Paris Hilton Gets Arrested again…

UGH! I just had a huge post here about stuff… And then my computer froze. That’s what happens when you are running 8 million applications.. UGH!

So I will try to recreate now:

Ok, the last week or so has been UBER stressful at work. Lots of high priority projects all due at the same time and people blasting me for stuff to be done yesterday basically.

Anyways, so last night was a night to go blow off some steam. Ben, Jason, some guy from TN named Robert and I all went out to dinner in WeHo. Went to Marix and had a couple drinks and all you can eat tacos. Very yummmy. After that we walked over to Fiesta Cantina and chatted it up and had a good time. About 11ish we all got in the car and were driving to Beige when Jason screams. “There’s Paris Hilton“. She had been pulled over yet again. And we were some of the first to see… No cameras or anything yet even. What a stupid bitch.

Beige was tons of fun. No Asian to deal with, some random black girls came and joined us and we all had a great night.

Got home about 2:30ish and crashed. I woke up at 7am and my door was standing wide open again. I really have to remember to lock that sucker. I’m surprised that my cats haven’t run away one of these times. Drove into work at 10am and some idiot decided it’d be smart to close half the freeway to do bridge inspections. UGH.

The other night Ben and I watched notes on a scandal.

Ok, the rest is just going to be interesting links:

405 The Movie. Very funny

Bill to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ coming. Lets hope this passes!

RedBull NASCAR Team is HOT!

101 Amazing Earth Facts. Very cool read.

Crazy Gas Station. I will attempt to find this in LA!

Gadget Theft. Very cool service. I’ll have to sign up for it for my next iPod.

I know I’m forgetting a ton of stuff that I wanted to write about but… That is all for now…

HD Coverage Again

So this week I’m covering for the HD again. I know I bitch about this everytime I do it. But my god! What does this guy do in the afternoons!? When I used to work the HD every day, he would do this. And he’s STILL doing it. Leaves 20-40 unread e-mails EVERY DAY! WHY!?!?!?!? This is ridiculous. He even leaves things marked as “Unread” when he has CLEARLY replied to them and he leaves the messages that HE sends out marked as unread! RIDICULOUS! There is NO REASON for this at all.

I am leaving them as they are. Not touching a god damn thing. I bet you when I come in the morning they are all the same way! UGH!

So remember I went flying with Jason and Carlito a while back? Well the pictures from that flight are up on the photodump at last!

Tuesday night Ben came over and we went out to Sushi. I really enjoy my time with him. 🙂 I asked him to see what sort of CHEAP flight he could get me back to Iowa. I wanna go and look at some houses and what not.

Bush Gets Spanked…. I would LOVE to see this here.

Will it blend?

I love the glowstick one.

Been REALLY busy at work and trying to crank out stuff for my Contract jobs. These 3:30am days are KILLING me. Thank god I only have one more left.

Thursday Ben came over and we went out shopping. I bought a really cute pair of shorts and a bunch of stuff I don’t need at Target. It was a good night. I think we’re going biking and then to the Chinese New Year in Chinatown on Saturday.

That is all. I must work!

A Look Back…

Dead Soda’s Check out this list of old sodas and what not. Very cool. I remember most of them… lol. It’s funny to look back and wonder what the hell these people were thinking!

Great list of MacOSX apps… My new fav is VirtueDesktops. Which is so cool! The beta has lots of bugs, but I can live!

It’s sad that this stuff is real… and that so many UK/European people will see the US like this. UGH!

I completely forgot to write about what happened at the office last Friday. I was working up in SM and these two girls came by handing out stickers with our names on them. I asked what these were for and they said “The move happening this weekend”…. “WHAT!?” Whave move?! This was the first I had heard of any move! I knew that they were planning a move sometime early this year to across the street, but I hadn’t heard ANYTHING about it in months! So I messaged the guy who manages me there and ask what’s going on. He gives me the DL and that apparently the dolt that’s managing the move forgot to notify me at all. They are only moving the people off the second floor into temp housing till the REAL move next month.

So then about 2 hours later, after I’ve packed up all my shit and freaked out and what not, because NO ONE knows where my shit is being moved to, or ANYTHING the dolt who’s organizing the move comes down and is like, “we’re not moving till NEXT weekend.” UGH! Can’t these people get ANYTHING straight!? What the fuck. Very annoying.

Monday was a 13 hour day at the office… Lots of stuff going on and what not. I have to learn Joomla now. I’ve been meaning to play with it and see what’s going on, but have just never had the chance to do it. I was given the task on Monday to completely redesign the corporate website… By next Tuesday.

