
Man… I had some REALLY fucked up dreams last night… I can only remember one of them. I was back in Alleman and was skydiving off the top of the TV towers there (If I remember right the new one is close to 5,000 feet tall?), Anyways the other one was really scary too and involved something about being chased in a car. lol.

I only got about 2-3 hours of sleep last night and now I’m at the office. I’m getting a 15″ powerbook today and selling me 12″. So I had to come in and get some parts that I left here, and I think it’s just best to meet the guy here to sell my powerbook. We’ll see.

The new one is a 15″ with a 1.33Ghz and 60Gig HD. I’m going to buy two new 512 Sticks for it so it’ll have 1.25Gigs RAM. 🙂 I’m excited, as most people know I’ve regretted getting the 12″ since I bought it. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, but it’s just too small for me. I’ll be happy to have the extra real-estate.

That live FF symphony thing is in San Diego next Thrusday night. I REALLY want to go. Andrew and I were going to go to the one in Chicago, but never did… Mike already has Friday off, so I can’t take friday off and go, but I was thinking maybe I can go, and still make it back by say like 2am for work. The concert starts at 8 and it can’t be more then 2 or 3 hours.. So I figure as long as I’m out of there by 11, I can be back here by 2.. I just wish I had someone to go with me.. I know if Andrew were still here he’d force me to go.. They only have one more show after this and that’s in Michigan. However, Myke is going to give me the CD… Well, he’s going to upload it to my server.. Heaven forbid we hang out again so he can just give it to me. (He went and saw them in SF and said it was fantastic)

Umm, nothing much else going on. I’m kinda pissed though. I was supposed to go out with Stephen last night to see Fantastic 4, but he never called, so I got online about 9, and he was like… “Well, this other guy said he was going to go out with me, so I’m waiting for him”… Ended up this other guy ditched Stephen too, but then he was all bitching at me.. “I hate when people ditch me.” It’s like, HELLO! You fucking ditched me too, youhave no right to talk. Fucking annoying Californians.

I keep meaning to send Andrew something, but I always forget to get it in the mail… Hopefully I’ll get it send before the 11th so it can get to London in time. 🙂

Nothing must else going on in my life… I think next weekend I’m going to spend it shampooing my carpets and cleaning my apartment top to bottom. It’s been getting pretty dirty. I also have to do laundry. I’m down to only a few pairs of Undies left.

I’m so excited, in a month and 2 days I’ll be in Iowa! I can’t wait!



I got my new lease paper this month… It’s been 9 months since I moved into this apartment, crazy I tell you.

Now I’ve got to decide what I should do about it… Should I sign it for 6,9,12 more months… Should I go month-to-month? What should I do!

I opened it today and the first thing I saw was $1350… I about pissed my pants thinking they were going to raise my rent to that… Thankfully that’s what it goes to if you do month-to-month. So Yeah, it’s still only $1085, as long as I sign a lease. Nice thing is that if I get it in by the endof next week they take $200 off of August’s rent. So that’s exciting. I could sure use that extra $200 while I’min Iowa. 🙂

Speaking of, when I made all my plans to go back there I was planning on having someone with me to doa ll this shit with. But now I’m just lokoing at it all thinking, WHAT am I going to do back there for a whole week and a half?! MOst of the shit I want to do are things I DO NOT want to do alone! I really wish I had someone to go back with me.

I know Jed will do some things with me, like he said he wanted to go to the Fair with me, but he’s got a bbf now, so it’ll be harded to get him to go and do other things with me, unless the boyfriend comes along. I’m also sure that Justin will want to hang out with me too… But I’m sure some of the things I want to do, he won’t want to do…. So alas, I’m left with most things to do alone…..

I find it funny that when I was living in Iowa, I had like 4 people practically fighting over me to go out with them… But here, I can’t even get anyone to talk to me! Like I’ve hung out with all these people once, Myke, Peter, Steven, Stephen, Bastian and others that I can’t remmeber. And we alwys seem tohave a really good time and everyone always says, “We should hang out again” but then they never WANT TO HANG OUT AGAIN! WHY WHY WHY? What do I do to these people, am I boring, do I come on to strong, maybe not strong enough? WHO KNOWS! Won’t SOMEone fUCkiNG TELL ME!


