
Blah, so I’ve been a bit depressed lately. Umm, perhaps because people here are stupid, all the stupid homos. All they want is sex.

I found this site a while back, called adam4adam… I put up a profile. At first it was fun, all these hot boys IMing me wanting to have sex, telling me I’m hot. But now it’s just pissing me off. All these stupid boys IMing me, e-mailing, all they want is sex.

I really need some good friends out here. Honestly, I’ve never had any “good” friends. I’ve had friends here and there, but none I’d consider “good”. I’d go into that, but we all know the stories. I don’t have any long-lasting friends, except for Andrew.

I’d settle for just some friends out here. Someone that I can hang out with routinly. Someone(s) that will come over and hang with me on the weekends I’m on call. Or someone that’ll just hang with me and watch TV, etc. Blah.

Like I said, I’ve just been depressed lately… I’d been on a fairly good streak I think. I can’t remember the last time I was really depressed bad… but now I am.. I think the thing that really brought it on this time was Andrew leaving.

I’m going to buy myself a new digital camera. SD400 It’s MUCH smaller then the one I have now, and has real Optical Zoom. I’m hoping that this way I can carry it around more and take more pictures of my life… I think it’d be good. I hvaen’t taken many pictures out here since I moved, and there’s so many good things to take pictures of. Oh well.

Umm, not much else going on in my life. I’ve updated my timesheet program that we’re using here at work, it’s authenticating against the domain now, which is way cool. I also added a status report thing and a PL/SQL procedure to send e-mails if someone hasn’t submitted a status report by 2pm on friday. I really like it and I’ve been thinking about putting it and one of my other projects onto source forge. But I really don’t want to have to support users. I have enough work as it is supporting this damn thing within our own company. Plus I’d have to do a lot of code modifications to make it universal. But those would be good to do anyways. I might think about it if i have a free night sometime.

The other project is my RT Ical extractor program. I Think that could be a REALLY good thing for everyone that uses RT, so I might submit it to the RT development team for inclusion. Again, it would take some modifications to make universal, but we’ll see.

We’re getting a new phone system here at the office.. A Cisco based VOIP thing. IT sounds really cool, I guess I’m going to get to be one of the main guys that gets to set it up. So yeah.

Oh, so cute! I’m watchin QaF and the little teenager has a boyfriend and it’s so cute! lol. I wish I had had boyfriends when I was younger… fuck me. 🙁

Tonight I might have some people come over and hang at my place. I’m pretty excited, I hope it’s fun. Andrew gets in LATE tomorrow and before he gets here I have to do laundry and lots of other stuff.

Well, this is a good entry, right? Laters.

WB Studio Tour

So Friday after I got off work I went and picked up Andrew at 7:40am. We went to Earls to eat breakfast and then went up to the WB Studios in Burbank.

First of all, it took us over an HOUR to drive 33 miles! Which is insane! Fucking LA traffic. Either way we had a really good time doing it.

We got there, and it was so HUGE and so much fun. We got to see all these different sets, including the set they are going to be filming RENT on in a few weeks. Sadly since everything is on hiatus, we didn’t get to see any stars. But that did mean we got to go INTO Luke’s diner, Lorelai’s House… Which also happens to be Suki’s (sp?) house. We got to stand in the gazeboo in the park, and see the dance studio and Star’s hollow High school. OMG, it was SO MUCH FUN!

Then, I told the guy how I liked the West Wing. So we got to go there too and go through the West Wing set! I was surprised at how filthy it was. I mean it always looks so clean and shit on screen, but it was a mess! It was so cool though to see the Press room, and all that. I really wanted to see the Oval Office, but it was in an area that he said was too dark to walk down. 🙁

Anyways, we got done with that at like 12:30 or so, and then drove back home. Traffic was just as bad coming home as it was getting there, so it took us another hour.

Dropped Andrew off at Chapman and then I came home and went to bed. Spelt tell 8ish when I went to the UPS place and picked up some packages, since I missed the delivery. I’m so happy now cause I have my QaF season 4, Dick Van Dyke, and MST3K. 🙂 Plus my two new sets of sheets! Woot.

Worked after that, and sadly things failed, so I had to track down a developer. The main one I was supposed to call was gone, and so I tried a few others with his suggestion. Thankfully Eric was around and could help… So then I started my stuff back up again. Only for it to fail again around 1 am. By that time it was too late to do anything about it, so I had to just give up for the night. I did a few other things and then went to bed about 3am.

Now here it is 8am and I’m back up working again. Eric’s online and trying to fix the problem. Yay.

I’m really happy about hanging out with Andrew again. It’s been just like old times, and I forgot how nice it was to have someone to talk to… With JonJon if he and I had gone all the way to Burbank, the whole 2 hours drive would have been him blasting his radio… With Andrew we talked all the way there and all the way back about just random stuff. It was really nice. 🙂

I’m supposed to go up there for the graduation. But I’m not sure if I will or not. We’ll have to see how long I have to stay up working on this work stuff. And if I can get enough sleep. But I am going to go up later and hopefully we can go to see StarWars. YAY!

