Come Support JC in Aids/Lifecycle!

Hey Readers! This upcoming WED, my friend JC is having bingo at H Marys in WeHo. Come out and support him in his effort to raise $10,000 for Aids/Lifecycle! Below is his announcement:

This is not your grandmother’s BINGO!

As most of you are aware, I’m riding in AIDS/Lifecycle for my third consecutive year… biking 545 miles from San Francisco to Los Angeles, June 3-9. And I’ve set an aggressive fundraising goal, with a promise to shave my head if I reach $10,000!!!

I’ve set up an event with the fine folks of Legendary Bingo at Hamburger Mary’s on Wednesday, May 9th at 7pm. Legendary Bingo is fun, energetic and has helped raise over 1.5 million dollars for various local charities over the last ten years. This is not your grandmother’s church bingo… though grandmother’s are welcome. πŸ™‚

With the help of my peeps (thank you so much, guys), I’ve been busy amassing items for prizes to be given away or auctioned that evening: DVD box sets; gift certificates; event tickets; a bunch of signed television show memorabilia from COLD CASE, DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES, GREY’S ANATOMY, CRIMINAL MINDS, WITHOUT A TRACE, E.R., and ENTOURAGE; and other really cool prize packages to display on your mantel or hawk on eBay.

A $20.00 suggested donation at the door includes all ten bingo games played that evening, including the grand prize game. All profits from the event will benefit my ALC Ride and get me that much closer to sporting the Britney look.

If you have any questions about bingo or my Ride, don’t hesitate to call or email me. Please visit my homepage for more information on AIDS/Lifecycle or to make a donation:

Here are some of the unique items you can win or buy at auction. A lot of these things are RARE and can make you lots of bank on eBay:


COLD CASE Patagonia backpack ($100 value) and cast-signed scripts.

GREY’S ANATOMY cast-signed scripts

E.R. cast-signed hospital scrubs

ENTOURAGE DVD, cast-signed script and cast-signed poster

DREAMGIRLS dolls (limited edition Effie and Deena dolls, plus outfits)

ANNIE LIEBOVITZ photography book, SIGNED by the artist

ROXY event tickets

Items from PHYLLIS DILLER’s personal collection, including: signed books, caricature, and orange & white-polka-dotted hat worn by Ms. Diller (all SIGNED)

This, by no means, is all that there is. I hope you can make it. Whether you can or not, please forward the bulletin or otherwise spread the word to all your friends, family, co-workers, etc.

NOTE: This is the earlier seating for bingo, so turnout is usually high, so I suggest arriving early.

More on Dr Laura

So I was listening to Dr Laura again the other day… And this guy calls in, he and his mother haven’t talked in years, some big fight about the woman he married or something, blah blah blah.

His mother is dying. He’s calling Dr Laura to ask what he should do. HELLO! What is wrong with you. Get your ass to the fucking hospital and say goodbye to your mother. It doesn’t matter what she did to you in the past. She’s still your god damn mother. The woman who RAISED you and brought you into this world. What is wrong with these people? Seriously!

She now also has a Dr. Laura Action Figure! I know what Kiera’s getting for christmas now! haha.

Then I was watching Trading Spouses on Monday night and they had these two families on. The one was the normal, “my kids are out of control” and the other was the “I lock my kids up at night” type. Every week when I catch parts of this show before heading to bed, I can’t believe that people actually think these are the correct ways to be raising and caring for your children! You do not take your kids BED away from them for messing up. You do not auction off thier toys to the other kids in the house, you don’t let them just run wild in stores, and you don’t let them backtalk to you and walk all over you.

Grow some balls people and parent! Maybe it’s a good idea to make all new parents take parenting classes!

So the project I’ve been working on since Friday. I handed over Round 1 Mockups to the CEO early yesterday afternoon. His reply…. “Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!”. God I love that feeling! Then he had 6 very minor (as in it’ll take 5 minutes to do them all) changes. So round 1 goes back to the Business Logic people Wed-AM (a full WEEK early!). Hopefully we can be working on round three by the deadline for round 1 comes along.

I’m eating out way too much and not working out enough! Yesterday I went out on a bike ride and the tire blew out like a mile away from my house. I had JUST used up the last of my CO2, so I didn’t have anything to refil the new tube with. So no bike ride. πŸ™ Today I’ve got a meeting with the EE, and then dinner with Bryan. So probably no time to work out tonight. Then tomorrow I am working in Newport, lunch with Robert and dinner with Austin. Friday or Saturday I’m hanging out with Chiba again, so we’ll probably go out to dinner or something. And Sunday is biking day, and best of all about that is I FINALLY have a new Jersey, so I don’t be wearing the same one that I have been for months! lol.

