July 30, #5 [Jimmy Somerville "Can’t Take My Eye’s Off Of You"]
Well this has been a busy day, huh? I
talked to people about feelings.
July 30, #5 [Jimmy Somerville "Can’t Take My Eye’s Off Of You"]
Well this has been a busy day, huh? I
talked to people about feelings.
July 30, #4 [Collective Soul, "Where The River Flows"]
Well today after I wrote that last update Adam, Ang and I went to DM to
schedule a hair cut appointment with for Ang. While we were in there there
was like this 12 year old kid that was so gay. Well Adam pointed him out
and we were talking about him, and I said something like, "What because
you can’t decide" and he informed me that he had decided, which was
news to me. As far as I was informed he was still in that questioning state.
Well this news just made me really sad. If he’s decided then why, why has
everything that’s happened happen? We started this as a break until he was
able to decide, but now he’s decided and broken it off completely? I just
don’t get it. grrrr.
July 30, #3 [David Gray, "Please Forgive Me"]
So Adam and Ang are here now. We highlighted me hair. It’s cool. We also
tried Adam’s hair, but it didn’t work out as well. But yeah. It’s good times.
I don’t really know what the point of this update is, I just felt like writing
something here. But yeah, we’re supposed to be going somewhere here soon.
July 30, #2 [John Denver, "Leaving On A Jet Plane"]
What I really don’t get right now is that Adam said he broke our relationship
off cause he felt wierd about what happened between us. Yet today he said,
"I’m gay" and he does that alot, he refers to himself as "for
sure" bi / gay. I don’t understand how he can keep doing that and say
that he’s questioning? Is he really? What’s going on in his head? And another
thing is he keeps making references to what happened, things that only he
or I would know. And all of the references it seems as though he really
enjoyed what happened. How could he have been / be so sure. And yet say
that he doesn’t know. Is it just a face he puts up to be able to hang around
with us? Does he feel that if he says, "Well I don’t really know right
now" that we’ll not like him, or that he’ll hurt someone? He won’t,
it’s best to be who you are. I don’t know, sometimes I just get these feelings
from him, these vibes that I can’t explain at all. Bad vibes. I wish I knew
more about what he’s questioning. Maybe we could help. We’ve all been through
the same period. When I was younger I had lots of problems with dealing
with it. I had no one to turn to, or at least I thought I didn’t. I wish
I had the support groups that he does now, I wish I had the resources. I
wish I had knew that most of my friends were. I think High School would
have been so much better.
To love someone is something…but to be loved by the one you love is *everything*.
July 30, [Sting, "Brand New Day"]
Today’s been really great times. I wish they were still really great times
with my boy friend Adam, but they’re really great times with my friend Adam.
This afternoon I went over to his house and just hung and talked with him
and his mom a bit there, then we went over to Jessica’s house and hung out
with her. It’s hard times in her house. She just got a new car and the tape
they used to put the "For Sale" sign on the windows had melted
so we helped her get that off there. Then we came back to my house cause
I was hungry and he wanted a Koi. I made myself a salad, Adam went out to
the fish pond to try and get a fish, he didn’t do very good at that, so
I came in and changed into trunks and got into the pond. Cause that’s how
we usually get them. That didn’t work either. So we just gave up. After
that we went out to Saylorville and hung out there, it was good times, it
was so pretty. Again, I wished I was with boy friend Adam yet, but it was
still really fun. After that we came back here and made french fries and
potato chips. It was so much fun. After that we went swimming and hot tubing,
I was waiting for Adam to try and go skinny dipping, but he didn’t and I
was happy about that. I really don’t want to get into a position like that,
not now. After that we came inside and watched a movie. I forget the name
of it already, it’s that one with the prince or what ever he was and he
gets changed into a llama thing. Yeah, that was a great movie, "No
Touchy" hehe. I love that line. Tonight was great times. Taking him
back home though was hard tonight, I started to cry. I was thinking about
how great tonight would have been had we still been together. It would have
added so much to our relationship. But tonight still added alot to our relationship
as friends. I’m glad I chose to stay here tonight. Sometimes I just need
a break.
The house is really clean today too, for the first time ever I feel as
though I can actually bring people over and not be embarased by the way
it looks. It’s so great when the PU’s leave. They make such a mess. lol.
I’m so glad I have the house to myself, one week of a clean house is going
to be so great. But you know, I shouldn’t have to wait for them to leave
to be able to enojy a clean house. But they just can’t seem to keep things
clean, they can’t clean up after them selfs and that damn dog just makes
such a mess cause my dad will just let him in the house right after he jumps
out of the pond or something like that and he just tracks all over the place. Damn dog.