Road Closed, Record Lows, Plan D!

20 miles, 9 hours, 4,000 foot elevation gain, 24 hours of NO PEOPLE, roads closed, snow, record lows, having to go with Plan D! All Priceless! 🙂

Wow, what a weekend. It all started on Thursday night when we decided to have a last minute Pumpkin Pie party. So Sirin, Kris, and Jason all came over to my house and we baked a pumpkin pie, sat around talking and drinking wine! What a great night! It was Sirin’s last weekend in her apartment! :'(

Friday I got up early and headed to work got a TON of stuff done before everyone else showed up and then headed out to Santa Monica for a meeting. Had a great meeting there with a new contractor and then changed and off to Fresno to pick up Nick. Got there about 2:30ish and off to Yosemite. We get to the main gate at 4:20 and the wilderness office in Wawona closed at 4:30, so we booked it down there and get there just as they were about to close, thankfully Nick knew the girls in the office so they were very very helpful, sadly they JUST closed Tioga road up to the Meadows a few minutes before we got there! We ask them to give us a permit for that area anyways and we’ll just hope that they open the road in the morning.

On our way down to the valley it starts snowing pretty good and we stop a few times, pick up some supplies because Nick forgot all his food at home, found the Backpackers campground, setup camp and then headed to the Lodge for dinner. My hottie desk clerk was still working there from this spring! Yum! I got to talk to him this time too! 🙂 After dinner we headed back to the campsite, made a fire and sat around talking for a few hours.

Saturday morning we get up, pack up and head to the Wilderness office, find out that Tioga road was STILL closed and they weren’t expecting it to open till after 1 or 2pm. Glacier road was closed as well, but they were expecting it to open around 10am. So we get a new wilderness permit for some hiking along glacier. We were just going to hike along the rim of the valley and camp up there. So we putz around the valley some more and then head up to Glacier road. Get there right at 10 and the road is still closed. We talk to the ranger at the gate and he said he wasn’t expecting it to open till 1 or 2 now. We didn’t want to wait around just to find out it won’t open at all, etc. So we dig out the map and start looking for alternatives. Finally decide to head out to Hetch Hetchy.

On the drive up there we stop at Tioga road just to check and it was STILL closed, we ran into a guy that we had met at the wilderness office and talk to him for a couple minutes then continue our drive up to Hetch Hetchy. Get there and get a new wilderness permit for the trail we had decided on up to Miguel Meadows. The rangers were very helpful and told us that even though EVERYONE was coming up to that area now that the other two were closed we were the ONLY people getting permits for our trail. GREAT news! So we finally get hiking about 1pm and it was just wonderful out there. By 2pm we were up the trail pretty good and we saw the last of the people we’d see for the next 24 hours! It was wonderful! We get up to the top of the ridge and come across this sign that says we’d already gone 4 miles! Crazy! We really booked it up the first part. So we slowed down from there as we hiked through the meadows.

About 4 we came across an abandoned ranger cabin and decided to put down camp there for the night. We dropped off our gear and explored the area a little bit then headed a few more miles into the park to get to Lake Eleanor. It was about 8 miles round trip to the lake edge and back and only 5 miles to the lake over look. Sadly I was getting a HUGE blister on my foot so we had to turn around. Got back to our camp site and gathered some wood and started a nice big fire, ate dinner and then sat around talking about anything and everything the rest of the night! The cabin/shed provided a GREAT wind barrier because we camped in between them, I’m glad we did too cause it would have been FREEZING even more if we hadn’t had that barrier, you could hear the winds howling pretty damn good! The forecast was for gusts to 50mph!

Crawled into the sleeping bag about 9pm and I went straight to sleep. I had my mummy bag completely closed up so my entire body was all the way inside the bag. The overnight low was around 15 degrees! About 4am I woke up and because my bag had come open a little bit and my nose was FREEZING. Nick was awake as well so we talked a bit and then watched the starts! Sooooooo beautiful! Shooting stars everywhere. I got a little bit freaked out there for a bit though cause I kept hearing branches breaking and stuff! lol. Fell back asleep and woke up again around 7am. Sat in the bag for a while because it was so cold outside. Eventually got up, broke down camp, ate breakfast, explored the area a little more and found that there was an old barn not to far from us, then headed back to the car.