I was introduced to this really cool Guerrilla Gay Bar Los Angeles. It’s like a Gay FlashMob. Sounds like fun. I think I may try it out this Friday as well.


Exhausting Weekend… But GREAT!

Wow, what a LONG weekend. I was barely home long enough to sleep all weekend.

Lets see, Friday I worked in Newport Beach. It was a really long day down there. Got out of work and went and picked up my bike. They yelled at me. πŸ™ Apparently I need to lube the chain everytime I ride. They never told me that when I bought it! Either way, it’s all happy now!

After that I met up with Robert and Austin and we all had dinner together. That was entertaining.

[private]After diner Austin and I headed over to his place. We just spent the night in the hot tub / steam room and watching movies. It was really good to just hang out with him again like old times. Just chilling and chatting and having a good time. I spent the night there, I offered to sleep on the couch, but he said it’d be ok if I slept in the bed and it wouldn’t cause any problems…. And for an hour or so it was fine, but then he rolled over and started cuddling with me. God, I have to admit it was SO nice having someone to cuddle with again. But I’m not getting wrapped up in that mess again! So we cuddled all night.

Jason kept calling him all freaking night though (well not like while we were sleeping, but just while we were hanging out). It was annoying as hell.

Anyways, Saturday we got up and went to this breakfast thing at Austin’s community. It was wierd, lots of old people and the guy cooking the pankakes clearly had no idea how to make them. Still fun, we sat out on the porch overlooking the backbay, which was nice.

After that we were going to go horseback riding, but it was $40 for an hour, so We didn’t want to pay that. Instead we went shopping for sheets and curtians for Austin’s room. Went to Burlington Coat factory and found some good ones there, but nothing that Austin liked. I think we spent like an hour with him going back and forth. Then we went to Linen’s and Things. Came inside the door and there were these little hand held massage thing. Austin grabbed one to use on his neck.. But while we were shopping he kept putting it on my crotch. It was very exciting. πŸ™‚ HAHAH. He did the same thing when we went to bed, bath and beyond. Ugh. I need to get laid!

He didn’t find anything in either of those places, so we went to Wal-Mart. He finially found curtians that he liked and he also found a bed spread he liked but ended up not getting it. Went back to his place, hung up his curtians and then I home cause I was exauhsted. I crashed shortly after getting home.

Like I said, it was so good to spend a day with Austin again, like back in the early days of our meeting/hanging out. I just wish that he’d dump Orlando, because he clearly isn’t good for him. I think jason would be a better choice, although probably not the right one, considering how much he complains about him already. [/private]

It was really wierd spending saturday down in my old area. Just so strange how quickly things have already changed. I really don’t miss it at all.

Sunday I got up at 6am and went up to Santa Monica to do the bike ride. On my drive up there I passed an accident in which a guy had been hit by a mini-van. That really sucked. It had JUST happened too cause the ambulance wasn’t there yet or anything. I could see it coming though.

Got to the ride and there was a REALLY cute boy there. He was wearing a jersey that looked like a tux. It was so adorable, and he was cute! Ugh! Why don’t I talk to these people! He was being very friendly with one of the other riders though, so who knows if they were together or not. The ride was spectacular, although VERY long. Ugh. We rode along PCH as well, which was a bit scary at times.

Made it back and then drove up the street to the infamous gym again and showered, no hot boys staring at me in the locker room this time though. πŸ™ From there I drove to downtown LA for Charles Phoenix’s DISNEYLANDTOUR OF DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES. You can see a short clip on YouTube:

And of course I have my pics from the day up on the Photodump. It was a really interesting tour. I really enjoyed it. We even got a special treat and got to see Bob Baker perform. Although was tired as hell by the time it was over with! Its sad that some really great areas of Downtown are so horrible and dirty and gross. They’d be amazing if they cleaned it up some.

After that I was supposed to meet up with this guy Bryan. But he never got back to me, so I just went home. Thank god too, cause I basically crashed in bed.

Good news, I leave THIS FRIDAY for Berlin. I’m so excited! And THE FRAY is on Wed! OMG! This week is BUSY! Brian is coming up Tuesday so that I can show him where all the stuff is at, because he’s taking care of my kitties while I am in Berlin. He seems excited to have a place on the beach. πŸ™‚

Ok, well I should get back to work. Later all!

Sunken City, Germany & LifeCycle – UPDATED!

