Vote Green!

So yeah, everyone should vote green, cause well you should. Well, you can decide for yourself, but whatever. lol

Anyways, so the budget numbers from the first full year that Bush has been in came out…

The last year Clinton was in office, 130 BILLION dollar surplus, this year, over $150 BILLION dollar deifict! Where in the HELL did my 300 BILLION dollars go? That’s what I want to know.

Umm, yeah so this weekend has been pretty damn fun. Friday we hung out and did shit. Saturdy Adam worked, so I hung out at home and worked on my schedule for next semster. It was good times.

Saturday night Adam and I went to the mall and had a good time, we also went to B&N where I asked about books about Bayard Rustin and the guy actually knew who that was, which was neato. And we found these two books that I really want, one’s called “Queer” and it’s like a top 10 list for Queers, it’s really pretty cool and the other one is about gays in the navy, and it’s pretty much just a bunch of interviews, but it’s really cool to read it. After that we went back to my house and called James and he came over and went Hot Tubbing, it was fun cause I haven’t seen him in like FOREVER! He left about midnight to go to somewhere.

After that Adam and I went back to his house and went to bed.

Today we went shopping again at places cause he had the day off. About 1:30ish his mom called him and said he “needed to be home alone NOW!” So I took him home and told him good luck. Then I came back to Ames.

Now I’m here just doing the normal stuff. It’s snowing really bad out right now. It’s nice, but I’m kinda pissed cause I don’t want it to snow right now. It has to wait at least until after Halloween to do this shit. RARR! But It’s days like this that I wish I had a fireplace.

Microsoft Corp
Microsoft’s Political Lobbying Record



Ok, so here’s the whole story of what happened last night….

So I had a some stuff that I wanted to transfer from my computer to my calculator. So I dug out the connector that I’ve had FOREVER. Hooked it up to my computer and installed the software. And all I would get was this DAMNED “Link Connection Error” and it gave no other help. Rarr! So I went online and started looking for shit. I found out that there were problems with the software on XP. So I rebooted into 2000, installed the software and tried again. SAME DAMN FUCKING ERROR. So I looked some more, found that the cable that I was using was notorious to just randomly stop working. So I went to Radio Shack, they don’t sell them, went to Office Max, they had them, so I buy it, bring it home, and fucking thing STILL doesn’t work.

So I start looking into it more. I had all the calbes that I had ever used on the calculator and started looking at them, switching them in and out. And I came across this one, where the two ends were different. On one end, the tip of it had broken off. So I take the good end and put it into the calc and low and behold, it doesn’t go all the way in… So I’m assuming that the tip to that cable broke off in the calc. Rarr!

So yeah, the ITEC show was really cool. I talked to a bunch of people and got ideas for places to hand in apps for internships. I also got a $1,200 peice of software for free. Which is SWEET! They had lots of pretty Sun servers there, and I wanted to molest them all… However, there were only a few cute bois there (what do you expect for a tech confrence). But they were more then worth looking at! lol

Today’s been really good. C# is pissing me the hell off and so is my group though.

Out group has met 4-5 times for the project that were working on. One of our group members has YET to show up to one, and another one comes, but just sits there, and looks stupid. Probably because he is. Today he was just sitting there sleeping. I, while he was sleeping and the other one that did show up was sitting there trying to get the program working, actually got the program working, and all it needs now are some few tweks, but it’s annoying as hell! Rarr!

At noon I had my Calc test. And I think I kicked it’s ass. But I know that EVERY time I think I did well on a math test. I get it back and I failed it somehow, so I’m not getting my hopes up.

I’ve got like 80 million windows open with links that I’ve been wanting to post so here goes again:

You want a reality TV show? Watch this program. I saw it on Sunday night and it’s really good. It looks like something that I would enjoy doing. Living on the land in Montana. So much fun!

Looking for an alternative to Windows? Perhaps you should check out the new SuSE 8.1. I haven’t had the chance to play with it yet. But everything I’ve heard has been VERY good.

I hope that I don’t get stuck working in death traps like these. Although I have seen some that are just about as bad.

Isn’t he cute! Who says there aren’t any cute nerds?

Speaking of Cute, go vote for me! You better all choose 10’s!

Kinky Fun! (WARNING: NUDITY!!!)

More Kinky Fun, but not as bad as the last one! (WARNING: MORE NUDITY!!!)

