. 🙂

Well I have to go everyone. I hope all you Iowans are enjoying the SNOW! I laugh in your faces, because it’s been 95+ all week, and so clear and beautiful!

Laters all

Hot Boy

Today was absolutely amazing. We walked so much today and did so much and saw so much. It’s just all so really cool.

But first I have to tell you all about last night, which was a blast! lol.

Well, actually I should tell you about the day yesterday. We all took this bus which was hellish! It was like a 2 hours bus ride, and the roads here are horrible, so every little bump or crack in the road and you came up out of your seat, and then there wasn’t any AC in the bus, so it was just hell! I couldn’t believe it.

We got to the village and walked around this cathedral and this short crazy guy gave us a tour and it was funny. And he showed us this really neat sun dial from like the ancient times. I really love all the history here, I wish we had it all in the states too!

After that was a carriage ride around town and then to the ruins. Which was really neat. We climbed to the top of them and had a good time. From there we went to this restaurant which was really cool. I also learned a few things…

“30% more push”
“Double Deckers”
Both of those things reference things you can do in the bathroom, if you really want to know ask. lol, It’s pretty gross.

Once we were done in the town we came back to the hotel and then went out shopping. I tried finding andrew FFX-2 for cheap cause they had a lot of PS2 games super cheap, but no one had them. The guy at the video store also checked me out, and he was pretty hot. Though the thing I really don’t like is that you can’t tell how old the people are here. It’s kinda strange.

Anyways, after that we went to this store and got some bacardi and came back to the hotel, got supper and ordered a big pitcher of pineapple juice. TOok that up to the girls room and we mixed that and the rum. It was REALLY good tasting. I had a lot more then the other people, and I really started to get annoyed because everyone was treating me like I was 2. And I was still doing just fine and I wasn’t that drunk. LIke I remember everything that happened and all that. Then we went out to the hallway to get something, and Yanira came out of her room and made me go back to my room. She walked me down there. lol. I sat up watching TV for a while, then talked to my roomies when they got back from the game. After they left again, I went to bed and slept tell 5:45.

Today started out really annoying. LIke everyone was asking me if I had a hangover and was again babying me. It got REALLY fucking annoying. I KNOW my limit for drinking and I wasn’t even THAT drunk. It really got on my nerves. Just like when EVERYONE was pointing out that I was burned and asking me/telling me to put on my sun block! I’m fucking 22 years old. I can handle this shit myself.

Anyways, this morning we went out to Chichen Itza and it was REALLY REALLY pretty and so neat. Again it was just more ruins and stuff. But these were in such great shape. And it was just so neat how like they built over the old stuff to make new, and how most of the “hills/mountians” in this area are actually just ruins that are covered over yet. How neat would it be to just one day go out to your back yard to dig a hole and find a ruin. They were all so pretty.

ONe thing though is that I wish we had more time to explore it on ourselves. We only had like 30 minutes total, which was a bit sad. I could have sat at the top of the pyramid for a couple hours just looking at the views and stuff. I also wish that we could have been able to climb more of them. It’s sad that they had them all blocked off.

I also got to thinking about how they know all of this stuff and the history behind them. What also confuses me is how can things that are so HUGE can be lost in time and get covered up like that. I mean, where’d the people of this region go for so long that these huge pyramids can get lost. It really just amazes me.

It’s like they say in that one movie..”There’s so much to be see then can ever be seen, so much to do more then even be done” and that’s totally how I feel out here, there’s just SO much to do and so much to see. I wish I could live here for like a year or two and just do everything and experience it even more.

After we left the ruins I got REALLY annoyed about things, because like these stupid guys were being so annoying in the market. I wanted to look around and see what they had to sell, but they were being so aggressive and annoying that I just couldn’t deal with it, so I left and went and met by the buses at 2:15 like we were told. Then I get there and we’re told that it’s now 2:30 that we have to be there, so I just sat there for the fifteen minutes. It was really annoying. Then we get to the place where we’re eating and I just get even more annoyed. Whatever though, I’m not going to let it ruin the last couple days of my trip. Lets just say I’ll be glad to get away from all the drama that’s going on around here.

Oh, and then at the hotel where we ate they had this place to shop inside, and they had this HUGE shelf penis candles. And then we go back in farther and they had gay mayan sex things, and also penis flutes and stuff. It was so crazy! If it weren’t so expensive I would have bought them.