Well laters.

No Computer for me?

So this morning I bounced bastion. It never came back up.

So I met oscar at the datacenter and we couldn’t connect to it. Anyways long story short is that Damon tried to pin it on me, when it wasn’t my fault at all. I was told to bounce it, I did and that’s all I did. Grrr. I also got blamed for bringing down one of the sites last night.. Now, it WAS me that brought it down. But 7 other people had APPROVED my bringing it down! So it’s NOT my fault. This whole CR process is just NOT WORKING. Because one of the people who approves these things based on the CR process, just e-mailed saying that she didn’t catch it and things like this should be on OUR shoulders. The whole IDEA of the CR process is that the AM knows what the hell is going on and approves of denies things if something else is already scheduled.

I also heard that the company is not planning on buying me a laptop. Apparently They feel that my apple laptop is good enough. Even though the newest member of our team was bought a new apple laptop AND a mac mini, by the office… I’m not sure if it’s just a mis understanding (That maybe they guy incharge of this stuff, who just started a couple months ago) thinks that the company bought my laptop, or what. But I have to get time to talk to him about that.

I’m also getting a little annoying about this whole RT thing. An e-mail was sent out today by one of the VP’s complaining that it wasn’t done yet. An e-mail was replied saying that Zac had been working on it before his accident. Now, lets get it straight, zac had never TOUCHED the new box. It was ALL MINE. And the hold up was Damon! But anyways, the new guy is working on it, so whatever. It’s out of my hands now.

Ok, in other news, not much else going on. I’ve been REALLY tired lately, which is wierd. Usually when I work out, I get more energy, now I seem to never have any.

Blah blah blah. I’m out.

Lots to write

You know. I’ve actually been thinking about a lot of stuff to write about here today, but now I can’t remember any of it. Only reason you got a long post yesterday was because I wrote reminders. I should have done that today as well I guess.

Anyways, still having solaris problems. Damon didn’t respond to me yesterday. I really hate that about him. He’s a nice enough guy. But he NEVER responds to you unless you corner him here in the office. AND he’s always saying, “Oh, I’ll send this or that to you” and he NEVER DOES. Look how long it took to get that guys name from him!

I also got a very scathing e-mail from the VP the other day (who happens to be the CEO’s brother) and of course he CCed it to the CEO. But anyways he was complaining at me about installing apache2 on the new corp webserver. (I did that because I wasn’t TOLD that they wanted 1.4, I just assumed we should use the newest version)… Well I guess I should go back first. Two days ago he sent me an e-mail saying the website didn’t work any more. After being moved from a windows box with apache1.4 onto solaris with apache2. Anyways, the website had SSI’s and it had files named *.GIF and they were referenced at *.gif. Now on windows, which doesn’t give a shit about CAPs, that wouldn’t have been a problem. But here on solaris were GIF, gif, GiF, Gif, giF, and gIF are ALL DIFFERENT FILES! Well the first e-mail he sent me said that he wanted apache1.4 installed on the machine (about 1.5 hours work to install and configure it) so that the page would work.

Now remember at this point he had NEVER TOLD ME WHAT THE PROBLEM WAS. Just that he wanted apache1.4 installed. So I asked oscar what the problem was, and found out. And fixed the problem in Apache2. (About 15 minutes work). But anways, he sent me a mean e-mail but after I talked to him about it, he understood and saw that apache2 was actually the better choice.

Not much else going on here. I’m going home early today. I’ve spent way to much time here this week already (38, plus the ten for fri). So yeah.

I’ve also decided that I’m going to be going to the beach every Sat/Sun from now on. I’ve lived here way to long and have only been to the beach a few times. So I’m going to start going every weekend and get a hot tan. 🙂

Oh, I found the BEST lj_community ever: found_photos!

Ok. laters!

Movie TIME!

Someone HAS to make a movie of cryptonomicon, of course, it’d be like 6 hours long to get all the good details, but I think they could work it all out. There’s more then enough sex and violence and that underlying love story (well three love stories really) that the movie producers wouldn’t have to add anything to it, and veeryone would go see it!

And I command all of you reading this to go read the book! OMG, I just (Literaly just) finished reading the book and it was SOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOO GOOD! It’s amazing, because at first you are reading three stories about three seemingly complety unconnected things, then half way through you start to see the common people and the common names and all that, then by the end all the people who are still alive (very few) are all together and in the present day! It’s so amazing! OMG, I can’t fucking wait for Quicksliver to get here… I feel a lot of the night time at camp will be spent reading it. 🙂

Not too much else goin gon with me. I got up about 2 today and went with JonJon up to Newport area to meet with Lexi. We hung out at her office for like an hour and then went shopping. Back to my house, west wing and then work.

Well, anyways, everyone go read that book damnit!

And some fucking person make a movie already!

Laters all.