Coming To An End…

So this semester is already starting to come to a close. In most classes this week is the last week for tests before the final. Projects are starting to come in fast and hard. Due dates are quickly approching. And in two classes, we’ve only got 2 weeks, or 6 classes, before things end. (In one of them the prof just decided to cancell class during dead week. Stating “You’ve got enough other things to worry about” how nice of him).

So the stress is piling on. Rarr. I’ve got so much to do this week, a Mteor test in an hour. A paper due on Friday, a Calc test. And much more that I know I’m forgetting. I just can’t believe how fast this semster went by.

So yeah, not much else is going on though. Nazanin and I had a quick “talk” yesterday and I still have a job. I’ve felt sick all week, mostly just a headache, but I’ve been dead tired as well. It’s not good.

So yeah, not much to update about, so I’m out.

2 thoughts on “Coming To An End…”

  1. Chris,

    I want you to check out Read up on it, and surf around a bit with it. Try Slashdot first to kind of get a feel for it. I’m trying to surf entangled as much as I can right now (some sites don’t work), because the idea of getting context links on pages is neat!

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