It was so sad heading back that way. I wanted to just keep hiking farther and farther back into the park! We didn’t see a single person till we got back down to the base of the trailhead. It was so sad seeing those first people again! LOL. Got back to the car and headed back to Fresno.

The drive back to Fresno was really nice, stopped into Wawona again and talked to the wilderness permit people again found out that Tioga road was STILL closed and never opened and that Glacier point had JUST opened Sunday morning so it’s a very good thing that we didn’t just sit around and wait for them to open. Though I do kinda wish we had got there before Tioga had closed, we would still be stuck up there! How fun would that be! lol.

Got back to Fresno, dropped Nick off and then headed back to LA. It was so sad driving home! 🙁 When I arrived home Sirin had left her lights on and her windows open, I saw her apartment all empty and was sad that she was gone now!

Overall it turned out to be a GREAT weekend up in Yosemite and I can’t wait to do another trip soon!

Yosemite Here I come!

Oh my, what’s up with this! I really suck at updating ya’ll! Oh well.

Things have been really busy lately. This past weekend I left home at 7am and didn’t get home till midnigt on Saturday. Then Sunday I just hung around all day.

Saturday I finally got the windows tinted in the G35! Yay. It’s so sexy now. At first I was scared that it was too dark, but now that I am used to it, I wish that I had got the back darker! Oh well, it’s still really sexy! 🙂

After that I went shopping at Target and then met up with JoErick to do some rock climbing at this gym. The guy running the place was HOT HOT HOT! Oh my god! We did some great climbing but JoErick dislocated his shoulder as we were doing some bouldering right before leaving. TOo bad for him! From there I headed to REI and spent WAY to much fucking money. But i bought this really cute Down jacket and a matching rain jacket. I wasn’t planning on buying any of that stuff YET, but they are having a HUGE fall sale AND it snowed 12 inches in Yosemite this past weekend… Did I mention that I’m going backpacking in Yosemite this upcoming weekend?!

Anyways, that REI didn’t have all the stuff that I wanted, so I headed to the other one which DID have what I needed. Picked that up and then went to dinner with the Aunt and Uncle. Crazy times.

Sunday I cleaned my apartment and helped Sirin move some shit to her new house. It’s SOOO cute! I wish that I could buy a house!

Umm, so Monday I worked and lots of annoying shit was going on as per normal! Freaking boss man is STILL authorizing purchases even AFTER I yelled at him last week about doing that! There was some other stuff too, but it was very annoying. Headed to the gym after that where Kacey proceeded to KILL me! Though I did do one armed push ups for the first time! yay!

So yes, this upcoming weekend I’ll be headed back to Yosemite for the second time this year. I’m very excited for it, but also very scared because of the snow! We’ll seeeeee


Wow. I’ve really sucked at updating! Astricon last week was amazing! I learned so much stuff and had so much fun and met tons of new people!

One night we all went out to Sushi at this crazy place and it was PACKED full of Astricon folks. Mark paid for out table which was over $1,000! What a crazy boy! We also went to this western place one night and Mark rode the bull. Very funny!

Not much else really happened. I spent the whole time at the conference and took an hour each day to hit up the gym which was much needed after all the junk food they fed you there! I also met this cool guy named Aaron who will be helping out with our VoiP at the office! So exciting!

The rest of last weekend was pretty dull, I spent Saturday at home doing random stuff, cleaning and what not. Then sunday was the normal rock climbing back out at the typical place, it was REALLY hot this past weekend and I wasn’t doing too good with the climbing, though I was very sore after it was all said and done!

Monday was my day back to work and it was very busy, lots of crazyness going on. I’m still very annoyed by the boss about most everything though. IE today I was SITTING in his office and someone comes in and asks HIM who manages the printers and he told the person to just call this company. EXCUSE ME? That’s MY JOB, ASK ME what to do!

And the PERFECT EXAMPLE just happened.