Tuesday morning I slept in and headed to the office about 10ish and worked the day away on that stuff. Tuesday night was my first class. It was HORRIBLE… I’m really debating about if I want to go back or not. The prof seems nice enough, he was joking around and making it funny and stuff, but I just don’t know if I can deal with a class right now. Plus when I signed up work was dead. Now I don’t think I have the time or energy to spend 5 hours a week in class, plus the time it’s going to take to do all the homework/etc.

After that I headed over to Ben’s house and hung out with him we went down to Venice Beach and had coffee and just chatted. It was really nice.

It’s so wierd saying.. “I have to run to class now”.. It’s been 2.5+ years since I’ve said that! Ugh. I’m soooo old! haha.

How to blow $145 billion a year.

Remember that job I flew to Chicago to look into last year around easter? Well the same company has posted another ad.. I’m debating about applying.

Well. I have TONS of work to do, and a date tonight! YAY! So see ya later.


BuzzWords to love. Very funny site.

Eh. Week is going. I’m still really upset about the whole issues with Mayko. I was really hoping that through all this we could at least be friends. I just can’t get over that he would just throw away our friendship like this. Just really hurts, as per usual. Also have you noticed that shortly after I say something like. “If I’m still talking to so and so in X month we’ll do Y”.. And then I stop talking to that person. Ugh.

I’ve added a few new pages to the site.. Just some random strange things.

1) Baby Names – A page for me to put names that I come across and really like. Kinda small at this point, but it’ll grow!

2) CjB For President! – A page for me to bitch about policies, etc. It’s still empty.

3) Rules for Dating me. – This is a page for people to read if they are interested in dating me. Tips and lists of things I like/don’t like. I think it’ll save some time…. lol

Monday work was good. I got another good project to do. But I spent most of the day re-learning Coldfusion!

Tuesday I went to the SM office and the fucking DSL was down. I bitch to the HD at 8am as soon as they got there and they started working on it. It still wasn’t up at 10. I had now wasted half my day, so I went home. As soon as I walked in my door I got a call. “The DSL is back up!”. Of course it is!

So I worked from home and did some random stuff. I chatted with this really cute guy named Matthew (the guy who runs GGB) and he told me about this concert tuesday night, it sounded really cool. But the group ended up going out to Beige. Jason, Ben and I. We had a really good time. Mayko was there. I felt so awk and horrible just ignoring him like that. I really wanted to go up and at least say ‘Hi’ or be nice. I dunno what to do. I mean now I’m sure I’ll be seeing him out wherever I go. I avoided eye contact the whole night with him and just enjoyed hanging out with the two boys. But Jason said everytime he looked in that direction Mayko and the guy he was with were looking at us and apparently at one point he was standing right behind me for like 10 minutes. I also really wish I could know what he was saying to the guy he was with. Because the group said he kept looking at us and then leaning in and talking to the guy he was with.. blah blah blah. You know it?

I really just want to talk to him and make things better. I started writing a letter to him yesterday afternoon. I know I shouldn’t send it, but I just can’t write people off. It’s so hard for me. I have to have people like me, my psychologist said I need to work on that, but I just don’t know how! lol.

I just don’t get it. I did NOTHING to hurt him and I’m sure you can generally tell from my writings here that I cared about him very much and would never purposly do anything to hurt him. I just feel like shit about the whole situation and what not.

Either way, the night as a whole was lots of fun. We chatted, we laughed, we shared stories. Good times. Picking up Ben and dropping him off was a mess though. His exit was closed and the area he lives in is so confusing to drive, etc. And then I had to get gas and the only place we could find was an Arco that kept declining my Credit card, ugh! It was a mess… Got home about 2ish and tried to crash, but I was just going over the whole Mayko situation and getting upset about it. Got up at 5am this morning and came into work for my 6am meeting with the CEO. I’ve got another good project from him that I’m working on. Currently taking a break and trying to think of a way to display the data.

As for Ben… He’s really cute, very nice, all the standard stuff so far. I mean I’ve only known him what 2 weeks or something? But last night while we were out, he hardly said anything! I kept trying to talk to him and getting one line answers, etc. I’m going to bring it up tonight on our movie date and see what he has to say. Because I can’t deal with someone who’s so quiet. Cause if it’s not going to work I’d like to keep him as a friend.

Pop vs. Soda Debate… Check out this cool map:

Pop Vs Soda

And OMG! Check out Harry Potter! Who wants to fly to London to see this!?!??!

Harry Potter Naked!

Harry Potter Naked!

This weekend I’m potentially flying up to Santa Barbara, grabbing lunch and then flying back. It should be tons of fun, and I’m really hoping it comes through. I’m not sure if I mentioned it or not, but Carlito randomly txted me last week saying he wanted to go flying with me. That boy is so crazy. So I have to call him today to find out if he’s still up for it. I sure hope so. If not, perhaps Jason and I can just go on our own or something.

Ok. I have to get back to work. Later!