After that we came back to the hotel here and I went to the internet cafe. It was SO great because I got to talk to drew bear. It was only for like 10 minutes, but it was still really exciting to get to talk to him again. I gave him a REALLY quick run down of what I had been up to today. And we just talked about a few things. I can’t wait to get back to Houston so that I can call him and talk to him. I’m also really excited because apparently he’s been calling me every day and leaving me messages. Which is insanely cute and I really want to go hear them all.

Talking to him again really made me miss him so much more, and I can’t wait to see him in a couple weeks. I’m really excited for my trip to Cali in April. Not only for getting to see him but also for all my job interviews. I really hope that I get an offer by the time that I leave that week. I’m super excited for the interview at that place just 10 minutes from Andrew. It’s the one where I applied for the Cobol and they e-mailed me back saying they’ve been thinking of adding a new position for a Sys Admin and my resume looked really good. Out of the interviews that I have, I’m most excited about that. Also the beginning part of next week, I’m going to be really busy calling places back and applying to jobs to make up for all of them I missed this week.

Well, I guess I”m really done talking so…

Laters all

Little Drunk

I’m a little drunk right now.

today was really good, and there was a really hot boy at the thing today, WE went to villages. There was a cool mother fuyckjging ruin thing. It was so hot.

WE also went to a really cool restyurant thing. iit was fun. then we came home and went shopping, then I got drunk. I want to make out with my boyfrtiend, I want andrew here now.

laters all. it’s tyme for bed. nighties,

Public Transport

Ok, I’m back, it’s a few hours later. I guess I’ll go ahead and start off at what we did this morning. Obviously we did the normal breakfast thing, and then went off to our first stop, which were some really cool ruins, I mean, like these were just amazing to see these old old temples and stuff all around the place.

The first one we couldn’t climb, but we went back in farther and they just kept getting cooler and cooler. Finally we got all the way back to the last one and it was absolutely HUGE, a bunch of us climbed it, it was probably like a couple hundred feet tall. And the view from the top was the most amazing thing I’ve seen in a long time. The only other place that I’ve seen such a great view was from the top of the Tooth of Time in Philmont. I took a great panoramic picture from up there, I just wish that I could do the panoramic thing now so that I can see how it all turns out.

The steps though were so steep and coming back down I though i was going to fall and die. lol. But we all made it down safe and sound. After that we went back to the front and I bought three shirts for $100 pesos. I hope that the people I got them for like them. After I got home I noticed that one of them wasn’t the one that I wanted, but it’s still cute I think. I really like the one I got for my dad, and I want to keep it for myself. But I’ll have to give it to him.

Umm, after that we went to these other ruins which were really neat. Not as cool as the first ones, but still really cool. The steps there were like 10 times more steep though.

It was ungodly hot out everyone, and my arms finally are starting to get some sun, which is nice.

Umm, there’s really not to much to say about the ruins, except that they were ruins and really cool. I wished that Andrew could have been there because they were some cool fucking ruins, and he would have really enjoyed the history behind them and stuff, at least I think that he would have. I took a shit load of pictures for him to see. So far it’s over 800 pics total for my camera since I bought it and almost 200 just for this trip alone. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the week brings.

After we got back from the ruins we went swimming, at least a small group of us did. It was really cold in the pool though so we didn’t stay long. Once we were all done hanging out there I went and showered and then wrote that previous entry.

Since then I’ve been a bit sad. I went out front to just sit and ran into a couple people, and asked what they were doing. one of them was going to an internet cafe, so I told her that I wanted to go do that too. But we had a few other things to do real quick like first. Well those things took a bit longer, so by the time I got to the internet cafe I just had enough time to leave him a quick message on his journal. Though Sulie (sp?) who was with me needed to use the computer and after I was done, I just sat there and cried a little, because just seeing his journal again, and reading about what he’s been doing, even though his updating has sucked since I’ve been gone, just made me miss him a lot more.

After that I came back and listened to a little bit of the cranberries before I had to run to this thing, and write my journal entry for the night. I don’t really have much more to say about the whole trip, but eh. whatever.

I don’t really feel like I fit into any of the groups of people. I mean, we have Aaron and Liz, but they’re together, so I always just feel like the third wheel. then there’s Omar, Tyron, and Joe, and they’re always going off, but I never seem to really get invited to come with them, so yeah. Then there’s Tim, who’s a major outcast and I can’t stand, so I don’t really talk to him.

