Stupid people.

Hmm, so what have I been up too? Nothing but work! Work! and MORE WORK!

I’ve been putting in 12 hours days lately. Although I still find time to hit the beach and bike. 🙂 I’m really going to have to put some hard core time into the gym. I’m just not sure when I could fit that into my schedule. Like, I want to do it right after work, since I’m already out and about. But then I miss out on prime beach time. But if I do the beach first, then I’m too lazy to change and go to the gym. Also if I wait then it’s prime gym time and the place is packed. Ugh. Such hard decisions I have in my life!

Yesterday was deadline 1 of my project and it got shown to the AMs. So after work I hung out with Robert and didn’t have to think about it. That was nice for once! 🙂 Deadline 2 is in two weeks, so starting Monday it’s back to coding for 12 hours a day!

It felt really good showing off this project to everyone and they were all like amazed. I took the small requirements they asked for and made this thing amazing. Usually when you get to this part of the project and show them the mock ups they always want to add TONS of things. I only got a few minor requests. So that was really nice feeling. Today I’m just relaxing at work, taking care of some things that have had to be put on hold during the first part of this project.

So yeah, here it is Friday. I’m working in NB today. It’s nice to have my window office back. It gets really bad sitting in the office with no windows. Though, I suppose it’s better then a cube, which I’ll be in soon. :'(

I’m a bit annoyed about today though. The week before Dustin left for home we talked about what I’d do when I came down on Fridays. He graciously offered up his place for me to crash. I’ve been trying to contact him all week to try and figure out what’s going on and he won’t respond at all. I finially got out of him that he is going to the boom, but I still don’t know if I have a place to sleep or not, so it’s kinda annoying.

This seems relevant to today’s drive to OC:

“Pay more attention to what you’re doing. Look down the road ahead of (you) not right at the end of the hood,” Casey said.

The other day I was driving home from work and saw a lady stopped in the middle of a three lane side street… Right behind her was an AAA truck, filling her up with a gallon of gas. Anyone want to venture a guess as to what’s on either side of her? That’s right, A GAS STATION on both sides of the street! Why couldn’t she have just WALKED to either side of the street and purchased a gallon of gas instead of calling AAA!?

Carlito wants to drink in my bed…. ;D lol

BTW, this is hilarious! Lynn Westmoreland is a dumbass!

Ok, it’s seriously taken me all day to write this! I’m out.

It’s a Love/Hate thing…


Resons I hate Windows:

Had to re-install my old Dell laptop today to get linux off it… After an hour of installation, I went to run windows update… “ERROR: NO NETWORK CARD”! So I look, no drivers… So then I go searching for a damn CD that’s long since lost.. Finially find it (Hiding under a desk somewhere). Pop it in, and there’s this wonderful list of 16 Drivers i have to MANUALLY install!

Hello people? Why not have ONE PROCESS that just installs them all automatically.. For each fucking one, I had to unzip (4 clicks), then install (4-10 clicks). Ugh!

And then, once I got that done… A wonderful HOUR of fucking windows update and 4 reboots later, it’s finially working… With zero software. :'(

Reasons I love Iowa:

I had to call Allied today to update a bunch of things and do other stuff… Everyone was so friendly! And chatty and they asked me about the weather here, and this girl told me the story bout how she was just here from Iowa and depressed about the June Gloom… It was so funny, and we chatted about the move and how scary it is… People were just WAY more friendly then ANY OTHER help desk line I’VE EVER CALLED. I thank Allied, and the midwest for that! 🙂

Reasons I hate the Post Office:

I need to change some stuff and fix things at my new place… So I look around.. The post office DOES NOT list ANY of the local branch phone numbers! VERY ANNOYING. Because the 800 number puts you into this continus loop of automatted shit!

Reasons I love my MacBook:

It’s so sexy. 🙂

Private: Don’t Mess With Me

Ugh, the last day or so have been HORRIBLE.

Ok, well you might all remember a while back I complained about my insurance and the doctors and how they were trying to bill me for the pre-consultation, and blah blah blah? Well I got ANOTHER Bill from them yesterday. Now they are saying they NEVER were a part of the PPO plan that we have and it was a mistake to even say they were.

Yes, it WAS a mistake, it was THEIR mistake and I should NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR THIS. Apparently what happened was that they were a part of ADMAR, which was recently bought out by Multiplan PPO. Of course I couldn’t get ANY of this information out of the Doctor, they were just trying to get me to pay the damn bill.

So I went off on this stupid bitch. It’s not MY FAULT that they told me TWICE that they were a part of the plan and it’s not MY FAULT that the damn website for the plan provider says that they ARE PARTICIPATING. I should NOT HAVE TO PAY because they fucked up.

Then yesterday when I got home there was a fucking car parked in my spot. I let them sit there for an hour, but then I got pissed and had them towed.

Then this morning my alarm clock doesn’t go off so I’m running an hour late, and I had this interview at 7:15 and shit. So I’m driving and come up behind this car and slow down. Then he moves over and I pass him and he’s like flipping me off and yelling at me and shit. So I’m like, “What the fuck is this guys problem”. I did NOTHING to him.

So I flip him off and roll down my window and I’m like, “WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM FUCKER”. Then he starts all racing me and shit and keeps cutting me off and then coming up next to me and flipping me off. So I call the cops on his bitch ass. I’m sure they’ll not do anything about it, but whatever. It made me feel better to do something.

Get to work and get on my call for the interview. It went really well and it sounds like a great job. You get 4 weeks a year as vacation, and all this shit. They said they want to fly me out to Chicago for an in person interview. So that’s exciting! They’re going to get back to me by the end of the week with more information. 🙂

The only problem is that they seem to be very windows oriented. Although they are a majority of Macs (Over 400) the guy said he would prefer to move to windows. Blah.

Ugh, lets hope the rest of the week goes better then this shit.

MySpace… Stupid.

I’m getting really fed up with the idiots that run myspace…

First of all, choosing Cfx to run as the backend to start was just an idiotic choice. Where did Tom get the money to purchase those sort of licenses anyways, that shit isn’t cheap! But it’s slow and retarted programing language which horribly limits you.

Second, the fact that they are constantly rolling out changes to the page which will break things, is not a good business practice! Hello, have you heard of QA? And the fact that one is constantly getting error messages saying that a users profile is down for maintenence, or that bulletins or the blog is down for maint is just stupid. What are they running back there which is causing these down times? Hello, have you heard of maint windows?!

Third, the idiots who USE myspace are getting on my nerves lately. For some reason I’ve been getting TONS of underage kids IMing me, and they all use CAPS IN EVERYTHING and they say that it’s stupid to take it off.. These people are blocked by me. 🙂 But god, get a life, there’s tons of people your own AGE to deal with!

Forth, Myspace seems to cause Safari to go crazy if you leave it open for long amounts of time. All the flash ads, etc, cause Safari to eat up tons of RAM and to use a large CPU % even when in the background.

Fifth, it seems like Myspace will soon be moving to an ASP server style.. Again, not the smartest choice I would say, but again, they are now a corp pawn.

Lastly, is TOM actually doing anything about the Spam problems on myspace? It seems to only be getting worse!

I’m out.