Random Meetings

Wow, so the most random thing just happened to me.

JP walked in, said “Hi Chris, Do you have a minute” and then we went into his office.

He said, “So how do you feel about the projects you’ve been doing”…

OMG, At this point I’m scared out of my mind. So I tell him that I’m not really much of a programmer and stuff and that I’d rather do infrastucture, SA work, etc.

OMG, I feel like I fucked something up, I want to go back in there and be like, “Ok, you caught me off gaurd.” I dunno what to do. He didn’t look very happy. OMG, I don’t want to lose my job!

In other news, I guess Andrew and I aren’t even on talking terms any more. So fine, screw him. I fucking was nice and IMed him. “Happy Birthday” the bitch didn’t even respond with a “Thank You”. So whatever.

Umm, so that’s that. I dunno what’s going on!

Christmas Number 1

Well, christmas number 1 is down. We’re driving back to PC from LX now.

But lets go back to yesterday! WE had a fun christmas party at the office before I left. JP got everyone some really nice gifts, it was just a grab bag sorta thing, but I got a T-shirt that says, “There’s no place like” It’s lots of fun, but WAY to big for me, I think I”ll ring up think-geek and see if I can exchange it since it’s still in the packaging. We also got a $100 gift cert to Best Buy, so that’s cool. I left right after that and went over to the airport.

Got on my flight and we left pretty much on time, so that was nice. It was a fine flight off to DTW, got there and we had to sit on the ground for 30 minutes, which meant that my next flight was supposed to be boarding by the time we got off that one. So I ran all the way over to my next flight and found out that it was delayed by 30 minutes. So we finally got on the flight and started to taxi, then they stopped and we sat there for like 10 minutes. Then they came on and said there was a “Slight” problem and that it’d only be 10 more minutes. AN HOUR later they come on and say, “Go ahead and use your cell phones, we’re not sure how long it’s going to be”. And then like 5 minutes later they finally come on and say, “Ok, only 10 more minutes” so then 20 minutes later we finally start to taxi again.

Come to find out this was all because of a fucking PAPER work issue! WHAT THE FUCK!

So get into DM an hour late, which wasn’t bad we really made up time on the flight. Got home about 11 and wrapped gifts and stuff. Then went to bed after having a few drinks with my mom.

Couldn’t sleep and stayed up to 1ish. Got up at 8am and dressed then went down and had breakfast with my dad. Then we left for G&G’s house. Got there and went out to GG’s for a while and talked to her. Came back to G&G’s house and drank a WHOLE bottle of pear wine. It was so yummy. (that’s a bottle between like 4 of us. lol) But it was yummy. It was bottled right there in Lenox! After that we ate dinner and it was yummy as usual.

Once we were done with that we all opened presents. I got some good stuff that I’ve been needing and also got the Star Wars I & II, so that’s exciting. 🙂

Oh, I forgot to mention that I talked to Blake on the way down there through Txt messages. That was nice to do. 🙂 I’ve been meaning to talk about something with him a while ago… For the longest while he hasn’t been saying anything really about how what he feels for me and stuff when we talk, but the other day he actually said, “I love you” and it made me really happy…. Anyways, it was good to talk to him, I really wish eh could have come back with me. It would have been so much fun.

Though, I’m not sure where we’re going to put anyone else around the table. We’re all so territorial about where we sit at the table. Like this year I sat between Beak and Neil, because that’s the way it goes damnit! And neither Beak or I are going to give up our spots at the table. They’re a prime location! And then everyone else just HAS their place to sit at the table. Plus the table was pretty full as it was, and we were actually missing three normal people. I should make a diagram so that you can all see what I’m talking about. lol. (EDIT:// See diagram below, this year we were missing GG, Aunt (Bad) and Brother). But as you can see, we are pretty well packed in there.

I also had a dream last night about Blake and I… I was about to turn 30, I know that much because someone talked about the big day coming up…. But, we both had our pilots license, but for small jets. We had bought a learjet of our own, and had two boys (twins) that were like 2 years old. I’m not sure where we were living, but we owned a cabin up in the mountains in northern montana. Anyways, it was christmas time and we took one day and flew our jet to DM and picked up all my family and flew them to the cabin and then the next day flew down to cali and picked up all his family and flew them back to the cabin (It was a really big cabin, first floor was dining room, living room and kitchen, second floor was all master suite and the basement had 4 bedrooms). Anyways, we had this amazing christmas there. Just like the movies. lol.

My mom just screamed “Whoow” or something like that and that reminds me of something… Driving back from the airport, my mother is now one of those drivers that fucking piss me off so god damn much! GRRRR. She drove slow, didn’t get into her damn turning lanes till the last minute, drove down the middle of the fucking road, and she had her damn high beams on on the interstate!

Well that’s a long enough entry for now, goodnight all. And merry christmas to you!

My ID!!!

Ok, so… Last night was great, after the initial problems!