This guy at my office got a new phone (by asking the boss and NOT me FIRST PROBLEM). Now he can’t get the fucking blackberry manager to connect to his PC. So he comes to me and I spent an HOUR working with him trying to get it to work. Find out that A) He was trying to install the wrong software.

So I downloaded the RIGHT software and the RIGHT drivers and STILL couldn’t get it to work, so I tell the guy, well since we don’t have the right documentation because you didn’t get the BOX for the phone when you picked it up I am going to have to go back to my office and research it. So that’s what I did, went back to my office and started research it. About 10 minutes later, I get a call from the boss man bitching at me about not having a solution or an ETA. I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE, I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE PROBLEM COULD POSSIBLY BE! UGH!

Fuckin’ A! Idiots!

I cannot stand this shit, does he want me to do my job or not!

Sedona and the Grand Canyon

Soooo, what a weekend!

I flew out of work at 3pm on Friday and headed for the airport, the flight into Phoenix was right on time, excellent flight, no problems or anything! Got my rental car and headed out for Sedona. After driving through lots of random construction and lots of winding back roads I found the camp ground around 9:30ish. Laid out my sleeping bag and went to bed. Got up early the next morning and headed out to Slide Rock where they were having this crazy Apple Festival. It was alright. Not exactly what I was expecting and the trails there were only about half a mile long. So I made my own off roading trails and did some bouldering up to the top of the rocks which was lots of fun! Getting down was not so much fun! lol. Hung out at the festival for a little bit and then headed off to Red Rock Canyon.

Red Rock canyon was really very neat, though again there were only about 5 miles of trails. I did the longest trail which was about 3 miles and had enough of that so I headed back into town to explore the touristness of Sedona, AZ. I have to say that I was not impressed by the town of Sedona, there’s way to much touristy shit. And the Pink Jeep and competitors are EVERYWHERE! I stopped into the tourist information booth and asked the guy where a good place to watch the sunset was at. He told me to just drive up to the Airport and watch it from there. I told him that I didn’t want to just drive somewhere and that I wanted to hike somewhere. He said “I wouldn’t suggest that, It’s too dangerous.” You know that once you say that I just have to do that, so I pressed him for some good hiking because the shit I had been told about sucked. He finally coughed up this great hike to Cathedral Rock but he said, “It’s way to dangerous to do today.” BAH! I headed out after that and did another short hike where I got rained on. I love mountain weather!

From there I headed off to the Cathedral Rock hike. It’s only a half mile, but it’s a VERY steep half mile hike and WELL worth every effort. I basically ran up the whole thing bouldering and stuff up the side of this mountain. Got up to the top and it was just AMAZING! So beautiful, I wish that they hadn’t ruined such a wonderful place with so many stupid fat American tourists. Watched the sunset and ate a PB&J and then headed down. Going down was just as much fun as going up, and this time I folloed the trail, so not as much rock hopping was needed.

Headed back into town and found this place that was EXACTLY like Panera Bread, but it was called “WildFlower Bread Company”. Got a salad and sat and used the internet for a while then headed back to the camp site and crashed for the night. I had a different camp site this time with a CLEAR view of the sky. Absolutely amazing! You could see all the stars and the milky way and everything. Breathtaking! I laid there for a bit watching the stars and then fell asleep. Around 11ish or so the moon came out from behind the mountians and woke me up because it was so bright! I got a little chilly that night, but after zipping up the wonderful new 0 degree sleeping bag I was nice and toasty! 🙂

Woke up Sunday morning early and headed out for the grand canyon. I got up to Flagstaff and all the tourist information things were closed. So I called some LA people to try and figure out what was going on. I found this great place called “Sunset Crater and Wupatki”. It was a really great drive through the country side and you got to see this really neat lava flow and old volcano, etc. After that you drive about 20 miles and you get to see these really neat old Adobe houses from the Wupatki Indians. Very very neato! After those I headed into the Grand Canyon, checked out my camp site and then did some Rim hiking and took a trail down into the canyon for about a mile.

I headed back up to watch the sunset which the paper said was at 6:30. I find a great location to watch it about 5:30 and decided to just sit and wait instead of running off to find somewhere else. Last time I was the canyon for a Rim sunset there were 8 million tourists who ruined the great spot I had found before.