Umm, in other news. Depression, is again on the forefront, This time not so much mentally but more physically. Some days I can’t sleep at all, like today I got about 2 hours of sleep… Other days I get 12-14 hours of sleep. I haven’t been eating much at all.. Example, Over the last week I’ve been eating a Granola Bar, 2-4 slices of bread a day and a glass of milk. My apartment has also become a mess, I haven’t cleaned in weeks there are papers everywhere, dishes in the sink, and clothes all over my bedroom floor.

I have just enough energy to shower and go to work.. I typically come home, strip to my boxers and spend the day on the couch doing nothing.

I did watch a good Jerry springer today. Andrew would have been proud at it’s horribleness.

I also got into it with one of my co-workers yesterday about how the OC is so materialistic. It was actually very amusing.

Speaking of work I also got $500 in overtime this week that I wasn’t expecting. So now I can easily pay for my camera and save about $300 more then normal. 🙂 How exciting is that!

Alas this is not a three day weekend for me… So I hope everyone else enjoys thier time away from work. Think of me at my office while you’re all out partying Sunday night and into early sunday morning.

I was thinking I might drive up to Central-California next weekend and just sleep in my car. friday up, saturday to search around and sunday back. Might be fun?

Well, night all.


Well… I got the news yesterday. After I get back from my trip to Iowa (August 22nd) I’ll be starting days! So that means my last night shift will be August 11th! YAY!

Ummm. Lets see, what’s happened since I last updated…. I got my digital camera today… and let me tell you… it’s fucking HOT! OMG, it’s so nice. I’ll post some of the pics once I get home and get them onto my laptop. lol. It’s so much fun. 🙂 And I can’t beleive how small it is. I’m really glad I got it. Now I jsut have to sell my other two cameras so that I can make some of the money I spent on this one back.

Umm, Myke’s talking to me today. 🙂

I didn’t sleep much yesterday either… But yet I was in bed tell 8pm. lol. Whoops. Oh well.

Went to the gym, my normal one, since I can’t find another one to go to… Nothing wierd happened… Though I could have sworn I heard someone say “Hey Chris” but whatever.

Today’s my mom’s birthday and I haven’t sent her present yet. lol. I’ll mail it today. I’ve had it forever, and I meant to send it back with them when they were here. But I forgot.

I’ve been reading up on VoIP lately. We’ve purchased a system, so that calls to the UK are local, and UK to here calls are local as well. IT’s going to be really cool. I’ve been told I’ll be helping with setting it up, so I’m realy excited about that. We’ve also apparently been given funding to open a UK office. They are going to start staffing it August 1, hence why I’m finially leaving night shifts. I’m kinda sad that I don’t get to go over and help set up though… but I can’t really expect to be able to since I’m so new. Our most senior SA is going over, and one of the developers… I think that’s what I was told. Either way. It would have been nice to go, cause I would have been there when Andrew was there.

Speaking of, he was online today, so I got to talk to him some… though the internet kept cutting in and out. Crazyness.

lala, I’m out.


So we had a tsunami aleart today.. that was funny.

Here’s something else funny:

SANTA MONICA, California (AP) — Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s return to his alma mater turned into an exercise in perseverance when virtually his every word was accompanied by catcalls, howls and piercing whistles from the crowd.

Schwarzenegger’s face appeared to redden during his 15-minute commencement address Tuesday to 600 graduates at Santa Monica College, but he ignored the shouting as he recalled his days as a student and, later, his work as a bodybuilder and actor.

“Always go all out and overcome your fears,” he told the graduates. “Work, work, work. Study, study, study.”

Inside the stadium, the drone from hundreds of rowdy protesters threatened to drown out the governor’s voice at times. Many in the crowd erupted in boos when a police officer pulled down a banner criticizing the estimated $45 million cost of the November 8 special election that Schwarzenegger proposed Monday.