UPDATE: Photos are now online… AND Go check out my LifeCycle Page. And be sure to DONATE! πŸ™‚

Well it’s official! I am going to GERMANY! I leave on Nov 17th and return Nov 23rd. Should be a GREAT trip! I can’t wait. Going to go hit up a book store this afternoon to buy a travel guide. I think that Jason is a bit pissed about it though. But he hasn’t been expressing any interest in it, has been completely uncooperative in my attempts to plan with him and just keeps putting things off, so I decided to just book with the person I knew could come and if he can fit it in then great! The more the marrier. But I wasn’t going to wait around while he ponders back and forth about it without giving any real answers.

I also had a meeting last night for LifeCycle and I am now officially signed up! The people there were VERY friendly and so nice, so yeah. Plus it was $20 off the registration. YAY! So be looking for me to hit you up for money SOON! I have to raise $2,500!!! πŸ™‚

After that I had a meeting with this other guy about webstuff. It was a bit entertaining when he admitted he was gay as well. I kinda had a vibe, but wasn’t sure. And no, this was not one of the many dates, this guy has a bf and is older then I. It was strickly a business meeting. Ohhh, I had amazing Pumpkin pie while there! I highly suggest going to this place: Susina Bakery. 7122 Beverly Blvd (Cross Street: La Brea Avenue) Los Angeles, CA. Amazing food! And they had Coffee Marshmallows! It’s rated one of the top 10 bakeries in LA. If only I lived closer!

I didn’t get home till 10 and then worked till shortly after midnight. Got up this morning and am working till 7pm in NB. Gooood times y’all!

Check out Wikimapia.

Oh, Wed I went to this place called Sunken City in San Pedro with this guy Eric, he was cute and nice. I haven’t heard from him since or seen him online. I assume that’s a go no. lol. Pictures will be up on the photodump by the end of the night.

I’ve been pretty busy with other things this week, but I just can’t remember what. Sadly I’ve only made it to the gym and the bike trail once this week… Saturday I’m going on a 30-miler with this group from Santa Monica, so that should be good. I was thinking about doing one Sunday as well, but I’m not sure I want to get up at 7am both days of my weekend! Plus I have another business meeting on Sunday. Weeeee


LaCie Drives SUCK!

So, a little under a year ago, I bought 250Gig LaCie Porche HD Drive. The thing has been nothing but trouble. It constantly needs to be re-formatted. It doesn’t show up in the Drive list a lot of the time. It forgets it’s partitions, etc. Finially it totally just crapped out. I called the Support line, they said to mail it in. So I did. A couple days later, I receive a brand new drive in the mail. I plug it in, format it to MacOSX (Journaled) and then backed up my laptop to it. Unplugged it and sat it off to the side for the move. Got up here, plugged it in and nothing….

So I called and they said, mail it in. Again i get a brand new drive… I plug it in. Format it in FAT 32, and put some stuff on it. Unplug it. Set it off to the side for a few days. I set up my new desk yesterday. Plug the drive back in, and all it does is sits there and spins… NOTHING! So I’m going to have to get another new one! Ugh!

This weekend has been stressful and yet relaxing. Friday night I went out with Andrew. We started off on a bad foot with him yelling at me for apparently hanging up on him. And then yelling about my driving. It went down hill from there. We saw a horrible play called “Miss Firecracker Contest” at which he told me I hated everything. The night ended with us yelling at each other and then having a nice chat on the phone.

Saturday I just chilled at the beach and then at this cute street fair they are having here in RB. It was so fun! I just wish someone would have come with me. πŸ™ I also saw The Lake House. It made me cry. πŸ™ I love chicago

Same thing today, beach street fair.  I have a date with a really hot boy tonight too! I’m very excited about it. He seems really nice so far too. We’ve talked on the phone a bit and stuff. He’s taking me out to Houston’s and then a movie.

Lately I’ve really been wanting to just go home! I miss it so much!

Gpa’s 80th B-day tomorrow!

My parents haven’t heard from my brother since Mothers day. They are both pretty pissed. He didn’t call for Fathers day or my Mom’s B-day. My theory is that he’s dead. lol.

OH! Saturday I pretended to be straight and installed a CFGI outlet in my apartment! I now have a 3 prong plug, so I don’t have to use those stupid converters anymore!

I saw this today over at The ten worst freeway interchanges are:

  1. Los Angeles 101 at the I-405
  2. Houston I-610 at the 1-10
  3. Chicago I-90/94 at the I-290
  4. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-10
  5. Atlanta  I-75 at the I-85
  6. Washington I-495 at the I-270
  7. Los Angeles I-10 at the I-5
  8. Los Angeles I-405 at the I-605
  9. Atlanta I-285 at the 85

What have we learned? Avoid L.A. at all costs.Haha. I love that… Avoid LA at all costs! It’s so true, and so sad that I drive through the number 4 spot twice a day!
