Lost Canyoneering

Soooo. Sorry for the lack of updating. I’ve been busy and what not.

Started P90x. I’ve lost 3 pounds in a week. Hopefully I can keep it up. I’m not sore today like I was last week after the same exercise routine.

So two weeks ago, I went out hiking with Leigh and Jason and some other randoms. It was good times in devil’s punchbowl. Not to much else has really been happening to me. I’ve been hanging out wtih Rik. He apparently thinks that we’re dating. Need to resolve that ASAP.

Got my Blue-Ray player and new surround sound system. Haven’t setup the surrond yet, but the blu-ray is awesome. Streaming NetFlix! 🙂

Last weekend we went canoyneering at Bonita canyon. Good times, we got really lost, basically rock climbing UP the side of the mountain! But we found the top of the second falls and got soaking wet! good times good times! 🙂

Climbing on Sunday with Eric and Rex, went to Echo Cliffs in Malibu. also really cool. HIke in and out, killer, awesome climbing. I wanted to lead, but I didn’t trust either of them to lead belay me. So I made them lead climb! Awesome

I have a date tonight with this guy. We’re going to go wine tasting and then a play in downtown at the Ahmanson. should be fun, he seems nice enough. I’m so tired of being single.

Lots of crazy work going on.

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