So I get home at like 1:30 or so, go on my bike ride, come back and hang around talking to Blake for a while online. Then I go and shower and get dressed to go. Get a nice coat and shirt and put them in my car, so that they don’t get too wrinkled on the drive there. Make sure I have my camera, and my cell phone, some cough drops, altoids, and some cash to pay for parking.

Go out to my car and think… “I should get some water for the drive there cause traffic is going to be hellish”. So I go back in and get a bottle of water and then leave.

Traffic was hellish, 45 minutes to get there in stop and go traffic, all the fucking way. Blah! Get there and get out of my car, put on my shirt and grab my jacket. Go up to the window to get the tickets and she says. “I need to see a photo ID”. So I grab for my wallet… GONE!

So then I look in all my other pockets, I NEVER forget my wallet, it goes with me everywhere!

So I think maybe I left it in my car. So I run back to my car.. NOT THERE!.

So I start thinking about it, and I realize i never got it out of my pants that I wore to work. !!! OMG! I can’t believe it, It would have taken me an hour and a half at LEAST to get back home and back there, and south bound traffic was WORSE then the north bound! That means I would have missed cocktail hour AND the first course of dinner! So I txted OG to find out how far away he was to see if maybe he could just vouch for who I was.

However, MH got there first and we tried that, but the bitch wouldn’t buy it. That place is like nazis! So I called Jon, no answer, then I called Jeff, and he says that he can talk to the people at Club 33 and have them call the front desk and they can change it so that MH can have a guest and yeah. So like 40 minutes after I got there I was finially let into the damn park! It was crazyness.

So we get there and the party was lots of fun. GT mentioned that they had it at the Magic Castle 4 years ago, I voted we do it there next year too. lol. They had a magician there this year, but he NEVER came to the table I was at, very annoying! GT also said that he made $1,000 an HOUR! Clearly I’m in the wrong business! lol.

The food was amazing, the desserts were HEAVEN! And the drinks didn’t flow enough. lol. Though I did get pretty buzzed. I left there about 10:30 and got home at 11. Couldn’t get to sleep though and was up till midnight and then woke up again at 4:30 and couldn’t get back to sleep. So I’ve been up since then. Blah!

I was a bit sad that I didn’t have anyone with me though. EVERYONE had a girlfriend or wife or something. The running joke was that MH and I were dates since he had to add me as a guest. lol. I really wish that Blake could have come… Well I wish more that I had an official boyfriend I could have taken!

No one’s in the office yet, did I miss a memo?

Something funny:

Accountant on speaker: Okay, I tried entering my password and it didn’t work.

Tech: I reset it to “password.”

Accountant on speaker: Okay, let me try my password again.

Tech: Make sure you type “password.”

Accountant on speaker: It didn’t work again.

Tech: Iou typed far too many letters for the word “password.” Did you type in “password” as your password?

Accountant on speaker: Yu never told me to do that.

Tech: So what part of my sentance confused you: “Type in the word

‘password’ when it asks you for your password”, or “I reset it for you, your password is now ‘password.'”

Accountant on speaker: I have a CPA, don’t talk to me like that.

Tech: I can make up acronyms too. I’ll be in your office in five

minutes. In the meantime, ponder this one: I’m OMGWTF certified.

Lots O’Randomness

Ok, the following have been sitting on my desktop for like a week waiting to be posted, so here we go:

You’ve been ticketed:

Here’s what my projects feel like sometimes:

DM In the pretty pretty snow:

I’ve decided that when I get older, I want a log cabin in the Mountians of Montana. I want my partner and I to spend winters there, and have a nice big fire place and a ranch type thing. It’ll be so cool.

I really want to buy a house around here.. I’ve been talking to Jim and Deb and it just gets me wanting one. LIke we were talking about the house prices around here and the rent prices and it just pisses me off so much that I’ve thrown away basically $24,000 in the last two years I’ve been here because of Rent. If I had bought a place at least I’d have that invested into something. But it all depends on how much longer I want to be here.

I think that DS and BT might be reading my blog. After I bitched about BT the other day he was kinda bitchy to me at work the enxt day, and DS mentioned something about it being christmas here and my feeling left out. lol. Maybe it was just a coincidence. But it’s strange. I hear that SR has a blog too, but I’ve yet to find it. Someone here had his site linked, but it’s just a blank page. lol.

I also want to move my server to my house, but Cox blocks port 25 for incoming/outgoing mail. Anyone know how to get around this without paying for a mailforward?

There was a REALLY hot boy in the elevator just a bit ago. All dressed up in a suit and yummy! Rarr. He works on the 16th. 🙂 I think he was giving me eyes too.

Speaking of hot boys though. Blake comes tomorrow, and it’s for sure he’s coming down to the OC! So we’re going to hang out at my place and I’m going to cook! Yay!