And I think that’s all… I’m off to send in resumes!

Amusing Banter

Pulling out a K6 processor while the machine is running and replacing itw ith a Pentium tends to cause linux toc rash too. Humph. The damned machine was supposed to be plug and play. 🙂

HAHA!! That’s great….

Well so far today has been amusing.. The last two days, I’ve just been sitting in my office reading books about Linux Security and trying to get SPOP and SIMAP to work… I have them somewhat working, but not from outside. If I do localhost 993 it works, but if I do linux 993 it doesn’t. Damn thing.

Today LH called and said we were using 80% of our connection. We looked into it and found out that was transfering large amounts of data. (Dorm must have got his new server working and was transfering over all… 80 GIGS or so of his shit through our connection…) What a dork. So Nazanin e-mailed him at and then unplugged the machine. roflol

She came in today after that staff meeting and said that we were going to have a meeting about our “policies” whatever that means. Hmmm, I wonder what’s wrong now.. Perhaps just another psycho-power trip? roflol!!

I love her, she’s so funny when she’s not on my nerves. Perhaps I should go about a Vermont upgrade every day! She leaves me alone then. Well mostly alone, only when something big comes up does she bother me!

I can’t wait to go dancing tonight, it’ll be fun. I though about perhaps calling James up and seeing if he wanted to go, but Idunno if I will. I keep forgetting that he’s 18, I always think he’s only 16 for some reason, perhaps it’s because he hangs out with such young people, or maybe it’s just that he looks 16… Anyway I’d like to hang out with him at some point this weekend.

La, I’m off to read more about sniffing and stuff… I found out about this REALLY cook porgram that allows you to hide text documents within REAL jpeg images… It’s so cool!

So yeah… Today’s been really great.

Last night we went to Dustin’s party… It was good to see everyone again… There were also alot of people that I didn’t know, which was odd, but whatever. There were drinkables there, which I really didn’t like, so well we left early. Since the cops kept driving by.

I spent the night at Adams.. That was GREAT! lol

Today we went to the fair again, it was tons of fun. Lots and LOTS of hot bois… So nummy.

I wanna be a hot boi!

Ok, so usually I don’t like forwards, but this one is just great!….


A policeman had a perfect spot to watch for speeders,
but wasn’t getting many. Then he discovered the
problem – a 10-year-old boy was standing up the
road with a hand painted sign, which read “RADAR TRAP

The officer then found a young accomplice down the
road with a sign reading, “TIPS” and a bucket full of

(And we used to just sell lemonade.)


A motorist was mailed a picture of his car speeding
an automated radar post. A $40 speeding ticket was

Being cute, he sent the police department a picture of

The police responded with another mailed photo of


A young woman was pulled over for speeding. As the
motorcycle officer walked to her car window, flipping
open his ticket book, she said, “I bet you are going
to sell me a ticket to the Highway Patrolmen’s Ball.

“He replied, “Highway Patrolmen don’t have balls.”

There was a moment of silence while she smiled, and he
realized what he’d just said.

He then closed his book, got back on his motorcycle
and left.

She was laughing too hard to start her car for
several minutes

Cleaning House

So since I had already killed my up time and I had to move one of my computers out of my office anyways, Ramsey and I spent the day cleaning out our office and re-arranging… or as Chris put it. Arranging our office, since it’s never really been done before.

Ramsey and I threw out 3 huge boxes worth of old old shit… I came home with a brand spanken new copy of Windows 3.1, so if anyone wants it… You know where to find it now!! lol.

Tonight’s been odd. I dunno why, Adam and I went shopping and he was grumpy at me and I was grumpy at him. I was in a perfectly good mood though. Oh well.

On our shopping crucades however I found a really cute thing… I call it a thing because I really don’t know what the hell it is. I think it’s a bananna holder with random round things on the sides, Adam says it’s a spice holder and my mom says it’s a paper-towel holder. I dunno. Perhaps I’ll take a picture of it and post for people’s opinions… However, even if I do find out what the hell it is, I don’t care, cause it’s my new candle holder. Hehe.

In other random news, Calee fisher updated after a long while, and Mikey Spikey has replaces Marrisa, on the reading list… Since well, I’ve met Marrisa like twice and she hasn’t updated in like forever… I’m so excited, now I can read all about Mike’s life. The first day appears humerous!

Cj B