So I sit there and 6:30 comes around and the sun was still WAY up in the sky, I was getting very confused by this point. Lots of other people started gathering and finally at 7:30 the sunsets! Apparently I had no idea all weekend what time it really was, oh well. Also there was this REALLY cute Australian boy doing a filming about the sunset and one of the great wonders of the world. Some stupid asian walked right infront of his Camera as he was taking video of the sunset and he yelled at him, it was so funny! There was also this asian sitting next to me, wearing a beanie, hoodie, and a big furry coat! It wasnt that cold! I was there in a t-shirt and shorts! Crazies.

I hiked back to the camp site making a stop off at the General store and bought a Grand Canyon patch. Crawled into my sleeing bag and had another amazing open sky view! I just can’t describe it!

Woke up the next morning and had 2 voicemails and an email from work… I called them back and found out that the email server had crashed. I also had this voicemail/email from one of the really annoying guys at work. “My email doesn’t work.”… I assumed that fixing the first problem would fix his problem. But I called him bak just to be sure. He didn’t answer and I left a VM. I started heading back to Phoenix after that because I could just tell this was going to be a disaster. He called me back while I was pooping so I didn’t answer. then called him RIGHT back and he didn’t answer AGAIN so I left a VM. A couple minutes later I get an email from the boss man saying that this needs to be fixed ASAP, blah blah blah. Ugh. So I call the guy back again and he answers.. His problem.. The signature at the bottom of his emails are not showing up! WTF!?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me!? So I have him transfer me to the boss man and I yell at him about that. UGH. Fucking annoying.

Got back to Phoenix and came to the hotel. Have been hanging out with Mark and all the other gay nerds. So many iPhones! And who knew there were so many gay nerds! And some of them are actually CUTE! lol.

Other Drama regarding Jason/Steve/Const and Mike. Not really going to get into it here, but I feel it’s the last straw between Jason and I. And he wonderes why our friendship has been going downhill. It’s because of shit like this. First Erick/Kris shit now Const/Mike stuff. I can’t deal with it. Whatever happened to loyal friends.

The conference is really cool so far. I’ve learned so much already and had tons of fun last night with the guys. I’ve even met some great guys from Argentina and Peru who can help me out down there with stuff.

7 Accountants!

Sooo, I was thinking the other day. Why does my company need 7 accountants AND a CFO!? I don’t get it one bit!? We have a seperate person for Accounts Receivables and Accounts Payable! Plus a Controller and some other random people who knows what they do!

I even found out the other day that the CFO isn’t even a CPA! I would think that if you wanted someone in that high level position they should be a CPA! I was sitting in the conference room the other day and I heard him trying to arrange a truck for some product from Miami to Bakersfield. Why on EARTH is the CFO dealing with this?! We have a transportation manager and an ENTIRE logistics company to do this work! He should be more concerned about the 20 cell phones that have come up missing and we are paying nearly $100 a month for.

I really don’t understand how this company even operates at all. I mean maybe it’s the way the whole industry works, but really? How does ANYONE make any money!?!??!

So first some guy grows some product in some random farm far far away. It gets shipped from there to either LA or Miami via boat, truck, plane. Somehow! As soon as it’s shipped, we technically own the product and pay the grower for it, say $15, but we don’t give him the money yet.

Once its shipped, we start selling it. So typically as soon as it arrives in a port it’s sold and needs to go somewhere, say we sold it for $20.

But someone has to pay for the cost to ship from grower to port to customer, well that cost is all subtracted from the $15 we pay the grower, then say it gets here and some of the product is bad. It goes through this process called repack, there’s a cost associated with that, comes out of the $15. The product was shipped in a box that box was paid for by the company but the cost of the box also comes out of the $15.

So say the first seller rejects it, not big enough, to big, whatever reason. By now the product can be up to 4 weeks old so we try and resell it at say $12. Now WE are losing money. But WAIT! That price difference from $15-12 is taken out of the $15!!! So now we’re only breaking even!

It’s a miracle! So in the end the grower is now getting something like $8!

Really? is this how the free market works?!?! It’s so confusing! We should buy something at some price and then resell it, none of this costing shit!