I was bored this weekend, so I checked out the drugs that the vet gave my cat. Strangly enough they are both HUMAN drugs. One is used for treating Stomach cancer in humans and the other is used to stop the vomiting caused by the cancer drugs! How random?! Anyways, she’s out of drugs now, but she didn’t throw up this morning, so that’s good news. I’m getting really sad about having to keep her locked away in the bathroom all day, but I don’t want her throwing up on my good rug.

I washed my car this weekend too, it’s pretty now. 🙂

The below is probably the most frivolous rant ever…

The developers here are pigs. Every Friday we have dougnut day here in our 7th floor office. Every friday the developers come down before everyone in our office gets here and they take the majority of the doughnuts! Bastards. They have doughnuts on the 15th floor quite a bit as well, but we never go up there and steal them. Also, whenever we get good breakfast bars/etc on our floor they come down and take pretty much the whole box. Yet they still have thier own supply up on the 15th floor. I was just up there a few minutes ago and apparently last week they got one of those HUGE gift baskets with cheese and crackers and meat and I even saw caviar in there…. It came from the company we rent the office space from, yet no one from our office went up there and raided it! Bastards.

Not that I need to be pigging out on that shit anyways. lol

I’m out, adios.


Mario Theme on the Piano

SMART + 70mph + Cement wall

Nerd Tattoos

Christmas for all… But me. :(

So i was really craving some DQ Blizzards today, so before going out and getting one i looked up the nut facts.

ONE LARGE Blizzard contains youre ENTIRE DAYS worth of calories and 172% of your daily FAT INTACT! And they wonder why americans are so fucking fat! Even the small one is still 50% of your fat and 1/4 of your calories!

Needless to say, i didn’t go get one. INstead i went to Vons and got some molassas cookies, which i’m sure are at least just a little better for you then those damn DQ blizzards!

Today was christmas for everyone at my office but me. 🙁 Needless to say again, i was annoyed. OG got netapp training, WF got an external HD, SR went to london with his wife, and DS got new routers or switches or something… Where’s my present?! I want training.

I really want to go talk to jeff about what they’re vision is for me in the company. because i’m getting really annoyed with this. i did get a HUGe project dumped on me on monday though. looks like that should be pumped out in 3 days though. But then I got a HUGE list of new updates to the timesheet app. which I really want to convert to php from coldfusion, perhaps i should take this chance to convert it, depending onhow looong my time frame is to get those done. so i guess that was my present. lol

anyways, i want to talk to jeff but we all know i don’t do that very well. about the only time i can confront people that piss me off is when they really piss me off, but then i go off on them like crazy.

speaking of! this fucker almost killed me on the interstate today… we were both getting on at the same on ramp, and it’s 3 lanes, he was in the far left one, i was in the middle… i passed him cause hew as going slow and start to merge into the one he’s in, because I needed to be in that lane or else it turns into an exit. but then he SPPPPEEEEDDDSS up and gets next to me and starts making blow job motions, so i speed up and get infront of him, then he speeds up and cuts me off and then gets next to me again and starts flipping me off and going the bj motions again. so i flip him off, slam on my brakes and try to get behind him (because by this point i was about to get off at another exit) but he does the same and almost slams into me because he tries getting into the same lane i’m in.. eventually this big semi cut him off and i was albe to get away. stupid fuckers.

ALSO! BT at work annoyed me as wlel. he sent out the new on call list today for the week and i told put the wrong person for next week. i’ve told him TWICE (9/27 and 11/22, i found the e-mails.) that WF and I are switching next week because otherwise he’d be on call 3 weeks for dec… so i replied to the notice telling him AGAIN that WF and i were switching and he e-mails me back saying “you need to tell me these things”.. So i replied (I sent you two e-mails in the past) and then listed the dates.

Then he e-mails me back and is like, guess i need to get my eyes checked because i missed them both.. WHICH! He REPLIED to the one in Sept saying “I’m going to update my calendar now”… Which he clearly didn’t! He’s a really nice guy, but i mean common, this is a REALLY easy thing to manage!

I’ve been spoiled the last couple days getting to talk to blake all day long. We’ve actually been skyping which is fun. He talks and then I reply by typing. haha. It’s so cute. lol. Then when no one of just one or two people are in the office I actually talk to him. Anyways, the point is that he wasn’t on today because he was in chemo, and i missed talking to him. :'(

Joshua Imed me today, claiming he’s been in the hospital since thursday and broke his phone. Then he was like, “wanna hang out still” and I said no. Stupid fucker. Then he was like, “I want to see your cock, i’ve never seen an uncut one before” and I was like, “you’re stupid”. Well I didn’t really say that I just stopped talkig to him. What a wierdo.

Everyone from Iowa has been talking about how nice the snow is.. Andrew mentioned it on his blog and jenks said something about going snow boarding today on his… I can’t wait to get back. There better still be snow! and I’m going skiiing damnit. Did I mention that Jenks and I are going to Chicago or Minn while I’m back! that’ll be so much fun. I just wish that the ice palace would be up, but it doesn’t start till mid-jan. 🙁

Anyways. i’m out. adios.