Then there’s all the girls, which I’m getting along with. We’ve all made plans to go to the Redlight sometime after we get back, I think that will be fun. But at the same time I just don’t really feel like I fit in completely there either. It always seems like they’re going out and doing stuff while I just sit in my room. Oh well, I mean it’s only a week and we all can’t spend every minute of every day with each other, other wise they’d just annoy me even more then they already do.

I also really wish that I could blab more about Andrew, like I bring him up every once in a while, it seems as though all the girls are getting married, or have lt’s, but then once I bring up Andrew they all seem to get uncomfortable. Which is a little annoying, I mean I can understand some of it, but they all seem semi ok, and semi not ok. Who knows really.

But I do really miss drew bear and i want to move there so badly in June. I can’t wait to see him in April, and I really want to just spend the whole layover in Houston talking to him. That’d be really nice.

Tomorrow we’re going to villages, which I’m understanding are like a 2-3 hour bus ride out to them. Now that seems hellish, and it IS hellish mostly because we’re taking PUBLIC transportation, AND it’s not air conditioned. I have NO idea what we are going to do out in these villages all day, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens in the whole thing.

Oh, I forgot to mention. We found out the other day that they have 11 inches of snow in Iowa today. How sucky is that! I’m so glad that I’m in Mexico…(I just wrote Cali, deleted it, wrote it again… How messed up am I).

Well, laters all.


Wow, I can’t believe another day has gone by already. And since I last wrote, so much has happened. I can’t even begin to tell you all how great it is here, and how much I wish my drew bear were here to see it all. I’ll tell you more about that later.

Last night after dinner a small group of us was going to go out, 4 of us to be exact. However, the straggler came along, and then we invited Omar along too, which was cool. Cause I wanted to get to know him better. I have a feeling he’s gay, or just a really good metrosexual. He talks about girls to much though, so I’m leaning more towards the metrosexual.

Well, anyways so we all headed out. First we went to this place which was actually kinda cool. But drinks were just as expensive as if we were going to go drink in the states, so we stayed there a while, and watched the HOT singer guy. Man was he hot! After that we all decided to try out this bar we had heard about which had “free” drinks for women. Cause we were just two guys at the time, and were going to have the girls get us drinks and just bring them to the guys.

But before heading there we came back to the hotel and Omar changed, and brought Joe along for the excitement, so now we were up to 7 people. Which is a bit unwieldily. Anyways, we headed over to that place and as soon as we got inside it was really shady.

At first, it was the girls could get any drink for free, then they had to pay $60 pesos and they could get any drink, then it was they had to pay and they could only get a drink with tequila, then it was they had to pay but they could only get straight alcohol and they had to buy the juice on top of it all. It was really crazy. So we all got one drink, and then the owner came over and was speaking very good english and asked that the girls all go dance ON the bar and they’d get free drinks. Well the obviously didn’t want to do that, but we talked him into us just dancing and we’d all get a shot of tequila.

So we all went out there and danced for like 15 minutes on this balcony thing they had, and everyone in the bar was just staring at us. It was so degrading. And then we go down there and it wasn’t shots, it was like this thing, and he poured as much into your mouth as you could get. But it was ALL just juice, with like maybe ONE shot in the whole thing. And it was a BIG ass jug of stuff, cause there was enough for all 7 of us, and then a bunch left over. It was such a rip off.

After that we all left and complained the whole way home about how the drinks we’re strong enough. Cause all of us had had enough to at least feel a little bit of a buzz, but nothing.

I also want to bitch right now about how much everyone is really starting to get on my nerves. Like EVERY ten minutes there’s someone telling me that my face is really red and asking if I’ve put on sun block, and it’s like, YES, YES I HAVE! Now leave me alone, I’m a big boy, I can FEEL that my face is burnt, I can SEE that my face is burnt, and I know how to fucking take care of it. So just leave me the fuck alone! It gets really aggravating after a while that everyone keeps asking me about it all. Grrr.

Well, I’m going to break for a while, I have to save something to write about at 7 tonight when we have journal writing time. You all can look forward to Uxmal, and LOTS of ruins and fun shit! Man it was so fun, and so pretty. I really really wish drew bear was here. I can’t express enough how much I miss him. In fact, I think right now I might go to the internet cafe and e-mail him. If I can get change for my $200.

Laters all.